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NAMES: Sandra Liliana Narvaez Calderón ID: 639453

2. AGES: 31 years

3. Please, write three touristic places you have visited in your country.


GUATEMALA Semuc Champey Zona Lago de Atitlán

(Departamento de Arqueológica (Departamento de
Alta Verapaz) Tikal Sololá)
(Departamento de

JAPAN Hiroshima Tokio Yokohama

Mexico Chichén Itzá Cancún e Isla Xochimilco

(Yucatán) Mujeres (Ciudad de
(Quintana Roo) México)

4. Name “Faux pas” (cultural rules) and traditions foreigners should keep in
mind when visiting your country.

Mexico: Japan: Guatemala

1. Travel minimum of five to ten days 1. Know how to speak Portuguese 1. Vaccines and travel insurance

2. Get information about where you are 2. How to get around Japan by 2. Money exchange
going to stay transport
3. know the gastronomy
3. Investigate the weather conditions 3. Budget to travel to Japan, Japan is
of the time you want to travel. not a cheap country
5. Answer the following question:

How long have you been learning English?

I have been a short time, one year

6. Write a list of five activities your group has done to learn English.

Example: We have watched English movies with closed caption in English.

A. Didactic games in English

B. Download applications on the cell phone.
C. Read texts in english
D. Listen to music in English
E. transcribe texts in English

7. As a group, write about the reasons why it is important for you to learn

We want to learn to speak English because it is a very important tool in the work

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