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The oldest living things on Earth are trees. Some of California's sequoias have for four
thousand years looked down on the changes in the landscape and the comings and goings
of humans. They sprouted from tiny seeds about the time the Egyptian pyramids were being
built. Today these giant patriarchs seem as remote and inaccessible as the rocks and
mountain cliffs on which they grow, like cathedral columns holding up the sky. It is hard to
imagine them playing any part in the lives of mere humans or being in any way affected by
the creatures that pass at their feet.
Lesser trees, however, have played an intimate role in the lives of people since they first
appeared on Earth. Trees fed the fires that warmed humans: they provided shelter, food and
medicine and even clothing. They also shaped people's spiritual horizons. Trees expressed
the grandeur and mystery of life, as they moved through the cycle of seasons, from life to
death and back to life again. Trees were the largest living things around humans and they
knew that some trees had been standing on the same spot in their parent's and
grandparents' time, and would continue to stand long after they were gone. No wonder
these trees became symbols of strength, fruitfulness, and everlasting life.

1. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Trees grow to great heights.
B. Trees have been important to people throughout history.
C. Trees make humans seem superior.
D. Trees that grow in California are very old.
E. Tress expressed the grandeur and mystery of life.

2. The author implies that, compared with sequoias, other trees have
A. Been in existence longer
B. Adapted more readily to their environments
C. Been affected more by animals
D. Had a closer relationship with people
E. Not playing any part in the lives of mere humans

3. Water is one of the most important substances in life. By drinking pure water
continuously, we‟ll get a lot of benefits. First, water can moisturizes our skin, keeps it fresh
and gets rid of wrinkles. Then, pure water helps maintenance our body temperature since
our body is 70% composed by water. Third, Pure water helps relieve and prevent
headaches which are commonly caused by dehydration.

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
From the text, we can infer that the text message us to ________________.

A. Purify the water

B. Save water
C. Start drinking pure water continuously
D. Find another better substance than water
E. Start a new research about water

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. He was the illegitimate son
of Ser Piero, a Florentine notary and landlord, but lived on the estate and was treated as a
legitimate son.
In 1483, Leonardo da Vinci drew the first model of a helicopter. It did not look very
much like our modern day “copter,” but the idea of what it could do was about the same.
Leonardo was an artist and sculptor. He was very interested in motion and movement
and tried to show it in his art. In order to show movement, he found it helpful to study the
way things moved. One subject he liked to study was birds and how they flew. He spent
many hours watching the birds and examining the structure of their wings. He noticed how
they cupped air with their wings and how the feathers helped hold the air. Through these
studies, Leonardo began to understand how birds were able to fly.
Like many other men, Leonardo began to dream of the day when people would be
able to fly. He designed a machine that used all the things he had learned about flight, and
thus became the first model of a helicopter.
Poor Leonardo had only one problem, however. He had no way to give the necessary
speed to his invention. You see, motors had not yet been invented and speed 19 was an
important part of the flying process. It would be another four hundred years before the
engine was invented and another fifty years before it was put to the test in an airplane.
Leonardo‟s dream of a helicopter finally came to pass in 1936.
The Italian painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, and scientist, Leonardo died on May 2,
1519, and was buried in the cloister of San Fiorentino in Amboise.

4. The word problem in paragraph five could best be replaced by the word:
A. dilemma
B. mistake
C. danger
D. pain

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
5. The word it in paragraph two refers to:
A. Leonardo da Vinci
B. The first model helicopter
C. 1483
D. motion and movement

6. The word illegitimate in paragraph one is closest in meaning to:

A. against the law or illegal
B. not in correct usage
C. incorrectly deduced; illogical
D. born out of wedlock

7. What was the main problem with Leonardo‟s invention?

A. motors were not yet invented
B. the birds lost their feathers
C. he was illegitimate
D. he couldn‟t draw

8. The word thus in the fourth paragraph could best be replaced by:
A. Hence
B. After
C. Unsuitably
D. Inappropriately

Mount Kilauea in Hawaii continues to erupt with the lava flows like syrup. Meanwhile,
Mount Merapi in Indonesia also begins to show eruptions that are not caused by water vapor
pressure as it happens with Mount Kilauea. When these two events become headlines in
media, a question arises, “Are magma and lava different?” The difference between magma
and lava is about their location. When geologists refer to magma, they are talk about molten
rock which is still trapped underground. If this molten rock surfaces above the ground, it is
referred to as lava. Magma has a varied chemical composition, which makes volcanoes
containing magma have different properties.

Based on its composition, magma is categorized into two types, namely mafic magma
and silica magma. Mafic magma, like in Hawaii, is formed when the crust that makes up the
ocean floor melts. This type of magma contains 47 to 63 percent silica, a mineral that forms
glass and quartz. Mafic magma has a fairly fluid feature, with viscosity – a measurement of
the resistance to flow, which is affected by pressure. Mafic is the hottest type. The
temperature of the mafic magma reaches 1,800 to 2,200 oF, or 1,204oC.

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
In contrast to mafic magma, silica magma is formed when continental crusts melt.
Visually, for many people, silica magma looks more interesting than mafic magma. Rhyolite, a
type of magma with a very rich silica content, can reach 1,500 oF or 815oC. Because silica
magma is cooler and thicker than mafic magma, the gas content in it becomes difficult and
longer to release. This makes silica magma more dangerous. The more gas is formed in the
magma, the greater the explosion of the magma. When the gas content in the silica magma
is released, it will form bursting bubbles in the magma. This event is similar to opening a
packaged soda that has been previously shaken. The resulting steam flow will trigger a huge

One of the mountains formed from the silica magma is Mount Pinatubo in the island of
Luzon, the Philippines. In the case of the Hawaiian Volcano, this mountain does not contain
high silica magma. The explosive power of this mountain is not strong. Instead, this mountain
will gradually spout and discharge its contents.

9. The phrase „Based in its composition’ in paragraph 2 can be replace by ….

A. Whenever considering its types
B. With regard to its basic structures
C. Referring to its constituent elements
D. In terms of the origin
E. Regarding its nature

10. The main reason for the writing the passage is …

A. A false understanding of the concept of lava formation
B. Incomplete data regarding the dangers of magma and lava
C. Confusing information regarding the nature of magma and lava
D. Lack of understanding of the characteristics and types of magma
E. Misconception on the information about the danger of hot lava and magma

How do honey bees communicate especially in making honey? Certainly the basic means
used to communicate is not a language like human language. Honey bees have their own
way of communicating. with that communication system, honey bees can understand each
other. To collect nectar, a sweet essence found in flowers, which is the main liquid for making
honey, honey bees communicate with other honey bees by performing dances. When a
honey bee discovers nectar sources, it will return to the nest and do the dance. The dance
actually tell other honey bees about the source of the nectar they have found. The dance also
explains how far the distance must be traveled and direction to go. The number of curves in
each minute shows how far the food source is. The farther the distance from the food source,
the less number 8 is made by the honey bee.

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
When a honey bee finds the source of nectar within a certain distance from its nest, it
returns to the nest and drop the honey droplet, which is then immediately walled by other
honey bees. The honey bee begins to dance in a circle. First, this honey bee rotates, then
turns again in the opposite direction, then rotates again in the opposite direction and so on.
This dance is called twist dance or round dance. The other honey bees not only observe, but
also participate in dancing, imitating the dance, after dancing, this honey bee goes to the
source of honey. Other honey bees do not follow, but fly in all directions. Shortly thereafter,
the honey bees find the new food source. Based on the smell of honey too, honey bees can
determine the type of flowers as the source of nectar.

In an experiment in the Munich Botanical Gardens, honey bees that were informed by a
dancer honey bee found the correct flower which at that time there were 700 types of flower
in the bloom. So, the honey bee dance tells others to get out of the nest, and look for the
source of honey around the nest, and the smell of the honey covering the dancer‟s body tells
the honey bees what flowers to look for.

11. The Phrase „basic means’ in paragraph 1 is replaceable by …..

A. decisive way
B. important tool
C. essential factor
D. main medium
E. important vehicle

12. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. the bee dance conveys a message of the distance and source of food
B. dance is a way for bees to communicate with each other about their food
C. the way bee dances shows the presence of food sources from the nest
D. different bee dance performances have to do with the position of the food source
E. The bee dance performed communicates the site, distance, and the type of the nectar

13. The author‟s intention writing a sentence „based on the smell of honey as well, the bee can
determine the type of flower that is the source of reported nectar’ in paragraph is to
A. describe other information communicated by honey bees in addition to dancing
B. confirm that honey bee dancing can also communicate the smell of the honey
C. connect between the smell of honey and the type of honey sources
D. Imply that honey bees communicate through various means
E. Inform the meaning of the dance and the source of honey

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
Guerrilla marketing is a new marketing uses surprise and/or unconventional
interactions in promoting a product or service. Guerrilla marketing emphasizes personal
interaction. It has a smaller budget. It also focuses on smaller groups of promoters. In guerilla
marketing, companies rely on in-your-face promotions. These are done through viral
marketing or word-of-mounth. The purpose is to reach a broader audience for free.
Connection to the emotions of a consumer is key. The use of this tactic is often designed for
more edgy products and younger consumers. Guerrilla marketing may take place in public
places. Some examples are streets, concerts, parks, festivals, beaches, and shopping centers.
One key element of guerrilla marketing is choosing the right time and place to conduct a
campaign. This is important to avoid potential legal issues.

14. The underlined word „edgy‟ in the passage means ...

A. Conventional
B. Prestigious
C. Innovative
D. Expensive
E. Simple

15. The underlined word „may‟ in the passage is used to express

A. Wish
B. Offer
C. Prediction
D. Possibility
E. Permission

16. Based on the passage, businesses which employ guerrilla marketing count on
A. Direct
B. Facial
C. Digital
D. Integrated
E. Progressive

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
Passage A

Secondhand smoke is the smoke that is exhaled or that comes from the burning end of a
cigarette, pipe, or cigar. Secondhand smoke can come in through cracks in the walls. It can
hang around in hallways and doorways where people have been smoking. Breathing
someone else‟s smoke can be deadly, especially if you live or work in a place where people
smoke. That is why it is so important for smokers to go all the way outside if they want a
cigarette. When one person smokes inside, it can cause problems for everyone else. Children
who are around tobacco smoke in their homes have more health problems like asthma and
ear infections. They are sicker and stay in bed more. They miss more school days than
children whose homes are smoke-free. Babies who live in homes with secondhand smoke are
more likely to die as infants than other babies.

Passage B
The first conclusive evidence on the danger of passive smoking came from Takeshi
Hirayama‟s study in 1981 on lung cancer in non smoking Japanese women married to men
who smoked. Although the tobacco industry immediately launched a multi million dollar
campaign to discredit the evidence, dozens of further studies have confirmed the link.
Research then broadened into other areas and new scientific evidence continues to
accumulate. The risk of lung cancer in nonsmokers exposed to passive smoking is increased
by between 20 and 30 percent, and the excess risk of heart disease is 23 percent. Children are
at particular risk from adults‟ smoking. Adverse health effects include pneumonia and
bronchitis, coughing and wheezing, worsening of asthma, middle ear diseases, and possibly
neuro-behavioural impairment and cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. A pregnant
woman‟s exposure to other people‟s smoking can harm her fetus. The effects are
compounded when the child is exposed to passive smoking after birth.

17. Which of the following themes is mainly discussed in the passages?

A. The illnesses linked to passive smoking.
B. The disadvantages of smoking.
C. The danger of becoming smokers
D. The benefit of being a non smoker
E. The danger of being a passive smoker

18. Which of the following opinions is mentioned in both passages?

A. Serious diseases in smokers may result from chain smoking.
B. Active smokers‟ smoke endangers passive smokers.
C. Smoking endangers smokers living with nonsmokers.
D. Evidence on the danger of passive smoking is conclusive.
E. Smoking affects the health of a baby of a pregnant woman.

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
19. Both passages can be best summarized as which of the following?
A. Smokers and non-smokers are likely to get smoking-related diseases.
B. Children and pregnant women tend to get various diseases
C. Children of smoking pregnant women will be likely to smoke.
D. Many smokers will not have serious health problems in their life.
E. Non-smokers living with smokers are likely to get health problems.

20. Based on the passages, it can be hypotheszed that ... .

A. by avoiding passive smoking, chances of getting deadly illnesses are lesser.
B. More people will surely die in the environment of smokers.
C. Home settings determine whether somebody will smoke or not.
D. A baby born from a mother who smokes will tend to be a smoker.
E. Evidence of lung cancer will be greater in the baby of a smoking mother.

Teks berikut digunakan untuk menjawab soal nomor 21 - 24.
(1) Pendidikan adalah proses internalisasi budaya ke dalam diri seseorang dan
masyarakat sehingga membuat orang dan masyarakat jadi beradab. (2) Pendidikan bukan
hanya merupakan sarana transfer ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi lebih luas lagi, yakni sebagai
sarana pembudayaan dan penyaluran nilai (enkulturisasi dan sosialisasi). (3) Anak harus
mendapatkan pendidikan yang menyentuh dimensi dasar kemanusiaan. (4) Dimensi
kemanusiaan itu mencakup sekurang-kurangnya tiga hal paling mendasar.
(5) Pendidikan karakter adalah pendidikan budi pekerti plus, yaitu yang melibatkan
aspek pengetahuan, perasaan, dan tindakan. (6) Menurut Lickona, tanpa ketiga aspek itu,
pendidikan karakter tidak akan efektif. (7) Dengan pendidikan karakter yang diterapkan
secara sistematis dan berkelanjutan, seorang anak akan menjadi cerdas emosinya. (8)
Kecerdasan emosi ini adalah bekal penting dalam mempersiapkan anak menyongsong masa
depan. (9) Terdapat sembilan pilar karakter yang berasal dari nilai- nilai luhur universal, yaitu
karater cinta Tuhan dan segenap ciptaan-Nya; kemandirian dan tanggung jawab;
kejujuran/amanah dan diplomatis; hormat dan santun; dermawan, suka menolong, dan
gotong royang/kerja sama; percaya diri dan pekerja keras; kepemimpinan dan keadilan; baik
dan rendah hati; serta toleran dan cinta damai.

21. Manakah gagasan utama paragraf ke-1?

A. Pendidikan dikenal setiap orang.
B. Pendidikan adalah internalisasi budaya.
C. Pendidikan bukan saran transfer ilmu.
D. Pendidikan merupakan pembudayaan.
E. Pendidikan harus berdimensi kemanusiaan.

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
22. Manakah pertanyaan yang jawabannya terdapat dalam paragraf ke-2?
A. Mengapa pendidikan karakter merupakan pendidikan budi pekerti?
B. Mengapa kecerdasan emosi penting dalam mempersiapkan masa depan?
C. Bagaimana pendidikan karakter yang sistematis dan berkelanjutan?
D. Bagaimana pendapat Lickona tentang aspek pendidikan karakter?
E. Siapa yang mengemukakan sembilan pilar karakter berasal dari nilai luhur

23. Apa perbedaan gagasan antarparagraf dalam teks tersebut?

A. Paragraf pertama memaparkan pendidikan karakter secara umum, sedangkan
paragraf kedua memaparkan pendidikan karakter secara khusus. diantara buku
yang dipinjam terdapat buku E, buku D tidak dapat dipilih.
B. Paragraf pertama memaparkan konsep pendidikan karakter, sedangkan paragraf
kedua memaparkan unsur pendidikan karakter.
C. Paragraf pertama memaparkan pendidikan secara umum, sedangkan paragraf
kedua memaparkan tujuan pendidikan secara khusus.
D. Paragraf pertama memaparkan konsep pendidikan secara umum, sedangkan
paragraf kedua memaparkan konsep pendidikan karakter
E. Paragraf pertama memaparkan pendidikan secara umum, sedangkan paragraf
kedua memaparkan manfaat pendidikan karakter.

24. Apa kelemahan paragraf ke-1?

A. Tidak ada hubungan antara penjelasan kecerdasan emosi (kalimat 8) dengan
Sembilan pilar karakter (kalimat 9).
B. Plus pada pendidikan budi pekerti (kalimat 5) tidak dijelaskan secara rinci pada
bagian berikutnya.
C. Penjelasan tentang pendidikan sebagai saran transfer ilmu (kalimat 2)
bertentangan dengan konsep pendidikan (kalimat 1).
D. Tidak ada hubungan antara ketiga aspek yang dimaksud Lickona (kalimat 6)
dengan nilai plus pada pendidikan budi pekerti (kalimat 5).
E. Penjelasan tentang kecerdasan emosi (kalimat 7) tidak berkaitan dengan
pendidikan karakter (kalimat 6)

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
25. Bacalah teks berikut!
Penduduk desa binaan Ridwan Kamil, mulai membajak sawah. Mereka akan
menanam padi karena musim hujan sudah hadir.

Penggunaan kata yang tidak tepat pada paragraf di atas adalah ....
A. Binaan
B. Membajak
C. Musim
D. Hadir
E. Hujan

26. Hitam, hitam sekali penghidupan perempuan bangsa kita di masa silam, lebih hitam, lebih
kelam, dari malam yang gelap! Perempuan bukan manusia seperti laki-laki yang
mempunyai pikiran dan pemandangan sendiri, yang mempunyai hidup sendiri.
Perempuan hanya hamba sahaya, perempuan hanya budak yang harus bekerja dan
melahirkan anak bagi laki-laki, dengan tiada memiliki hak. Setinggi-tingginya ia menjadi
perhiasan, menjadi permainan, yang dimulia-muliakan selagi disukai, tetapi dibuang dan
ditukar, apabila telah kabur cahayanya, telah hilang sarinya. Sebagaimana pepatah
menyatakan habis manis sepah dibuang.

Kalimat yang dicetak miring dalam paragraf tersebut menggunakan majas yang
memiliki bentuk sama dengan kalimat ...

A. Tidak, saya tidak mau lagi bertemu dengan dia, tidak juga sekarang dan
B. Anak, cucu, ayah, ibu, nenek, kakek sampai bebuyutan hadir dalam pesta
upacara adat itu.
C. Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, serta Saudara-saudara saya minta kita harus tetap
bersatu padu.
D. Sekali merdeka, kita harus tetap mempertahankan dalam berbagai hal.
E. Pangkat, jabatan, uang itu bagiku tidak ada artinya selain cinta yang sejati.

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
27. Velina adalah seorang gadis tercantik di kampung Naga. Kecantikannya yang luarbiasa
membuat seorang Pangeran dari Sangkuriang jatuh hati padanya. Namun, teman-teman
sebayanya merasa iri dan berkata, “Kau tak usah sok cantik, Pangeran mustahil suka

Peribahasa yang sesuai dengan kata yang dicetak miring adalah ....
A. Pecah anak buyung, tempayan ada
B. Tak ada gading yang tak retak
C. Langkas buah papaya
D. Batu hitam tak bersanding
E. Laut mana yang tak berombak, bumi mana yang tak ditimpa hujan

Cermatilah kutipan berita berikut ini untuk menjawab soal nomor 28 dan 29 !
Berita 1
Kematian Theressa membuat masyarakat India geram. Bagaimana tidak ? Gadis kecil yang
dikabarkan meninggal ini, ternyata dinyatakan meninggal terkubur di halaman rumahnya
sendiri. Ironisnya, kematian Theressa ini disebabkan oleh orang terdekatnya sendiri. Semasa
hidupnya, Gadis kecil itu tidak mendapatkan perhatian oleh ibu angkatnya. Bahkan dia
diperlakukan seperti pembantu.

Berita 2
Polisi akhirnya menetapkan seorang dosen yang diduga menelantarkan keempat anaknya.
Menurut penyelidik, anak – anaknya dibiarkan tinggal di tempat yang tidak layak huni.
Bahkan, salah satu anaknya tidak diperbolehkan masuk ke rumah, sehingga dia harus tidur di
pos ronda. Setelah dilakukan penyelidikan lebih lanjut. Ternyata, tersangka juga merupakan
seorang pecandu narkoba.

28. Kesamaan isi yang disampaikan pada teks kutipan berita di atas adalah ?
A. Kekerasan anak disebabkan oleh orang tua kandung
B. Kasus penelantaran anak
C. Kasus pembunuhan anak
D. Kasus penyalahgunaan narkoba
E. Kasus penyadapan

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
29. Perbedaan urutan penyampaian informasi di atas adalah ?
A. Teks 1 Siapa, Apa, mengapa ; Teks 2 Siapa, mengapa, apa
B. Teks 1 Apa, Kenapa, Bagaimana ; Teks 2 Siapa, Apa, kenapa
C. Teks 1 Kenapa, Apa, bagaimana ; Teks 2 Siapa, Kenapa, Apa
D. Teks 1 Bagaimana, Apa, Kenapa ; Teks 2 Apa, Siapa, Kenapa
E. Teks 1 Siapa, Apa, kenapa ; Teks 2 Apa, Kenapa, Bagaimana

30. Perhatikan data buku berikut ini !

Judul buku : Kisah Cinta Mimo di Perancis
Penulis : Dadang Ferguson
Penerbit : Gramidia
Tahun : 2019
Tempat : Jakarta

Penulisan daftar pustaka yang benar adalah ?

A. Ferguson, Dadang. 2019. Kisah Cinta Mimo di Perancis. Jakarta: Gramidia
B. Dadang, Ferguson. 2019. Kisah Cinta Mimo di Perancis. Jakarta: Gramidia
C. Ferguson, Dadang. Kisah Cinta Mimo di Perancis. Jakarta: Gramidia. 2019
D. Dadang, Ferguson. Kisah Cinta Mimo di Perancis. Jakarta. 2019: Gramidia.
E. Dadang, Ferguson. Kisah Cinta Mimo di Perancis. Jakarta. 2019. Gramidia.

Teks berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 31 sampai 35.

Lautan Sabang adalah pintu masuk ke Selat Malaka. Tampak jauh di lepas laut, sesekali kapal
tanker atau kapal bermuatan kontainer lewat. Bisa dibayangkan, dulu saat Perang Dunia 2
yang lewat adalah kapal-kapal perang Amerika dan sekutunya. Meriam jenis coastal defense
milik Jepang tersebut menembakan peluru ke arah kapal-kapal itu agar mereka tak memasuki
Selat Malaka sebagai pintu masuk kawasan Asia Tenggara, Kawasan yang di akhir Perang
Dunia 2 dikuasai Jepang.
Sejarah Sabang tak bisa terlepas dari sejarah kolonial Portugis, Belanda, hingga Jepang di
Perang Dunia 2. Pada 12 Maret 1942 pukul 00:00, dengan sandi “Operation T”, satu batalyon
Divisi Darat Kobayashi Kekaisaran Jepang, mendarat di Sabang. Dalam kurun waktu 1942 –
1945 Sabang menjadi pangkalan angkatan laut Jepang yang besar untuk menghadapi
sekutu. Tak heran jika di Pulau Weh banyak sekali peninggalan militer Jepang. Ada bunker-
bunker yang sebagian masih bisa dikunjungi, bekas benteng, bahkan bekas lokasi
pembantaian yang memilukan.
(1) Beberapa bunker dan benteng yang masih terawat dan mudah bisa dikunjungi
adalah BentengAnoi Itam di Kawasan Anoi Itam dan bekas benteng di kawasan Sabang Fair.
(2) Sabang Fair tepat berada di pinggir pantai yang menghadap ke mulut Teluk Sabang, sisi
utara Pulau Weh. (3) Di deretan Pantai itu, tepatnya di sisi sebelah kiri ada Pelabuhan Sabang.

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JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
(4) Ada bekas ruang meriam dan amunisi. (5) Sayangnya, laras-laras meriam itu sudah tidak
berada di bunkernya, tapi dipindahkan ke halaman Sabang Fair.

Berjalan 34kearah selatan melalui jalan aspal mulus, sekitar setengah jam (kurang lebih 12
kilometer), kita akan sampai di Benteng Anoi Itam. Benteng ini lokasinya sangat strategis.
Letaknya di puncak tebing tepi pantai, menghadap ke mulut Selat Malaka dari arah Laut
Andaman. Ada beberapa 35bunker tempat menyimpan amunisi dan sebuah bunker atau
benteng pertahanan dengan sebuah meriam 36coastal defense. Sayangnya, meriam itu
sudah tidak utuh, hanya tinggal larasnya saja. Untuk mencapai tempat ini, kita harus naik
tangga. Bunker pertama ada di sebelah kanan tangga.

31. Kata bentukan yang salah pada paragraf pertama terdapat pada ….
A. sesekali
B. bermuatan
C. menembakan
D. memasuki
E. dikuasai

32. Pada kalimat bercetak tebal, tanda koma seharusnya dituliskan pada ….
A. Sebelum kata Sabang
B. Sebelum kata yang
C. Sebelum kata untuk
D. Sebelum dan sesudah kata Jepang
E. Sesudah kata waktu dan sebelum kata Sabang

33. Penulisan huruf kapital tidak tepat pada paragraf ketiga terdapat pada kalimat nomor ….
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (4)
E. (5)

B. ke-arah
C. arah
D. ke arah
E. ke

Bimbel JILC Indonesia JILCMEDIA jilc.official

JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982


B. “bunker”
C. bungker
D. bunker
E. “bungker”



B. coastal defense
C. Coastal Defense
D. “coastal defense”
E. koastal defen

Ketua Dewan Pengurus Sustainable Coffee Platform of Indonesia (SCOPI), Irvan Helmi,
mengatakan bahwa sekitar 96 persen produksi kopi di Indonesia berasal dari perkebunan

yang dimiliki oleh petani. 2Hanya saja produktivitasnya masih rendah, yaitu berkisar 700
kilogram (kg) per hektar (ha). Ia menyebutkan bahwa rendahnya produktivitas ini
dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, seperti minimnya akses ke pengetahuan untuk melakukan

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), penanganan pascapanen, akses ke pasar, dan akses ke

pembiayaan. 4Lahan perkebunan kopi di Indonesia, menurutnya, lebih luas dari Vietnam.
Dari segi produktivitas, kopi Indonesia masih di bawah Vietnam.
Sementara itu, Menteri Koperasi dan UKM, Teten Masduki, menyatakan bahwa

kementerian berupaya menjadikan koperasi sebagai pusat bisnis komoditas kopi. 7Petani kopi

perorangan akan dikonsolidasi ke lembaga koperasi untuk mengatasi berbagai kendala yang
dihadapi petani. 8Menurutnya, dengan mengkonsolidasikan petani ke wadah koperasi, lahan

milik petani pun ikut dikonsolidasi. 9Kemudian, dilakukan konsolidasi pola tanam yang
baik, konsolidasi sumber daya di pemerintahan, dan konsolidasi pembiayaan. Berbagai
konsolidasi tersebut diyakini mendorong peningkatan produktivitas kopi dan memperkuat

posisi tawar petani.

Dikutip dari

Bimbel JILC Indonesia JILCMEDIA jilc.official

JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982
37. Penulisan ejaan yang tidak tepat terdapat pada kalimat ….
A. 1
B. 4
C. 5
D. 7
E. 8

38. Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan bacaan di atas adalah …

A. Menteri Koperasi dan UKM akan melakukan konsolidasi untuk mendorong
peningkatan produktivitas kopi.
B. Produktivitas kopi di Indonesia lebih rendah daripada produktivitas kopi di Vietnam,
yaitu 700 kilogram per hektar.
C. Irvan Helmi akan melakukan konsolidasi terhadap petani kopi perorangan ke lembaga
D. Lahan perkebunan Vietnam lebih sempit daripada lahanm perkebunan Indonesia,
tetapi produktivitasnya lebih tinggi.
E. Rendahnya produktivitas kopi di Indonesia disebabkan oleh minimnya penanganan
pascapanen dan akses ke pasar.

39. Berikut ini adalah sinonim dari kata produktivitas, kecuali ….

A. Infertilitas
B. Daya produksi
C. Kapasitas produksi
D. Kreativitas
E. Keproduktifan

40. Bacaan di atas menggunakan konjungsi penjelas, yaitu kata ….

A. Dan
B. Bahwa
C. Sebagai
D. Untuk
E. Kemudian

Bimbel JILC Indonesia JILCMEDIA jilc.official

JILC Perintis (Pusat) Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 8 No. 21-22 Makassar, (0411) - 580982

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