FoJMB Newsletter 2007 12

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Ansel Adams: Celebration of Genius Dunbar’s John Muir Association

An exhibition of Adams' landscapes and other images of nature

are at the City Art Centre, 2 Market Street, Edinburgh, from 9th
February to 19th April. This is the most comprehensive collection Friends of John Muir’s
of his work ever exhibited in the UK, with 150 photographs
spanning the 1920s to the 1960s. The exhibition is also Birthplace
accompanied by photographs of Scottish landscapes by Lindsay
San Francisco-born Ansel Adams (1902-1984) was one of Newsletter No. 4 Dec 2007
America’s foremost black and white photographers. He and his
wife ran a photographic studio, now the Ansel Adams Gallery, in
Yosemite Valley from 1935 to 1971. His first book, ‘Sierra
Convener’s Letter
Nevada: The John Muir Trail’ which linked his photographs with Dear friends,
passages from John Muir’s writings, played a vital role in
establishing Kings Canyon National Park. Adams had more than Our first AGM as Friends of the John Muir Birthplace is
20 books published, a number such as ‘Yosemite and the Sierra now history and my report is included in this
Nevada’ (1948) containing his images paired with Muir’s writing. newsletter. No new members of council were
We are currently considering the possibility of a Friends visit to forthcoming and the office bearers will continue as
the exhibition. The cost will be £4 (£2.50 concession, £10 before.
season) plus transport. If you are interested please contact JMB
on 01368 865899 or email Susan at
There was a good attendance of members and those
with your preferred day (Mon- Sat). who came along were entertained to a first class
Winter/Spring Events programme illustrated presentation by ‘Friend’ and Birthplace staff
member Pauline Smeed of her experiences on the
20th Dec: Christmas Social at 7.30 pm in John Muir’s staff exchange to the John Muir Historic Site in
Birthplace. Martinez. Pauline’s sister lives quite close to Martinez
Feb: Liz McLean talks about time spent at the Centre and she included a family trip to Yosemite in her
for Alternative Technology, Wales. presentation.
March: Prof Fred Last talks about his long-term study of Details of our winter programme are on the back page.
flowering times. Please come along if you can.
Sun 20th April: Celebrate John Muir’s birthday with a Sincerely,
walk along the John Muir Way
May: Boat trip to the Isle of May. Jim Thompson
AGM Report 25th October 2007 CHILD’S PLAY?
Convenor Jim Thompson welcomed 19 Friends to the Birthplace Exhibition of embroidered samplers visits the Birthplace
for our AGM. He reported on events and activities that had taken
place during the year including the publication and launch of the A fascinating exhibition of embroidered samplers will be on
new book of quotations ‘Still Walking the World’ and the showing display at John Muir’s Birthplace from Wednesday 12th
of the Al Gore film ‘An Inconvenient Truth’. Friends had also December to Sunday 27th January. Simply Samplers brings
been involved directly in JMB as volunteers, conducting guided together some beautiful 19th and 20th century samplers from
walks and lecturing on John Muir. Jim looked forward to a new museums across the East of Scotland, many on show for the
series of talks and outings during the coming year. He thanked first time in this touring exhibition.
Friends members for their support and hard work during the Often produced by young children, the samplers give a valuable
year. glimpse into another age. Religious quotes and biblical
Treasurer Will Collin presented the annual accounts. Members characters jostle for space with farmyard animals in the colourful
agreed that membership fees remain as they are except that the designs. Most were produced in homes and schools as a way
‘concession’ rate for overseas members is removed because of of learning valuable sewing skills – and keeping their young
the increase in foreign postage. Sales of our two books ‘John makers occupied and quiet!
Muir’s Dunbar’ and ‘The Clifftop Trail’ remained consistent during Helpfully, the young girls who produced the samplers often
the year and the new ‘Still Walking the World’ has been selling signed their work, and added the initials of their immediate
well. ‘John Muir’s Dunbar’ has almost sold out and a new edition family – using black thread if those shown had died. One
together with a small book on the life of John Muir is currently sampler, dating from 1831, records a family so completely that it
being put together. Sponsorship is being sought for these. was used as evidence by lawyers in New Zealand. They were
There were no changes to the Council who remain: sorting out the estate of a descendant of the embroiderer, who
had made a fortune after emigrating there.
President - Dan Cairney Convenor - Jim Thompson
There are twenty-four samplers included in the show, many of
Secretary – Susan Panton Treasurer – Will Collin which were in storage until Autumn 2006, when volunteers
Membership Sec. – Duncan Smeed Member – Liz McLean including Kirkcaldy Museum’s ‘Sewing Circle’ carefully stitched
the samplers onto backings and framed the works so that they
The AGM passed the following resolution, proposed by Liz can be unveiled to the public. In some cases this is the first time
McLean: “Friends of John Muir's Birthplace oppose the they have been displayed in over a hundred and fifty years!
proposed waste incinerator at Oxwellmains as:
1. it does not address the fundamental problem of waste The display also includes a touch screen computer, where you
generation; can have a go at creating your own digital samplers - without
2. it treats the symptoms, not the causes; it does not promote a the hours of careful stitching! To find out more about the
culture of waste minimisation. samplers, and the exhibition tour, why not take a look at
3. waste to energy schemes are more efficient if smaller and <>
local where the residual heat can be used around the plant.
SUSTAINING DUNBAR (AGM cont.) 4. it requires considerable long term financial
commitment which will remove incentive for reduction in
With an earlier edition of the newsletter, local members received an
insert inviting them to a meeting of environmentally concerned
waste or future innovation.”
individuals. The outcome was the creation of ‘Sustaining Dunbar’, an
informal alliance of individuals, groups and businesses from Dunbar, THE JOHN MUIR WAY
linked by a common aim. Its activities are directed towards reducing The last link in the John Muir Way has now been
the use of non-renewable resources and cutting carbon dioxide completed and it is now possible to walk the East Lothian
emission. ‘Friends’ are well represented with three members of our coastline from Fisherrow in the west to Dunglass in the
Council and a number of other members signed up with the group. south.

John Muir has much to say to the modern world regarding global The John Muir Way forms the East Lothian section of the
warming, the effects of deforestation and the like. On the first of Transnational North Sea Trail which links seven countries
these, he wrote in ‘Mountains of California’ in 1894, “Every glacier around the North Sea (see <>) East
in the world is smaller than it once was. All the world is growing Lothian has a distinct and varied coastline with sandy
warmer…”. beaches, towering cliffs, harbours and castles and its
coast is recognised for wildfowl and waders.
Climate change and dwindling oil supplies are seen as the principle The Way is 74 kilometres (km) long, signposted by green
threats to the well-being of people worldwide. Sustaining Dunbar fingerposts, and is divided into five sections. Starting
(SD) is part of the Transition Towns Network, a UK wide collection from the western end, the first section is from Fisherrow
of communities ranging from Bristol on the Severn, Brixton in to Cockenzie and is 10 km. Then follows Cockenzie to
London and Brighton on England’s south coast to Portobello and Aberlady, a distance of 8 km, Aberlady to North Berwick, a
Dunbar here in Scotland. total of 15 km and North Berwick to Dunbar, which is the
longest at 24 km. The last section runs from Dunbar to
SD currently has five subgroups focussing on Energy, Enterprise, Dunglass, giving a walk of 15 km. [Each section is
Food, Transport and Resource use. Local members are invited to join subdivided into shorter walks for those not wishing to
any or all of them or simply lend your support to Sustaining Dunbar. walk the full length.]
Contact Mark James at 01368 863162 or Philip Revell at 01368
863211. Wherever you are, you can take part in the ongoing East Lothian Council has produced a leaflet for each
discussion at <> or by section, giving information on points of interest, bird and
visiting the SD website via the Dunbar Community website which is animal life and flora that can be seen. There is also
at <> information on the condition of the pathways etc. and
availability of public transport. Copies can be obtained
John Muir faced up to the environmental problems that he from John Muir’s Birthplace. Incidentally for those who
encountered, taking action that awakened the concern of others. Each still work in old money, to get an approximate mileage,
of us should aim to follow in his footsteps, wherever we are. divide kilometres by 10 and then multiply by 6.
In our spring edition, ‘Friend’ Pauline Smeed, one of the
Readers of ‘The Scotsman’ will be aware that the paper runs a
permanent members of staff at John Muir’s Birthplace, told
regular pull-out feature entitled ‘Recommends’, where reporters
and readers give lists of the best . . . in Scotland, ranging from us of a month spent with her counterparts at the John Muir
fish and chip shops to castles. On Wednesday 17 October, one Historic Site in Martinez, California. As a result of Pauline’s
of the lists gave the five top birthplace attractions, headed by efforts, links with Martinez, Dunbar’s first twinning partner,
Burns’ Cottage in Alloway. There at number two was our own have been strengthened and are continuing to grow.
John Muir’s Birthplace, wrongly entitled ‘John Muir House’ but
Now ‘Friends of John Muir’s Birthplace’ are in regular contact
with the accompanying information correct. The others in order
were Hugh Miller’s Cottage, Cromarty; Carlyle’s Birthplace, with the John Muir Association (JMA) in Martinez. Although
Ecclefechan; and the Andrew Carnegie Birthplace Museum, older, JMA is in many ways similar to ‘Friends’. It was
Dunfermline. founded in 1956 to preserve John Muir’s former home in
Martinez and assure its transfer to the National Park Service
The links among the men – yes! all men – themselves are (NPS). That was achieved in 1964, 50 years after John Muir’s
interesting. Their lives covered the period from 1759 to 1919 death, when US President Lyndon B. Johnson signed legislation
with a number of overlaps. The other four all wrote essays on making Muir's former home a National Historic Site. Now
Burns (1759-1796), Carlyle’s perhaps the most famous. Indeed, JMS works with NPS to preserve the building and grounds,
Hugh Miller (1802-1856) wrote a short novel, ‘Recollections of
and to interpret the life of John Muir.
Burns’ published as part of his ‘Tales and Sketches’, in which he
recounted imaginary encounters between a sailor Matthew Friends have extended an open invitation to JMA members to
Lindsay, considered to be based Miller himself, and Burns, at come to Dunbar if they are visiting the UK. They have been
key points in the poet’s life. asked to extend the same invitation to the people of
Martinez generally. Already the steady flow of tourists from
Miller’s widow received a letter of condolence from Thomas
America to Dunbar includes a slow trickle from Martinez.
Carlyle (1795-1881), later published in ‘The New York Time’,
following the geologist/writers tragic death. Carnegie (1835- Most of our American visitors have included Dunbar on their
1919) gifted a library, the Hugh Miller Institute, to the village of itinerary because it is the birthplace of John Muir and leave
Cromarty. John Muir’s personal library contained 14 volumes with a very favourable impression of our town. We hope that
by Miiller and Muir named an Alaskan glacier after him. the numbers will further increase.
Travel to and from California has never been easier, quicker
Carlyle also featured in Muir’s collection of books, all 34 (!)
volumes of his collected ‘Works’ and a volume of his essays. or cheaper and perhaps an exchange visit can be arranged in
But Carlyle’s links with Muir also extend through such as the not too distant future.
Emerson and Thoreau for he was the transcendentalists’ ‘guru’. [JMA’s newsletter is ‘The View’. Do you have a view on what
(cont.) ours should be called? Ideas, please, to the Birthplace.]
CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT THE BIRTHPLACE (‘See where it all began’ cont.)
Links between Carnegie and Muir were established when the
Enclosed with the UK mailing of this newsletter is a ‘flier’ industrialist visited California in 1910. John Muir was a guest at
giving the stock of books and other items on sale at John a dinner in Carnegie’s honour in Pasadena. However he was
Muir’s Birthplace. It may contain some ideas for also in a small party that accompanied Carnegie to the Wilson
Christmas gifts or ‘stocking fillers’ – and there is the Observatory to which Carnegie had donated $250,000 and the
added bonus of a 10% reduction for Friends before the following day went with Carnegie to a lunch hosted by the Los
end of January. Angeles Chamber of Commerce.

For those of you within easy reach of the Birthplace, pay a The two Scots-in-exile became occasional correspondents, their
visit to check out what is on offer – remember to take the final exchange in 1914. Carnegie, by this time the world’s
flier to qualify for 10% off. For those of you further foremost philanthropist, sent Muir a copy of his essay on
afield, you can check out the availability by phone (01368 ‘Apprenticeship’ and Muir’s letter of thanks, dated 22 January,
865899) and arrange to have items put aside for concludes “How strong you must be and happy in doing so much
collection. [It may be possible for items to be posted to good, in being able to illustrate so nobly the national character
those of you too far off but the full cost of postage would founded on God's immutable righteousness that makes
have to be borne by the purchaser.] Scotland loved at home, revered abroad! Everybody blessed
with a drop of Scotch blood must be proud of you and bid you
FUTURE ISSUES BY EMAIL? Godspeed. Your devoted admirer, John Muir” The phrase in
‘bold’ is from Burns’ ‘The Cotter’s Saturday Night’!
Friends can arrange to have future issues of our
Readers of John Muir’s works will be aware of his enthusiasm for
newsletter delivered by email, thereby making a small
the poems and songs of Scotland’s bard. Indeed he turned to
contribution to conserving resources – less paper, fewer
Burns following his wife Louie’s death in 1905 and an essay on
letters, etc. If you would like to be added to the emailing
the poet on 25 January 1906 was one of the first serious pieces
list, contact Duncan, our membership secretary, at
of writing since his bereavement. (Carnegie also sought
<> consolation in Burns during periods of depression.)
FRIENDS WEBSITE Less well known perhaps is how the lives of the five men, each a
world figure in his own right, are bound together. As John Muir
Currently a new Friends website is in the process of being wrote in ‘My First Summer in the Sierra’, “When we try to pick out
produced. Although the old DJMA site is still on the web it anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the
is out of date. We apologise for this and will inform you universe.”
as soon as our new website is up and running.
Left: One of the Right: Some of the
many samplers that participants in the
will be on show in ‘Photo Challenge’
John Muir’s workshop organised
Birthplace during recently by the
December and Birthplace staff.

Below: Some of
the children who
Below: One of the
took part in the
many excellent
photographs taken by
workshop proudly
children during the
display their
‘Photo Challenge’


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