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San Jose Community College

San Jose, Malilipot, Albay


Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
I-Enumerate the following
A. Kinds of Personal Computers
B. The popular things that you can do with the computer
C. Capabilities of Computer
II- Write the meaning of the following Acronyms:
1. PC
2. ICT
3. CPU
4. OS
5. PDA
6. WWW
8. IT
9. ALU
10. CU
Course Code: Business Application Software
Description: Students will study computer terminology, hardware, and software related to the
business environment. The focus of this course is on business productivity software applications and
professional behaviors in computing, including word processing (as needed), spreadsheets,
databases, presentation graphics, and business-oriented utilization of the internet.
Term: 1st Semester
At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
1. Familiarize business application terminologies.
2. Know and familiarize the different parts of computer and their uses.
3. Identify the internal parts of the computer and give their function.

What is application software?

Application software is a type of computer program
that performs a specific personal, educational, and
business function. Each program is designed to assist
the user with a particular process, which may be
related to productivity, creativity, and/or
Business software (or a business application) is
any software or set of computer programs used by
business users to perform various business functions.
These business applications are used to increase
productivity, to measure productivity, and to perform
other business functions accurately.
Below are some popular examples of business
applications that are commonly used by organizations:
Project Management Software
A type of business software designed to plan and execute projects, and to manage the resources
associated with those projects. PM software assists users with functions such as scheduling,
assigning tasks, managing budgets and costs, documenting progress, and reporting results.

Business Process Management

Designed to facilitate rapid development and automation of strategic processes. Uses web-based
modeling, rule creation, and a simple interface to enable the user to perform business functions more
quickly. Usually optimized for mobile devices and offering total visibility into operations, BPM software
is helpful in managing and analyzing complex data, content, and processes across the enterprise.

Productivity Software
Helps users do their jobs more efficiently and complete work-related tasks in a timely manner.
Categories include document creation, database management, accounting and collaboration.
Applications that an organization uses for overall productivity are sometimes referred to together as a
software or application stack.

Resource Management Software

A type of business software that facilitates the management of multiple projects and resources and
ensures that everything is allocated effectively in real time.

Time Management Software

A type of business software that tracks how an individual’s digital systems are used, including how
long the user spends working in certain applications.

Educational Software
A type of software that facilitates the teaching and learning of new content, concepts, or processes.
Common types of software used in business are:
1. word processing programs.
2. accounts software.
3. billing software.
4. payroll software.
5. database software.
6. asset management software.
7. desktop publishing programs.
Functions of Application Software
Application software programs are created to facilitate a variety of functions, including but not limited
1. managing information
2. manipulating data
3. constructing visuals
4. coordinating resources
5. calculating figure

Examples of Application Software

The most common application software programs are used by millions every day and include:
• Microsoft suite of products (Office, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.)
• Internet browsers like Firefox, Safari, and Chrome
• Mobile pieces of software such as Pandora (for music appreciation), Skype (for real-time
online communication), and Slack (for team collaboration)

What is the difference between computer hardware and computer software?

Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and related devices. Internal
hardware devices include motherboards, hard drives, and RAM. External hardware devices include
monitors, keyboards, mouse, printer, and scanners.
Computer software is a collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to
work. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is built and actually performs
the work.



Computer Terminology
It refers to anything related to computing technology such as networking,
hardware, software, the internet, or the people that work with these technologies.

Application – a computer program that does specific task such as word processing or spreadsheets.

Bit- it represents a binary digit which is the amount of information obtained by asking a ‘yes’ or ‘no’
question. This is also the smallest unit of information stored on a computer as a 0 or 1.

Blinking Cursor- this is a vertical blinking bar that locates the position on the screen where text can
be inserted or deleted. This appears most frequently in text or dialog boxes.

Byte - a unit of digital information that most commonly consists of eight bits. Historically, the byte was
the number of bits used to encode a single character of text in a computer and for this reason it is the
smallest addressable unit of memory in many computer architectures.
Cache- this is a type of memory and similar to RAM. Cache is used by the computer to move data
between the RAM and CPU.

CD-ROM- A removable disk that stores data. A CD-ROM can only be read. You cannot
record(save) data onto one. You may however record(save) onto a CD-Rewritable
disk. This is most often called a CD. A CD looks like a music CD, but contains data
instead of music.

CPU means ‘Central Processing Unit’- this is the place of computer data handling.
Moreover, it does all the data manipulation, calculations and formatting data for output.
Hence, whenever someone buys a computer he/she becomes more conscious about
the CPU and its capabilities.

Cursor - an indicator used to show the current position for user interaction on a computer
monitor or other display device that will respond to input from a text input or pointing

DVD-ROM: Digital Versatile Disk Read Only Memory - an optical storage media capable of holding
from 4.7 GBs to 17 GBs with faster access and transfer rates than CD-ROMs.

File - a collection of related record.

Flash Drive- this is a small portable hard drive that plugs into a USB port and allowas
you to transport files between different computers. Also called a thumb drive.

GUI: Graphical User Interface - is software that uses a computer’s graphics ability to organize and
display resources and objects making it easier to use and eliminating the need for a command-line

Hand pointer- The cursor changes into a pointing hand when it passes over a hypertext
link. This allows connecting directly to the link.

HARD DISK DRIVE (HDD) the device that stores and retrieves data from hard disks.

Hardware - the physical electronic components that make up a computer system.

Hourglass- This is the symbol that indicates the computer is working to retrieve or send
data or locate a webpage.

HYPERLINK- an item in an electronic document that links to another object such as a position in a
document or a different document.

Keyboard is a peripheral device that enables a user to input text into a

computer or any other electronic machinery. A keyboard is an input device and
is the most basic way for the user to communicate with a computer.
MEMORY- A device or medium that can accept data, hold them, and deliver them on demand at a
later time.

Modem-a contraction of “modulator-demodulator”, it is a device that converts digital

and analog signals. At the source, a modem converts digital signals to a form suitable
for transmission over analog communication facilities. At the destination, the analog
signals are returned to their digital form. Modems allow data to be transmitted over
voice-grade telephone lines.

Monitor is an output device that displays information in pictorial or text form. A

monitor usually comprises the visual display, circuitry, casing, and power supply.

Motherboard- the main circuit board in a computer. This board connects all of the
hardware in the computer together. Also see circuit board, hardware.

Mouse- is a hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative

to a surface. This motion is typically translated into the motion of a pointer on a
display, which allows a smooth control of the graphical user interface of a



A computer is a complex machine. While most of it works on a microscopic level, it certainly has
recognizable macroscopic components that contribute to its uses.  A computer can be used to do just about
anything from simple calculations to preparing reports to sending rockets into space to simulating the spread
of cancer in body organs.


The Role of the Motherboard
The motherboard is lovingly named, because it is either the origin point of other parts of the
computer or where every other component connects to. In a way, it is a lot like what you would
refer to your home country as: the motherland.
The motherboard is basically a circuit board of a decent size, depending on the size of the
computer we’re dealing with. It acts as a nexus of sorts because it facilitates the
communication of the other components in the computer. There are ports on the motherboard
that face the outside of the computer, allowing you to plug in different components into your
computer and also to charge it.
Motherboards also allow you to scale up by including slots that allow for expansion. You could
add in components like CPUs and RAMs, Video cards, and so on. You can also expand the
motherboard by adding more ports that allow you to connect even more auxiliary devices to
your computer. In other words, you have control over just what your computer’s capabilities
Motherboard plays other roles like storing some simple information when the computer is off,
such as the system time. That’s why your computer always tells you the correct time, even
when you turn it on after a long time.

The Power Supply

The power supply, as you might have already guessed is the powerhouse of the computer. It ensures
that every other component gets the juice that it needs to function properly. The power supply looks
like a black box of sorts, with a fan built into it. It is plugged into the motherboard, where it supplies
power to the other components of the computer.

On the one hand, the power supply is plugged into the motherboard. On the other, it is connected to
some kind of power source. If you’re using a laptop, then that power source is a removable or
permanent battery. If you’re using a desktop, then that power source is a power outlet.

The fan on the power source plays a very important role. It cools it down as it does its duty to prevent
the computer’s internals from overheating. It’s important to keep that fan clean so that the computer’s
power supply functions like it’s meant to.

The Central Processing Unit

You may have heard of the cliché that the central processing unit is the brain of the computer. Well,
the only reason it’s a cliché is that it’s true. The c_entral processing unit_, or CPU, is where all the
magic happens. It is to the computer what an engine is to a car.

The CPU mainly does arithmetic and logical tasks. It will make a bunch of calculations to ensure the
functions of the computer are carried out efficiently. The CPU doesn’t always function at a single
speed. The speed can vary depending on the priority and intensity of the task at hand. The CPU will
generate a lot of heat as it does its work and so that fan that comes built into the power supply comes
in real handy at this point.

The more powerful a CPU is, the more capable it is of carrying out more and more intense work. For
the basic things that an everyday computer does, like word processing, preparing spreadsheets, and
browsing the internet, an average CPU will do. However, when you need to edit high definition video,
program complicated software, or play CPU-intensive games, you will need a powerful CPU.

The Random Access Memory

The Random Access Memory, or RAM, is a temporary form of memory. When you open an
application in our computer, the computer will place that application and all its data in the RAM. When
you close the application, then space in the RAM is freed. That is why your computer gets so slow
when you have too many applications open; your RAM is probably being used at capacity.

Since RAM is only temporary, it has a volatile nature. The minute you turn your computer off, all of
the memory that is stored in RAM is lost. That’s why you’re advised to keep saving the work you do in
applications as you go along to avoid losing all of it in case your computer suddenly goes off. The
more RAM you have, the greater the number of programs that you can run simultaneously.

The Hard Drive or Solid State Drive

Remember that we said RAM is volatile due to its temporary nature, which means the computer still
needs a more permanent form of data storage. That’s why the hard drive or solid state drive exists.
Traditionally, the hard drive is a drum with several platters piled on it and spinning, and physical arm
then writes data onto these platters. These disks are very slow because of the mechanics through
which data is stored, although latest hard drives, solid state drives, are much faster.

Solid state drives have the same kind of memory as the one on your phone or flash drive, also known
as flash memory. They cost more but are also faster and more efficient than traditional hard drives.

The data stored in the hard drive does not disappear when you switch your computer off. It will be
there when you switch the computer back on. You are, however, advised to keep it far away from
magnets as they could damage it and cause you to lose your information.

The Video Card

The video card is a dedicated component that hands the images output by your monitor display. They
come with their own RAM, dedicated to this singular purpose. If your work involves highly visual work
at very high definitions, then you should get yourself a video card to take the load off your RAM.

Sometimes, the computer may have integrated graphics, where some of the RAM is borrowed for
graphics processing. This happens frequently on laptops, because there is a need to save space.
Using integrated graphics is much less expensive using a graphics card, but is not sufficient for
intense graphics functions.

The Optical Drives

These have become a lot less common today, with many machines doing away with them altogether.
An optical drive is used to read CDs and DVDs, which can be used to listen to music or watch
movies. They can also be used to install software, play games, or write new information into a disk.

Input/Output Devices
Depending on the type of computer you have, there are lots of devices you can connect to your
computer to input information and also output it. Some examples of input devices are the mouse, the
keyboard, and the webcam. Examples of output devices include monitors, speakers, and monitors.
There are also removable devices, such as SD cards and flash drives, which can be used to transfer
data to and from your computer.

I- Arrange the letters to form the correct words of computer terminology.


B. Read each sentence below and write the correct answer or the missing
word/s on the space/blank provided.
6. File is a ________ of related record.
7. Byte a unit of digital information that most commonly consists of
______ bits.
8. Hard Disk Drive is the device that stores and ________ data from hard disks.
9. ____________ an item in an electronic document that links to another object such as a
position in a document or a different document.
10. _______ is a type of memory and similar to RAM.

Answer the following questions.
I-Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. Answer each questions with 3-5
1. Explain the importance of application software
2. As a student, in what way application software can help you and which
application do you think best or suit for you to use, explain your answer.
3. What are the common application software’s use in business?
4. What are the popular business applications that are commonly used by organizations?
5. Why some organizations or even professionals uses application software in business?

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