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Subject: VALED 2
Reporters in this activity: Group 1 in week 2


Instructions: Below is a list of activities. How much time do you spend for each of them? Place
the corresponding score to indicate the frequency. Write additional activities that are not in the

Scoring: under column F (frequency)

1. If the activity is something you never did
2. If done once or twice in your life time
3. If done occasionally
4. If it is done on a regular basis though not necessarily every day or done each

Situation requires you to do it under S, (struggle) or resistance (including lack of time or

money), yet you take time to do it despite the struggle or constraint, 1 if the struggle is minimal
and does not pose a problem to you and you take time to do it, 0 if you are unable to overcome
the struggle that you fail to accomplish it.

Under C (choice), score 1 if the activity or pre occupation is something that you have
willingly chosen to do, you are not pressured or dictated upon by anybody.

Under T, write the total score per item.

1. Prayer or meditation at home or elsewhere
2. Bible reading, bible study or any activity
designed to enrich the knowledge on the
word of God, including fellowships, prayer
3. Joining and participating in parish/ religious
4. Going for a personal or group retreat or any
seminar on Christian renewal
5. Visit to the adoration chapel or any place of
worship (aside from Sunday)
6. Going to mass or any religious celebration in
one’s church regardless of religion.
7. Forgiving someone who has hurt me
8. Taking time with someone in trouble listening
to him, giving counsel or guidance.
9. Giving alms to the poor or any act of charity,
performing a community service
10. Giving contributions to a dead, sick person or
anyone in need – in cash or in kind
11. Rendering extra service to clients or
costumers beyond the call of duty, doing
more than what one is paid for; or doing an
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.

extra favor to someone without

12. Expressing special concern and
consideration to ladies, elderly, handicapped
as in giving them a seat assisting them
crossing the street.
13. Showing courtesy and politeness to
strangers, ladies, clients, etc. (being patient,
not being tactful not rude, greeting them,
14. Sharing knowledge and expertise with
15. Taking time to relax by watching a movie – in
TV on theatre
16. Doing physical exercise or any program for
physical fitness
17. Giving oneself a good break from work or
study through outing, fellowships, night out,
dining out, or any form of unwinding.
18. Going to a parlor for haircut, massage, facial
or other ways of improving one’s beauty or
19. Taking conscious effort to control weight –
taking low calorie foods, detoxification, etc.
20. Going to routine medical check up (not
necessarily for treatment
21. Taking time for self-improvement through
special studies, tutorial lessons, seminars.
22. Going on routine job, business or official
transaction – sales, client visits, etc. or going
to school (in the case of student)
23. Extra readings, research or library work to
gain more knowledge
24. Doing an overtime work or study
25. Scouting for business or career opportunities
like possible sources of income, career
improvement, etc.
26. Attending business meetings or official
gatherings in school work
27. Doing a homework or assignment (in the
case of student) or bringing home extra work
to do.
28. Joining and participating in professional
organization or student association
29. Doing a household chore, cleaning or
30. Taking extra time for socializing/ chatting with
the family (parents, spouse, children,
brothers, sisters)
31. A fellowship with the family – inside or
outside the home i.e., going for outing, dining
out together, other ways of fostering closer
bonds and intimacy.
32. Giving a gift or present or love notes to any
This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.

member of the family

33. Listening to or attending to someone in
trouble in the family
34. Praying with the family or going to mass or
fellowship with the family.
35. Attending to a sick member of the family or

Your score in this exercise reflects the value you give to the following:

Your relationship with God -items 1-7

Your relationship with other people/
community (value for people) -items 8-14
Value for personal well-being (self) -items 15-21
Value for work/career/study -items 22-28
Value for your family -items 29-35

Summarize your scores as follows:

Relationship with
Value for HumanityPersonal Well BeingValue for One’s Value for the Family
God (Spiritual (Value for Self) JOB OR CAREER
Item no. score Item no. score Item no. score Item no. score Item no. score
1. 6 8. 5 15. 4 22. 2 29. 6
2. 4 9. 6 16. 3 23. 5 30. 5
3. 5 10. 5 17. 6 24. 5 31. 3
4. 4 11. 2 18. 5 25. 2 32. 5
5. 5 12. 6 19. 4 26. 2 33. 5
6. 4 13. 6 20. 3 27. 5 34. 4
7. 5 14. 5 21. 5 28. 4 35. 4
Total Score: Total Score: Total Score:Total Score: Total Score:
33 35 30 25 32
Equivalent: Equivalent: Equivalent: Equivalent: Equivalent:
Moderate Moderate Low Low Moderate

Score Equivalent

Write down your score in the appropriate box above. Get the total score for each
category (Spiritual (1-8), value for humanity (9-16). Etc.

38-42 - high score

32-36 - moderate
Below 32 - low

Realization and Insights

A high score indicates that you are giving high value. To the said item – i.e., family,
career, personal well-being Etc., allowing it to occupy top priority in your life.

Moderate score indicates that you give it secondary importance and a low score
indicates that the said item is the least important to you that you give it little time and attention.

This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.

When the high score is confirmed to one item. Like career, while others have low score,
it simply indicates there is no balance in your life. Your life goals are confined in aspect, you
forgot that there are equally important things in life which you have taken for granted such as
your family, God or yourself.


1. Look into the distribution of your scores, what does it say about hierarchy of the
values? What have you given priority in your life? What have you neglected?


The result of my assessment often got a score of moderate. In the assessment shows
that I was more give priority to others than to myself and just keep them happy. During
the assessment I have low importance of myself, but the people around me makes me
happy as well. Maybe I will try my best to give value and give some rewards for being
who I am.

3. What do you think are the consequences that resulted from your neglect in
attending some other important values? If there is an abuse, anyone could go to
the court and file appropriate charge (e.g. libel cases).


I only neglected myself at some point I tend to do in my life. The outcome would be my
health would be affected. Also, the chances of being taken advantage of people I trust
or helped would possibly because I tend to prioritize others rather than myself.

This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.

This module is a property of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology (SJIT). The term module refers to an instructional material that focuses on a specific course. Details
and activities vary according to specific content and focus on student-centered learning activities.
No part of this module may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or any means without approval of the CEO/President.

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