English Script (4th Grading)

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English Script - Fourth Quarter Performance Task

Situation: Casual Zoom Call 

Values: Perseverance 

Franchesca Clavel: Doctor
Leunamme Sanchez, III: Businessman
Jan Fernandez: College Student
Cloyce Aguilar: Corporate Manager

Cloyce: Hi everyone! It’s so nice to see you all again!

Leunamme: It’s great to see you all doing well! What time is it in your place? London is
currently at 3 pm.

Jan: Well, it’s 10:30 in the morning here.

Franchesca: It’s 12:00pm right now in Australia. 

Cloyce: You’re working the night shift Franchesca?

Franchesca: Yup. I’m taking a break now. My colleagues said that they’re gonna cover
up for me. Anyways, how’s the pandemic in your place?

Cloyce: The Philippines’ Covid cases are soaring way too high and we’re stuck here inside
our homes 24/7. The government just implemented ECQ for the next three months. What a

Jan: All you can hear is ambulance sirens all over New York. It’s eerie here for the most part.
COVID cases were on the rise since last week. I don’t know if I can continue with all these
online college courses. I miss life around campus.

Luenamme: Pretty much the same here in London. The sudden spike of Covid cases made
everyone here too afraid to leave their homes. Business isn’t doing so well right now.

Franchesca: This pandemic is getting worse and worse everyday. I said this in the past
and look, there’s no signs of it stopping.

Cloyce: Speaking of which... Franchesca how’s the now “Covid Free” Australia?

Franchesca: I guess you can say I’m relieved because people here are slowly going back to
the norm we had before this whole pandemic. Anyways, how are YOU guys? 

Jan: I’m starting to get fed up with this whole online college thing! All teachers do is
assign us research papers and thesis one after the other! I have 5 thesis papers due this

Cloyce: Hey, come on guys. Don’t be so sad about it. I know the pandemic is really hard
right now and I completely understand that. We need to persevere in this situation right?

Franchesca: Exactly guys! We all worked so hard to get where we are now! 
Jan: I don’t know, I-- *sighs* I really want to put this whole “online uni life” on hold.

Leunamme: I even want to close my business here. Everything’s starting to get really
expensive and we just wanna stop here.

Cloyce: It’s really hard right now and I really understand that! I’ve been where you’ve been
through and I know how dark and scary those places will be.

Franchesca: *insert sad smile queue

Leunamme: I know, I know... It’s just— *sighs 

Jan: Yeah, I completely understand you. 

Franchesca: Hey, I know we all are struggling now but--

Cloyce: BUT, we need to persevere in these times of hardships.

Franchesca: *laughs* As cheesy as that sounds, She’s right. It’s important to not give-up.
Hm…  I suggest you look at the pandemic at a different point of view.

Jan: What do you mean by that?

Franchesca: Uhhh, think of it as like, like… The light at the end of the tunnel!

Leunamme: You’ve gotta put more context into that…

Franchesca: Let me finish! Anyways, what I’m trying to say is that, you need to see it as a
hope for a bigger tomorrow! We’re not enduring this hardship for nothing, aren’t we?!

Cloyce: I completely get where you're going from. Guys, don't you see? There’s more to
this pandemic than obstacles and struggles! 

Franchesca: Yeah! We got more time in our hands to do something we’ve always wanted to

Jan: Okay, okay! *laughs* I see where you’re coming from. 

Leunamme: Cheesy but efficient. *chuckles

Franchesca: Speaking of which my break’s over. Gonna leave the call first! They’re calling
me to come back.  I’ll talk to you guys soon! 

*Franchesca leaves the call*

Cloyce: Well, same here. You guys do what you gotta do! Let’s talk next time?

Leunamme: Sure.

Jan: Definitely. See you guys soon!

*End Call

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