BCA-101 Programming and Problem Solving Using C (Credit-4) L-3, T-1

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BCA-101 Programming and Problem Solving Using C (Credit-4) L-3, T-1

Introduction to Algorithms and Programming Languages: Algorithm – Key features of
Algorithms – examples of Algorithms – Flow Charts – Pseudo code – Programming Languages –
Generation of Programming Languages – Structured Programming Language.
Introduction to C: Introduction – Structure of C Program – Writing the first C Program – File
used in C Program – Compiling and Executing C Programs – Using Comments – Keywords –
Identifiers – Basic Data Types in C – Variables – Constants – I/O Statements in C- Operators in
C- Programming Examples – Type Conversion and Type Casting.
Decision Control and Looping Statements: Introduction to Decision Control Statements –
Conditional Branching Statements – Iterative Statements – Nested Loops – Break and Continue
Statement – Goto Statement.
Functions: Introduction – using functions – Function declaration/ prototype – Function definition
– function call – return statement – Passing parameters – Scope of variables – Storage Classes –
Recursive functions – Type of recursion

Arrays: Introduction – Declaration of Arrays – Accessing elements of the Array – Storing Values
in Array – Calculating the length of the Array – Operations that can be performed on Array – one
dimensional array for inter-function communication – Two dimensional Arrays – Operations on
Two Dimensional Arrays.Strings: Introduction - String Operations – String and Character

Pointers: Understanding Computer Memory – Introduction to Pointers – declaring Pointer
Variables – Pointer Expressions and Pointer Arithmetic – Null Pointers - Passing Arguments to
Functions using Pointer – Pointer and Arrays – Passing Array to Function– Memory Allocation
in C Programs – Memory Usage – Dynamic Memory Allocation – Drawbacks of Pointers
Structure, Union, and Enumerated Data Types: Introduction – Nested Structures – Arrays of
Structures– Self referential Structures – Union– Enumerated Data Types.

Files: Introduction to Files – Using Files in C – Reading Data from Files – Writing Data from
Files – Detecting the End-of-file – Error Handling during File Operations.
File handling, getc, putc, fscanf, fprintf, fread and fwrite function.
Graphics functions in C.

Suggested Readings:
1. Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C by REEMA THAREJA from OXFORD
2. E Balagurusamy: ―COMPUTING FUNDAMENTALS & C Programming – Tata
McGraw-Hill, Second Reprint 2008, ISBN 978-0-07-066909-3.
3. Ashok N Kamthane: Programming with ANSI and Turbo C, Pearson Edition Publ, 2002.
4. 2. Henry Mullish&HuubertL.Cooper: The Sprit of C, Jaico Pub. House,1996.
5. Teach your C Skills-Kanithker
BCA-102 Computer and Digital Fundamentals (Credits -4) L-3, T-1

Number Systems and Codes: Decimal Number System – Binary Number System – Conversion
of decimal to binary and binary to decimal conversions. Complements: 1‟s complement and 2‟s
complement number representation. Binary addition, Binary subtraction,
Logic Gates: Gates Classifications: Basic Gates (AND, OR, NOT), Universal Gates (NAND,
NOR), Exclusive Gates (XOR, XNOR) (except circuit diagrams) – Logic Symbols, Logic
Operators, Logical expression and truth table of Basic, Universal and Exclusive gates.
Conversion of Universal Gates to Basic Gates.
Boolean Algebra & Simplifications: Boolean Theorems (Rules & Verification) – reduction of
expression using Sum of product Simplification – reduction of
expression using Product of Sum Simplification – The K- Map method: 2 variable maps,3-
variable map and 4-variable map.
Arithmetic Circuits & Combination Circuits: Half adder – Full adder – Half Subtractor – Full –
Parallel binary adder, decimal adder (BCD adder) - Encoder – Multiplexers – De- Multiplexers
(Block Diagram, Truth Table, Circuit Diagram of above devices).
Storage elements & Counters: Flip – Flops types: RS, Clocked RS, Positive Edge triggered- RS,
D-Flip Flop, T-Flip Flop, JK-Flip Flop (Block Diagram, Truth Table, Circuit Diagram and
Working Methodology). Counter: Ripple Counter, Modulo N Counter – Shift registers

1.Albert Malvino, Donald P.Leach: Digital Principles and Applications, McGraw Hill Company,
Third Edition, 1995. (UNIT-I,II,III)
2. T.C. Bartee: Digital Computer Fundamentals, Tata McGraw Hill, Sixth Edition, 1991.
1. S.Salivaganan& S.Arivazhagan,‖Digital Circuits and Design‖, Vikas Publ,2001.
2.Morris Mano, ―Digital Logic and Computer Design‖ - Prentice Hall of India - 1998 . 3.Morris
Mano, “Computer System Architecture‖ - Prentice Hall of India - 1998
4.John P Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization”- McGraw Hill 3rd Edition - 1998.
BCA-103 PC Packages (Credit -4) L-3, T-1

Unit I

Computer Fundamentals: Definition, Block Diagram along with its components, characteristics
& classification of computers.
Computer hardware & software: Definition of software, relationship between hardware and
software, types of software.
Unit II
MS-Windows: Operating system-Definition & functions, basics of Windows. Basic components
of windows, icons, types of icons, taskbar, activating windows, using desktop, title bar,
Computer Memory: Memory Hierarchy.

Documentation Using MS-Word: Introduction to Office Automation, Creating & Editing
Document, Formatting Document, Auto-text, Autocorrect, Spelling and Grammar Tool,
Document Dictionary, Page Formatting, Bookmark, Advance Features of MS-Word-Mail Merge,
Macros, Tables, File Management, Printing, Styles, linking and embedding object, Template.

Unit IV
Electronic Spread Sheet using MS-Excel: Introduction to MS-Excel, Creating & Editing
Worksheet, Formatting and Essential Operations, Formulas and Functions, Charts, Advance
features of MS-Excel-Pivot table & Pivot Chart, Linking and Consolidation, Database
Management using Excel-Sorting, Filtering, Table, Validation, Goal Seek, Scenario.

Unit V
Presentation using MS-PowerPoint: Presentations, Creating, Manipulating & Enhancing Slides,
Organizational Charts, Excel Charts, Word Art, Layering art Objects, Animations and Sounds,
Inserting Animated Pictures or Accessing through Object, Inserting Recorded Sound Effect or
In-Built Sound Effect.

Text Books
Microsoft Office – Complete Reference – BPB Publication
Learn Microsoft Office – Russell A. Stultz – BPB Publication
References Books
Courter, G Marquis (1999). Microsoft Office 2000: Professional Edition. BPB.
Koers, D (2001). Microsoft Office XP Fast and Easy. PHI.
Nelson, S L and Kelly, J (2002). Office XP: The Complete Reference. Tata McGraw-Hill.
BCA-104 Statistical Methods (Credits -4 ) L-4

Unit 1
Variables & graphs: Statistics, population & sample, discrete & continuous variables, graphs,
equations, inequalities, logarithms, Frequency distributions: frequency distributions, histogram,
frequency polygons. Frequency curve, cumulative frequency distribution, ogives
Unit 2
Measures of central tendency : The arithmetic mean, weighted arithmetic mean geometric mean,
harmonic mean, mean power of numbers, root mean square, median , mode, quartiles, deciles&
percentiles. Measures of dispersion : The range, mean deviation, semi inter quartile range for
quartiles, deviation, absolute & related dispersion, coefficient of variation.
Unit 3
Monuments skewness&kurtosis : Moments of various types, relation between moments,
sheppard‟s correction to moments, skewness& kurtosis, moment generating function. Elementary
probability theory : sample space, events, classical definition of portability, relative frequency
definition theorems of total & compound portability, Independent & dependent event, mutually
exclusive event, mathematical expectation.
Unit 4
Theoretical distributions discrete & continuous probability distribution. Basic concepts &
applications of degenerate, Bernoulli, Binomial, geometric negative binomial. Hyper geometric
& Poisson distributions , normal distribution Curve fitting & the method of last squares : curve
fitting the method of least square, the least square lines, the least square parabola, regression.
Unit 5
Correlation theory : Linear correlation, Measures of correlation, the least square regression lines
expected & unexpected variation, coefficient of correlation, rank correlation, correlation index,
multiple & partial correlation for three variables; Theory of attributes: Consistency of data,
association of attributes, coefficient of association, contingency tables.

1. Statistics schaum‟s outline series, Spiegel, M.R.McGraw Hill Publishing Company.
2. Mathematical statistics Kapoor&Saxena : - S,Chand& sons.
BCA-105Communication Skills (Credits -3) L-3

Unit I
Languages and skills of communication:
Languages as a skill of communication, Linguistic techniques, Basic Grammar & Vocabulary
(Synonyms /Antonyms, Analogies, sentence completion, correctly spelt words, idioms, proverbs,
common errors). Modern usages, Reading comprehension, Oral presentation, Audition
Communication, Processes of Communication, Verbal and Non Verbal Communication ,
Barriers to Communication, Modes of communication, forms of communication, Skills of
communication. Moral values and ethics, defining good and bad, concluding comments.

Unit II
Application of linguistic ability:
Writing of definitions of Engineering terms, Objects, Processes and Principles (Listening)Topics
of General Interest, conversations on daily life, travel, health, buying and Selling, company
structure, systems etc. Extempore, Interview practice, writing proposals, Memorandum.

Unit III
Letter Writing:
Letter writing: basic principle & purpose, Body language of business letter, Tone of business
letter, Types of business correspondence , Applications, Resume writing, Enquiry letters, Calling
quotations, Tenders, Order and Complaint letters, Approval letters. Planning & Meetings, setting
Agendas for the meetings, writing and circulating Minutes, Notices. Reading and
Comprehension skills.

Unit IV
Precise Writing, Noting and drafting, Technical Description of simple engineering objects and
processes (writing), Report writing, precise writing, unseen passage, Note writing, Slogan
writing, comment, Speech, advertisement and need of advertisement. Paragraph writing, short

Unit V
Report writing: types of reports, parts of a report, qualities of good report, drafting reports-
preparation, analysis & interpretation of reports .Writing Technical reports, types of observation
report, Survey report, Report of trouble, Laboratory Report and Project

Suggested Readings:
1. Sanghi, Seema, Improve your communication skills. 2nd edition.
2. Burnard, Philip. Interpersonal skills Training: A source book of activities. 2005.
3. Ashley, Roderic. How to enhance your employability. 1998.
4. Dr. Alex, K. Soft sill: know yourself &Know the world. 2010.
5. Cornerstone. Developing softskills. 4th edition 2005.
6. Jones, Daniel. An outline of English phonetics.
7. Aggarwal, Rohini. Business communication and Organization & Management.
8. Grath. E.H. Basic Managerial skills for all.
9. Maxwell, John C. Developing the leader within you.
10. Sunitha, V. Personality Development & communicative English
BCA-106 Lab - 1 (Programming and Problem Solving Using C) (Credit-2) P-2

1. Write a C program to calculate the expression: ((a*b)/c) + (a+b-c)

2. Write a C program to calculate (a+b+c) 3.
3. Program to convert temperature from
a. Celsius to Fahrenheit.
b. Fahrenheit to Celsius.
4. Write a C program to calculate the Compound Interest.
5. Program to convert Hours into seconds.
6. Write a C program to Fine Biggest of Three numbers.
7. Write a C program to read student marks in five subjects and calculate the Total, Average and
Grade according to the following conditions:
i. If average >=75 grade is ‗A„.
ii. If average >=60 and <75 grade is ‗B„.
iii. If average >=50 and <60 grade is ‗C„.
iv. Otherwise grade is ‗D„.
v. Check that marks in each subject >= 35.
8. Write a C program to find biggest of two numbers using Switch – Case.
9. Program to display number of days in given month using Switch – -Case.
10. Write a C program to check whether the given number is Prime or Not.
11. Write a program to-
i. Check whether given number is Palindrome or Not.
ii. Find the Reverse of a given number.
12. Program to check whether a given number is-
i. Strong or Not.
ii. Armstrong or Not.
iii. Perfect or Not.
13. Write a C program to print Fibonacci Series.
14. Write a C Program to print Prime Numbers up to given range.
15. Write a program to print multiplication tables up to given range.
16. Write a C program to perform-
i. Matrix Multiplication.
17. Program to display Student Details using Structures.
18. Program to swap two numbers using different parameter passing techniques.
19. Write a C program to-
i. Write data into a File.
ii. Read data from a File.
BCA-107 Lab - 2 (PC Packages)(Credit-1) P-1
1. Text Manipulations
2. Usage of Numbering, Bullets, Tools and Headers
3. Usage of Spell Check and Find and Replace
4. Text Formatting
5. Picture Insertion and Alignment
6. Creation of Documents Using Templates`
7. Creation of Templates
8. Mail Merge Concept
9. Copying Text and Picture from Excel
10. Creation of Tables, Formatting Tables
11. Splitting the Screen
12. Opening Multiple Document, Inserting Symbols in Documents
1. Creation of Worksheet and Entering Information
2. Aligning, Editing Data in Cell
3. Excel Function (Date, Time, Statistical, Mathematical, Financial Functions)
4. Changing of Column Width and Row Height (Column and Range of
5. Moving, copying, Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns
6. Formatting Numbers and Other Numeric Formats
7. Drawing Borders around Cells
8. Creation of Charts Rising Moving
9. Changing Chart Type
10. Controlling the Appearance of a Chart

MS -POWER POINT: Working With Slides

1. Creating, saving, closing presentation
2. Adding Headers and footers
3. Changing slide layout
4. Working fonts and bullets
5. Inserting Clip art
5.1 working with clipart
5.2 Applying Transition and animation effects
6. Run and Slide Show

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