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DATE OF EXPERIMENT: 13th September, 2021

DATE OF SUBMISSION: 20th September, 2021










TITLE PAGE ....................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................ii
LIST OF TABLES .........................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................iv
ABSTRACT/SUMMARY .................................................................................. v
CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 RECYCLE LOOPS ............................................................................... 2
OPEN LOOP RECYCLING.......................................................................... 2
CLOSED LOOP RECYCLING .................................................................... 3
1.2 THEORY ................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 LAMINAR, AND TURBULENT FLUID FLOW: ............................. 4
MASS AND ENERGY BALANCES ............................................................. 9
MASS BALANCE ........................................................................................... 9
ENTROPY ..................................................................................................... 10
ENTHALPY .................................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................... 12
2.1 DESCRIPTION OF APPARATUS ....................................................... 12
2.2 EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ....................................................... 15
CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................... 16
3.1 EXPERIMENT READINGS AND RESULTS .................................... 16
3.1.1 CALCULATIONS: .............................................................................. 18
 Calculating for the Inlet volumetric flowrate (Qv1): ............................ 18
 Calculation for Recycle loop volumetric flowrate(Qv2): ...................... 18
 Calculation for Outlet volumetric flowrate(Qv3): ................................. 19
Calculation for mass flowrate(Qm): ............................................................. 19
3.2 DISCUSSION .............................................................................................. 25
CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................. 26
4.1 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................... 26
REFERENCES .................................................................................................. 27
APPENDIX ........................................................................................................ 28


Table 1: Data showing flowrates, volumetric and mass flowrate for all streams
............................................................................................................................. 16
Table 2: Data for recycle loop fluid density ....................................................... 17
Table 3: Density of water at different temperatures ........................................... 28

Figure 1: Process flow diagram for recycle loop .................................................. 7

The aim of this practical was to demonstrate the effect of the recycle on the
total mass balance. The Armfield TH4 recycle loops apparatus was the
instrument used, at steady state mass balance. The effects of the recycle loop
on the total system were examined by increasing the flow rate of the recycle
stream and observing what happens to the flow rates of the inlet stream and the
outlet stream as the flow rate of the recycle was increased. Recycle is a
simple phenomenon, which occur in many aspects of everyday life, but is also
a concept that lead to confusion in engineering applications when combined
with other principles such as mass/ energy balances and the use of the steady
flow energy equation. The Armfield TH4 has been designed to determine
clearly, both visually and experimental, what recycle is and to enable mass and
energy balances to be performed under steady and unsteady states conditions.
The inlet valve was adjusted to give an indicated flowrate (F1) of 1L/min with the
value for the corresponding outlet and recycle flowrate (F3 and F2 respectively)
recorded. This was repeated at an interval of 0.5 L/min.
The flow rate of F3 was measured while controlling F1. F1 was our inlet stream
and F3 was our outlet stream, the readings for F3 were as follows (1.0, 0.95,
.93, 0.91, 0.89 and 0.89) and the flow rate of F1 was (1.0, 0.95, .93, 0.91, 0.89
and 0.89). F2 was the recycle flowrate (1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, and 3.00)
From the calculated values for mass flow-rates (Qm = 𝝆𝑸𝒗), F1 at 0.0158 Kg/s
gave a corresponding F3 of 0.0158 Kg/s at F2 of 0.017 Kg/s and F1 at 0.0167 Kg/s
gave a corresponding F3 of 0.0146 Kg/s at F2 of 0.0167, 0.025, 0.033, 0.042,
0.0500, all in Kg/s.
The above result implies that the recycle does not have any effect on the inlet and
outlet flowrate, hence, obeying the steady state theorem which states that inlet
variable is equal to outlet variables.
With this, we concluded that the conservation of mass law was observed, as the
system is a Steady State Mass Balance.

The aim of this experiment was to demonstrate the effects of recycle on the
total mass flow of a system. From what is known about the steady state material
balance, the materials balance in the input stream must be equal to that in the
output stream. Therefore the recycle loop should not change the flow rates of
the input and output streams.
Recycling is the processing of collecting and changing paper, glass, plastic etc.
So that it can be used again, so that it can also prevent the waste of
potential useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw
materials there by reducing; energy usage, air pollution and water
pollution. Recycling is divided into 3 namely;
- Primary recycling means that the recyclable material /products is
reused about being changed in any way and usually for the very
same purpose.
- Secondary recycling means that the material /products is reused in
some other way without reprocessing it. While
- Tertiary recycling refers to a process that involves that order to make
it reusable.
Since in a chemical reaction it is rare that the reactants are fully converted to
products, so some of the reactants are found in the product stream. As a
result of this, those reactants are wasted. Recycle is the separation of most
or all of the unconsumed reactant from the product stream and taking them
back to the feed stream.
In the strictest sense, recycling of a material would produce a fresh supply of the
same material—for example, used office paper would be converted into new
office paper or used polystyrene foam into new polystyrene. This is accomplished
when recycling certain types of materials, such as metal cans, which can become
a can again and again, indefinitely, without losing purity in the product. However,
this is often difficult or too expensive (compared with producing the same product
from raw materials or other sources), so "recycling" of many products or
materials involves their reuse in producing different materials (for
example, paperboard) instead.
In studying the recycling, the recycle loop have to be carefully studied.


The recycle loop studies the pattern in which recycling is done on a system. An
ideal recycling process can be differentiated into three loops; one for manufacture
(production-waste recycling) and two for disposal of the product (product and
material recycling).

The product's manufacturing phase, which consists of material processing and

fabrication, forms the production-waste recycling loop. Industrial waste materials
are fed back into, and reused in, the same production process.

The two kinds of recycle loops are:

 The Open loop recycling and

 The Closed loop recycling.


The Open-loop recycling basically means that a material is not recycled
indefinitely and is eventually excluded from the utilization loop and becomes
waste. A typical example is a material flow through the linear (open-loop) system.
Here, natural resources extracted from the environment are transformed into a
product via manufacturing process. After its use, the product may be discarded as
one of the outputs;

 Whole product that is not needed anymore,

 Whole product that became obsolete (although still functional),
 Non-functional or old product because of its limited lifetime,
 Recyclable / reusable parts or scrapped materials
 Non-recyclable refuse.

Those outputs enter one of the post-use channels – reuse, recycle, and garbage
disposal, the latter contributing to the landfill. Reuse channel is usually limited,
just postponing garbage disposal. Recycling loop results in producing another
material, which is typically of lower grade and purity than the original material.
It may be transformed further into a different product, which after use creates
similar outputs. In the long run, a small part of the original resource may be stuck
in the loop, but the majority of it becomes disposed of.


Closed-loop recycling is the process by which a product or material can be used
and then turned into a new product (or converted back to raw material)
indefinitely without losing its properties during the recycling process.
By reducing the production and use of raw materials, closed-loop recycling
minimizes harm to the environment and discourages resource depletion.[5] In
contrast, open-loop recycling is the process by which a product is recycled but
has to be mixed with raw materials to become a new product, typically leading
to down cycling.
Ideal closed-loop systems produce no waste. They are called "closed" because
products have a circular life cycle, beginning as raw materials and either being
recycled into replacement products, returning to the original raw materials, or
being returned to the environment as biodegradable waste. This reduces the
amount of (non-biodegradable) waste disposed, as recyclables are recovered and
reused, rather than ending up in a landfill or as a pollutant.

Recycle Processes in Chemical Engineering deals with the theory and methods
related to dynamic (flow) systems and with the processes in static systems with
recycles. The development and refinement of chemical technology involves
processes that are purely chemical or technological in nature. The technological
approach consists in the design of industrial processes where chemical reaction
occurs with minimum by-products, and with the maximum useful employment of
each unit of catalyst surface and reaction space.

In trying to understand the flow patterns associated with recycling, the laminar
and the turbulent flow has to be studied.


Laminar fluid flow is defined as the type of flow in which the fluid particles
move along well-defined paths or streamline and all the streamlines are straight
and parallel.

Thus the particles move in laminas or layers gliding smoothly over the adjacent
layer. This type of fluid is also called as streamline flow or viscous flow.

Turbulent fluid flow is defined as the type of flow in which the fluid particles
move in a zig - zag way, the eddies formation takes place which is responsible
for high-energy loss.

There are two major stages in recycling strategy: collection and processing. Both
may consume resources and limit the process efficiency. The main recyclables
are metals, plastics, glass, paper, and wood. Those materials are common in
consumer products, so the public needs to be involved in the process. Public
acceptance is important for the success of recollection of those recyclable
materials. At the stage of processing, the question of recyclability is often related

to the product design. How difficult and expensive is it to retrieve those materials
from the product? You need to get those materials separated in a pure form in
order to make them reusable in the same or new products.

Recycling indeed helps to save energy, resources, and prevent greenhouse gas
emissions on the lifecycle scale.

The Recycle Loops Unit has been designed to demonstrate, both visually and
experimentally, what a recycle loop is and how it works. It has many teaching
applications, among them the performance of mass and energy balances under
stable and unstable state conditions. In this unit an inlet water flow is thermally
conditioned in a recycle loop to obtain an outlet water flow that fits the desired
conditions. The unit consists of a tube that carries water from the cold-water
supply to a drain and a loop connected between the supply and the drain
connections. This recycle loop includes a pump and a heating element to increase
the water temperature inside the loop. Different volumes of the recycle loop can
be selected by just opening the corresponding valve. The residence time of each
configuration can be studied. The loop flow variation has important didactic
properties. The recycle loop is regulated through that variation. The water
temperature at the inlet, outlet and inside the loop are measured with temperature
sensors. The water flows in the corresponding points are measured with flow

The unit is design to introduce the fundamental principle of thermodynamics.

Basic concept such as temperature, pressure measurements, the relationship
between them, the first and second law of thermodynamics, enthalpy, entropy
principles of irreversibility, are introduced. Recycle is a common phenomenon in
many aspects of life. In engineering application, it is combined with other
principles such as mass and energy balance, and the use of the steady flow energy

In the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries, the temperature of product
is raised or lowered by recirculating some of the product through a heat
exchanger. The recycle loop apparatus permits a clear demonstration of a recycle,
the performance of mass and energy balance under steady state and unsteady state

Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and
objects. The experiment uses a recycle loop modelled like a generic system. There
is an inlet and outflow. The experiment aims to study the response of the inlet and
outlet rates with variation in the inlet flow.


At equilibrium the mass flow rate entering the system is equal to the rate of mass
flow exiting the system, under steady conditions. The mass flow rate, Q m, refers
to the mass of the fluid passing a given point per unit time. Is mathematically
expressed as:

Qm =


 V = volume of fluid (m³)

 ρ = density of fluid (1000 kg/m³ for water)
 t = time in seconds for volume V to pass a given point.

Volume per unit time is the volume flow rate, denoted as Q v, measurable using
flow meters which records in litres/minute. Since the reading should be expressed
in cubic/second, conversion is calculated as:

Recorded flowrate F(1/min)

Qv (m3/s) =

Hence, the mass flow rate is calculated as:

Qm = ρQv

The recycle loop apparatus involve elements inside the modelled system but its
overall mass balance must theoretically remain constant.

We are dealing with steady state mass balance, below is the process flow diagram
describing the process:

Figure 1: Process flow diagram for recycle loop


The laws of thermodynamics define a group of physical quantities, such

as temperature, energy, and entropy, that characterize thermodynamic
systems in thermodynamic equilibrium. The laws also use various parameters
for thermodynamic processes, such as thermodynamic work and heat, and
establish relationships between them. They state empirical facts that form a basis
of precluding the possibility of certain phenomena, such as perpetual motion. In
addition to their use in thermodynamics, they are important
fundamental laws of physics in general, and are applicable in other
natural sciences.

Traditionally, thermodynamics has recognized three fundamental laws, simply

named by an ordinal identification, the first law, the second law, and the third
law. A more fundamental statement was later labelled as the zeroth law, after the
first three laws had been established.

- The zeroth law of thermodynamics defines thermal equilibrium and forms

a basis for the definition of temperature: If two systems are each in thermal
equilibrium with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with
each other.

- The first law of thermodynamics states that, when energy passes into or out
of a system (as work, heat, or matter), the system's internal energy changes
in accord with the law of conservation of energy.

- The second law of thermodynamics states that in a natural thermodynamic

process, the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic
systems never decreases. Another form of the statement is that heat does
not spontaneously pass from a colder body to a warmer body.

- The third law of thermodynamics states that a system's entropy approaches

a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero. With the

exception of non-crystalline solids (glasses) the entropy of a system at
absolute zero is typically close to zero.


One of the fundamental laws of physics states that mass can neither be produced
nor destroyed. That is, mass is conserved. Equally fundamental is the law of
conservation of energy. Although energy can change in form, it cannot be created
or destroyed. These two laws of physics provide the basis for two tools which are
used routinely in environmental engineering and science- the mass balance and
the energy balance. This portion of the course deals with these tools. Mass
balances are developed and applied in some detail in the following section, after
which the concept of the energy balance is presented and applied.

This principle of conservation of mass is extremely useful. It means that if the
amount of a pollutant somewhere (say, in a lake) increases, then that increase
cannot be the result of some “magical” formation out of nowhere. The pollutant
must have been either carried into the lake from elsewhere or produced via
chemical reaction from other compounds that were already in the lake. And, if
chemical reactions produced the mass increase in our pollutant, they must also
have caused a corresponding decrease in the mass of some other compounds.
Thus, conservation of mass allows us to compile a budget of the mass of our
pollutant in the lake. This budget keeps track of the amounts of pollutant entering
the lake, leaving the lake, and the amount formed or destroyed by chemical
reaction. This budget can be balanced for a given time period.

Min = Mout

Min = Mass flowing into the system

Mout = Mass flowing out of the system

It is the measure of a system’s thermal energy per unit temperature that is
unavailable for doing useful work. Because work is obtained from ordered
molecular motion, the amount of entropy is also a measure of the molecular
disorder, or randomness, of a system. The concept of entropy provides deep
insight into the direction of spontaneous change for many everyday phenomena.

Enthalpy is a property of a thermodynamic system, defined as the sum of the
system's internal energy and the product of its pressure and volume. t is a
convenient state function standardly used in many measurements in chemical,
biological, and physical systems at a constant pressure. The pressure-volume term
expresses the work required to establish the system's physical dimensions, i.e. to
make room for it by displacing its surroundings. As a state function, enthalpy
depends only on the final configuration of internal energy, pressure, and volume,
not on the path taken to achieve it.

Irreversible process: An irreversible process is a process that cannot return

both the system and the surroundings to their original conditions. That is, the
system and the surroundings would not go back to their original conditions if the
process was reversed. For example, an automobile engine does not give back the
fuel it took to drive up a hill as it coasts back down the hill. There are many factors
that make a process irreversibly. Four of the most common causes of
irreversibility are friction, unrestrained expansion of a fluid, heat transfer through
a finite temperature difference, and mixing of two different substances. These
factors are present in real, irreversible processes and prevent these processes from
being reversible.

Steady flow energy equation: SFEE (Steady Flow Energy Equation) is an

equation that describes the total energy flows of an open system. It is assumed

that the mass flow through the system is constant (this is why it is called 'Steady
Flow Energy').

SFEE is a total head equation that express mechanical energy content in meters.
The equation states that the final mechanical energy content of a working fluid
corresponds to the difference between the initial mechanical energy content and
the total head loss when turbine and pump are not present
SFEE does not account for interaction with surroundings, such as heat transfer.

The exact SFEE for a specific system would varies depending on the structure of
the system. In case of a typical piping system comprised of Pump, Turbine, Pipes.
The SFEE can be expressed as follows:

P = Pressure, N/mm2
z = Elevation, m
v = velocity, m/s
h = specific enthalpy, kJ/kg
D = Diameter, m
g = acceleration due to gravity, m/s2
h = height, m
ρ = Density, kg/m3

Below are the apparatus and equipment used to carry out this experiment.

 Armfield TH4

The recycle loops apparatus is a bench top unit which introduces the student to
the characteristics of a recycle loop and the typical responses under steady stare
and unsteady state condition. It consists of a through pipe conveying water from
a cold main supply to a suitable drain, with a loop of pipework in parallel with
the inlet and the outlet connections. The recycle loop has a circulating pump,
which transfers the water from the through pipe just before the drain connection
and returns the water back to the through pipe downstream of the supply
connection. A heater in the recycle loop raises the temperature of the water in the
loop, which then mixes with the fresh cold water entering the system.

The water heater consists of a 2KW cylindrical cartridge heater mounted

concentrically within an insulated tube. A switch on the console allows to be
switched on or off, to generate step changes when investigating the transient
response of the recycle loop. The heater cannot operate unless the heater pump is
switched on and there are flows in the through pipe and the recycle loops.

A pair of self-sealing fittings allows a short length of pipe or a reservoir to be

connected in series with the loop. This arrangement permits the volume of the
loop to be changed and the effect of residence time to be demonstrated. The clear
acrylic reservoir incorporates an air bleed screw on the top to aid priming and

The type K thermocouple, installed in tapping in the pipework measure the

temperatures at the inlet, outlet, and within the recycle loop after the heater. The
flowrates are measured at the inlet; outlet, and within the recycle loop using the
miniature turbine-type flow sensors.
Cold fluid for the equipment is provided by an external cold water supply. A
pressure regulation after the cold water inlet minimizes fluctuation in the supply
pressure to maintain the flow at steady state. A strainer in the pressure regulator
traps particles in the water which could damage the regulator of flow sensors. A
manual control valve allows the through flow of cold water to vary a required.
Drain valves located at the rear left-hand and the front right hand side of the
pipework allow the fringe and rear sections of the flow loop to be drained after
use. A drain valve, located at the left-hand end of the ABS supports, allows the
channel in the top of the molded support plinth to be drained when necessary.

Electrical devices are located on an electrical panel at the rear of the plinth. The
mains power output socket is an extra main power source for the armfield IFD3
interface device. The IFD3 is supplied with teaching software and data logging
accessory which allows data to be logged using a PC.

The three thermocouples (T1, T2, T3) installed in the equipment are numbered to
allow connection in the appropriate sockets on the front of the electrical console.
The three turbine type flow sensors installed on the equipment are also numbered
to allow connection to the appropriate sockets on the front of the electrical
console. Readings are displayed on the meter in units of L/mins when flow
readings is selected through a switch.

A 50W DC socket on the right hand side of the console (electrical) data allows
all of the temperature and flow measurements to be connected simultaneously to
a personal computer via an armfield IFD3 interface device which is supplied with
the data logging accessory.

In the apparatus below, we can see the display meter, rotary selector, electric
circuit, power switch, air bleed screw, pipes, heater and pressure regulator



The following procedure was carried out during the performance of the
- The Armfield Recycle loop apparatus was connected to an external power
source and the devices is switched ON from the power button.
- With the aid of the rotary selector switch, the electrical console was switched
on to select the output from the Inlet flowmeter F1.
- The inlet valve was adjusted to give an indicated flow rate of about 1L/min.
- The rotary selector was then switched on to change the display between the
sensor as required
- The inlet and outlet flow rates F1 and F2 and the inlet flow temperature were
- The inlet flow temperature and the table provided in data sheet in the appendix
was used to determine the inlet flow density.
- The display was changed to give an output from the recycle loop flow meter
F2, and the recycle loop was turned on
- The recycle loop valve was opened to give an indicated recycle flow rates of
about 1 L/min.
- The flow velocities were allowed to stabilize (laminar flow) for some minutes.
- Then the flowrates for the inlet, outlet and the recycle loops were recorded.
- The recycle loop valve was opened to give recycle flow rates increments of
0.5 L/min.
- The flow rates at each step was recorded; Care was also taken such that the
flow rates of 3L/min were not exceeded.


Table 1: Data showing flowrates, volumetric and mass flowrate for all streams

Inlet Recyc Outl Inlet Recycle Outlet Inlet Recycle Outlet

flow le et volumet Loop volume mass loop mass
rate loop flow ric volumet tric flowrate mass flowrate
flow rate flow ric flow flowrate
rate rate flow rate rate
F1 F2 F3 Qv1 Qv2 Qv3 Qm1 Qm2 Qm3
(L/m (L/m (L/ (m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s) (Kg/s) (Kg/s) (Kg/s)
in) in) min) (x 10-5) (x 10-5) (x10-5)
1.00 1.00 1.67 1.67 0.0167 0.0167

0.95 1.00 0.95 1.58 1.67 1.58 0.0158 0.017 0.0158

0.93 1.50 0.93 1.55 2.50 1.55 0.0155 0.025 0.0155

0.91 2.00 0.91 1.52 3.33 1.52 0.0152 0.033 0.0152

0.89 2.50 0.89 1.48 4.17 1.48 0.0148 0.042 0.0148

0.89 3.00 0.89 1.48 5.00 1.48 0.0148 0.050 0.0148

The initial temperature of the water = 26.6oC. Converting to K;

= 26.6oC + 273.15K = 299.75K

In order to find the density of water used in the recycle loop, we use the
temperature of the water which is 299.75K, from the table in the appendix we

will need to interpolate to find the density using the give temperature. From the
table, we have that:

Table 2: Data for recycle loop fluid density

Temperature Density
299.15 996.7867
299.75 X
300.15 996.5162


299.75 −299.15 𝑋 − 996.7867

300.15 − 299.15 996.5162 − 996.7867

3 𝑋−996.7867
5 −0.2705

Cross multiplying,

0.6 (−0.2705) = 𝑋 − 996.7867

-0.1623 = 𝑋 − 996.7867

Making X subject formula,

X = -0.1623 + 996.7867

X = 996.6244 kg/m3

This is the Density of water at 299.75K.

With our density, we can now apply our formula to get mass flow rate
Converting from volumetric flow rate to mass flow rate, we use the
conversion factor;
1𝐿 m3 60 𝑚𝑖𝑛 1 ℎ𝑟
× × = 3600𝑠
𝑚𝑖𝑛 1000 𝐿 1 ℎ𝑟
= 1.667 × 10-5m3/s

 Calculating for the Inlet volumetric flowrate (Qv1):

Since the given values were given in L/min, the conversion factor above was used
in converting the flow rates to m3/s

With F1 = 1 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.67 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.95 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.58 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.93 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.55 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.91 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.52 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.89 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.48 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.89 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.48 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠

 Calculation for Recycle loop volumetric flowrate(Qv2):

With F1 = 1 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.67 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 1.5 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 2.5 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 2.0 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 3.33 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠

With F1 =2.5 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 4.17 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 3.0 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 5.0 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠

 Calculation for Outlet volumetric flowrate(Qv3):

With F1 = 1 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.67 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.95 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.58 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.93 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.55 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.91 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.52 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.89 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.48 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
With F1 = 0.89 L/min,
𝑄𝑉1 = = 1.48 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠

Calculation for mass flowrate(Qm):

Recall that;

Qm = ℓQv

ℓ = Density

Qv = Volumetric flowrate
 Calculation for Inlet mass flowrate(Qm1):

When F1 = 1L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.67 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.67 × 10-5

Qm1 = 0.0167 kg/s

When F1 = 0.95 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.58 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.58 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0158kg/s

When F1 = 0.93 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.55 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.58 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0155 kg/s

When F1 = 0.91 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.52 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.58 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0152kg/s

When F1 = 0.89 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.48 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.48 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0148kg/s

When F1 = 0.95 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.48 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.48 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0148kg/s

 Calculation for Recycle loop mass flowrate(Qm2):

1st reading:
= 1.67 × 10-5 × 995.5277
= 0.0167 kg/s
2nd reading:
= 2.5 × 10-5 × 995.5277
= 0.025 kg/s
3rd reading:
= 3.33 × 10-5 × 995.5277
= 0.033 kg/s
4th reading:
= 4.167 × 10-5 × 995.5277
= 0.042 kg/s

5th reading:
= 5 × 10-5 × 995.5277
= 0.05 kg/s

 Calculation for Outlet mass flowrate(Qm3):

When F1 = 1L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.67 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.67 × 10-5

Qm1 = 0.0167 kg/s

When F1 = 0.95 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.58 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.58 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0158kg/s

When F1 = 0.93 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.55 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.58 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0155 kg/s

When F1 = 0.91 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.52 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.58 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0152kg/s

When F1 = 0.89 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.48 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.48 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0148kg/s

When F1 = 0.95 L/min

Qm1 = ℓQv1

ℓ = 996.6244 kg/m3

Qv1 = 1.48 × 10-5 m3/s


Qm1 = 996.6244 × 1.48 × 10-5 m3/s

Qm1 = 0.0148kg/s

This experiment was to demonstrate the effect of recycle on the total mass flow
rate of a system. From our results as seen in table 1, it is seen that the values
gotten for the Inlet and Outlet flowrate are the same; thus, obeying the Law of
Conservation of Mass (Min = Mout) which is similar to the First law of
Thermodynamics which says “Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but can
be transferred from one form to another”.

Upon the increment of the flowrate of the recycle loop pump, the inlet and outlet
mass flowrate remains unchanged (Constant). This therefore tells us that the
increment of the recycle loop pump flowrate by 0.5 L/min has no effect on
the mass flowrate of the inlet and outlet streams. A temperature of 26.6oC
(299.75K) was kept constant for the system during the course of this experiment.

The value of the mass flowrate for both the inlet and outlet stream was discovered
to be 0.0167 Kg/s, regardless of the varied mass flowrate of the recycle loop
stream. We can therefore conclude that this experiment agrees with both the
theoretical and experimental result of the Steady State Mass balance law, as the
system is a Steady State.

Some safety measures that should be taken during the course of the experiment
are as follows:

 Check that the inlet is connected to the water supply, and the outlet to a
suitable drain.
 Check that the heater switch and the pump switch are both in the off (up)

 Do not exceed 3 L/min as readings will not be accurate from the flow


From the experiment, a conclusion can be drawn thus: Upon the increment of the
flowrate of the recycle loop pump, the inlet and outlet mass flowrate remains
unchanged (Constant). This therefore tells us that the increment of the recycle
loop pump flowrate by 0.5 L/min has no effect on the mass flowrate of the inlet
and outlet streams. It can also be concluded that the Armfield Recycle loop
apparatus is an effective device for determining the effect of recycle on the total
mass flowrate of a steady state system. It could be seen that the results gotten
from the experiment conforms and are solid proofs with theoretical standard
values and the steady state theorem which requires the inlet variable (mass flow
rate, volumetric flowrate etc.) and outlet variable to be approximately the same.
Though recycle was taking place but it was seen to have little or no effect on the
output variables. The slight change that was seen was as a result of the leakage in
the pipe.
There are some recommendations that can be taken in order to improve the
experiment. Firstly, for the experiment to be more efficient giving accurate result
and minimizing error, the recycle loop apparatus must be without fault,
Connection like the piping and the control valves must be check before
commencement of the experiment to avoid taking the wrong readings.
Other issues and recommendations concerning operating the heat exchanger
experiment are as follows:
- Care must be taken when connecting the wires which connect the
thermocouple to the electrical console and those connecting the flow
meters to the electrical console, so as to yield good reading from the digital
- It is highly recommended that a recycle loop equipment with a higher pump
efficiency (>3 L/min) be provided to student to enable them perform this
experiment at stretch to get more flow-rates values and check for the effect
of the recycle in the system.

- W.L.Mc Cabe , C. Smith, and P.Harriott; unit operation of chemical
Engineering, Sixth Edition, Mc Graw, Hill.2001.
- A.s Foust, L.A Wenzel ,C.W. Clump, Mans and L.B.Anderson; principles
of unit operations, second Edtion, John Wile & Son Incorporated, 1994.
- P.H PERRY and C.H. Chilton, chemical Engineers Handbook, seventh
edition McGraw Hill,1998,
- J.Lieng, H.Bruemmer(2017) “Recycling requirements and design for
environmental compliance “. Fundamentals of Electronic systems Design.
Springer PP-193-218
- Three laws of thermodynamics:
- Entropy:
- Enthalpy:

 Qv = Volumetric flowrate (m3/s)

 F1 = Inlet flowrate (L/min)

 F2 = recycle loop flowrate (L/min)

 F3 = outlet flow rate(L/min)

 Qv1 = Inlet volumetric flowrate
 Qv2 = Recycle loop volumetric flowrate
 Qv3 = Outlet volumetric flowrate
 Qm1 = Inlet mass flowrate
 Qm2 = Recycle loop mass flowrate

 Qm3 = Outlet mass flowrate

Table 3: Density of water at different temperatures


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