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Since the world has become industrialized, there has been an increase in the number of animal species that have either
become extinct or have neared extinction. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, now number
only about 2,300 and by the year 2025, their population is estimated to be down to zero. What is alarming about the case of the
Bengal tiger is that this extinction will have been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not
interested in material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is part of what is causing the
problem of extinction. Animals like the Bengal tigers, as well as other endangered species, are a valuable part of the world’s
ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to ensure their survival, and the survival of our planet.
Countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in order to circumvent
the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They, then charge admission to help defray the costs of
maintaining the parks, and they often must also depend on world organizations for support. With the money they get, they can
invest equipment and patrols to protect the animals. Another solution that is an attempt to stem the tide of animal extinction is an
international boycott of products made from endangered species. This seems fairly effective, but will not by itself, prevent animals
from being hunted and killed.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?.
A. The bengal tiger C. Endangered species B. International boycotts D. Problem with industrialization
2. The word “callousness” in the first paragraph could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. indirectness B. independence C. incompetence D. insensitivity
3. The above passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast ______
A. a problem and a solution C. a comparision and a contrast
B. a statement and an illustration D. a specific and general information
4. What does the word “This” in the first paragraph refers to?
A. Endangered species that are increasing B. Bengal tigers that are decreasing
C. Poachers who seeks personal gratification D. Sources that may not be accurate
5. According to the passage, all of the following are true Except ?
A. There used to have a number of Bengal tigers in the jungles.
B. Countries apply an international ostracism of products made from endangered species to stop animal extinction.
C. The animals in danger of extiction play an important part in the world’s ecosystem.
D. Charge admission used to allocated large animal reserves and maintain the parks.
Mark A,B,C or D to indicate the word(s) /phrase(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to underlined word(s) in each of the questions.
Question 6: If any employees knowingly breaks the terms of this contract, he will be dismissed immediately.
A. coincidentally B. deliberately C. instinctively D. accidentally
Question 7: Wendy is on the horns of a dilemma: she just wonders whether to go for a picnic with her friends or to stay at home
with her family. A. unwilling to make a decision B. able to make a choice:do dự
C. eager to make a plan D. unready to make up her mind
Mark to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlinded word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 8: Many organizations have been involved in drawing up the report on environmental campaigns.
A. concerned about B. confined in C. enquired about D. engaged in
Question 9. His girlfriend’s behavior at the party was unacceptable, which made everyone there shocked.
A. out of practice: vô lý B. out of line: không thể chấp nhận được C. out of the habit: mất thói quen làm gì   D. out of order:
Ever since it was first possible to make a real robot, people have been hoping for the invention of a machine that would do
all the necessary jobs around the house. If boring and repetitive factory work could be (10) ______ by robots, why not boring and
repetitive household chores too?
For a long time, the only people who really gave the problem their atten tion were amateur inventors. And they came up
against a major difficulty. That is, housework is (11) ______ very complex. It has never been one job, it has always been many. A
factory robot carries out one task endlessly until it is reprogrammed to do something else. It doesn't run the whole factory. A
housework robot, on the other hand, has to do (12) ______ different types of cleaning and carrying jobs and also has to cope with
all the different shapes and positions of rooms, furniture, ornaments, cats and dogs.(13) _____ , there have been some developments
recently. Sensors are available to help the robot locate objects and avoid obstacles. We have the technology to produce the
hardware. All that is missing is the software - the programs (14) ______ will operate the machine.
Question 10: A. given B. made C. succeeded D. managed
Question 11: A. actually B. likely C. seriously D. hardly
Question 12: A. any B. little C. several D. few
Question 13: A. Because B. However C. Although D. So that
Question 14: A. who B. what C. that D. where
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 15: If she had known how awful this job was going to be, she ______ it.
A. would accept B. wouldn't accept C. wouldn’t have accepted D. would have accepted
Question 16: He is exhausted. He ______ around the whole afternoon trying to clean the house before the guests arrive.
A. has been running B. has run C. be running D. was running
Question 17: John would like ______ in computer science.
A. to specialize B. specializing C. to specializing D. specialized
Question 18: If you want to be healthy, you should__________ your bad habits in your lifestyles.
A give up B call off C break down D get over
Question 19: The government is aiming ______ 50% reduction ______ unemployment.
A. to/in B. at/in C. at/of D. for/of
Question 20: The man ______ to the party has not yet come.
A. invited B. to invite C. inviting D. to inviting
Question 21: Kate wasn’t at the party last weekend, ______?A. won’t she B. is she C. didn’t she D. was she
Question 22: ______ the weather forecast, it will rain heavily later this morning.
A. According to B. Because of C. Due to D. On account of
Question 23: He was pleased that things were going on ______.
A. satisfied B. satisfactorily(adj) C. satisfying D. satisfactory
Question 24: The boss was really hot under the ______ when you told him you lost the contract.
A. collar B. shirt C. hat D. jacket
Question 25: The pollution problems in the town have been ______ by mass- tourism is the summer months.
A. contributed B. augmented C. developed D. exacerbated : làm tăng
Question 26: He still makes a lot of mistakes ______.
A. as soon as he has been thoroughly trained B. as he will be thoroughly trained
C. in case he was being thoroughly trained D. though he was thoroughly trained
Question 27: Can you ______ what it would be like to live without books?
A. imagine B. advise C. describe D. understand
Question 28: A computer is a(n) ______ storage device which manages large collections of data.
A. electrical B. electronic C. electric D. electricity
Question 29: I only recently joined the firm so I'm still finding my ______.
A. arms B. Feet:trở nên tự tin C. fingers D. legs
Question 30: Mike is going to New York to study next week.
- Linda: “______” - Mike: “Thanks. I will call you when I arrive in New York.”
A. Better luck next time! B. Have a go! C. God bless you! D. Have a nice trip!
Question 31: - Tim: “Where will you go on holiday?” - David: “__________”
A. The beach is nice, isn’t it? B. Probably I won’t think of C. Probably to the beach. D. I have a four-day vacation.
Question 32: A. implants B. enters C. upgrades D. doubles
Question 33: A. group B. soup C. through D. though
Question 34: A. deny B. advice C. between D. schoolboy
Question 35: A. confidence B. effective C. celebrate D. handicapped
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
Unlike these fish, which are actually extinct, the coelacanth is a type of fish that was believed to be extinct. However, an
unexpected twentieth-century rediscovery of living coelacanths has brought about a reassessment of the status of this prehistoric sea
creature that was believed to have long since disappeared from the Earth.
From fossil remains of the coelacanth, palaeontologists have determined that the coelacanth was in existence around 350
million years ago, during the Palaeozoic Era, more than 100 million years before the first dinosaurs arrived on Earth. The most
recent fossilized coelacanths date from around 70 million years ago, near the end of the Mesozoic and near the end of the age of
dinosaurs. Because no fossilized remnants of coelacanths from the last 70 million years have been found, the coelacanth was
believed to have died out around the same time as the dinosaurs. The prehistoric coelacanth studied by palaeontologists had
distinctive characteristics that differentiated it from other fish. It was named for its hollow spine and was known to have been
powerful carnivores because of its many sharp teeth and a special joint in the skull that allowed the ferocious teeth to move in
coordination with the lower jaw. It also had a pair of fins with unusual bony and muscular development that allowed the coelacanth
to dart around the ocean floor. These fins also enable the coelacanth to search out prey trying to hide on the ocean bottom.
In 1983, a living specimen of the coelacanth was discovered in the catch of a fishing boat off the coast of South Africa, and
since then numerous other examples of the coelacanth have been found in the waters of the Indian Ocean. This modern version of
the coelacanth is not exactly the same as its prehistoric cousin. Today’s coelacanth is larger than its prehistoric relative, measuring
up to six feet in length and weigh up to 150 pounds. However, the modern version of the coelacanth still possesses the characteristic
hollow spine and distinctive fins with their unusual bony and muscular structure.
Question 36: What is the most suitable title for the passage?
A. Fish that was once extinct B. Fish that, surprisingly, is not extinct
C. Fish that is extinct D. Fish that is becoming extinct
Question 37: The word “determined” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. announced B. indicated C. performed D. confirmed
Question 38: According to paragraph 2, why was coelacanth believed to have died out at the same time as the dinosaurs?
A. Coelacanth arrived on the Earth at the same time as dinosaurs. B. Dinosaurs have never appeared on the Earth.
C. No fossilized remnants have been found from the last 70 million years. D. Palaeontologists didn’t focus on searching.
Question 39: According to the passage, why are scientists sure that the prehistoric coelacanth was a flesh-eater?
A. Because of its hollow spine B. Because of the shape and movement of the teeth
C. Because of its unusual bony and muscular development D. Because of the size of the skull
Question 40: The word “ferocious” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. fierce B. furious C. precious D. weak
Question 41: The word “it” in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. coordination B. jaw C. joint D. coelacanth
Question 42: What is NOT true about the prehistoric coelacanth, according to the passage?
A. It measured as much as six feet in length. B. It was smaller than the modern coelacanth.
C. It had a hollow spine and distinctive fins. D. It weighed less than 150 pounds.
Question 43: Some bacteria is extremely harmful, but others are regularly used in producing foods.=>are
Question 44: Neither the Minister nor his colleagues has given an explanation for the chaos in the financial market sofar.=>have
Question 45: When a Vietnamese wants to work part-time in Australia, he needs to get a work permission.=>permit:giấy phép
Choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 46: People rumour that the Prince secretly got married to an ordinary girl.
A. The Prince is rumoured to have secretly got married to an ordinary girl.
B. It was rumoured that the Prince secretly got married to an ordinary girl.
C. The Prince was rumoured to secretly get married to an ordinary girl.
D. The Prince had secretly got married to an ordinary girl, as it was rumoured.
Question 47: There is no doubt that Martin is the best candidate for the job.
A. Martin is by all means the best candidate for the job. B. Without question:k còn nghi ngờ gì, Martin is the best candidate for
the job.
C. In all likelihood, Martin is the best candidate for the job. D. Quite by chance, Martin is the best candidate for the job.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
Question 48: He didn’t consider Japanese cultural aspects prior to going there. He regrets now.
A. If only he had considered Japanese cultural aspects prior to going there
B. Had he considered Japansese cultural aspects before going there, he wouldn’t have regreted now.
C. He wishes he considered Japanese cultural aspects prior to going there
D. If he hadn’t considered Japansese cultural aspects before going there, he would regret now.
Question 49: You can go out. Make sure you come back before 9 p.m.
A. You can go out provided that you come back before 9 p.m.
B. You can’t go out if you come back before 9 p.m.
C. You can’t go out in case you forget to come back before 9 p.m.
D. You can go out unless you come back before 9 p.m.
Question 50: The soccer team knew they lost the match. They soon started to blame each other.
A. Not only did the soccer team lose the match but they blamed each other as well.
B. No sooner had the soccer team started to blame each other than they knew they lost the match.
C. As soon as they blamed each other, the soccer team knew they lost the match.
D. Hardly had the soccer team known they lost the match when they started to blame each other.
Mark to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Q 51: A. country B. double C. southern D. should
Q 52. A. house B. south C. enough D. hour
Q 53. A. aloud B. loudly C. country D. doubt
Q 54. A. should B. ground C. amount D. mountain
Q 55. A. would B. count C. account D. around
Q 56. A. brought B. thought C. nought D. found
Q 57. A. enough B. tough C. rough D. found
Q 58. A. round B. south C. ground D. cousin
Q 59. A. mountain B. amount C. round D. shoulder
Q 60. A. found B. could C. house D. count
Q 61. A. announce B. youth C. without D. about
Q 62: A. maintain B. appoint C. believe D. advent
Q 63: A. perfomance B. particular C. examine D. estimate
Q 64: A. promote B. agree C. distant D. prepare
Q 65: A. certificate B. occupation C. miraculous D. diversity
Q 66: A. understand B. comprehend C. entertain D. participant
Q 67: A. location B. celebrate C. activity D. divisible
Q 68: A. extinction B. creation C. political D. complicate
Q 69: A. notify B. advocate C. influence D. interfere
Question 70: To everyone's surprise, it wasn't in Bristol which he made his fortune, although that’s where he was born.=>which
Question 71: The mother aksed her little daughter studying harder for the final exam. => to study
Question 72: Alice in Wonderland, first published in 1865, has being translated into thirty languages.=> been
Question 73: Are you sure Tereshkova was the first woman traveling in space?=> to travel
Question 74: Her passion for helping people have motivated her to found her own charity organization.=> has
Question 75: Food prices have risen so rapidly in the past few months that some families have been forced to alter her eating
Question 76: No sooner had they returned home from the holiday when Tony had to leave for a business trip.
Question 77: There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with those of another.=>that
Question 78: It is recommended that he________ a foreign language in his freshman year instead of waiting until the following there.
A. taking B. take C. takes D. took
Question 79: She has just bought______A. a Swiss beautiful brand-new watch B. a beautiful brand-new Swiss watch
C. a Swiss brand-new beautiful watch D. a brand-new beautiful Swiss watch
Question 80: Safety should take_________ over all the matters in the workplace.
A. preceding B. precedent C. precede D. precedence
Question 81: The last person________the room should turn off the lights.A. left B. leaves C. leaving D. to leave
Question 82: The survey was to find out the young people’s attitudes_________ love and marriage.
A. above B. beneath C. Towards: ý kiến, thái độ D. with
Question 83: One study found that men’s contribution_________ housework has doubled over the past four decades.
A. for B. on C. with D. to
Question 84: The Vietnamese Women’s Football team_________ defended the SEA Games title at the 22 nd Southeast Asian Games held
in Viet Nam. A. succeed B. successful C. successfully D. success
Question 85: _________ hard he worked, he could earn enough money to support the family.
A. However B. Whatever C. Therefore D. But
Question 86: _________ you study for the exam, _________ you will do
A. The more/ the much B. The harder/ the better C. The more hard/ the more good D. The hardest/ the best
Question 87: My mother_________ the responsibility for running the household chores. A. runs B. bears C. holds D. takes
Question 88: Because the problem of water pollution gets more serious, the government is searching for a way to _________ it.
A. deal with B. sort out C. drift apart D. turn down
Question 89: He would never forget_________ a medal for bravery after saving three boys from drowning.
A. being awarded B. to award C. awarding D. to be awarded
Question 90: __________________, they wouldn’t have divorced
A. Had he not taken his marriage for granted B. Should he not take his marriage for granted
C. Were he not to take his marriage for granted. D. Unless he had not taken his marriage for granted
Question 91: If__________with pictures and diagrams, a lesson will be more interesting and comprehensible.
A. have illustrated B. illustrated C was illustrated D. illustrating
Question 92: She looks delighted. She________ some good news.
A. need have received B. must receive C. must have received D. can't have received
Question 93: Donald Trump has suggested he could grant legal status to millions of undocumented immigrants who have not________
serious crimes in what would be a major policy shift. A. committed B. took C. served D. done
Question 94: ________ for the fact that he was working abroad, he would willingly have helped with the project.
A. If it were B. Hadn’t it been C. were it to be D. If it hadn’t been
Question 95: John is________ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot. A. the B. an C. Ø D. a
Question 96. Despite working in the same office, Mary earns _______ her boyfriend.
A. twice as many as B. twice more than C. twice as more than D. twice as much as
Question 97. Jack never helps his mum with the housework, _______? A. does he B. doesn't he C. will he D. did he
Question 98. When the boy was told that he had failed the exam, he was extremely _________
A. disappointing B. disappointedly C. disappointed D. disappointment
Question 99: John : “Different countries have different cultures; therefore, you should know the culture of country before you are visiting
the country” Laura : " ________"
A. Of course not, you bet!       B. Well, that's very surprising C. There is no doubt about it        D. Yes, it's an absurb idea.
Question 100: Mr Black: "I'd like to try on these shoes, please" - Salesgirl : " ________"
A. Why not ?           B. By all means, sir            C. That's right,sir     D. I'd love to
Question 101: People often avoid ______ squash, pumpkin, melon and peanuts before their exams because they suppose that it is a no-go.
A. eating B. being eaten C. to eat D. to be eaten
Question 102: ________ by the Western cultures, Vietnamese young people's attitudes toward love and marriage have dramatically
changed. A. Effected B. Affected C. Effaced D. Excepted
Question 103: We _______ touch since we _______ school three years ago.
A. lost / have left B. have lost / leave C. have lost / left D. were losing / had left
Question 104: We are all too dismissive of traditions in our modern world, but they can have a very strong impact _______ us.
A. on B. off C. for D. to
Question 105: The young are _______ more concerned with physical attractiveness than elderly people.
A. much B. as C. many D. as much as
Question 106: Today the practice of arranged marriage is still common in some countries in _______ Middle East, such as India or
Pakistan A. an B. a C. the D. Ø
Question 107: Combining physical activity with a healthy diet is the best way to ______ a healthy body weight.
A. provide B. support C. maintain D. express
Question 108: His letter is full of mistakes. He _____________ the mistakes carefully before sending it.
A. must have checked B. should have checked C. could have checked D. can have checked
Question 109: Teacher teaches students to____ different races and appreciate the diversity of other cultures.
A. look up to B. look forward to C. look for D. look down on
Question 110: Unless you have a good ___________ of English, you won't be able to work for this company.
A.comment B. command C. commerce D. commander
Question 111: We will take ________ trip that we are waiting for a long time. A. the B. Ø (no article) C. a D. an
Question 112: She is leaving her husband because she cannot put__________his bad temper any longer.
A. up with B. away C. off D. up
Question 113: A large number of India men agreed that it was unwise to confide___ their wivesA. In:giãi bày tâm sự B. on C.
of D. with
Question 114: The publishers are__________ a new edition of the dictionary next spring
A.breaking out B. making out C. bringing out  D. standing out
Question 115: John has _____quite a lot of criticism of late .A. come in for B. come up with C.come up to D. come down with
Question 116: The details of the scandal_______ in the press and she had to resign.
A. called off B. put aside C. came out D. brought up
Question 117: When the company had to close because of economic difficulties, many people became_________
A. redundant B. deliberate C. unsatisfactory D. homeless
Question 118: My company has _________a new approach to staff meetings. We now have them standing up!
A adapted B adopted C addressed D admitted

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