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Question 1:  A. slide               B. signal                     C. mile          D. slight

Question 2:  A. concerts                 B. coughs                    C. months             D. lectures 
Question 3:  A. permanent       B. amazement              C. celebrate              D. discipline
Question 4:  A. museum           B. purpose               C. purchase             D. market
Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST  in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
Question 5: When Susan invited us to dinner, she really showed off her culinary talents. She prepared a feast - a huge selection of
dishes that were simply mouth-watering.
A. having to do with food and cooking B. relating to medical knowledge
C. involving hygienic conditions and diseases D. concerning nutrition and health
Question 6. We would spend every meal time entreating the child to eat her vegetables.
A. forcing B. persuading C. instructing D. appraising

Read the passage and mark A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.
New surveys suggest that the technological tools we use to make our lives easier are killing our leisure time. We are
working longer hours, taking fewer and shorter vacations (and when we do go away, we take our cell phones, PDAs, and laptops
along). And, we are more stressed than ever as increased use of e-mail, voice mail, cell phones, and the Internet is destroying any
idea of privacy and leisure.
Since the Industrial Revolution, people have assumed that new labor-saving devices would free them from the burdens of
the workplace and give them more time to grow intellectually, creatively, and socially – exploring the arts, keeping up with current
events, spending more time with friends and family, and even just ‘goofing off’.
But here we are at the start of the 21 st century, enjoying one of the greatest technological boom times in human history, and
nothing could be further from the truth. The very tools that were supposed to liberate us have bound us to our work and study in
ways that were inconceivable just a few years ago. It would seem that technology almost never does what we expect.
In ‘the old days’, the lines between work and leisure time were markedly clearer. People left their offices at a predictable
time, were often completely disconnected from and out of touch with their jobs as they traveled to and from work, and were off-
duty once they were home. That is no longer true. In today’s highly competitive job market, employers demand increased
productivity, expecting workers to put in longer hours and to keep in touch almost constantly via fax, cell phones, e-mail, or other
communications devices. As a result, employees feel the need to check in on what is going on at the office, even on days off. They
feel pressured to work after hours just to catch up on everything they have to do. Workers work harder and longer, change their
work tasks more frequently, and have more and more reasons to worry about job security.
Bosses, colleagues, family members, lovers, and friends expect instant responses to voice mail and e-mail messages. Even
college students have become bound to their desks by an environment in which faculty, friends, and other members of the college
community increasingly do their work online. Studies of time spent on instant messaging services would probably show staggering
This is not what technology was supposed to be doing for us. New technologies, from genetic research to the Internet, offer
all sorts of benefits and opportunities. But, when new tools make life more difficult and stressful rather than easier and more
meaningful – and we are, as a society, barely conscious of it – then something has gone seriously awry, both with our expectations
for technology and our understanding of how it should benefit us.
From “Summit 1” by Joan Saslow & Allen Ascher
Question 7: According to the first three paragraphs, technological tools that were designed to make our lives easier__________.
A. have brought us complete happiness B. have fully met our expectations
C. have not interfered with our privacy D. have turned out to do us more harm than good
Question 8: Which of the following is NOT true about technological tools, according to new surveys?
A. They make our life more stressful. B. They bring more leisure to our life.
C. They are used even during vacations. D. They are being increasingly used.
Question 9: The word “inconceivable” in the passage is closest in meaning to”_________”.
A. unforgettable B. unimaginable C. predictable D. foreseeable
Question 10: It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that_________.
A. it is compulsory that employees go to the office, even on days off
B. employees have more freedom to decide what time they start and finish work
C. employers are more demanding and have efficient means to monitor employees
D. life is more relaxing with cell phones and other technological devices
Question 11: The word “They” in the fourth paragraph refers to________.
A. employers B. employees C. workers D. tasks
Question 12: This passage has probably been taken from_________.
A. a science review B. a political journal C. an advertisement D. a fashion magazine
Question 13: Which of the following could best serve as the title of the passage?
A. Expectations and Plain Reality B. Benefits of Technology
C. Research on the Roles of Computers D. Changes at the workplace
Mark A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 14: We were quite impressed by the________ students who came up with the answer to our question almost instantly.
A. absent-minded:đãng trí B. big-headed:tự cao C. quick-wicked : thông minh D. bad-tempered:dễ nổi nóng
Question 15: My cousin was nervous about ________ on television, but he rose to the occasion wonderfully.
A. interviewing B. interviewed C. to be interviewed D. being interviewed
Question 16: Daisy has spent the last two weekends________ hundreds of photographs so that she can put them in separate
albums. A. cutting down B. sorting out:phân loại C. putting forward D. giving away
Question 17:They have to prepare breakfast everyday, ________ ?
A. don’t they B. do they C. haven’t they D. have they
Question 18: You and your big mouth! It was supposed to be a secret. You________ her!
A. shouldn’t have told B. mightn’t have told C. mustn't have told D. couldn't have told
Question 19: By the time Sam got home from school, his brother __________ all the cake.
 A. had eaten                    B. has been eating        C. was eating            D. have eaten
Question 20: Having that accident has brought _________ a complete change in his attitude to other people.
A. in                                  B. about :làm ra gây ra                      C. up                      D. out   
Question 21: “Is it very hot in summer here?”  -          “_____________” 
 A. Yes, we have high rainfall.                               B. Well, it’s too late for the weather forecast.
C. I’m sorry. I missed the weather forecast.         D. Well, it depends on rainfall.
Question 22: ______ dangerous the situation is, Jim always indulges himself in it head first.
A. In spite of B. However C. No matter what D. Though
Question 23: I would advise you __________ this young man despite his charming manner.
A. to trust                         B. not trust                   C. not to trust           D. don’t trust
Question 24: Boss: “Have you been able to reach that customer?” Secretary: “________.”
A. Oh, there’s no approval B. Yes, I have known him for 6 years
C. It’s much too high to reach D. Oh, no. The line’s busy
Question 25: When finding a new house, parents should ______ all the conditions for their children’s education and entertainment.
A. take into account:chú ý B. make amends for:sửa C. get a measure of:hiểu rõ D. put into effect:thực
đến lỗi hiện
Question 26: In Vietnam, many ________ crafts such as weaving and embroidering are now being revised.
A. ordinary B. traditional C. habitual D. customary
Question 27: They would be very sad if they ________that from you.
A. had heard                         B. hear                   C. heard           D. have heard
Question 28: The police are ________ to the public for any information about the missing girl.
A. surveying                         B. asking                   C. examining         D. appealing
Question 29: Many different kinds of food sold today have _______ flavouring added to them.
A. fake B. Artificial:nhân tạo C. wrong D. false
Question 30: It's important that she_______ to take her medicine twice a day.
A.  remembers                        B. must remember                    C. remember           D. has remembered      
Choose the most suitable word to fill in each blank.
Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late at night but can't find the energy to get out of
bed (31) ________for school? According to a new report, today's generation of children are in danger of getting so little sleep that
they are putting their mental and physical health at risk.  Adult can easily survive on seven to eight hours' sleep a night, (32)
________teenagers require nine or ten hours. According to medical experts, one in five youngsters gets anything between two and
five hours' sleep a night less than their parents did at their age.
      This raises serious questions about whether lack of sleep is affecting children’s ability to concentrate at school. The (33)
________ between sleep deprivation and lapses in memory, impaired reaction time and poor concentration is (34) ________.
Research has shown that losing as little as half an hour's sleep a night can have profound effects on how children perform the next
day. A good night's sleep is also crucial for teenagers because it is while they are asleep that they release a hormone that is essential
for their "growth spurt" (the period during teenager years when the body grows at rapid rate). It's true that they can, to some extent ,
(35) ________ sleep at weekends, but that won't help them when they are dropping off to sleep in class on a Friday afternoon.
Question 31: A. behind time B. on time C. in time D. at times
Question 32: A. because B. or C. so D. whereas
Question 33: A. difference B. connection C. discrimination D. integration
Question 34: A. well-informed B. well-educated C. well-behaved D. well-established
Question 35: A. catch up on B. cope with C. come up to D. put aside
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning Question
36: The aircraft carrier is indispensable in naval operations against sea or shore based enemies.
A. novel B. unnecessary C. exotic D. prevenient
Question 37. Differently from English taught to all Vietnamese students, Chinese and Russian have been made optional languages
taught at secondary schools in Vietnam.
A. compulsory B.  important C. comfortable D. equivalent
Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning
Question 38: I’m sure Luisa was very disappointed when she failed the exam.
A. Luisa must be very disappointed when she failed the exam.
B. Luisa must have been very disappointed when she failed the exam.
C. Luisa may be very disappointed when she failed the exam.
D. Luisa could have been very disappointed when she failed the exam.
Question 39. Their chances of success are small.
A. They will certainly be successful. B. It’s possible that they will achieve success.
C. They won’t have any chances of being successful. D. It’s not very likely that they will succeed
Question 40: It's an undeniable fact that children watch too much TV.
A. It's obviously true that children spend too much time watching TV.
B. It's undeniable that children don't watch enough TV.
C. It can't be denied that children watch too many TV programs.
D. It's undeniable that too many children watch TV.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the
following questions.
Question 41: He was successful because he was determined to pursue personal goals. He was not talented
A. In addition to his determination, his talent ensured his success in pursuing his goals.
B. His determination to pursue personal goals made him successful and talented.
C. It was his determination to pursue personal goals, not talent, that contributed to his success.
D. His success lay in his natural ability, not in his determination to pursue personal goals.
Question 42. He behaved in a very strange way. That surprised me a lot.
A. What almost surprised me was the strange way he behaved.
B. He behaved very strangely, which surprised me very much.
C. His behaviour was a very strange thing, that surprised me most.
D. I was almost not surprised by his strange behaviour.
Mark A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following
Question 43: The number of students who knew the answer on the last question was very low=>to

Q44: In order for one to achieve the desired results in this experiment, it is necessary that he work as fastly as possible.=>fast

Question 45: Vaccines are one of the most important measures of prevention medicine to protect the population from diseases and
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
A leading question among anthropologists is: what exactly led to the development of human cities? Basically, modern
humans have existed on earth for over 100,000 years. Yet it is only in the last 8,000 years that they have begun to gather in
significant numbers and form cities. Prior to that period, humans existed in small family or tribal groups, generally consisting of
fewer than 100 individuals. What, then, led humans to make the dramatic shift from living in small groups to living in large,
organized cities? It seems that the development of cities required a particular set of circumstances.
First, it required a minimum population density. For much of their early history, humans existed only in small numbers. This
is due to the fact that early humans relied on hunting and gathering wild foods for their survival. Even the most fertile land would
only support a relatively small number of predators, so it was not until humans began to practice agriculture that they were able to
gather in large enough numbers to form cities.
Furthermore, the development of a city could only be possible if a large number of people shared a common language,
culture and religion. Without such unifying factors, a cooperative, peaceful existence among large numbers of people would have
been impossible.
Finally, it seems that early humans needed to be faced with a large problem, which one small group of individuals could not
solve on its own. Only when large-scale cooperation was needed to overcome a problem would humans come together to form
Question 46: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Factors bringing about the development of human cities C. Why a shared language makes a peaceful human city
D. Problems solved by cooperation of a large group B. How population density affects the development of human cities
Question 47: The word "circumstances" in paragraph 1 mostly means ______.
A. conditions B. preparations C. examples D. events
Question 48: The word "they" in paragraph 2 refers to ______.
A. predators B. humans C. cities D. foods
Question 49: Which of the following enabled people to live together in peace?
A. A large area of fertile land B. A shared belief and value
C. A large and complicated problem D. A group with a minimal number of members
Question 50: Which of the following is NOT needed for the development of a city?
A. a shared culture B. people’s gathering C. peaceful existence D. large-scale collaboration

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST  in meaning
Question 51:  It is imperative that they arrive on time for the lecture.
 A. necessary                      B. suggested                C. Dispensable:k cần thiết                    D. Reluctant:miễn cường
Question 52: The government has passed laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade.
 A. absorbed                         B. Enforced:thi hành                 C. enacted:ban hành                   D. ensured
Mark A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 53: The success of the party was mainly due to the presence of several_______ .
A. celebrations B. celebrated C. celebrities:người nổi tiếng D. celebrates
Question 54:The doctor gave the patient _______ examination to discover the cause of his collapse.
A. a thorough:kiểm tra tổng thể B. an exact C. a universal D. a whole
Question 54: John's________ and efficiency at the company led to his promotion to Sales Manager.
A. punctuality (n)sự đúng giờ B. punctual C. punctuate D. punctually
Question 55: __________ pack can have as big an impact on your holiday as your destination.
A. How do you                 B. How you                  C. However you            D. How did you
Question 56. On no account ___________ in the office be used for personal materials.
A. the photocopy machine B. should the photocopy machines C. the photocopy machines should D. does the photocopy machines
Question 57: Dinosaurs are thought ________ millions of years ago.
A. to die out                    B. to have died out           C. they died out       D. to be dying out
Question 58: “I’m sorry, Mrs. Thomson. I didn’t break the clock ___ purpose,” said the little girl.A. by B. on C. with B. for
Question 59: The police have warned the tourists to look ________ for pickpockets in the shopping centre.
A. away B. down C. out:để ý D. forward to:trông mong
Question 60: ________, Mike always feels lonely and unhappy.
A. Despite his wealthy B. However rich he is C. Rich as is he D. In spite of his being wealth
Question 61: The explorers ________ for two days without food before they ________ a small cottage under an oak.
A. has been walking / saw B. were walking / saw C. had been walking / saw D. walked / had seen
Question 62: ________ blue whale, breathes air through a hole at the top of its head.
A. The B. The largest mammal C. The largest D. The largest mammal, the
Question 63: “Take care of yourself, Kevin.” Kevin: “________.”
A. Yes, I do B. Not at all C. I will D. You’re welcome
Question 64: I think my car needs________. It stops running every five or six miles.
A. to repair B. repairing C. to be repairing D. repaired
Question 65: No sooner ________ home ________ that the house had been broken into.
A. had Ms. Taylor arrived / when she found B. had Ms. Taylor arrived / than she finds
C. had Ms. Taylor arrived / than she found D. did Ms. Taylor arrive / when she found
Question 66: Mark: “Do you think that smoking should be banned in public.” Veronica: “________.”
A. Yes, it’s an absurd idea B. Well, that’s very surprising
C. Of course not. You bet D. There’s no doubt about it.
Question 67: ________ to her cousin’s wedding party, she would not have met her old friend, Bob.
A. If Sarah didn’t go B. If Sarah hasn’t gone C. Had Sarah not gone D. Has Sarah not gone
Question 68:The long journey in an ________ car made the little boy tired out.
A. air-condition B. air-conditioned C. air-conditioner D. air-conditioning
Question 69 : The reporters thought that the football manager would be depressed by his dismissal, but he just ________.
A. ran it down:bôi nhọ B. called it off C. laughed it off:cười trừ D. turned it down:từ chối
Question 70: _______ appears considerably larger at the horizon than it does overhead is merely an optical illusion.
A. The Moon B. The Moon which C. what the Moon D. That the Moon
Question 71: She listened so attentively that not a word_______.
A. she had missed B. she missed C. she didn't miss D. did she miss
Question 72: On hearing the news she fainted and it was half an hour before she came_______ again.
A. round:hồi tỉnh B. up C. over D. forward
Question 73: Once_______ , this product should be kept in a cool , dark place.
A. opening B. opened C. having opened D. being opened
Question 74: Hoa: “Are you going to buy a new computer or just continue using the old one?”
Mary: “_________” A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I’d like one. Thank you.
C. That’s impossible. I can’t afford a new one. D. Neither. I’m going to lease one=>thuê.
Question 75: You have never been to Italy, ________? A. have you B. haven’t you C. did you D. had you
Question 76: You can’t tell what someone is like just from their ___ A. character B. looking C. appearance D. personality
Question 77:About 600 years ago, ________ that glass coated with silver nitrate would turn yellow when fired in an oven.
A. the discovery B. it discovered C. it was discovered D. it was discovering
Question 78: Tom: “Do you want me to give you a hand with the washing?” Maria: “________.”
A. No, thanks. You can say that again B. No, thanks. I can manage it myself
C. Of course, not for me D. Thanks. Your hands are so warm.
Question 79: Jack promised to join us for dinner, but, to our disappointment, he didn’t ________.
A. turn up B. take in C. make off D. pull out
Question 80: I didn’t see the red light at the crossroads. Otherwise, I________ my car.
A. stopped B. had stopped C. would have stopped D. would stop
Question 81: Jonas worked really hard throughout the term, so it was not merely ______ chance that he got straight A’s.
A. off B. from C. by D. in
Question 82: It was such a big meal that we couldn’t finish it.
A. The meal was too very big for us to finish.       B. The meal was too big for us to finish it.
C. The meal was too big for us to finish.               D. The meal was such big that we couldn’t finish it.
Question 83: People think that he was born in a rich family.
A. That is thought he was born in a rich family.      B. He was thought to be born in a rich family.
C. That he was born in a rich family is thought         D. He is thought to have been born in a rich family.
Question 84: The scene is set in Normandy, but most of the characters in this novel are Londoners.
A. In the novel, the action moves backwards and forwards between Normandy and London.
B. The story is about Normandy, but the leading characters are all Londoners.
C. The main characters in the novel are Londoners on a sightseeing holiday in Normandy.
D. In this novel, the story takes place in Normandy but the majority of the characters are from London.
Question 85. We didn’t want to spend a lot of money. We stayed in a cheap hotel.
A. Instead of spending a lot of money, we stayed in a cheap hotel. B. In spite of spending a lot of money, we stayed in a cheap hotel.
C. We stayed in a cheap hotel, but we had to spend a lot of money. D.We didn‘t stay in a cheap hotel as we had a lot of money to spend.

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