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English Literature

Raquel Valentina García Ramírez

Code 551029

Group 31


Jessica del Socorro Garcia Cardona

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia



Next, we are going to be able to see the resume of the reading and the reflection, sadly, the

participants could not be possible since my platform did not let me log in.

The introductory idea of the text is the problem that exists in the universities with the

“introductory course”, about which the department’s focus is to present to the students, the

work of the department, and a view of the general culture of the field of the department.

And this is taught to two types of students, those who will spend a lot of time specializing

in the subject, and those who will see the subject only for that year. The problem lies when

the teacher is forced to emphasize the formal biographical and historical details of

literature, which, in the meaning and value of it, or in the worst case, leave the student with

simple conformity.

The overall objective of the General English Literature Outline course should be to give

young people knowledge and understanding of the extensive literature in English. That they

are aware and participate in the thinking of the world, that the awakening of enjoyment and

love for books and their authors is stimulated.

But this introductory course objective currently looks degenerate. Since, as the text says

at the beginning, the historical evolutionary details are emphasized, as if the literature were

a completely scientific phenomenon. Too much time is allowed to speak carefully about

political events of the time, rather than touching a chord and spontaneous author.

For a student who goes fully with literature and will continue, this is fine, but for

someone who only saw it for a year, it will leave nothing, hardly some will be intrigued to

know a little more about poetry, theater, essay, novel without being bothered by the

influence of Wordsworth, Shakspere or other authors. It depends on this course, whether

the students like authors with clear vision or if they like merely banal authors.

It is clear that one must speak of historical material, facts, names, and so on. But

balanced teaching strategies must be made between this and in which students feel the

preciousness of literature, and have fun with it, and fall in love with its magic.

It is better to start breaking down literature from what it is, such as studying the great

novels and essays of English literature first. before studying its history. Literary taste must

be obtained not from studying the historical facts of literature, but from studying the works


We can conclude by saying to introduce literature, it must be taught with love towards

the writings so that not only the history of the environment is taught to those writings and

their authors, which in itself is very important to give context to their existence, but that

emphasis be placed on the works themselves, on the feelings of the author, and the magic

that this creates as a whole, to make students fall in love with them and that they want to

delve further into literature.

****I could not go into the forum. ****

Book Chose

The Invisible Man.

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