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Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

Environmental Engineering

“Karachi solid waste disposal problem”

Submitted to:

Dr. Rabia Nazar

Submitted by:
Group 03

Polymer and Process Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3



Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

In this project, the problems of solid waste disposal have discussed. With the increasing

population, waste is also increasing day by day. We also discussed about how Karachi is affected

by this waste and its result in the form of air pollution, water pollution, soil erosion etc.

According to survey at household level, the waste generation of high income class has Greater

than the middle and low income class. Waste generation on Sunday are higher than the other

working days because all family members at home. In higher income class, the composition of

recycle waste is higher on working days. But the composition of food remains constant

throughout the week. Solid waste at fruit and vegetables market level, the waste generation of

middle class income has higher than the high and low income. Average waste generation was

found to the highest on weekend because the sale of vegetable and fruit is high due to greater

consumer demand.

Table of Contents
Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

Table of Contents........................................................................................................................................4
1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................5
1.1 Waste...........................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Solid waste...................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Types of solid waste....................................................................................................................5
1.4 Solid waste disposal.....................................................................................................................6
1.5 Solid waste disposal in Karachi...................................................................................................7
1.6 Problems occur due to Solid waste in Karachi.............................................................................8
1.6.1 Air pollution:.......................................................................................................................8
1.6.2 Water pollution....................................................................................................................8
1.6.3 Soil Pollution.......................................................................................................................9
2 Literature Review:...............................................................................................................................9
2.1 During 1947 to 1967:...................................................................................................................9
2.2 During 1968 to 1988:.................................................................................................................10
2.3 During 1989 to 2009:.................................................................................................................11
2.4 During 2010 to 2018:.................................................................................................................11
3 METHDOLOGY AND FINDINGS..................................................................................................12
3.1 Household Level Survey:...........................................................................................................12
3.1.1 Household Level Waste Generation and Composition:......................................................13
3.1.2 Solid Waste Management at Household Level:..................................................................13
3.2 City Vegetable and Fruit Market Level Waste Generation and Composition:...........................18
3.2.1 Solid Waste Management at Fruit and Vegetable Market Level:.......................................18
3.3 Commercial level survey...........................................................................................................21
3.3.1 Commercial level waste generation:..................................................................................21
3.3.2 Market chain analysis:.......................................................................................................21
3.3.3 Municipal services:............................................................................................................21
3.3.4 Data compilation:...............................................................................................................21
3.3.5 Existing Solid Waste Management System:.......................................................................22
3.3.6 Waste Management at commercial level:...........................................................................23
4 Recommendation:..............................................................................................................................25
5 REFERENCE....................................................................................................................................26

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

1.1 Waste
Waste is the unusable and unwanted materials present in the environment.

For example, hazardous waste, waste water and radioactive waste etc. are included in waste.

1.2 Solid waste

Solid waste alludes to the scope of trash material emerging from creature and human exercises

that are disposed of as undesirable and futile. Mechanical, private and business exercises are

main source of production of solid waste. Solid waste includes nonhazardous institution and

industrial waste, street sweeping, agricultural waste sludge, commercial refuse, water treatment

plant and other discarded materials[1].

Figure 1solid waste

1.3 Types of solid waste

Various types of solid waste is given as follows,

 Constructional and demolition Debris

 Industrial/Commercial waste

 Regulated Medical waste

 Used oil

 Waste tries

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 Hazardous waste lamps.

 House hold hazardous waste [2].

1.4 Solid waste disposal

The process of collecting and treating solid waste is usually referred as solid waste disposal

management. It gives solutions for reusing the things that don’t have place with trash or garbage.

How solid waste can be utilized as an important asset and can be recycled can be depicted by

solid waste management.

Figure 2workflow of solid waste disposal

1.5 Solid waste disposal in Karachi

As the biggest city of Pakistan struggles with the problems of cleaning its street, land allotment

who live in the trash as well as residents who are responsible. Karachi with a center populace of
Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

13 million and another 4 million living around it is Pakistan’s most populated city and 20 th most

populates metropolitan on the planet. It has consistently battled to keep its road clean. No solid

information exists on the specific measure of trash produced, however authorities quote a figure

of around 13,000 tons every week.

One of the serious issue which influence the administration of strong waste, however

administration of Karachi in general, is the assortment of the organization in question. An

aggregate of 19 government, corporate area interest, common and neighborhood and land-

claiming offices, worldwide, military cantonments control lots of city and formal and casual

designers of the city. Nobody substance has civil authority over whole city [3].

Because of the absence of technical and financial resources, the districts in creating nations

neglect to oversee strong squanders in a protected and feasible manner. This raises the significant

issue of how to convey quality assistance not withdrawing monetary and ability limitations of the

public area. Roughly 9000 tons of solid waste is produced every day in Karachi. Industrial states

and new housing sectors quick establishment, development action and variety of institutions

contribute to waste generation. With the rapid growth of economic and population activity, the

measure of solid waste is considerably increases.

Lack of planning, poor management and inappropriate technology are main areas of concern, it

actually requires government serious efforts.

On the other hand transportation and solid waste collection management existing in Karachi is

not good. There is an absence of long haul plans, therefore in various incoherent, impromptu and

regularly counterproductive arrangements, strategies and regularly systems. The metropolitan’s

foundation development has been lingered behind by the monetary turn of events, which

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

becomes the jug neck to ruin the quicker and better improvements of civil economy. Squander

assortment, removal and transport just as road sweeping duty lie with the city authorities.

1.6 Problems occur due to Solid waste in Karachi

Due to the lack of disposal of the solid waste, Karachi is leading to significant environmental

issues, which is given as follows,

 Air pollution

 Water pollution

 Soil pollution

1.6.1 Air pollution:

Spoiling food and other rotting organic waste permits methane and carbon dioxide to leak out of

the ground and very high. Methane is a powerful ozone depleting substance and would it be able

to be in a risk since it is combustible and conceivably unstable. Carbon dioxide is the most

broadly delivered ozone harming substance.

It causes serious environmental issues e.g. land and water pollution, infection diseases, loss of

biodiversity and obstruction of drains[4].

1.6.2 Water pollution

Solid waste contamination is caused chiefly through urbanization and through modern waste.

Different strategies are drilled to control solid waste condemnation as treating the soil, reusing,

cremation, pyrolysis, removal, landfills etc. Uncollected solid waste can likewise discourage

storm water overflow, bringing about the shaping of stable water bodies that become the

favorable place of sickness. Squander unloaded almost a water source additionally causes of

water body or the ground water source.

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

1.6.3 Soil Pollution

The accumulation of solid and liquid waste material that contaminates the soil and groundwater

is the main cause of soil pollution. The permeability of the soil formation below the waste can

reduce or increase the risk of land pollution [5].

2 Literature Review:
The neat and clean city represents the behavior of people living in that city. As beautiful city is

the one which is physically attracts the people from its cleanliness, nature, buildings, smooth

roads, pollution free air etc. One of the main causes of ugliness of a city is its solid waste and the

problems caused by this solid waste disposal. Here we will discuss that how solid waste disposal

create problems since 1947 till now[6].

2.1 During 1947 to 1967:

As in 1947, Pakistan came into being. So, large number of people migrates from India to

Pakistan. Karachi is the largest city of Pakistan and it is the main area where people came and

settled. It was the capital of state that’s why large people attracted there for education, business,

offices, labor force etc. The population which was 435887 in 1941 before migration then it was

increased to 1064557 in 1951. It was a biggest change of amount in 10 years. The again in 1958,

many people migrate from India due to disbanded for being deserters. But at that time Karachi

was not the capital so not many people were attracted there.

In those early years, solid waste disposal management was neglected and the garbage collected

by municipal commission was thrown at open areas. Later on, Karachi was affected greatly. A

plan made in 1952 for the structure and societies of Karachi but waste disposal management was

still not under consideration, which caused great problems later on in the near future. Thus, at the

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

start when nobody consider the management of solid waste disposal and it was increased day by

day due to increasing population, now we can clearly see their effects.

2.2 During 1968 to 1988:

Between this duration, there were two big catastrophic situations hit Pakistan, which large affect

Karachi. These were;

 Separation of East Pakistan

 Afghanistan Refugees

Those two situations again were the cause of increasing population. Increasing population with

lack of residences increased solid waste. But there was no management to dispose of this solid

waste. Later on in 1986, Mayor of city Abdul Sattar Afghani and his team drafted a Karachi Plan

2000. This plan was the initiative step towards proper treatment of solid waste. According to this

plan, in 1988, Mayor of city developed a Solid Waste Management department in KMC (Karachi

Municipal Commission). Responsibilities of that department was,

 Financial allocations

 Drafting

 Approval of local legislation

Due to the rejection of Karachi Plan 1974 at that time and the large crowd of population was

accepted. There was no suitable plan of solid waste disposal management till 1985. Those were

the main cause of poor condition of Karachi. Due to which, air pollution, soil erosion and water

pollution is high in Karachi.

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

2.3 During 1989 to 2009:

In 1990s, there was some disturbance occur between ethnic groups, due to which Karachi solid

waste system become weaken. On open roadsides, empty lands and in sewage, heaps of solid

waste had been found. This generation marked each the disruption and the improvement of

Karachi. In 1990’s, local government had been fallen into pieces.

Then in 1995, one agency of Japan called Japanese International Coordination Agency (JICA)

contributed in Karachi solid waste management program, but due to some reasons, it could not

settle. The landfills, Gonad pass and Jam Chakhro, both are existing today. They were identified

by World Bank at the site of Surjani. A contract was signed with Chinese Corporation in 1997-

98 for door-to-door garbage collection, land filling, and developing of Garbage transfer Stations

(GTS). But later on, this agreement was also cancelled due to the lack of resources and

machines. Waste was increasing with increasing population, but the situation of management

was good than previous years in 21st century. Furthermore, the solid waste was burnt at that time

which leaded towards Air Pollution.

2.4 During 2010 to 2018:

After local government, Town Administrators took the responsibility of Waste collection

management and the responsibility of disposal management was done by City District

Government Karachi (CDGK). In those years, due to the fast increase of fast-food restaurants,

the waste again became increases.

Sindh waste management board was established under the Sindh Act. No. 4 in 2014. They were

responsible for all the areas that were lie under KMC. Now Karachi has 12 GTS stations

according to Sindh Waste Management Board (SSWMB). Some of them are as following;

 5 GTS in EMB Cosway (District East)

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

 Sharafi Goth (District Malir)

 Baldia (District West)

 Kasba (District West)

 Dhobi Ghaath (District South)

Other 4 GTS were mapped out to be scientific so that by using anaerobic bacteria they can

produce electricity in near future. This plan was quite affective almost 80% of waste was

collected and lifted from grounds and dumped into landfills. But 74.8% population is not

satisfied with this disposal method of government, because burning of solid waste causes air

pollution which has adverse effects on life[7].


As the project is given to us due to pandemic situations, we can’t be able to have a self-survey.

Instead, we have done an online survey. So, the online survey for commercially disposal of solid

waste in Karachi and its problem is as follows;

3.1 Household Level Survey:

A group of senior members is selected for the household survey. The survey was based upon the

three different classes (low, middle, and high-income classes) of Karachi. For the survey, sixty

houses are choice for each class. Various zones were choice to obtain samples; the zones were

selected, according to the size of the home, the income, and the locality.

Table 01: Selected regions of each class

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

Serial Class Selected Regions

1. Low Income Scheme-33, Gabol Goth and Safoora Goth

2. Middle Income Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Abul Hassan Isphani Road and Garden

3. High Income Defense Housing Authority , Gulshan-e-Iqbal

3.1.1 Household Level Waste Generation and Composition:

Waste collection teams were collected sixty samples each day from low, middle, and high-

income classes to calculate the waste generation and composition at the household level.

Samples were taken daily from choice areas and transported for inspection. Samples were stored

in selected area. The sixty samples were weighted and daily waste production per capita was

calculated as the ratio between the total weight and household size. Twenty-five random samples

were taken each day in each class to test the composition of solid waste. To calculate the

composition of waste samples, these samples are divided into the following parts food waste,

plastic and rubber waste, and metal parts.

3.1.2 Solid Waste Management at Household Level: Collection of Waste Samples:
Waste collection teams collected the waste samples from each area from 9:00 am to noon with

the help of workers. Teams for collection of waste took less time to collect the waste in the low-

income class as compared to middle and high-income class.

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Figure 01: Waste Sample collection from (a) low, (b) middle and (c) high income region.

Waste collection was relatively challenging in high-income regions. To study solid waste,

Labeled garbage collection bags were provided to independent households, which agreed to

participate in the study. A personal vehicle has been rented for transport and inspection of

household samples. Waste Sample Analyses:

When waste collection teams collected all samples then samples were analyzes to calculate the

waste generation and waste composition.

Table 2 Statistical data of waste generation

Serial number Class Waste Generation (kg)/c/d
Average Low High
1 Low Income 0.19 0.087 0.59
2 Middle Income 0.29 0.11 0.68
3 High Income 0.84 0.14 2.33

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3 Waste Generations:

After collecting all sixty waste samples from low, middle, and high-income classes, it’s observed

that the average per capita waste generation ware varied with each class. The average for low,

middle, and high incomes was 0.19, 0.29, and 0.84, respectively. Waste produced in low-income

regions ranged from 0.087 to 0.59 kg/c/d. The level of the population in low, middle, and high-

income class amounts to 60%, 30%, and 10% individually. The average production rate of

household waste as a function of the weighted average is 2351 tones, 1793 tones, and 1731 tones

for the low, middle, and high-income classes, respectively. The density of solid waste generated

by the low-income class was 125; the middle-income class was 140 while the high-income class

was 180kg/m3. The density of waste of the high class is more than the low income and middle-

income class.

Figure 03: Weighing of wet solid waste samples

Per capita waste was found to be higher in high-income regions than in middle-income and low-

income regions. Due to their living standards, the per capita was higher as compared to other

classes. So that’s why the per capita of waste generation of the high-income class is 4.4 percent

is greater than the low-income class and 2.9 percent is greater than the middle-income class.

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Figure 04: Daily waste generation in all three classes Waste Segregation:

Waste collection teams collected all sixty samples from select region of each class. But only

twenty five samples randomly selected to calculate the waste composition.

Food waste, including vegetable and fruit waste, is found to be higher in low-income classes on

Sundays (holidays) than on Fridays (working days). Because on Sunday, all family members at

home while on Friday, there are on workplaces and the compositions of recyclable are higher on

weekdays than a weekend. As food waste happening in the low-income class, the same is with

the middle-income class and high-income class.

Friday Sunday

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Figure 06: Waste generation day for low income class

In high-income classes, the Composition of recycling waste was higher on working days but the

composition of food waste constant throughout the week. The percent of food waste is highest

among the three classes, ranging from 36.1% to 45.7%. The extent of food waste was most

elevated in the middle-income class and least in high-income class samples. Low-income class

tests additionally contained grass and wood waste, because they save the goats and sheep for

their livelihood.

Of the recyclables, the plastic substance is most noteworthy, while the leather, metal, and glass

content are exceptionally small. Families are isolating themselves from the source and selling

these important things. Paper and material items are not isolated at the source.

Figure 09: Comparative waste analysis of all three income classes

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

3.2 City Vegetable and Fruit Market Level Waste Generation and Composition:
To calculate the waste generation sixty samples were collected and these samples were collected

for eight consecutive days from a different shop and main market of Karachi. Twenty-five

samples were taken each day to analyze the composition of solid waste[7].

3.2.1 Solid Waste Management at Fruit and Vegetable Market Level: Collection of Food Waste Samples:

Waste collection teams start early in the morning to collect the samples of waste food at the main

superhighway market consisting of sweepers and helpers. The decision was made to collect the

waste from these workshops at the end of the afternoon to represent the actual solid waste

production figures for each shop. To study solid waste, Labeled garbage collection bags were

provided to independent shops, which agreed to participate in the study, and private transport

available for transporting the waste to the selected place where inspection of samples takes place.

Figure 10: Collection of Food Waste Samples Food Waste Analyses:

After waste collection, samples were analyzed to determine waste generation and composition. Waste Generations:

Waste collection teams were collected all sixty samples of vegetables and fruit waste from

different shops. The waste generation per shop was 11.77kg/shop/day. The majority portion of
Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

this waste is organic and the total amount of waste production is 47.08 tons/day. Average waste

generated was found to be the highest on weekends because the sale of vegetables and fruit is

high due to greater consumer demand. But we observed that on Tuesday minimum waste

generate may be due to it is mid of the week.

Figure 11: Variations in Waste Generation Waste Segregation:

After collecting all sixty samples of vegetable and fruit market waste, twenty-five samples were

selected for analyzes of the composition of waste. From recording, we have observed the lowest

generation of waste on Tuesdays and the highest generation of waste on Saturdays. But the food

waste was highest on both days and the majority composition of food waste was of origin.

Tuesday Saturday

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Figure 12: Waste generation day for market samples

3.3 Commercial level survey

3.3.1 Commercial level waste generation:
To check (calculate) the waste generation at a commercial level, samples were gathered from

banks, restaurants, general stores, offices, mart, & travel agents. To know about the waste

strength, the samples were segregated into various categories

3.3.2 Market chain analysis:

To decide the basic phenomenon of scavenging through waste collectors on the disposing

website online & promoting extraordinary dealers, marketplace chain evaluation became the use

of participatory appraisal method where communication have been performed and applicable

facts became collected.

3.3.3 Municipal services:

The degree of offering supplied through the city municipalities for solid waste management,

interviews have been carried out from the important thing personals of related departments with

earlier appointments. There production of the request for facts with the concerned personals is

provided. A list of questions has been organized to advantage facts on contemporary waste

gathering, conveying, transfer, dumping, and recycling systems.

3.3.4 Data compilation:

The questionnaire analyses will help in locating modern solid waste control method at domestic

stage for Karachi. The assessment of solid waste specimen collected from the commercial area

will supply common traits and waste generation rates.

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

3.3.5 Existing Solid Waste Management System:

With respect to Master Plan 2020, about9 thousand tons of solid waste is accomplished every

day w.r.t (2005) and about 15.12 million populations were present. However, not actual current

facts are get table associated with the waste generation; because of this the facts for (2012) have

extrapolated the use of the presentation available accurate facts. The assumed solid waste

creation is 12,280 tons that is 0.595 kg/c/d for a present population of 20. 61 million with a

yearly growth rate of 3.5%.

With respect to CDGK (City District Government Karachi), solid waste of about 80% of town is

controlled with a novice group of workers of CDGK; also the ultimate 20% of the solid decay is

controlled by Defense Housing Authority and Cantonment Boards. With respect to Master Plan

2020, the CDGK gathers 84% of the overall produced waste and shipping to detailed treated

landfill websites of Gondpass and Jam Chakra.

Figure 13 Solid Wastes in Karachi

These sites had been designed as right landfill sites however at the moment are being treated like

dumping sites. The allotted region for each& every turned into 5 hundred acres, but due to

assault by land mafia, much little2 hundred acres is attainable for solid waste control. CDGK

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

gathers solid waste from 4085 particular Kundi, the use of five hundred and sixty seven (567)

cars the waste carried to the above landfill sites. With respect to Karachi Master Plan 2020,

almost 50% of the overall waste produced is gathered with aid of using the town domestic

services department having lifter, garbage lot, loader, and tractor trollies. The ultimate waste is

dumped of on streets, ducts (pipes), and open spaces. 11,843 groups of workers are hired for

wastage series whilst 11,974 groups of workers are hired in wastage control in whole. It is

expected that the fair (charges) of solid wastage series and conveying from numerous places of

town is about Rs.294/ton. Now, resource accretion and the 3R method aren’t practiced formally.

However, the maximum aid accretion is achieved by casual areas. In specific, teenage Wala and

junkyard stores are main players with inside the accretion process.

3.3.6 Waste Management at commercial level: Collection:
Teams for gathering of waste from choose business regions constructed from sweepers and

helpers. It becomes observed that maximum of gathering taken place in the past due12 in the

noon, as the industrial sports begins off evolved in the afternoon. The waste collection becomes

relatively hard in business regions to analyze with households. Huge classes of business

organizations like: bank, tour advisors, academic places, grocery stores, offices, mobile phones

shop, and shopping mart. Garbage gather luggage with chits had been furnished to independent

grocery shop, agreed to take parting this case. This workout facilitated in study of solid waste. A

personal transport becomes employed for conveying the waste for evaluation.

Table 1 Statistical data of waste production on commercial

Sr. Waste production
No. Commercial group kg/d
Averag Low High

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

11 Travel agency 0.48 0.06 1.2
22 Grocery store 1 3.78 1.08 9.12
33 Grocery store 2 1.35 0.87 2.2
44 Bank 1 2.43 0.15 4.3
55 Bank 2 3.57 0.50 6.3
66 Mobile shop 0.8 0.45 1.32
77 Educational institution 0.71 0.05 1.1
88 Office 0.99 0.1 1.67
99 Restaurant 2.69 0.74 7.83
110 Mart 1.16 0.43 2.16
Average of all groups 1.795

After gathering of waste was done, samples were studied for waste production which is

discussed below: Waste Generation:

After waste gathering and conveying, a load of all gathered10 samples of all business companies

was noted. The waste evaluation confirmed that common in step with business institution waste

generation changed into 1.795 kg/d/shop. The minimal waste production is from tour agents even

as most was from grocery store It was noted that waste produced from tour organization was low

even as from general store was maximum. Many of the tour businesses now conduct e-tickets

and this could be purpose of his or her quantity of low waste production. The maximum waste

production was discovered from general store, like this kind of business institution offers

purchaser merchandise produces large waste w.r.t to different companies. It is likewise

discovered that very best waste production changed into at some point of last days (Saturday and

Sunday), as a maximum of clients buy their grocery on holidays[7].

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

Graph 1waste generation verses days

4 Recommendation:
 Currently landfill areas are available for solid waste management. The vicinity available

for those it isn't good enough to meet the land filling of waste produced within the city.

Moreover, those areas have positioned a way and it isn't economically feasible to convey

waste through big distances. There is need to increase new landfill areas.

 Awareness building seminars/ campaigns need to be arranged to aware loads on SWM


 Modern strategies should be used to enhance current overburden system. as;

1. Introducing skips.

2. Availing separate boxes for acceptable waste and dumped waste.

3. Designated waste gathering points.

 Source estimation needs to follow thereby presenting bins used for natural fraction and

gathering. This will help recycling industries and improvement in center for bio-fertilizer


Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3

 Illegal disposing of solid waste/rubbish in pipes may be prevented by education the

nearly coloniesvia focus programs and imposing an active decentralized collection


 Organic fraction of domestic solid waste from family, fruit & vegetable marketplace may

be served as feedstock for renewable energy generation and bio fertilizer.

1. An Introduction to Solid Waste Management. 2021; Available from:

2. types of solid waste. 2021; Available from:

3. A portrait of Karachi's garbage crisis. July 12, 2021 July 12, 2021; Available from:

4. Solid Waste, Air Pollution and Health. 2021; Available from:




5. Land Pollution: Causes, Effects, and Prevention: TDS. 2021; Available from:

6. Evaluation of Municipal Solid Wastes Based Energy Potential in Urban Pakistan. 2019;

Available from:

7. Mahmood, H. and M. Khan, Urban Solid Waste Management in Karachi, Pakistan.

International Journal of Economic and Environment Geology, 2019. 10: p. 78-83.

Environmental Engineering and Processing Group 3


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