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JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) – Vol 5, No 1 (2021), 61-76

ISSN 2503-3166 (print); ISSN 2503-3182 (online)

DOI: 10.21580/jsw.2021.5.1.7022

COVID-19 Responsive Village: The Importance of

Involving Persons with Disabilities∗

Dian Karinawati Imron,1** Marthella Rivera Roidatua2

1, 2 Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration

Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta – Indonesia


Persons with disabilities deal with complex challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those who live in
the villages. The pandemic situation has brought limitations for persons with disabilities to get proper services both
in health and social assistance. The strict regulation during COVID-19 became challenging for rural villages. Persons
with disabilities as a vulnerable group is an essential part of inclusive development. This research aims to identify
why involving persons with disabilities matters and analyze how rural villages implement inclusive development
without 'leaving no one behind'. The method of the study is mixed-method. The result shows that involving persons
with disabilities has significant impacts on the village development during pandemics. The study concludes that it is
important to manage inclusive management both in village development and space provision for the organizations
working with persons with disabilities to accommodate the needs and empowerment of the persons with

Penyandang disabilitas menghadapi tantangan yang kompleks selama pandemi COVID-19, terutama yang tinggal
di pedesaan. Situasi pandemi membatasi penyandang disabilitas untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang layak baik
di bidang kesehatan maupun aspek sosial. Peraturan ketat selama COVID-19 menjadi tantangan bagi penyandang
disabilitas di desa. Penyandang disabilitas sebagai kelompok yang rentan merupakan bagian penting dari
pembangunan inklusif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pentingnya melibatkan penyandang
disabilitas dalam pembangunan dan menganalisis bagaimana desa melaksanakan pembangunan inklusif tanpa
'meninggalkan siapa pun’. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode campuran. Metode mix-method dilaksanakan
melalui dua tahap. Tahap pertama fokus pada aspek kuantitatif dan tahap kedua menganalisis temuan untuk
kemudian menggali pemahaman yang mendalam tentang pembangunan inklusif. Kesimpulan penelitian
menggambarkan bahwa melibatkan penyandang disabilitas memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap
pembangunan desa selama pandemi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah pentingnya pengelolaan inklusif baik
dalam pembangunan desa, penyediaan ruang bagi penyandang disabilitas maupun organisasi untuk
mengaspirasikan kebutuhan kelompok dan upaya pemberdayaan penyandang disabilitas.

Keywords: inclusive development; persons with disabilities; village, pandemic;


∗ The original draft of this article has been presented on the 6th International Conference on Social and Political Sciences
(ICOSAPS) 2020: "Strengthening Resilient Society in the Disruptive Era" at Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia.
**Corresponding Author: Dian Karinawati Imron (, Jl. TMP Kalibata No. 17, Jakarta
Selatan,12750, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia.

Copyright © 2021 JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) │ 61

Dian Karinawati Imron, Marthella Rivera Roidatua

Introduction a low quality of health facilitation, economic

strain, and social barrier (Aulia, Siti Asiah, and
The COVID-19 pandemic has a profound
Irfan 2021; Ndaumanu 2020). Persons with
impact on persons with disabilities (PwD). The
disabilities who live in villages have limited
regulation regarding physical distancing and
access to information, such as accessing the
large-scale social restriction limit the mobility of
internet and transportation due to geographic
persons with disabilities (Leocani et al. 2020;
conditions, poor human resource management,
Peters 2020). These rules have changed persons
and underdeveloped governance (Peters 2020).
with disabilities' lives in health, social live, and
economy. Aspects of the health of persons with Persons with disabilities in these villages deal
disabilities such as diabetes, heart problems, with the uncertainty of quality sanitation and
respiratory problems, and lower immunity difficulty to practice standardized health
levels make persons with disabilities more protocols (Sakellariou, Malfitano, and Rotarou
susceptible to exposure to COVID-19 (WHO 2020). People with special disabilities require
2020a). This fact shows how people with different accommodations. These people include
disabilities are at a high risk during a pandemic those with intellectual disabilities, persons with
(Kavanagh et al. 2020; UNHR 2020). World disabilities who need therapy, and blind and deaf
Health Organization (2020b) revealed the people. People with intellectual disabilities and
enormous risk of being exposed to COVID-19 for severe disabilities need a companion in their
persons with disabilities in relation to congenital daily life and therapy (Leocani et al. 2020).
medical conditions, barriers to implementing Large-scale social restrictions restrain persons
health protocols, and various accessibility. with disabilities from obtaining health facilities
because of the public transportation restriction
There are approximately 37.1 million
regulation. Blind citizens rely on touches when
persons with disabilities in Indonesia. Regulation
doing their activities. This condition would
Number 8 the Year 2016 regarding persons with
position persons with disabilities in a vulnerable
disabilities states that persons with disabilities
situation (Lebrasseur et al. 2021). Persons with
have a right to safety and security in disaster
physical disabilities that use crutches and
situations. This regulation explains that persons
wheelchairs also need assistance to maintain
with disabilities have the right to access
their clean equipment, such as with dis-
information, gain knowledge in disaster risk
infectants. Also, deaf people require a Sign
reduction, be evacuated when necessary, and get
Language interpreter for information acces-
proper facilities. In addition, Regulation number
sibility. People with the different types of
6 Year 2014, especially Article 20 concerning
disabilities require different accommodations to
local village authority, also gives power for the
be fulfilled.
villagers to make decisions for handling disasters
due to conditions for persons with disabilities. The COVID-19 responsive village program is
However, the strict regulation during the COVID- a program in which the village officials are
19 pandemic has made the situation more required to provide equal assistance for all
challenging for rural villages that generally have villagers. However, persons with disabilities are

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neglected in government criteria and political Also, social barriers become more challenging if
participation (Aulia et al. 2021; Febriantanto the social environment of persons with
2019). The challenge also occurs from the disabilities has low less awareness and negative
budget allocation and legal support from attitude towards persons with disabilities.
government (Irawan 2017; Pudyatmoko and
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Re-
Dewi 2017). Moreover, the impact of the
duction conveys seven targets and four priorities
pandemic on persons with disabilities linked to
in disaster risks management: 1) Understanding
employment and living income (Tan and
disaster risk. 2) Strengthening disaster risk
Ramadhani 2020; Widjaja, Wijayanti, and
governance to manage disaster risk. 3) Investing
Yulistyaputri 2020). The local government
in disaster reduction for resilience. 4) Enhancing
generally has less understanding about the
disaster preparedness for effective response and
accommodations of persons with disabilities
"Build Back Better" in recovery, rehabilitation,
during a pandemic. The government regulation,
and reconstruction.
for instance, does not specifically state persons
with disabilities as beneficiaries of government One of the four priority states that the
assistance. This study aims to identify why disaster management includes women and per-
involving persons with disabilities matters and sons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities
analyze how rural villages implement inclusive and their organizations play critical roles in
development. The study explores the various designing and implementing disaster risk pro-
practices and actions to address the problem. grams with a universal approach (UNDRR
Furthermore, the study develops strategies to 2015).
encourage inclusive village development during The Indonesian legal framework has
the COVID-19 pandemic.
integrated persons with disabilities into disaster
Disaster Management for Persons with management risk. From the national level to the
Disabilities local level, government generally has established
documents of Disaster Risk Reduction and
Disaster management for persons with
explicitly mentioned “disability”. The framework
disabilities (PwD) has been developed over
includes persons with disabilities as one of the
several decades. There is a growing concern of
socially vulnerable groups (Pertiwi et al. 2020).
disability-inclusive disaster management and
Involving PwD in disaster risk reduction can be
began with the exclusion issues of persons with
done by providing accessible technology and
disabilities (Santoso, Noor, and Ulum 2013).
information for vulnerable populations. The
Research findings indicate that persons with
innovations of technology are integrated into
disabilities are often neglected within disaster
management policy and government programs devices, hearing aids, Braille, and wheelchairs
(Pertiwi, Llewellyn, and Villeneuve 2020). The (Stough and Kang 2015)
main reason for this is poor understanding and The government has ratified the Convention
low interactions with persons with disabilities. on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The

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regulation states that persons with disabilities the villages. The emerging concept initiates
have the right to be included in disaster inclusive village development to increase
management. The next regulation is Regulation persons with disabilities' participation in the
Number 8 Year 2016 regarding persons with development process (Pouw and Gupta 2017).
disabilities. This regulation provides compre- The shift of cognition moves from a charity
hensive actions where persons with disabilities based on rights (Probosiwi 2017). The inclusive
have the right to be protected from disaster village does not privately refer to persons with
impacts. These rights include access to infor- disabilities and other groups that have been
mation, knowledge, and facilities (Lestari, marginalized. Furthermore, inclusive develop-
Sumarto, and Isdaryanto 2017; McAuliff et al. ment encourages different groups' appreciation
2014; Radissa et al. 2020). to make positive contributions to village
development (Gutama and Widiyahseno 2020).
Inclusive Development The inclusive development process conducted
The shifting paradigm in the 21st-century with the Twin-Track Approach is a useful tool
concerns the sustainable and inclusive (United Nations 2016). The twin-track approach
development that needs to be implemented. The integrates persons with disabilities and
disability-inclusive development appears as a organizations working with them into the
significant action made by the Government and development process and provides community
stakeholder, which is aimed to “leave no one empowerment space.
behind” in the whole aspect of development
The study uses a mixed method. This method
(Gupta, Pouw, and Ros-Tonen 2015). Inclusive
involves an approach to create a combination of
development refers to the access and the
qualitative and quantitative data (Creswell and
allocation of resources managed and afforded by
Clark 2017). The mixed-method is implemented
all people (Pouw and Gupta 2017). Inclusive
through two stages. The first stage is focused to
development is interpreted as development
gather the quantitative data and create general
processes that are inclusive and accessible for
diverse needs and characters (Gutama and conclusions. The quantitative aspect is aimed to
Widiyahseno 2020). It requires all persons to identify aspect of inclusive village development.
have equal access to education, health services, The second stage analyzes the first stage to get a
employment, and social supports. The relational more in-depth understanding of inclusive village
perspective establishes the practice for inclusive development. The sample consists of 30 villages
development through: a) constructing com- from 5 regions (regencies) in Indonesia namely
munities of practice into disability awareness, b) Sukoharjo, Central Java, Bantul and Kulon Progo,
strengthening responsive governance to enable Special Region of Yogyakarta, Situbondo, East
empowerment, and c) being committed to Java and Bulukumba, South Sulawesi. The
inclusive development policy (Gupta et al. 2015). qualitative aspect aims to investigate each
The inclusive development raises awareness village's approach in facilitating inclusive
among government officials at the local level in development during the pandemic. In addition,

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the data from the research are gathered through Disabilities) was ratified by the Indonesian
interviews, questionnaire, and documentation. government. Nevertheless, regulations regarding
This method helps reveal the activity of the this cannot be implemented in rural villages
qualitative data analysis which is the subsequent comprehensively. The situation shows that the
phase after the quantitative data analysis. issues of persons with disabilities have to
correspond with local governance and develop-
Why Does Involving Persons with ment. There are important reasons beyond why
Disabilities Matter? involving persons with disabilities matters for
both COVID-19 responsive village program and
COVID-19 Responsive Village is a policy that
further inclusive village development:
positions a village as a subject to manage the
prevention and address the impact of the Increasing “Leave no One Behind”
pandemic in the village. The program is one of Awareness
the government’s programs to prompt village
The understanding of “leave no one behind”
development during the pandemic. The Minister
should become a collective movement within the
of Village’s regulation number 8 Year 2020
society. The “leave no one behind” movement is
regarding Priorities in Using Village Funds has
not merely a slogan but also an aspiration to
become the legal framework to implement
COVID-19 responsive village program. A village create a quality environment. The ideal situation
forms and assign a task force, whose members is when the society appreciates diversity
are volunteering villagers, to carry out actions to regardless of anyone’s physical, social, and
deal with the pandemic. The prevention economic backgrounds. Persons with disabilities
program starts with socialization and education are presented as one of marginalized groups.
about the pandemic, food provision, hand- Persons with disabilities are still excluded in the
sanitizer, disinfectant, and instructions to stay at society. Persons with disabilities face discri-
home. The government also handles COVID-19 minations and a stigma (negative stereotype),
by providing assistance for communities. The and they have difficulties accessing basic
government has several schemes to support the services. The significant aspect especially con-
village communities: social safety net, unemploy- cerns about the rights of persons with
ment assistance, and food subsidy. However, disabilities, for instance: in education, health, and
various assistance programs have not been legal protections.
reached out optimally by the persons with The local governments in certain villages
disability in these villages. The COVID-19 reveal that persons with disabilities lack access
responsive village has proven that villages have to information, legal documents, education, and
different challenges in accommodating persons health services. Persons with disabilities who
with disabilities. generally work in the informal sector have lost
Involving persons with disabilities into their livelihoods due to the pandemic. Several
development has been done since UN CRPD local governments still comprehend the
(Convention on the Rights of Persons with disability issues in conventional mindset and

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understanding that persons with disabilities do government does not yet comprehend various
not have any ability to work and interact with disabilities in a holistic perspective. The situation
the society. affects the effectiveness of appropriate assis-
The local governments’ lack of understanding tance for the four types of disability. Some
has implicated the poor quality in handling the villages do not have an approach for persons
issues of persons with disabilities during the with intellectual disabilities who need a special
pandemic. The awareness to encourage every avenue to provide information about COVID-19.
person to participate fully in the society should These persons require repeated explanations of
be shared and attained within village commu- any information regarding COVID-19, and this
nities especially during pandemic situations. should be done through a special communi-
cation approach. People with sensory dis-
Enhancing Perspective of Inclusive abilities, such as deaf people, require access to
Development information in the form of sign language. Blind
The discussion about inclusive development community needs to access information in form
prompts diverse actors to take a part in the of audio. Persons with physical disabilities use
disability responsive development in the tools, such as a wheelchair or crutches that need
villages. Working with persons with disabilities hygiene maintenance. The pandemic situation
in the village development program has had a challenges the local government to accom-
big impact on changing many actors’ perspective modate accessibilities for people with different
on inclusive development. Persons with dis- disabilities.
abilities have limited space to fulfill their needs The COVID-19 situation in the village shows
in the development process. The voice of per- that the village government does not yet
sons with disabilities is rarely heard in village understand the types condition of persons with
forums. The low participation of persons with disabilities. Disability conditions are divided into
disabilities in the village development implicates 4 (four) types of disabilities: physical, sensory,
the lack understanding of diverse actors in the intellectual, and mental. The village government
villages, such as local governments, non- does not yet comprehend various disabilities as
government organizations, and private actors. holistic perspective. The situation affects the
This situation has become a barrier for the effectiveness of appropriate assistance for the
diverse actors to understand the condition of type of disability. Some villages did not have an
persons with disabilities. approach for intellectual disabilities that need a
The COVID-19 situation in the villages shows special way to provide socialization of COVID-19.
that the village government does not yet under- Intellectual disabilities require a special
stand the different conditions of persons with approach where the government should provide
disabilities. Disability conditions are divided into regular socialization to increase the persons
four types of disabilities: physical, sensory, with disabilities and families understanding the
intellectual, and mental disability. The village COVID-19. Sensory disabilities such as the Deaf

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community requires access to information in the aware about the disability issues. The access to
form of sign language. The Deaf community information about disability issues is very
needs information access such as sign language minimal. We advocate PwD to gain knowledge
interpreter or running text in television. Blind and understanding about disabilities issue so
community needs information in audio form. that they can building communication to village
Physical disabilities use tools such as wheelchair government and communities and participate to
and crutch that need hygiene control. The the village development.” The inclusive develop-
pandemic situation challenges the local govern- ment perspective is comprised of infrastruc-
ment to accommodate various disabilities tures, social integration, budget supports,
accessibility. regulation, and engagement with persons with
Persons with disabilities are neglected in the disabilities. Involving persons with disabilities
local governments’ programs and assistance. have a significant impact on the encouragement
The central government’s instruction to allocate of the local government perspective. These
the direct cash assistance from the village fund villages have an authority to design development
program (Bantuan Langsung Tunai Dana Desa) planning with the inclusive perspective. More-
for vulnerable communities is interpreted over, the inclusive governance will enhance the
differently in different villages. Some village inclusive society.
governments do not categorize persons with Cooperation with the Persons with
disabilities as vulnerable groups. There are also Disabilities Organizations
persons with disabilities who do not receive
The cooperation with the persons with
assistance because they do not have valid
disabilities organizations manifests in broad
national identity document or card. This
benefits. This is a medium for these people to
problem links to the data availability. The local
gain knowledge, learn skills, and make relation-
governments mostly do not have disaggregated
ships to establish common goals. Persons with
data of persons with disabilities. The dis-
disabilities organizations have helped many
aggregated data play important roles in mapping
village governments to provide services for
the different conditions of persons with dis-
persons with disabilities. Persons with dis-
abilities and developing effective interventions.
abilities organizations provide advocacy and
The organization of PwD play roles in voice the needs of persons with disabilities.
supporting PwD in the village to aware of the These organizations have a better under-
PwD challenges. The Indonesian Association of standing and good communication approaches
Women with Disabilities South Sulawesi said, with persons with disabilities. The approach
“We established Self Help Group as a media to used by these organizations draw the attentions
mainstreaming disabilities issues, finding a from persons with disabilities. The natural
solution and strengthened Person with situation indirectly drives persons with dis-
Disabilities especially those in the rural villages. abilities to be willing to learn, thus increasing
The situation today is that the PwD did not fully their capacity. Competencies, such as leadership,

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public speaking, social mapping, and group Practices of Inclusive Development

discussion have improved the skills of persons during the Pandemic
with disabilities.
The practices of inclusive development in the
Persons with disabilities organizations also villages are various and depend on each village’s
develop wide networks connecting persons with characteristics, the government’s perspective,
disabilities, other organizations, and govern- and social inclusion situation. The research has
ments. The engagement of persons with dis- captured the aspects of inclusive development
abilities in the village communities has activities from 30 villages in five regencies. Eight
supported the existence of inclusive regulations aspects have been captures in the villages: 1)
and policies. Organizations of persons with dis- Infrastructure. 2) Accessibility of Information and
abilities understand the barriers and vulnerable Communication. 3) Regulation/policy. 4) Budget
conditions of persons with disabilities. There- allocation. 5) Space for participation in village
fore, cooperation with organizations of persons development. 6) Engagement of persons with
with disabilities sustains the development disabilities. 7) Social inclusivity. 8) Organizations.
programs. The various regions that have Figure 1 shows the aspects of inclusive
successfully facilitated inclusive development development in the thirty villages. The aspect
programs generally collaborate with persons with the highest rate is aspect organization, and
with disabilities organizations. it is organizations of persons with disabilities in
The organizations of persons with disabilities the villages. Eighty percent of the villages have
from the research location indicate that the organizations of persons with disabilities at the
organization actively participate in the village village level. Aspect social inclusivity indicates
development. The organization generally built the social inclusivity that is 73%. It links to the
openness and supports of the villages’
wide coordination and cooperation to govern-
community for inclusive environment. The third,
ment, academic sector and community. The
aspect space for participation in village
organizations are Jaringan Disabilitas Indonesia,
development, represents the space for
Perkumpulan SEHATI Sukoharjo, HWDI
participation in the village development. Sixty-
Sulawesi Selatan, PPDI Situbondo, Komunitas
seven percent of villages have encouraged the
Disabilitas Desa Situbondo, Relawan Desa
participations of persons with disabilities. Aspect
Panggungharjo Tanggap COVID-19, PerDik dan
infrastructure shows the same percentage,
SIGAB. The organization do kinds of action. The
which is 67%, showing the number of villages
first, significant role of organizations are
that have provided accessible infrastructures.
advocation of persons with disabilities. Next, the
These infrastructures generally refer to village
roles of communication into the family level of
office infrastructures, such as ramps and
persons with disabilities. The organizations
restrooms for persons with disabilities. The
describe that the communication approach to aspect accessibility of information and
persons with disabilities should involving the communication shows about accessibility of
family group. information and communication in the village.

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Figure 1.
Aspect of Inclusive Development

The aspect accessibility of information and about budget support for PwD needs and
communication describe how persons with activities. The aspect budget allocation shows
disabilities obtain access about government that the budget allocation became the challenge
information linked to village development and of inclusive development in the village. The
the communication pattern to government. village government with regulation or policy
The aspect regulation/policy shows about about inclusive development generally provides
the regulation or policy that support PwD. The budget allocation for inclusive program and
regulation can be provided from region accessibility for persons with disabilities. The
government to village level government. In some budget allocation mechanism implements
village like Sukoharjo Region, government has through village discussion and village forum
supported inclusive development through (Musyawarah Desa). The participation of per-
regulation number 3 Year 2019. The regulation sons with disabilities in the village discussion
uses the Inclusion Village terminology as the determine the budget support of inclusive
village framework of development. program in the village.

The aspect regulation/policy indicate the The innovative practices occur in the
50% village that implement inclusive develop- following villages and districts in Indonesia. The
ment has regulation or policy. The regulation experience from villages to encourage inclusive
integrated to the village program and designed development in line with handling COVID-19 for
from the village planning document. The lowest persons with disabilities.
aspect is aspect budget allocation that describes

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Panggungharjo Village, Yogyakarta disabilities that are continuously updated. In the

Panggungharjo Village, located in Bantul, village website platform, the village government
Special Region of Yogyakarta, began inclusive provides features for handling COVID-19. There
development in 2016. The local government is a report feature that supports activities and a
drives persons with disabilities and organiza- feature to check the citizen's health. The
tions to participate in village programs. Government also provides a hotline service for
Panggungharjo Village is one of the villages that the community. Databases and services to the
establish a fast response program in managing personal level are beneficial for persons with
COVID-19. Panggungharjo Village developed the disabilities. Village governments can monitor
Panggungharjo Responsive COVID-19 Program. people with disabilities in real-time.
The program comprehensively arranges a Furthermore, Panggungharjo Responsive
special task force to manage the impact of the COVID-19 involved persons with disabilities as
pandemic in the village. The task force involved members of the Village Volunteer Against
the local government and community working COVID-19. The participation of persons with
together through various actions. First, the role disabilities is even given the task of managing
of Panggungharjo Responsive COVID-19 is a pre- the COVID-19 Stage Module's graphic design.
vention structure. The structure implements Furthermore, the village government initiated
socialization, education, and supporting health to help the community's economic
assistance for the community. Second, the role of environment through ICT (Information and
Panggungharjo Responsive COVID-19 is coordi- Communication Technology). is an
nation and handling pandemic activities in the innovative aspect where people with disabilities
village. Third, Panggungharjo Responsive have an economic opportunity to participate.
COVID-19 builds databases and information and The local government effort to enhance
communication services integrated to village policy about persons with disabilities through
websites. The database monitors citizens at several program. The local government imple-
several levels and provides suggestions that ment program within the Bantul Region
need to be taken. The low levels, for example, Regulation number 11 the Year 2015 about
monitoring of citizens who do not have Fulfilling the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
symptoms of COVID-19. The citizens are The local government implements vocational
expected to stay at home and apply health training, provides budget support, and en-
protocols. Next, the higher level where citizens courages small and medium enterprises activity
have a high level of mobility and migrant citizens for persons with disability. The government
from exposed locations of COVID-19 or proven maintains cooperation and collaboration with
to be exposed. The citizens are expected to do persons with disabilities organization both in
self-quarantine for 14 days. village level and regional level. The collaboration
The excellence of Panggungharjo Responsive with the organization has broaden the under-
COVID-19 is that the village government has standing of local government. The organization
provided disaggregated data for persons with became the media for persons with disabilities

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to gain leadership and organizational capacity. other organization in Sukoharjo. The organi-
The interaction of organization in the village is zation establish Sanggar Inklusi Permata Hati
increasing persons with disabilities participation (Inclusion Studio) in 12 districts. The inclusion
in village development forum. The persons with studio provides access to health and education
disabilities actively engage in village program. services for persons with disabilities and family.

Sukoharjo Region, Central Java The activity of organization during pandemic

is the SEHATI Sukoharjo established a Task
Sukoharjo Region began to develop inclusive
Force for Elderly, Vulnerable, and Persons with
village with the regional goverment regulation
Disability for COVID-19 response at the district
number 3 Year 2020 about inclusive village. The
level, which monitors 150 villages and 17 sub-
regulation clearly states the inclusive village as
districts. SEHATI Sukoharjo provides sociali-
terminology to support inclusive village develop-
zation according to the health protocol in a
ment. The regulation mention principle and the
convenient approach for persons with dis-
indicator of inclusive village. There are 5 (five)
abilities. The organization develops collabo-
indicator for inclusive village: a) has a compre-
ration with companies related to corporate
hensive monograph involving a disaggregated
social responsibility programs. The private
database of marginalized communities; b) insti-
sectors are ASB, PT Guljati, and PT Sritex,
tutionalization of marginal community organi-
zations and Community Based Rehabilitation assisting in necessities and handwashing
(RBM); c) understanding of marginalized facilities in the village. SEHATI also took the
communities and community responsibility to initiative to replace the plastic distribution to a
participate in protecting the rights of mar- cloth bag containing COVID-19 information.
ginalized communities; d) involvement of mar-
Bulukumba Region, South Sulawesi
ginalized communities in the overall develop-
ment process; e) development of accessible The government supports persons with
infrastructure for basic services that are friendly disabilities in development by issuing regional
to marginalized communities. regulations number 2 the Year 2018 about
Protection and Services for Persons with
The regulation has a significant impact to
Disabilities. The government has maintained the
provide direction and sustainability of inclusive
relations with organizations supporting persons
development program. Sukoharjo is developing with disabilities namely PerDIK (Pergerakan
inclusive villages in 70 villages. The program Difabel Indonesia untuk Kesetaraan). Organi-
encouraged by the persons with disabilities zations play an important role in advocating for
organization namely SEHATI Sukoharjo. The of persons with disabilities' needs and rights. In
organization has support persons with dis- Bulukumba there are 14 villages that are
abilities in the villages through kinds of encouraged to become inclusive villages. The
programs. The SEHATI organization provide village government, organization of persons with
basic understanding, promotion and advocacy disabilities, and organizations that support
for persons with disabilities, government and persons with disabilities have cooperated to

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provide assistance. The preparation activity for zation of vulnerable groups creates a gap in
instance, a) held regular discussion that involved social and economic opportunities.
persons with disabilities and village government,
Data play a significant role in enabling the
b) increasing knowledge about of persons with
development process. The Government and
disabilities issues and needs, c) village govern-
other stakeholders can establish accurate assis-
ment capacity building training, d) gaining
tance and services through such data. Disability-
power of persons with disabilities to engage in
inclusive development means ensuring that all
village forum and e) encourage social inclusivity
in village community. phases of the development cycle consisting of
design, budgeting, implementation, monitoring,
The pandemic situation broader government
and evaluation include a disability dimension.
awareness of marginalized group involving
Persons with disabilities meaningfully and
persons with disabilities. The Government of
effectively participate in the development pro-
Bulukumba positioned persons with disabilities
cesses and policies (United Nations 2016). The
as an indicator of government assistance
disability-inclusive development should ensure
beneficiaries. The Government initiates aids and
that every person, regardless of ethnicity,
programs inclusively for vulnerable groups. The
gender, geography, disability, race, or status,
Government also organizes Public Safety Center
possesses universal human rights.
in collaboration with sub-district and village
posts to get reports of people who have a history The data about persons with disability in the
of interacting with positive people with COVID- village are an important element to enhance the
19. Furthermore, there is a hotline to accom- responsive and inclusive program for persons
modate the Village Fund's distribution infor- with disabilities. The significance of the data is
mation of direct cast assistance. The Govern- the disaggregated data of persons with
ment initiated to assist effectively, not re- disabilities. The data will show the actual
dundant, and targeted, involving providing equal situations of the persons with disabilities with
access to persons with disabilities. information about their genders and ages. The
government program will be precisely targeted
The Inclusive Village Development if it is based on the disaggregated data. Finally,
Persons with disabilities are still generally data consolidation of persons with disabilities
absent from basic demographic data. This between the Village Information System (SID)
situation positions persons with disabilities with and the data in the Social Service Office is made
a lack of legal documents, such as national to create disaggregated data of persons with
identity cards and administration documents. disabilities in the villages. There is also a need to
This has an impact on the fulfillment of persons coordinate with disability communities/
with disabilities' rights and involvement in the organizations in regions with a network or
development. The government’s assistance members in the villages. Furthermore, the
sometimes misses persons with disabilities. In inclusive development needs to be established
the development framework, the marginali- with Inclusive planning. The inclusive planning

72 │ JSW (Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo) – Volume 5, No. 1 (2021)

COVID-19 Responsive Village ….

means the participation of persons with disabilities. Several villages also encourage
disabilities and organizations in village forums systemic inclusive development through village
and planning development. In addition, the governance and increasing participations of
government has to take further steps beyond the persons with disabilities in the village program.
development, and this is empowerment. The occurrence of the pandemic is a momentum
Involving persons with disabilities in the to build an inclusive village. Inclusive village
development program requires engagement of development can be facilitated using a twin-
persons with disabilities and their organizations. track approach. This approach involves two
The empowerment programs are positive strategies, the first of which is actively involving
activities as they promote the increase of well- persons with disabilities in the development
planning and programs. The second strategy is
being in several aspects, such as economic,
encouraging empowerment and engagement of
social, and cultural.
persons with disabilities through different types
The appropriate approach to encourage of actions. Persons with disabilities and their
inclusive village development is a Twin-Track organizations are positioned as the subjects
approach (United Nations 2016). The approach within these strategies.
involving persons with disabilities in develop-
ment is alongside the empowerment program. Authorship and Contributions
The program specifically targets persons with Marthella Rivera Roidatua and Dian Karina-
disabilities and enable them to participate in the wati Imron are the main authors. Marthella
development programs. Persons with dis- Rivera Roidatua and Dian Karinawati Imron
abilities are the subjects who receive benefits provided equal contributions to the design and
from the programs. The program initiative implementation of the research, the analysis of
should link to employment, vocational education the findings, and the writing of the manuscript.[]
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