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Your Relationship in times of Crisis

There is a Family living far away from their hometown. They are rich. Whatever
they want, they get it right away. They are not generous to other people. Suddenly,
something bad happened, their Father had a serious illness. Their father is in the
hospital for treatment but no matter what medication is taken he does not recover. They
are angry with God because their father is still not healing. This family was not religious;
they don’t have a good relationship with God. But because of what happened they
learned to pray to God. They always prayed for their father to be healed. Until one day,
their father was healed. Since then, their family has been generous to other people and
they also provide help to the churches and most of all they have learned to pray and
have a good relationship to God even not in times of crisis.

The breakdown of relationship is a time of tremendous crisis. During these times,

there is not only a sense of loss, but we are overcome with a sense of failure or defeat.
We may be feeling anger, guilt, revenge, worthlessness, depression or denial. If there
are children involved, the messiness and pain extends to innocent ones we love, and
often for a very long time. This can appear to be a most difficult time to pray. We might
be either too ashamed to turn to God, too afraid of what God will say, or simply ready to
blame God for not rescuing me from this terrible tragedy. And, if we have neglected our
relationship with God in the "good times," it seems to be too much to try to "develop" in
this time of crisis.

Similar to what is happening today. Almost everyone is already praying for the
virus to disappear.

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