mst124 Refresh Scientific Notation

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Refresh Scientific notation

Scientific notation
Any real number can be expressed in the form
(number between 1 and 10, but not including 10) × (power of ten).
For example:
253 = 2.53 × 100 = 2.53 × 102 ,
25.3 = 2.53 × 10 = 2.53 × 101 ,
2.53 = 2.53 × 1 = 2.53 × 100 ,
0.253 = 2.53 × 0.1 = 2.53 × 10−1 ,
0.0253 = 2.53 × 0.01 = 2.53 × 10−2 .
This way of writing a number indicates its order of magnitude as the
exponent, and is useful when calculating using very large or very small
numbers, and particularly so when dealing with a mixture of large and
small numbers. It is commonly referred to as scientific notation but is
also known as standard form. It is this notation which scientific
calculators use to show very large and very small numbers – sometimes the
power is indicated by the letter E (for exponent). For example, 2.53E–1
means 0.253.

Example 1
(a) Express each of the following numbers in scientific notation.
(i) 1 427 000 000 (ii) 8075 (iii) 0.003 27
(iv) 0.5672 (v) 0.000 000 400 7
(b) Express each of the following numbers in full.
(i) 3.298 × 105 (ii) 7.654 × 101 (iii) 1.098 × 10−3
(iv) 3.4 × 10−10
(a) (i) 1.427 × 109 (ii) 8.075 × 103 (iii) 3.27 × 10−3
(iv) 5.672 × 10−1 (v) 4.007 × 10−7
(b) (i) 329 800 (ii) 76.54 (iii) 0.001 098 (iv) 0.000 000 000 34

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