The Orientation Phase Is The Phase Where The Client Seeks Help and The

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The theory of Hildegard Peplau emphasizes the nurse-patient care relationship as the
foundation of nursing care practice. Peplau went on to form an interpersonal model
emphasizing the need for a partnership between nurse and client as opposed
to the client passively receiving treatment and the nurse passively acting out
doctor’s orders.It emphasizes the give-and-take of nurse-client relationships
that was seen by many as revolutionary. In this theory the four phases of
nurse-patient relationship and the six proposed nursing roles are identified.

There are four sequential phases in the interpersonal relationship being

identified. These are:
The Orientation phase is the phase where the client seeks help and the
nurses assists the client to understand the problem and give the needed help.
Treatments, explanations and answers to the questions are provided.
● Problem is defined.
● This starts where the client meets the nurse as the stranger.
● Deciding the type of treatment or service needed.
● Client seeks assistance, conveys needs, asks questions, shares
past experiences.
● Nurse responds, explain the roles to the client, identifies the
problems, and use the available resources and services for the

Identification Phase starts when the client identifies and works with the nurse
interdependently, expression of feelings becomes stronger.
● Selection of appropriate professional assistance
● Patient begins to have a feeling of belonging and a capability of
dealing with the problem, which decreases the feeling of
helplessness and hopelessness.

Exploitation under exploitation phase the client derives a full value or makes
a full service from what the nurse offers in their relationship.

● In the client makes full use of the services offered.

● Use of professional assistance for problem-solving alternatives
● Advantages of services are used based on the needs and
interests of the patients.
● The individual feels like an integral part of the helping
● They may make minor requests or attention-getting techniques.
● The principles of interview techniques must be used to explore,
understand and adequately deal with the underlying problem.
● Patient may fluctuate on independence.
● Nurse must be aware of the various phases of communication.
● Nurse aids the patient in exploiting all avenues of help, and
progress is made towards the final step.

Again exploitation phase is where the client makes a full use of service offered
by a nurse where the client feels like an integral part of the helping

Next we have the,

Resolution Phase under this phase is where the old needs and goals are set
aside and new ones are being accepted where newer and more mature one
becomes evident. This is where the client no longer needs professional
services and gives up the dependent behavior. And where the relationship
ends.Termination of professional relationship
● The patient’s needs have already been met by the effect of patient
and nurse.
● Where they already need to terminate their therapeutic
relationship and dissolve the links between them.
● Sometimes it may be difficult for both as psychological
dependence persists.
● The patient drifts away and breaks the nurse’s bond, and a
healthier emotional balance is demonstrated, and both become
mature individuals.
Next are seven nursing roles under the theory of interpersonal relationship.
This seven nursing roles are as follows.
Stranger role nurses offers the client the same acceptance and courtesy that
the nurse would respond to any stranger.

Resource role nurses provides informations and answers to the questions

and also explains the clinical treatment data.

Teaching role nurses provides instructions and training to the client. And
helping the client to learn formally or informally

Counseling role nurses provides guidance and encouragement promoting

experiences leading to health for the client such as expression of feelings

Surrogate role nurses serve as a substitute for another such as a parent or a

Active leadership the nurse offers direction to the client or group.

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