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Understanding the historical information

A. To identify and to describe the traditions and customs that have been mentioned
in the document.Given as follow;

1. The socio-cultural significance .

In the document First Voyage Around the World it is stated what are common
doings of Filipinos and the beliefs and culture that Filipinos have at the time.The
author described the people of landroni and also the author described the woman as
white and tall but their teeth were red and black because the author thinks that the
woman thought it was beautiful.The Landroni thought ,according to the signs which
they made,that there were no people in the world but themselves.The people at that
time are very hospitable and I think we inherit that characteristic as a filipino. In the
document it stated that the locals treated the foreigners very well because they give
them food and shelter as an act of friendship.And the tradition was one King in an
island would raised his clasped hands forward the sky and towards his guest before
feasting each with them,sign of respect.

2. The political significance.

In the document First Voyage Around the World a lot of political customs was
about the kings of the island.At that time an island is ruling by a King. The kings were
treated with loyalty and superiority by its people.Examples of this treatment is that the
King is always seated under an awning of mats and the king’s cup was always kept
covered and no one else drank from it.The kings were also smarter as they know more
languages than the other people.

3. The economic significance.

The man are responsible to work outside the house such fishing and planting
while woman only stay at their house they do weaving and other things needed in
their houses.The Filipinos at that time has a lot of natural resources . They can get
their foods easily ,their houses are built of woods and leaves of a tree.Also the
Filipinos participated in trade with each other and even other countries before the
spaniards were already there.They have a lot of golds and resources in their island.

B. The introduction of christianity to the Filipinos.

Magellan with his team landed in the islands of Philippines or what they called
islands of Landroni riding the ship Victoria.Magellan succeeded over his plan to
influence to the faith of people in the island he have conquered,invluding ours.The
native Filipinos have their own idols before and a god which they called Abba but
they threwthis belief away as they embraced christianity which was introduce by
C. To identify and describe the mention: Personalities and Dates

Cast of Characters

Ferdinand Magellan
The Captain General.He is the one leading the voyage
Antonio Pigafetta
The narrator. He wrote the First Voyage around the world.
Raia Colambu and Raia Siaua
The kings of Butuan and Calagan.
King of Mazaua
The one accompanied the Spaniards in their trip into Zulu.
King of Zulu
The one who welcomed the Captain General and the Spaniards to Zulu.
The Moro Merchant
The one who informed the king of Zulu who the Spaniards really were.


Where spaniards came from
Is where they stayed for seven days, after which they laid their course toward
the nortwest passing among five islands.

Butuan and Calaga

The islands of Raia Colambu and Raia Siaua.
Island of landroni
Is where the spaniards encountered by thieves.
King Zulu island

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