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“You’re so beautiful in your white dress”; Jacob told me when I was about to

marry his brother Jason.

I was very scared that time. I do not want to marry Jason because I knew that I
am not ready. When I was in the rooftop preparing to go down, I suddenly thought
to run away, to run away from Jason and to run away from the married life. I went to
the plaza, where Jacob and I met and where our strong friendship began. I was there
sitting in my favorite spot, crying and wondering if I did the right thing.

My eyes are full of tears and in the distance I can see a man walking towards
me. It’s Jacob, my one and only bossom friend. Jacob sat down next to me, wiping
the tears from my eyes. I know he has a lot of questions to ask but he prefers to
remain quiet while being with me.

“Jasmine, please come back, they are waiting for you, Jason is waiting for you”,
Jacob uttered. “I promise to Jason that I will be back with you, so please let’s go” he
added. I fronted Jacob and stared to his eyes while saying, “is that the right thing to
do?”. Jacob answered me, “Lend me your ears Jasmine, If you do not want to marry
Jason then go away, go far away, where no one can find you”.

Now, I thought I would have just obeyed what Jacob said, I wish I had just
moved and went far away so that I would not have to suffer like this. Jason and I,
divorced yesterday, he just put away our marriage. I begged him to stay and trying to
put back his love for me but he chose Mina over me and Cathy, our fruit of loins. I
send Cathy to Korea for her to study well. Cathy is my strength, her cheeks like roses
tends me to think that she’s still wet behind the ears to understand the situation
between me and her father.

Other while, I am here in the Philippines, suffering and going through hardships
in searching for any job just to sustain my daily life and to give Cathy allowances.
Sometimes, when I called for an interview, I used to dressed to kill so that I will be an
outstanding among the rest but that is not effective. I became green-eyed person to
those who do not have like a rope of sand kind of job. Because they can easily bring
home the bacon for their family. While me?, I’m suffering a shooting pain where no
one can understand.

Mean while, Jacob is now a successful young man. He is now an editor chief of
the famous publishing company of this country. Jason did not know nothing in my
hand-to-mouth existence. I am scared to tell him because I know he might freak out.
I considered Jacob as my young brother because of our 4 years age gap, I am 30 and
Jacob is 26.

I know where Jacob lives, because he send me the address of him when he told
me to find a caretaker of his house when he goes to work. I am the caretaker of his
house and Jacob didn’t know about that. He always left the salary of mine on the top
of the table. I am doing this because I cannot still find any job to work and to be able
to earn somehow.
One day, as I clean Jacob house, I saw a leaflet of their company saying that they
are hiring of some utility staff. I am graduated as a Marketing student but I put aside
my degree just to be a high school graduate in order to qualify this job. I submit my
biodata to the company where he works. The company then, called me for an

To my surprise, Jacob is one of the interviewer. I can see in his eyes how he was
shocked at that moment. I answered their questions well without being bated breath
even though my heart is beating fast like a running machine. Jacob didn’t say
anything that time. I know how mad he is.

Jacob walk out from the interviewing place. For the first time, I saw the apple of
my eye being upset. I didn’t mind him as I continue buttering up their boss. I put out
my best just to impress the remaining interviewer. The interview has ended and they
told me to wait for their call. As if they will gonna call, duh!.

As I went out to the building, I saw Jacob standing outside. He walk towards me
and say, “Put off that nonsense Jasmine!”. Yes, Jacob shouted and scolded me. I
never faced him. I’m scared and ashamed at the same time.

I turned back and walk away from him. He followed me and grabbed my hand
and we went straight to his car. I never say anything even just one word. He open
the front seat and made me sit. He sat at the driver seat ,started to drive and we
headed to his home.

He went straight to the kitchen and without a word he cooked immediately. I sat
down to his chair and stared him from his back. He then finished cooking and we
started to eat. “Eat well, because I know that you have a lot to tell me”, Jacob said as
he broke the silence between us.

I realized that time, that I have to tell Jacob what happened between me and
Jason. I also have to tell him that I suffered a lot because of what happened. I started
telling him my whole story. Still as usual, Jacob is always listening to me.

I know that no can understand me in this world except Jacob. Finally, Jacob put
up with my decision to work in their company if I would given a chance. He also said
that I should live with him because he knows that I am alone in my house. And of
course, I agreed to that.

The days run into weeks as I waiting the call from their company. But one day, to
my surprise, an unknown number is calling me. I answered it immediately. I became
stone deaf as I heard the voice in other line. That is Jacob’s company, they happily
told me that I passed their interview and should start my work tomorrow.

Being an utility staff doesn’t mind me at all. As long as I have my work, I am

contented. I became a light sleeper that night because of my excitement. Who would
have thought that I can still be able to find a job. I thought before that finding job is
like a castle of sand. I thought that I cannot find a job until I am in God’s acre.

Today, I started my new job. I enter the company with a full smile. I greeted my
co-workers and went straight to my duties. I saw Jacob at the building but we choose
to keep distance in the work because our co-workers didn’t know that we know each
other and we live in one place.

I continued to work well. Until one day, I was promoted as a utility manager.
And oh !, Jacob and I were officially dating. Yes!, I didn’t thought that he loved me.
And I also didn’t realize that I have the same feelings with him, because I was just
blinded of the idea that I was older than him.

In all that I have gone through, I never thought my life would be stable. I have
my child, I have my job and I have my Jacob. I know what I went through were just
blows in life. And I also know that all of us who lives here on earth will experience
the darkness I have experienced. But just be strong and think that there is always a
God who is willing to support you and save your life.

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