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PRICE: £10 - ‘Because change does not come cheap’

WEATHER FORECAST: Forget the warm and pleasant days that past
generations used to associate summer with. The coming months will be
cold and freezing, and the winds will be against you whichever direction
you walk. For the last year a system of low pressures has been building
up above Europe. El Cameriñia, as it is locally known, is expected to hit
the shores of your living standards anytime soon. Get prepared. Think
what you can do to protect yourselves and your loved ones.
STOCK MARKET: eye-watering
SPORT: the big match State Vs People took place on 26 March in Lon-
don. See p.13 for reports and photographs
AGONY UNCLE: our sex education expert reports back from last week-
end’s conference on the impact of unemployment on poor people’s sex-
ual lives. The event was held in Royal Tunbridge Wells, and was spon-
sored by the Prince’s Trust.
HOROSCOPE: sex and drugs and rock and roll for all, apart from Pisces


a culture review
Global stories of alternatives to the capitalist dead-end
Our Athens correspondent
The system thrives in dead-ends. It cuts our oxygen and creates a weird illu-
suggests reading Claudia Pi-
sionary condition, making us feel that there are no alternatives. Any deviation
ñeiro’s Argentinean crime
from what the moneypeople expect and dream becomes thus not just their
novel Thursday Night Widows,
nightmare but even our own. But it does not have to happen like this. There are
a murder mystery, with
many stories from today and past that show that life can move beyond the bor-
events unfolding at the time
ders of money-made asphyxiations. We just need to find them and learn about
of the economic meltdown in
them. Mystery stories that have been identified up to now are:
2001, a few weeks after 9/11.
Argentina: the country declared bankruptcy a decade ago and it is still
‘A ruthless dissection of a
alive. How did the middle and working classes fare? What alternative paths were
fast-decaying society’, asserts
followed at a national or local level?
a punter with the name José
Cuba: now this is a story. Is it always sunny there? Is Fidel as smelly as
Saramango. The book can be
they tell us? Tell us that it is sunny!
normally found in your local
Bhutan: our South Asia correspondent spread rumours of a unicorn seen
city library, apart from now as
running down the slopes of the eastern Himalayas. Did the divine animal stop in
our Athens correspondent is
Bhutan or did it keep on galloping, drowning in the river?
sleeping with it.
‘Spirit Level’: I do not have a clue – do you?
Volunteers could offer to learn more about these mystery stories and share in-
Bombard us with reviews
formation in local meetings. Please also volunteer new mystery stories, even if
or suggestions
they are still a mystery to you.

Let’s Get Physical anti

The mystifying Godzilla Hegemony of the System that has been interviews with interesting
terrifying the masses is a myth. Its myth is sustained by particu- people like a Tunisian Trade
lar meanings attached to words and concepts. Volunteers can Unionist, or my Mum when
offer bits that could do with some deconstruction. she refused to pay her TV
The editorial board offers some food for thought: Big Society, licence because they had
Crisis, Violence, Progress, State. overcharged her.

Bunga-Bunga Parties!!!
when the going gets tough, we party like the Romans

in your local Co-Op the last Friday of every month, from 22:00 onwards
an event sponsored by the Italian Embassy

Media Wars
SHOCK News that will make you cry out loud
Check out potential sister publica-
tions: For Whom the Bell Tolls, Red
Pepper, Left Foot Forward.
‘Common sense’ pretends it is the least violent and most logical and just op- Inform us of other siblings.
tion. We do not think so. Read (and write) stories in which the system shows Also, collect news from regional and
its real face. This is where you will hear stories of old pensioners dying from other publications.
cold, policemen using babies as shields and politicians’ scandals that go well And, of course, bring in com-
ments on how big media misrep-
beyond duck-houses. resents the news stories.

What is LEFT today - Zombies and Fighters

Is there an interesting story you would like to share about the politics of the Left from around the globe? If you find
any please call us!

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