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September 22, 2021

English for Academic Professional Purposes

Module 1

Andrea Camille Garcia

Mrs. Melba Fernando

Fill in the Venn diagram below to list down the similarities and differences of
“competition” and “cooperation.”

Competition Cooperation
-defined as a situation in which -defined as a situation in which
rewards are distributed unequally on rewards are distributed equally on
the basis of performance. the basis of mutual interactive
behavior among individuals
-derived from a Latin verb which
means “to seek together.” -cooperation is viewed as integral
-both defined each component of competition
-an understanding of the derivation of of them in terms of
the word competition supports the the distribution of -necessary among team members,
understanding that cooperation, rather rewards related to perhaps in a sporting event or in a
than evoking a characteristic at the each political race, in order to win the
opposite extreme of human nature competition,
from competition, is in reality a
necessary factor in competition. -cooperation is of great importance
between teams in that same
-a competitive situation requires at sporting event or ground rules of
least on competitor to fail for each the game or election in order to
competitor that wins compete.
-a cooperative situation offers a
reward only if all members of
the group receive it.

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