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27/7/2021 WINCC tag logging & alarm logging SQL memory management - Entries - Forum - Industry Support - Siemens

WINCC tag logging & alarm logging SQL memory management

Created by: K.Jagan at: 12/7/2015 12:15 PM (3 Replies)

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12/7/2015 12:15 PM Rate (0)

K.Jagan Dear all,

i am using Simatic WinccV7.0 SP3 in one of my project . i have a problem in the

SQL Memory management of tag logging & alarm logging, Sinces i need only the
logging of data for 6 month form the current date. because while using long time
the data storage space are more to handle. there is any tool available to delete the
older records & which path the alarm & tag logging data automatically store. can
we manually delete the older records if it is possible kindly give me the steps.
Experienced Member please help me in this issue.

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12/7/2015 12:34 PM Rate (0)

bg2492 Hello K.Jagan,

If you would need only the taglogging of data for 6 month,

you can configure this in the archiveconfiguration of WinCC
for Taglogging Fast and Tagloggin Slow.
You can set for example "Time period coverred by a single Segment": 1 weeks
and "Time period of all segments": 26 weeks (or 27 weeks).
In this case all taglogging-data older then 26 weeks (or 27 weeks) are deleted
Platinum Expert
automatically, every week, when a new single segment is created.

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12/7/2015 12:44 PM Rate (0) 1/2
27/7/2021 WINCC tag logging & alarm logging SQL memory management - Entries - Forum - Industry Support - Siemens
12/7/2015 12:44 PM Rate (0)
schufri K.Jagan

There is no tool the delete the data older data to a given date.

1.According to  follow FAQ you can delete all data

As from SIMATIC WinCC V6.2, how can you delete the Runtime data of the Alarm
Logging and Tag Logging?
Gold Member
In this case all data segments will be deleted.

2.If you want to reduce the size of your archive follow FAQ
Joined: 10/10/2014 How can you in WinCC reduce the size of the cyclic storage without losing data
Last visit: 7/26/2021 when changing the archive configuration?
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3, You can delete also manually a part of your data
(189) Stop your runtime an the WinCC explorer
Start the windows explorer an move the the project directoy.
There you find the folders
ArchiveManager\AlarmLoggin  for Messages
ArchiveManager\TagLoggingFast  for Tag Logging Fast
ArchiveManager\TagLoggingSlow  for Tag Logging slow
In the name of each file is a time stamp from – to
Check the time and move or delete all ole files
Restart WinCC explorer and runtime.
All remaining files are read again from wincc system

Best regards

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12/7/2015 12:56 PM Rate (0)

K.Jagan Dear bg2492,

Thanks for your suggestion, i want a steps to configure your methods in the tag logging in
wincc V7.0 Sp3.


Experienced Member

Last visit: 7/5/2021
Posts: 159

Last edited by: K.Jagan at: 12/7/2015 12:57:46 PM

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