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Cloud Based Hosting

Written by:

[Hafiz Imran Shabbir]

Cloud Based Hosting:

Cloud based hosting in simple words is defined as “ Hosting service

provided by different virtual servers connected virtually”. Many of us are
well known of Google drive, an online storage virtually connected to the
SSDs to store our data online and make it visible for you in any device
that you are using via your google account that means it does not
depends on your system storage.

Cloud based hosting works in the same way as cloud storage does. Cloud
based hosting does not depends only on a single hosting server. It
depends on a network of servers connected virtually. We can say that
cloud based hosting provides hosting services in a virtual environment
that provides reliability, flexibility and scalability then traditional hosting

How Cloud Based Hosting Works:

In a cloud based hosting service, data can access over multiple
interconnected servers in a cloud’s virtual environment. The data mirrors
in the cluster of multiple interconnected servers that means by the failure
of one server, the other is ready for the backup. If your website is boosted
up or having a high traffic then there may create a balance of load on
the servers which will save the website from downtime or sowing down.

Cloud Based vs Traditional Hosting:

Lets separately discuss the both
 Traditional Hosting:
Traditional hosting is when your website is hosted by a single server at
a single web center. Traditional hosting contains three different packages
according to your website size and according to your requirement.
1. Shared Hosting:
The cheapest option in the list is shared hosting. If you want to
share your website resources with the other websites, you can use shared
hosting. This option is good for the beginners to get their first website
2. VPS hosting:
This option is just like Shared hosting, but the difference is a VPS
server contains many virtual self servers within a server. It is a step up
then a shared hosting
3. Dedicated Hosting:
Dedicated Hosting is the option where you can get the whole
entire server, means no sharing included. It is the most expensive service
option available.
 Cloud Hosting:
Cloud hosting is the hosting spread over multiple servers connected
virtually via internet. A virtual machine is to be used to access the
different servers in the cloud to manage the website.

Pros and cons of cloud hosting

 Pros of cloud hosting:

1. Null Downtime:
As the cloud based hosting consists of multiple servers
interconnected virtually via internet, so when your website’s traffic is
boosted up, the load is divided into multiple servers in the cloud which
cause a null or no downtime at all.
2. Scalability:
Cloud based hosting service have a high scalability as we can
increase or decrease our resources required according to our need.
3. Flexibility:
Cloud based hosting services are way flexible, cloud based
hosted applications allows workers/employees to access data and to
work form any where around the world.
4. Data recovery:
Cloud based hosting allows express data recovery, means if there is
a failure of one server then other servers in a cloud are ready to backup
the data. So we can say that there is a null data lose rate and data
recovery is excellent in cloud based hosting.
5. Lose of data:
In the traditional hosting service, if there is some there some
technical issue occurs in the server then we can say that there is a danger
of lose of data. But in cloud based hosting there are multiple servers
connecting with each other via virtual connection and if there is any
problem occurs in any of the server then the other connected servers may
provide a data backup, so we can say that there is almost no chance of
data lose in cloud based hosting.
6. Cost effective:
Cloud hosting is actually cheaper then maintaining a whole server.
In this sens we can say that cloud based hosting is cheaper then
traditional server hosting.
7. Security:
The cloud always empowers both the owner and the service
provider to make the hosting environment safe and secure.
 Cons of Cloud hosting:
The only con of cloud based hosting is that its cost is a bit higher
then shared traditional servers and virtual personal servers.

Pros and cons of Traditional hosting

 Pros of Traditional hosting

1. Pricing:
A shared traditional hosting is a much cheaper option in the
list almost with the prices starting of $2.50
2. Scalability:
A VPS hosting server is the option in traditional hosting for
the quick but limited scalability. If your business grows up and when you
hit the scalability limit of VPS server then you must need to upgrade your
server to dedicated or large server.

 Cons of Traditional Hosting

1. Pricing:
The dedicated hosting server is the most expensive option in
this traditional hosting server’s list. It’s price starting from almost
2. Downtime:
In traditional hosting servers, if some other site on the server
is affected with some virus or malware then there is a danger of your
website being taken offline.
3. Scalability:
It is very difficult to scale a dedicated server because it is
already too big. You must have to upgrade to a large server. Shared
traditional hosting have limited resources, So you continuously have to
upgrade your server with the growing of your business.
Why Cloud Hosting Is Better Then Traditional Hosting.
1. Cloud based hosting is much more cost effective then the traditional
hosting as the customer have to pay for only what he actually
2. Cloud based hosting is to overcome the space limitations occurs in
traditional hosting.
3. Data security and data recovery in the Cloud based hosting is possible
and very easy, but in traditional hosting, data security and data
recovery is not reliable.
4. Cloud based hosting puts load on multiple servers which can save
website from downtime while the traditional hosting have only one
single server with all the load causes the website to be slower.
5. Cloud based hosting provides more flexibility then the traditional
hosting service.
6. Cloud based hosting do not have any geographical limitation.

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