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Freedom of Information Release On Subject: Nikola Tesla File #: 100-2237 Pages Reviewed - 160 Pages Released - 160 7 LIC EEE wcnteor ss, fav. Depertavat of Justice, Attens Ure d Biger Hoovers 4 Washingtony De Gs Lu FORMATION CONTAINED ii IS UNCLASSIFIED, paar tes sooers 73.86 BVM aed Is soo eppnes tte wan protein ey Pe Tne tar of et Sy Jf vital taportance to our ay) septeaber 2%) 1940 and 4 sennd on proven facts ,ahould tar popartuent an well,as to that of other aations now eartroties oy insane dietelort: soca perfected by Hikole Foster tt At jan the author statenythe teleforee Neat be e neanure of fecenlghtedanns to asare Rie ewastant guarding egmioet his Sols ie aolested ypoestbiy Kidnapped and terturedjby alten esaniee for the purpose of the secret of wach a Lavalunble instrument of war and/or defeat crue foregoing i offered just is cxse the articis amt ste inferences Bere 22% been cated te your attentions wecy truly youre p b1C 90808? EBs | Oatetae by 1900 *y bit I wish to acknowledge fase st your, secon sk Spat 2S Pega Ae ‘aolosure. Your eourtesy and interest in bringing thle tnformntion to ay attention are indeed Sppreclatod, and you nay be asmured your letter EET eetve appropriate consideration Sincerely youre, dota Bigar Boorer Directer "AL INFORMATION ae iS cS As lUNIGATIONS SECTION MArLED acl 1 rs po oe JAN sos eps Ms os : FBI NYC tn 12-43 11-06 PH wus DIRECTOR vest. J UNSUBS -~- EQUIPHENT, EXPERIMENTS AND JESEARCH OF CEASED, -BeowaX ESPIONAGE =. RETEL ANDER ABOVE HEADING TO NYE BUREAU FRom THis OFFICE DATED JAN NINE LAST INQUIRY DEVELOPS THAT TESLA DIED TAN EIGHT, RATHER THAN THURSDAY, JAN SEVEN, AS SSMMGBEOWK STATED IN REFERENCE’ TELETYPE. ON THE NIGHT OF JAN EfcHT, SAVAYKOSANOVICH, GzoRcE WELARE, AND KENNETHOSUEEZEY VISITED TESLAS HOTEL WITH A REPRESENTATIVE OF SHAW WALKER CO. IN ORDER TO OPEN THE SAFE IN THE ROOM OF TESLA. KOSANOVICH LATER REPORTED TO WALTER GORSUCH, OFFICE OF ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN, NYC, THAT HE WENT INTO THE noOH IN ORDER TO SEARCH FOR A VILL OF TESLA.’ KOSANOVICH AND THE OTHERS MADE THE SEARCH OF THE SAFE INTHE PRESENCE OF THREE ASST MANAGERS OF HOTEL NEW YORKER AS WELL AS REPRESENTATIVES OF THE. YUCOSLAVIAN CONSULATE, IDENTITIES OF LATTER NOT YET KNOWN, AFTER THE SAFE VAS OPENED, SWEEZEY, TOOK FROM THE SAFE A BOOK CONTAINING TESTIMONIALS SENT TO TESLA ON THE OCCASION OF HIS SEVEN- TY FIFTH BIRTHDAY. THIS BOOK VAS ARRANGED FOR TESLA BY SVEEZEY« KOSANOVICH TOOK FROM THE ROOM THREE PICTURES OF TESLA, TWO BEING EN- TARCED MEVSPAPER PICTUREX, ACCORDING TO MANAGERS OF HOTEL AND KOSANO VICH HIMSELF, NOTHING ELSE WAS REMOVED FROM THE ROOM OR SAFE. THE SAFE WAS THEN CLOSED UNDER A NEV COMBINATION, WHICH COMBINATION 15 NOW IN POSSESSION OPBMUNEZX KOSANOVICH. ON’ SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JAN NINE AGORSUCH AND FILZGERALD OF ALIEN PROPERTY CONTROL UeivT TO HOTEL AND SEIZED ALL THE PROPERTY OF TESLA, CONSISTING OF ABOUT tuo TRUCKLOANDS OF MATERIAL, SEALED ALL ARTICLES AND TRANSFERRED THEM TO. THE MANHATTAN STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. NY, WHERE THEY ARE NOW LOCATED. AT THAT Samm TIME THERE WERE ALSO IN THIS’WAREMOUSE APPROXIMATELY SHIRT! BARRELS AND BUNDLES BELONGING TO TESLA HICH NAD BEEN THERE SINCE ABOUT NINETEEN THIRTY FOUR. THESE a ‘ALSO BMMONB BEEN SEALED AND. ARE NOW UNDER ORDERS OF ALLEN PROPERTYEUSTODIAN. IN VIEW OF FACT TESLA 1S a'US NATURALIZED CITIZEN, ALIEN PROPERTY CUSTODIAN FEELS THAT 1S. ‘SuatSDIcTION OVER PROPERTY {5 DOUBTFUL BUT REWWAK FEELS THAT NO OTHER. AGeNey WILL OE age gp Spt wet oT PROPERTY FOR AT LEAST TWO DAYS/ cbsibs bestioven Me Afendy it Tro:sunee ' HEIN USuee Lieb [p15 waa i PLSD coPhintss REBACTIONS on THIS PAGE ARE Not Fold DELETIONS PAGE Two AFTER THAT TIME IT IS POSSIBLE THAT A PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR WILL BE APPOINTED FOR THE PROPERTY WHO MAY TAKE THE PROPERTYINTO HIS CUSe ToDY. TESLA ALSO HAD SOME PROPERTY, AMUEGOOMESX ALLEGED BY INFORMANT FITZGERALD IN THIS CASE, To BE A VORKING MODEL OF AN INVENTION IN ‘A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX IN GOVERNOR CLINTON HOTEL IN NYs INQUIRY SHOUS THAT THIS WAS PLACED HERE BY TESLA IN NINETEEN THIRTY TWO AS SECURITY. FOR FOUR MUNDRED DOLLARS OED HOTEL. THIS BILL 1S STILL OED AND HOTEL APPEARS UNWILLING TO RELEASE THIS PROPERTY TO ANYONE AT LEAST UNTIL’ MQM DEST IS PAID, BUT THIS OFFICE VILL BE ADVISED IF ANYONE ATTEMPTS TO PAY BILL AND OBTAIN REOPERTY. CONCERNING TESLA HOTEL MANAGERS. RE~ PORT HE VAS wameX VERY ECCENTRIC IF NOT NMERK MENTALLY DERANGED DURING PAST TEN YEARS AND IT 1S DOUBTFUL IF HE HAS CREATED ANYTHING OF VALUE DURING THAT TIME, ALTHOPRIOR TO THAT HE PROBABLY WAS A VERY BRILLIANT. INVENTOR. THEREFORE, ANY NOTES OF VALUE WERE PROBABLY THOSE MADE PRIOR TO"THAT TIME. "KOSANOVICH IS A NEPHEW OF TESLA WHO DESCRIBED HIMSELF AS FORMERLY QUOTE YUGOSLAV MINISTER OF STATE UNQUOTE AND. NOW QUOTE rememmEK PRESIDENT OF EASTERN AND CENTRAL PLANNING BOARD REP= RESENTING YUGOSLOUIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, POLAND AND GREECE, UNQUOTES SWEEZEY IS A VRITER FOR POPULAR NECHANICS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS. WHO IS fmm DESIROUS OF PUBLISHING & BIOGRAPHY OF TESLA AND THERFORE WOULD LIKE To OBTAIN CONTROL OF HIS NOTES FOR THIS WORK. “CLARK IS EMPLOYED BY RCA AND MOULD ALSQPROVIDE STORAGE ROOM FOR TEstaS EFFECTS IN ORDER TO USE THEM IN WRITING A BIOGRAPHY. TESLA AT ONE TIME REPORTED 70 BE WORKING ON EXPERIMENTS FoR YUGOSLAVIAN GOVERNMENT IN EXILE. “IT 1S DESIRED THAT BUREAU ADVISE IMMEDIATELY WHETHER IT 15 INTERESTED FURTHER IN THIS PROPERTY FoR PURPOSES OF TAKING CONTROL OF IT. SUGGEST THAT, IN VIEW OF FACT THAT THE NOTES AND OTHER MATERIAL WOULD BE HIGHLY TECH- NICAL IN CHARACTER AND FOR THAT REASON wm COULD NOT BE REVIEWED BY WH EXCEPT BY A TRAINED PERSON THE OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DEVEL OPMENT MIGHT BE INTERESTED. Foxuoari END NYC s2 wis REDACTIONS ON THIS PAGE ARE Not FOIA SELETIONS AcconDite To FIFT® AVENUE, NEW YORK CTY, THE NOTES Ad iT5 AND FORMULAE TOGETHER WITH DESiGNS OF ANOMG TESLAS|PEASONAL EFFECTS) 4 FROM FALLING aS INTENSELY’ DISLIKED BY 7 THESE INPORTART DOCUNNTS AND PLANS. HERE (AT ROSRLOVI: : AVATLAELE TO ASHINGTO AS il ce NEW YORG OFFICE THAT C8 JANUARY SE! LARK, WHO IS uD LAEGRATOR} ETE SUEZEY OF ONE ERCOLK» NY) ‘TO TESLAS. ROHS IN THE NEV ¥ ISTAICE Of A SEESSOOMUMMMBK LOCKSHITH BROKE INTC 1S ROCNS IN WHICH HE SORE OF MIS VALUAELE PAPERS, INCLUDI LAE, DESTGRS, ET WITHIN 7 1. JAN t 1a poge OS eee eer Redactions on +hi are net FOIA Delete PAGE TwC JsxrzcezaLp ALSO KNOWS THATTESLA HAS CONCEIVED AND Fear ee onPEDO WHICH 15 NOT PRESENTLY IN USE Gee PITZcERALDS. BELIEF THAT THIS DESIGN HAS NOT {0 ANY NATION UP TO THE PRESENT TIME, FROM STATEM TRaALD EY TESLA’) HE KNOWS THAT THE COMPLETE PLANS Cea eLaNATION OF THE BASIC THEORIES OF THESE THIA THE PERSONAL EFFECTS OF TESLA. Moock OF TESLAS WHICH COST HORE THAN TEN THO 2 SeFeTY, Rm, 0° FOS2T aay Sobor cuiNTo™ S HOTEL, AND, REBSOMRS FITZGEARLD Heo poveTT# THE SO. CALLEDE DEATH RAY OR THE WIRE eee ro reaL CURRENT. TESLA HAS ALSO TOLD FITZGEARL! THAT HE HAS SOME MARX ELGHTY ZsCerets aN PLANS HAVING TO DO WITH EXPERIMENTS He SeQuesTED To ADVISE IMMEDIATELY WHAT) IF PAREN CONCEANING THIS NATTER BY THE NEW YORK FIELN FOKUORTH THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE TELETYPE THE NAME TAT SHOULD APPEAR conRECTION NOT FITZGERALD wpe AS IT SOMETIMES 1S 15 ‘SPELLED HoLD Redactions on thi not FOIK Deletion, S Page are Ss eee ederal Bureau of Hnuestioa United States Departanent of He Mashinston, D. 6. Jecuary 1, 1868 Iifkola Tesla, one of the vorldts utes i ‘the olectrical Mele, died ot Ais rest ence in Os Sore Sits, on Senuery Ty 1945. im tho sourey-of remy onpetinente with rerpect to the trape tes OF vadio ant wnat in commonly orlled tH ath Site bees tacos 0 pr eels nea a ei Aislikeds “Yor sroviey excoazentsd 1) for Roky ane Fennet® Tienes no thw in dotgg al! be oocle te papse| ye kp > tes “2 a TK 5 JAN 2 3 1043 (D-Y F £0 ° cath ber LG Abies Pee aha Prep ‘ Crit ap] Ma pon Wien O-OALe th - “apt oh ae Yew as o> a Bederal Bureau of Hnvestigatio United Btates Department of Fustice Mashington, D. €. ATIDS January 12, 1963 MENORANOUM FOR WR, LADD on Fridoy, January 8th, Ur. Ls My Co Spsth called ne (hy, fn connection with the death of Wikold-Tesla. He ads bised me thot he was concerned aboud the possiDilt of enemy agente confiscating sone of the trunks 9, tlelas who had died on January 7h. He understood Wat the Har Department wae interested in this matter and thet opparently tre Alfen Property Custodian's office as taking sone action. He desired to know whether the Bureau would take some steps to refrain relatives of Tesla fron taking the contents of Ais trunks and whether the Bureau would sefze possession af the trunks. lr. Snith indicated that he wae talking to the Alien Property Cuatodsan Glong the sone Iines. I told him that in vtew of the fact Re wis going to handle the natter with the Alien Property Gustodion's office, there did not appear to be any action Shick the Bureau could or shousg take. An cont enn Vy ceo We hve, ge foals Bao. he Fon sc 1 JAN 18 1988 © 8 UN 2B ie yy “~ i & 6 DW) bakes 6, Wis St 16, 194d ft sane coN TaN HEREIN IS UiICLASsi na VE Hows ee 7 Fea Brace 7 Pong ck Mate 4.6 ew ne ecoke 4 os pose! Za yg vost bn, Eke seine = ok on hla YG otremind! t ef peal agentes f AE someon He wcll of arenes 7 ; deen recetved, efatten to vos ide The ef by Oe Bureaie, mumfoote with the Tatted States Department Hoenue, Faahington, De Ce este ‘taferactton relat! 1a pelative $0 elecsrica) ‘pitch swath under 7 ‘and held for seourthy ‘Feasons. Duress ¥ ‘ghat the effects of Tesla vere Ranél SMUNIGATIONS. sears | ‘siteo Bt se npn 25 IAS PM April 3, 1950 staoerety yourey z MT ene feo" BAFI-2F! bisector, FBI sort 17, 1950 SAC, Nox York Sava 8. Keone DETISAL SECUITIOTY (outtte 65-47953) Retalet dated apil 3 Last bm Apri. 7, 1950 agente of this office interviewed Mir. J.Y» POTS» ioe President of the Manhattan Karebouse ant Storage Coweny, Sand Strest (fis irene, Hew York City, and at that tine MR. POTD advised that the Tales of bis Chem required that all persons gaining access to goods stored Fy aenhattan flret bed to F411 out on appropriate form setting forth their Plaees date of Visit, apd reason for requesting access to the gods In a review as the file pertaining to the storage of Un effects of HNe LA TESLL, Wie POTS swreelad that coly ope auch vieit bad been made ty Jersots ontelde of the managment of Kanbattan Storage iteelt. This ene > Pecbaricn took place on January 26 ant 27, 1943, at which tine representatives sete tiuen Propert, Custodian anda a tgjough review of the entire effects or te sla eatater vy pee A 1 eS LAT ‘toe Sia affects are stored in rooms 5J and SL of wanbatten Storace's wareinase at Sand Stroet & 7th jvemue, New'Tork City. Re MICHAEL KOWO, who TESESS SLine, Visor Supervinor for approciautaly 10 years on the Floor Te Sietions stated that be gould Teoall only the ope occsseion in early 2943 SRO Galination was made cf the TIA effects. Be stated that at that TE SSiear photoprepia were talen by the exaxiners. Bis description of thr'eqdpment caed wockd tnd to show that « niorofila reprod.ction war made Bete Er the pepera of thn deogased aclertist. Mi. KINO added tbat several The group maling Ue examination wore U.S» Mery axifoma, end daring the Geo dnyh Tegdired to coaplete the eaxination the civilian dasistants in te Group were Livrtitied te bin only as *FSIBIAL AUNDAITIES*, Anoorting to 16 She, wo other instance of microfiining ef the records of the TESLA estate as taken place winow that tlw Tt atould be noted that the Duress was informed of the examination tiooed store ty Hew York letter (with aUtacimente) dated Ostober 175 1965p Ser Pimrwcke Siucecty SAYA KISARVIGR) Haperiaenta & Researoh of ILA TESLA (Deceased), Eaptonace-te = 8 NED conte wr ore ONS 923 ET siege 305-33 Latter to Direbr, Far WF 105-1391. ms POTTS stated that no inquizy had been receded ty Manhattan from Siva We RSA ICH, aor hed Manhattan informed bi, in any ways, ot an ex~ SAA tion of the TEsIa effects bad been nade ty anyone. In fact, added XR Joma the only corresponicne relating to the SLA estate has Sven in the form of bills for storeges we. POTTS atated that any personal inquires regarding the estate would, of vecebitty be directed to Rix, and to date no such inquirtas have been made Intervieving agents explained to MR. POTTS that the examination made, ee TENS Mr tot instigates by the Buresn, mor had the Duress tan pect in that examination. pntass adviaed to the contrary, this investigation is being placed so a closet stati and po further dnrestigative aation is oontenplated ty this offioe. CISD. eee bt 5 nests August 18, 1952 yy QANTAS LED Foderat bureau of Tovestigation + ygORMATIONS” TS Bepartaont of Rasorde BeLASS! hte vd Gentiesen: In a manner of introduction, I wish to state thet T an working foward a degree in Electrioal Engineering at the Institute of Technology of the University of Hinnesota. For several years, I have been engaged in # study of extensive Conpass and deteti concerning the researches snd writings of ‘worlé renowned scientiet, Dr. expenee, I have acquired’ an Sateriels relating to Dr. Teele and bis v Skole Tesla. At con- ‘engive collection of vorke which include? gone) tere written by Teels to his close friend. 2) Mugerous periodicals, gone of watch are to be found in only « few Libraries throughout the United States. 3) A few rare books which have now become collector’ tteas". 4) A collection of tesued patente, Although the itens cific information a isted are considersble in number, the spe- ire te lacking. Ae I underetand tt, because of the nature of Dr. Tes in selentific developaenta, all research papers, patent apolications, ete.» were secured by the Federal Bureau of Threstigation at the tise of Dr. Tesla's death in January of 1983. role ‘The purcose of thie selzure, ae described in nunerous articles, wes fo determine whether these cavers contained suggestions Yeading toward advancenente in the field of acience. ® CORO: oes j te ary an RE - Lf ye an a “ er ee Fe RR STEEN TPR aE Now tt seene toat eurficient tine has elapsed for an inves tigation of this kind, If Dr, Tesla's Estate has been relecoed by. the departnent in charge, any records that can be nade available for examination will be welconed. A letter from Harold I. Baynton, Assistant Attorney Goneral, Director, O-fice of Alien Property, informed me that the Library of Congrées lletea Gertain worze, writings and research etudiea 7 However, a letter addreased Library fatlea to bring reeulte aé the Library "has no files on the Fesearches of Tesla result wae obtained fro tie Bureau of Naval Research ‘and the Departnent of Conaerce. I an egvecially interested in the research vork in which Tesla wae engaged in hie Iter years. Yertous unoublished jenent presented in 1937 Ata meeting of aitore outlining his Giscoveriee and giving a reaume! of he work In the fields of gravity ant cosmic ray researen, etc. Varicus papere, one of which was in effort to secure the Pierre Gutenan Prize fron the Institute of France. My inguiry 16 in effort to determine whether any of these docunsnte, ae well as others, are at this tine available. I will greatly appreciate any information in regard to any Pecerds whlen you may have. Auguat 26, 1952 fferance to your letter of in filen dlaclose that ote of hikold Teale were taken into Guatody at the tine of Ata death Sethe Office of Alien Property, and not by thie Bureau. “Consequentiy, you may conuunicare further with theta, may be addressed os Auguet 10, 1952) he eps Asstatant Attorney Ceneral Rowland 7, Kirke Director, Office United States Depe Alten Property J - Ton" Fratene goers itnent of Justise an a Stacerely yours, 0g gm Yokn rdcor keover Set pbree tor ~ Asatetand asedbibyaenera? (win copy-ag” Rowland Fe Kirk oe) i Directors "office of Alten Property — Tnitea stare '@ Departaent of Justice 201 Indiana Avenue, Be Feo” Washington 25, . 6.) 5) ah Som . y won < ip Ao ob Ho peference sureay pan pa N MOTE! Yo reserence Bureau si1¢s on correspondent in Wanesota., 6-20-5900 pe - u Ser Lu az ° — é K * Office Memorandum + oxrrap staves GOVERNMENT he park vay 5, 1s3e Yee ORMATIC CONTAINED Gal ied on the cfternon ed been reading @ book entitied, i eof Nikole Teale’ by John J re Hew fro ted in his Forrowing his death this enseered on rene on Jonu-ry ? a. vipetner af nogern poser eae dion of the Beet gonerets Seth ongincering bic 2 tots er AMM ics she cegeeynt concerning he aursee'® sabing Teich pM nod seen very Topical bus thee T would he purec:'s files reflect that shordly after the death op restarts Fey Rasta! tase in! tew Yor city on January 7 2925, af egla tn his hated ieee reletivg, end osher inaivvaucl Saya Kosenovichs 2 Sis tet tie ‘sapd, ezonining gerdeig Rater (ols entered sis rook ond perce one gy ibaa, re Le He Cy Sateh Of, BEICH he possesstt OT Eare thas he’bas concerned about the SLING 0h snes eerie Gactacetg peor Me ae OL, possiblity of eneiy 2°roe oe! stalien property Custocion was / 2 Rese one anette tegarding snese effects. Since the notter Pree HoEing sone Gof, Teer lee! oy alien croperty Cussadias ea being nanaied Bb inguifies into thie lization, (25-4786 Tt ig noved also that ibaa a ri1 16,1999, fron fr! [i tleaukee, tisconsin, SeeePnrne eee Bow ereering ot the iiluavkee School of She IGE NE nas interested in the af Pesto, thot ne waceretoed ot a's deat hoe he acne ceee oe eae iene dgagecee, nectonel steur f1U Boer he nensser ais 004 S2e acu ace les 6, oF2 5 9, she Bunce oer eee ethice op aeemmonerey one vat bY the i tfesearease16) eetiee tr IMs poreey on eve ag Sette Be tne op sia of Alten Be penn te 8S Tain took. over the trots oe Regia. folio: inc Uainsip, f suggested thee? _- Ones conmuniecte with the office of Mien F yiehe Bio ator sd on concernia ees netecrs Lise of tikole Pesta” fas to vhat "prodigal Genius - The Lise of Nikola Testa," Pregnicine the folloving statenent: 5reitgareau of Envestigation case and opencd Whe pagers ie contained, to ezanine t tnvention of possible use Page 277 of thi describing Tesla's death, | “operatives fron the Fed the safe in his room and took fhen for @ reported important secre’ in’ tee war." “Since this work was published in 1944, i¢ is not felt by taising dn objection that any porticular purpose would 3 SHA GRE publishers ot this tine. fene! individual who ratsed Ene question, Ace been set straigh ‘Srepore, no further action is being take abe Uffice Mr~vorandum + oxtrs . Tes GovERNMENT yo + Director, FBI pattem | SE, Maw tor (2-7 "FORMATION ¢ sumer: 1 AISUNCLE. Boe ty Eocnetie, Yex aSoroR, r SeatiE ges of reich re ee APE ha heat Napelber action is being Taken Wy the WY. CEFicay, UAB, “Wiki yy eee NTS 4 has * eee - oe ee &. . ® I eed etnias pesteerwere west, etangpoint. (See encoged brochure. ) ate Center irseres reer scr sy ats epee ater uae ee pared puro ercrericaertr ens Canes Brenna tets ern raemererenarty Prmeseetters( Peete teers ty comenea yaaa ae, ilowel I Cou leree occu a PRC Rea Tore eee rrsretarrperrenstrs Britcar Pranreesee renal? 3 ees ey Prec iecer eta ear earn prcreerreen SUR Ctr peaperer hele ea Pein taerenseata Remraecreereeserhrarr acy of currente of hi pret ape Pear race Uaioe Boece: Eaten ese cee eee nee Pmerert neces cc Oh acer ore paeeretttttt cae recites paeery Pec rms oT aeRctreN Sr cereet eer eneetc a aete te Perey ear reer Petter eet aes oa F etsy pres aire weorese eee Sarre aes aera strates ears ae re arotee prc eeetets need reer ene ond eens ee ET ‘SPECIAL DELIVERY Maren 10, 1954 Reuelat 2-19-54 Concerning the, sntiytsd, anet forvardet to the Darean typ Postostate of te letters fro ES payee ae le erate Wo yo tein Coorge Henares, ore a sah of tha Potontate rocetved Mare te returned bereits ty gee Beene te ectowurer wih gout later imeemeh oe 48 pears tesie for retention in your office file, vee ener w.swexdl “Te SR MATION CONTAINED. 163 Wilton Stp¥et o> 7 SS UNCLASSIFY sree 2s if 2.2-¢0_B z a ui ue. 3. bages Beat eile | Federal Bureau of Investigation L. ‘Biss Gandy weberageas Bucs = Dear ir. Boovert qr ; Tage ack in 1943, the Local Alten Property " cgntodian, searched tnaguen ae belongings of the Zate Custodian, searched, Unravel be tay sored in the Mansatten Lean inventors Moers SENN “Peale had been, 8 Pioperty was to be sent to Yugoslavia, through Tesla's Preker ani heir, Kr. Sava Kosanovie (lir. Kosanovié had F pephet mister of State under the King's government, later Fes peeane Anbessegor to the United States from the present eeceeneat, ani is now a Minister serving in Belgrade). According to the attorney who handled the % testa estate, ur. PRE BRS ‘the Alien Property peste eet ccured Bie that nothing hiad deen held. i have soieeter trom the Office of Alien Property, dated Herch fs°19s5, which confirms this statement. ny In gathering material to help ina nation-wide comneuoration of Tesia's hundredth birthday pert year-s-whieh will be participated in by leading C ») Zeientifie and engineering societies, museums, Esiversities---I have just discovered, however, that, srerere Solid gold Edizon Medal somehow vanished during ‘that seareh. As a friend who had imown Tesla well; during bis last twenty years 1 was mth ur. Kosanovié guring Mie cain the Hotel He Yorker on the day he die Teese expert was called in to unlock Tesla's safe. A sate eer‘ yore several honorary degrees, volune of TEs conten r Sh't had gathered for hin on Ais seventy fifth » ¢ GESekines Wicheh of keys, and the #dison Medal, We kept Birthday, Sof erectings (I mentioned this at the tine out tne oetk ent’ganager of the hotel and later toe Mr. fe, the aes em faten Property Custodian's office) , but a Gorsuch of vise, including, tye medal and the keys, was serena gna the safe was LOPE... RECORDED - 82 /, > exeept wnen sts salN POI. Pefperty custodians’ Be safe was never reopened Let. Comb moe ' so digress EXEZBRO Ge vet 111955 ~ awk Pr rss \ ari. sed in Belgrade (where Tes. .'s property vas to be {hitalled in a special Tesla Yuseun) and ves there opened iy lity Kosanovie. According to his foruer secretary, both The'Sinch of Keys and the wedal were pissing. The keys kote ister found in'a tin box outside the safe; the medal mas never found. Z learned of the disappearance of the medal only by accident. ur. Kosanovie hai asked his forser secretary iS cget permission fron the American Institute of Electric) Hicineeks (who gave Tesla the Ledal) to have it duplicated. SoMyes given, bat the cost, it turned out, would be about four Minded dollars, In thé meantine, the’Tesla uuseun, {n'Yugoslavia, is quietly trying to raise the soney to pay for it. ‘The trony of this situation is sore disturbing than the goney involved. By giving us a systen which made te rene’ ponek universally avaslable, Tesia-—-probably S6s5"then"any other, one wen-—-helped put America on top of the world. "At the tine he died, mis gold Edison lecel Ans Re romy saterial evidence Left of this country's iS eelatiog. “That this last token should have disappeared reer te be sepiacet, by his saterially poor counerynen Gversees for whom he had done nothing---seens a tragic geeonenent doy geese, WAC bs “Tee Taad nt ‘Fonafornel1X, in! Bis biography of Testa, states that tho FoI brake into Tesis's safe on the day he died, and Rc abetete tn the current (June) Coronet repeats wis. 2 jcnow this isn't true. {did hear, however, that the Fi SGashow lent @ hand to the Alien Property Custodian during the latter's seareh in the warehouse. If that 12 so, T thought tnat perhaps some of your men night remenber the conditions under which the search was Bige ani cherefore ight have a suggestion as to what, could fave happened to the Bedal. After this long time, T have Bevhope that the medal can actually be restored, and I an Rerooy trying to interest Americans in making @ replacerent Bit fuvure biographers might be spared a lot of wild guessin dal wrong blazing 1f some hint could be obtained as to Ghother the original get lost, strayed, or stolen---and who might have been responsible. vidth dest regards and sincere appreciation for any help you ean give, Sincerely, a A. Sena Kenneth MASGerey enctoasng on SITESHAAESS Yaar one's FO bation to the electric P.Set I a sagazine which outlines power industry. flats conti ens. Strange Genius AS te lpn en se te who ui The foundation fr today deal generation abd “sribation Youll wind op with an Snpresive Tt din, Drath Thomeon, Weinghoue, many others Dut ihre alin suet be siaifenrtoston ‘Yet thsferguten man consived the palyphae we mo tomtl se end devaed wile aye of ger taion and distation for apiying Se To grep te Itacitude of thi contibton we mas tara bck fo the 1890s when the elie ra was Bing born, andthe nto he ym” eld say. ‘Arclight and motors were bing operated on constant cont sete syn Eduo's Peat Ste generating ‘son hed ope in 198, upping icandecent amps Ta.iner de meter am contant potential stem. Un Er ke laderhip of Weninghoue and Stney, che ‘amages of te datiboon were demonstrated Bat there wenn oof ae motor. a May, 188, « young Yogo Slav engine, but four ear inthe Unie Sten rend paper before he Aner ite Toitat of Eta! Engineers In t be dosed ew tose, I hont ws the Sedan motor with fur busc and beat conep of the rotating mage ‘ei The man vas Nikola Tass the ester be dered ‘tes dined to oep the ld. With characte vison, George Wsghoue ral luc the fundnetal Impertene of he ppb ac ‘sem tod acute th bse pent Tis a impact Ro Ferea pbc wae the Chicago Worl’ Flr of 100d There n Zphue genertorsepplled motors and Temp, ands through rary comet and motor ge eny af de eipment Batt remind for he Ningara Falla power project to monte inte mot drama way pole hat py flaw ac was the tom of te fature. Since 186 when cheer to deli over bad een granted, the jes ‘fhe world hd Bea om Ningnn, An ternational om ‘msion; Headed by Lard Keb had reviewed 17 pro els ford one aceptble Later, jt Bre yar afer Poles ATEE paper, tos oily desided to oxo the polyphase ape, Tn August 1895, Niger power was deinered tothe rst indiestore and in 1096 ae tannin 1 Batol, 22 lm away wat begun. By tht Une, he team trbioe had ben node! in America andthe Iredern age of ect power had aly opened. For Nila Tela thse frseahing inventions were ‘ete begining Sl te come was brian wok ohh freqeeny taking bai to mach af ody’ eadio at ‘Yer by the tine of is deth in 194, both be and is ork had beg t ip int bac. Why? [A man of fshing insights and enormous biases, “Tae wae lrely indiferet tote development of his ‘Hen. Thine le to oer wl he flowed the Ine tt nw cheng Io Tater years, hi projects Beste ‘nor radio, ha ways mre mysterious, his pronounce: Senta more Olypian And working aloe, a» be dd, Tormed nen of the betainal ew tat Blpt pe putes record of some. ‘Net year—Jaly 10, 1956-—wil beth 100 ansiver sary of Nikola Tee's ich, Tt would he fing for Cheoerng tela to commemat thi oso ‘SReowindge our deb o ia aang and lonely gio She changed gr orld forthe beter 100 -b5 7 I CUBOBPAH THE AMERICAN, SRB OBRAN scent la al Pilon Authored Patra Pa RECOGNITION FOR TESLA ~ : Largely thro a young American engineer's efforts, the vd teday is reacanming dhe record and achievements of ovr Inventive genui, Nikola Tea. Of Tate, even the bigtie tnesatines have devoled space tthe amazing career and foe ing character ofthe pionering electrical wizard “The man behind this belated recognition for the onetime} Serbian immigrant boy who made milons bu died alm pauper is Leland P-Spdesaag, head of the Tesla Society PU ‘hich hae Bendgurtere atthe University of Minnesota “Thra travel, correspondence and detailed research, Mr [Anderson has dog up many friends ofthe late genius and in| Ace them to jin in hi noble work A good many ofthese sre American Serbiane, ‘They serve Mr- Anderson and he Ses them, with information enue thr hie TESLIAN pub lication. This at present, mimeographed publication iesued| monthly which caste new light onthe known life and record ofthe ate Dr. Tesla. “The latest cove (March-June) informs of progress plans to honor Dr. Tesla even more. Italo presnte an eccount ofa {aecinating editorial, “Strange Genius, by the POWER maj dune of the powerfal McGraw Hl publishing line. This ed {Grn traces the introduction of Dr. Tesl's polyphase system, escribed by Me, Anderson, asthe “most tremendous event All enginering history torial, Louls N\ Bower, according to the TESLIAN. answers the pespleng-QUestion why, in view of Tess im portant dicoveres, he fell hort ofthe comparative popultity fon by Edison and Bell Then in closing: he suggests: would befitting for our engineering societies, n commemors Thon of the 100th anniversary of Nikola Tesl's bith (July 10 1936), 10 acknowledge ovr debt to this strange and lonely enivs who changed tr world forthe better" “The appears to be just what Mr. Anderson was waiting for. For now, inthe sme tase of his TESLIAN, he has pre pored a form to petition Postmaster General Arthue E. Su thei to ianue a Tela commemorative stamp nex! ear ‘Weare pesing ths ores dpe. he aye and ftp ttn oth ele Sod empl pn INDEXED-59 “22ty ROT AFCOROED TB UL a2 235 frcan sRBoERA 29, 1955 Joargh, Ponneyivensa LAC fetes 7 cotman ts ae" Office Mem andum. + oniTED silfTES GOVERNMENT bare: June 29, 1955 mon +4 INFORMATION COTA: + He BELYOW PERE! IS UNCLASS'FI=9, ATE, jou By L ° sonper: yrrota’ TESLA Pee TR ORLLANEOUS - INFORMATION CONCERNING (BSPIONAG} ro +z. 7. BonRDUAN fe wixola Teale, a native of Yugoslavia, was a famous electrical inventor whardied in dew York city in 1949 where he hod Lived £07 tony inuent er teeached Letter ¢o bureau dated 6-25-55 Kennedh bs (Wessels ere ms sew Tork, advice he ia gathering material to he2P 0 0 Brockluns Mee Tnanoration of Tesiovs hundredth birgh anniversary fp \ 1956. Swezey relates he was presen: friends ofter hia death and advises tresnced’and hen impounded by the United States Alien Prope roy Teploced ane rier ene safe wos renoved 0. Belgrade, Tugoslavia, so oe Custodian. ee ecole museum. Missing from Tesia's effects 13 a god installed int Thad been anarded. Swezey 9 seeking Yo locase the zaiven medah Me nes agutced oy the Office of Alten Property (CAP), thot Reda? and toe of Teala's property. , Swezey states he has hedrd she CAP hele none oth ta hendling Tesia's effects while in storage, ond FBT assisite Oar oho whether Bureau could gasist him in locating the [ecgertingtys Moe kgr"s aasiatance 0, OAP Swezey mentions that ty the Bi 90n res oay {tthe Prodigal Geniua” — 1944) by John 0 wesll te Teste bi0greRi roke into Teala’s safe the day he died (179-49 to ees see es cents. from enemy honda). Swezey notes this sone Comnery sreeeee Gengreieds (o7ne Cantus Who Nolked Alone”) Dy Alfred 8. gone gppeart in aretSe, Scorenes.” Swezey tays he knows FOI aid not do th Anihbe noe’ pertinent. re suczey. Bureau did nov enter, inte Teale Busites sneer pon Departnent a advice 1 was being Rondied by Qtr sole metre riecely evore of conment sn O'Nei1l's Book. Per Hi/idee cus] OFe Merican crusl, Live rting,Tnion in 1930-405 ep I paper "Phe Anvil," 1999-97; member ef st ea AEA reporei9s4); close fotend of Ptoorted CP nexber and euapected underground nondef |~ frepereequeated for hie use os author data re Bureaii’e inks Teqeecguised no euch data available for publication, Enolosureteecl "30-5 100-2287 ee = 1 - 65-47953 Tioklers - ur. Bird Ur. Belmont {Ar Boardaan G.. at fis + IOS Menorendun For Ur. Boardran RECOMMENDATION» Thot the attached letter De sent to Swezey advising Bureau ata not partictpate tn the handling of Teala's effects and that the aid net Po"hondied by OAPs ‘Therefore, Bureau unable to be of aaete meg; gnat ne action be taken relative to Sinks! connent in Seoronet” article. -2- . besmont fr. Boardnn June 30, 1955 < MEORMATION CONTAINED S UNCLSIFJED ary Kemnatr wHve2ey (originai Be 21-60 DY HManfte ‘Brectlya 23, re Dear Ur. Swezey: op att Since we td not partiotpate tn the handling of Wr. Tesla's effects, we are unable to supply the tnforaation you requested. JUN 3.01985 MAILED 25 wore: A cover m wos prepared by ETB thie outgoing mail. Buftles contain no derogatory ai pondent; reflect only thet he wee close fs »énirer of Teale. to your letter of Junsn2s, he effects of Mixalete: ‘ody after hia death by the Office Property and not by thie Bureau. Sincerely yours, 2a Hoover Jenn Eagar [60-2237-4f ud RECORDED - 207 FBS HST = INDE = ae su 1 188 a orandua Ron Belnont ¢: fucr jaa on 6-29-55 T-FonnectTor vith pal ol ® cau of Investigation, gton, Dec. In his poo, "Prodigal Genius, The Life of 4 ir. fonn ‘olieil segs, on pego P77, thét the F.2,1. went to Tesla's hotel ie sl safé and renoved from it, the papi oon, openee hiss ‘contained. fas there ever en’ publication of what these papers contained? If so, coule p7u inform me vhere T night obtain & Copy of su publication? the Safe!s content, eft fo publish th 10 peblicetion of 2 A here ag wy ae August 12, 2955 ATION. CONTAINED ALLINFORW : P) WEREIN'S UNGLASSY — pate z2-2-® at, : . dated Aug onset 4 letter mand ant adpiee thet our sere tect hath th Peale aster jeath by the OF6 afer Ehta aurea: 8 the hondline te tn Seo" aunply of ur. Teslo's essee' Ghrormotton vou x n correspondent: Dives do Taal secur tt ¥ (esoa7882 of fnvol ved. Pioned was done REcoRDED-2 /¢ Bi FLLANFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS INCU DATE Z2-£2_B) T Aave recetved your Letter dated September 10, 2855. Aa you were advised by ny letter of Auguat 12, 195s, thts Burecu wes not connested in ony respect witl the bequisttion or custody of the effecta of Nikola Tesla, and tite therefore nef posatble to furnseh you any additional information. Sincerely yours, John Fagar Ho! ‘Director eS BIC 4% Nore: By letter 8-11-55, we referrec 0 the Office of Alien Proverty, which Office wo! peed to Gesuned custody of Tesla's effects sudseouent to his deat (65-47953-6) > é*, oemey Og SEP PSG Sp 2955. ioe 1 (°EORMATION © "TAD fee, 17 P Hanah, Fearne Bye yy a InoexeD.se RST aio Bean 8 60 C13 EF i ee F ee et Oe | RECOGNITION FOR TESLA— 1 ‘A ong ls Seini—Areian and Canadion—ipoe sete o honor the memory ond shewements of ae of fs Septet ea * pe the rsd Catena een seta Lath ot Jens, Sr oti Continent Sirk stun wor oh cel gna tod chee te nrc ofthe Mossory at beryl = _"Sipltcing ovorde her cnd were abe the cnt she greening ending a ety Pres ct a re en, | isa church a a w mi Imomamca by Sean, wold fomsr remind ote Sub Fike lomrand lay of Dr Sika Tes» = And Sut By | stort SERBIAN in of» SERBIAN ORTHODOX le | Rin rnin tbe SERBIAN SELO ot Sin nba | Foner Hs Cree aed th the amdcrang be a jit ve and ropeennive of ALL, he Senn eration Br UnheE Sted Cana Fe wars oe {orld andthe pete sna comaton. Ba ‘So eno te np fhe Sein RAP Deere on [dimen ental ty “The Convetian ved $1000 fr the project nd» and enfin wan gop among the Sgt and | Fes ree aga iH ee Sey | iy et ipa 28 Siri Ee atc eo toa ed 3 Th ged he hene pti eae 38 “Radafera rouble as hasbeen ercaed for Fes! NESS \ See SSDS Sennen peer ROS Seer ibe dist stom morsanened ai Teac é “This in» abject near and dear to all good Serbian hearts & Z eee Ss ane Go oct? toss

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