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Nov. 7, 1896.] ZONA BELOW THE KNEE.

[XuL-w'z 1379
in combination with isolation in a well ventilated room,
FILARIASIS IN SAMOA. having a sheet over the outside of the door sprinkled with a
By PATRICK MANSON, M.D., F.R.C.P., solution of carbolic acid in the usual way. I have generally
Physician to the Seamen's Hospital, Albert Docks. succeeded in restricting the infection to the one case, even
when the families numbered some five or six children. And
As a supplement to Surgeon V. Gunson Thorpe's interesting of these first cases, I can unhesitatingly assert that 99
paper on filariasis in the South Sea Islands (BRITISH MEDICAL per cent. were well on the tenth or elventh day, and if the
JOURNAL, October 3rd, I896), I wish to record the result of weather favourable, out on the twelfth day.
the examination of certain blood films kindly sent to me Some mothers, or grandmothers, make great difficulties,
from Samoa by Dr. Davies in 1884. The films were 56 in owing, I believe, to the old superstition " that measles must
number and represented the evening blood of 56 adult not be touched with water." But whenever I have been able
Samoans, each of whom was affected by some form or other to ensure that my directions were thoroughly carried out.
of elephantoid disease, either elephantiasis, or elephantoid there has always been a successful termination, and I have
eryeipelas, or lymphangitis, or recurrent elephantoid fever. never found any real necessity to prescribe active medicines
Of the 56 slides 27 contained filariae, 29 had no filariae. In even for relieving the cough, which gradually subsides as the
some slides-each equivalent to about half a drop of blood- case recovers.
only from i to IO parasites, in others from 30 to ioo were Having recently read of the application of the milkpack in
found. In not a few they were present in enormous numbers; the treatment of eruptive fevers, I have in several cases
4 contained i6J, 132, 165, and 232 filariie respectively, and in added from half to a full gallon of milk to the first bath (as a
one slide, by no means a large one, I counted no fewer than modffication of the milkpack treatment in which the patient
566 filariae. has also to submit to a warm bath after the Packing). I have
It is evident, therefore, that filariasis is quite as common in carefully noted the effects of the two methods; namely, of hot
Samoa as it is in Fiji and the Friendly Islands, if not more baths with, and hot baths without milk, in cases under treat-
so. Unfortunately, Dr. Davies's slides were in a measure ment at the same time; the results were practically iden-
selected, coming entirely from that part of a filariated com- tic 1.
munity least likely to show filari2e in the blood-namely, from Having only this year had quite an epidemic of measles
the subjects of elephantiasis, that is of filaria-blocked lym- in these parts, I have been able to confirm the above remarks.
phatics. Elsewhere I have endeavoured to show that such In every case that has come under my care, and they have
individuals are the least likely to have filariae in the blood, been numerous, the treatment has been successful where it
seeing that the disease to which the parasite gives rise cuts has been u4eid, and this fact it is which has emboldened me
its progeny off from the circulation. I have little doubt, to make known my experience.
therefore, in view of the enormous proportion of elephantiasis I would suggest a trial of this treatment in other diseases,
cases in Samoa, showing filarire in the blood, that further in- as scarlet fever and small-pox, in which, on account of the
vestigation of the healthy adult population will bring.out the prompt action of the sanitary authorities, I have had- no
startling fact that practically all adult Samoans harbour opportunity of properly testing. But, as with measles I have
filaria nocturna, or are the subjects of filaria disease. no doubt that this plan of assisting Nature in the eiimina-
tion of the virus would give favourable results, and not only
greatly tend to lessen the mortality, but also minimise the
risk of the infection or contagion spreading.
WARM BATHS IN THE TREATMENT OF 1 always add a disinfectant to the bath after use.
MEASLES. I never allow the head of the patient to be wetted when
By C. J. RIX, M.R.C.S.ENG., L.M. AND L.S.A.LOND., giving the baths: the hair takes long to dry thoroughly. The
chance of a chill, which is to be carefully avoided, is thus
Soutlhsea. diminished.
SOME eight or ten years ago, being called to a child supposed
to be suffering from bronchitis, the breathing being greatly ON THE OCCURRENCE OF ZONA BELOW THE
affected, I ordered the usual linseed-meal poultices back and KNEE, WITH NOTES OF TWO CASES.
front. The result was to bring out a rash upon the poulticed
parts, unequivocally showing measles, none of the ordinary By R. B. MAHON, M.D., F.R.C.S.,
premonitory symptoms of that disease, except the pulmonary Medical Officer,iUnion Infirmary and Fever Hospital, Ballinrobe.
trouble, having previously appeared. Seeing this I had the
patient placed up to the neck in a hot bath of 9o° to ioo° F., THE great rarity of recorded cases of herpes zoster occurring
or as hot as could be borne without pain, in front of a good or extending below the knee is evident from the scant mention
fire, screened from all draughts, and kept there for some 6, of the condition in the leading textbooks on diseases of
8, or io minutes. Even whilst in the water, the rash could the skin. Even in Kaposi's great work the subject iserup- dis-
be seen extending over the rest of the body, after removal missed in a few lines. In Fox's Atlas, plate xxvii, the the
from the bath he was roughly dried, wrapped in a warmed tion does not extend below the junction of the upper with Mr.
blanket (without bedelothing), and put into bed. The breath- middle third of the leg. According to Dr. Pye-Smith," and
ing. gradually became easier, and in a short time he was Hutchinson says that it never extends below the knee,
asleep. The bath was repeated twice daily for the first two or the only instance to the contrary is one figured by von
three days; in about ten days the case was well. BiLrensprung in which there were a few small papules as low
It has since been my invariable practice to order a hot bath as the middle of the calf."'
immediately the diagnosis of measles has been made, and In an able paper in the Journal of Patholoqy and Bacteriology,
often before, if any suspicions of the disease were aroused, February, 1893, p. 343, Dr. James Mackenzie says, "accurate He
though not confirmed. After the bath the patient is dried reports of cases of eruption below the knee are scarce."
roughly and wrapped in a warmed blanket. I repeat the quotes a case described by Blake in the Birmingham Medical
baths every twelve hours, or oftener in obstinate cases (some- Review, the eruption being over the inner side of the leg below
times as many as five and six a day), until the rash is fully the middle of the calf, tie inner ankle and the dorsal and
developed over the entire body, and continue them twice plantar surfaces of the foot representing probably the areaby of
daily until a normal temperature is re-established, and then distribution of the fifth lumbar nerve. A case described in
once daily, generally in the evening, during the whole of the 1889,
Taylor in the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, July 6th, internal
attendance, which I find rarely if ever extends over ten days. which the eruption extended " along the course of the Acase
The course of the disease is shortened, the tendency to inner ankle."
saphenousnervefrombelow the knee to thevesicles
respiratory and renal complications lessened, if not practically is mentioned by Charcot,2 the herpetic being seated
removed, at the same time it is very seldom that any of the on "the antero-external surface of the left leg," the subse-
usual sequelse supervene, if they do it is only in the very 1 Fagge alid Pye-Smith, Prnciples and Practice of Medicine, 3rd edition,
slightest possible degree. p. 938.
2 Maladies du Systeme&Ne,.veux.
I have now adopted this treatment for the last eight years,

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