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John Michael L.

Manila September 24, 2021

LTS 1: Letters: B

Instructor: Mr. Jimboy Huerto

Below is a roster of duties and responsibilities. Pick at least five (5) which you think are the most
important ones to be prioritized. Justify your answer/s by citing a sample situation.

1. Follow traffic rules.

2. Be punctual and do not procrastinate.

3. Ask for a BIR official receipt.

4. Pay your tax.

5. Be a responsible parent.

6. Love your husband or wife.

7. Conserve water and energy.

8. Protect our environment.

9. Report crimes.

10. Obey the laws and local ordinances.

11. Be kind to our foreign visitors.

12. Respect other Filipinos, especially the elders.

13. Build a good relationship with your neighbors.

14. Help your own town achieve progress.

15. Give support to our countrymen.

16. Be a responsible worker.

17. Love your employees.

18. Make your customers happy.

19. Be a responsible netizen.

20. Make an honest vote.

Beyond those rosters of duties and responsibilities, I choose pay your tax, protect our
environment, obey laws and local ordinances, respect other Filipinos, especially the elders, and be a
responsible netizen as the most important one to be prioritized.

Pay your tax

Paying taxes is the primary responsibility of every working citizen in the Philippines. The taxes
help the government run more projects that benefit the nation as a whole. We must give priority to
paying taxes as it is a responsibility as a working Filipino citizen and if you cannot pay your taxes, you will
face the consequences.

Protect your Environment

A good citizen protects his/her surrounding especially the environment. By a simple segregation
of your waste, planting trees, and cleaning the rivers, we can contribute in protecting our mother
nature. It is a duty that everyone of us must prioritize because environment is so important for us
human being. Always remember the mother nature or the environment is the reason why we inhale
fresh air and why we are still living right now that’s why we need to be responsible enough and enhance
our responsibility as a protector of the environment.

Obey laws and local ordinances

Obeying the regulation and the local ordinances that the authorities established is another
obligation that we must prioritize. A good citizen is conscious and constantly observe the regulations
and policies in the society. We Filipinos are quite nicely called an obedient citizen of our country
however now a days lots of us are disobeying the legal guidelines even the small and easy local
ordinances that our Barangay and City authorities established. The essence of being an obedient Filipino
citizen is vanished and we must re-establish that way that each Filipino human being is nicely called. We
can achieve this by listening to what the authorities said and ordered to us.

Respect other Filipinos, especially the elders

We Filipinos are also well known as the most respectful citizens in the planet but in this days,
respectful Pinoys are quite few. Respecting each other is another important responsibility a person
should have. As what I have said a while ago, we Filipinos are very well known of being respectful. We
should prioritize this kind of act and responsibility. We can gain more friends and social interaction with
other people if we are respectful with them especially to the elders. By a simple act of “mano po” And
saying “po at opo” to other people especially to the elders, we can show our deepest love and respect to
Being a responsible netizen

Now a days our lives encircle through social media that is why we are now called netizens but
some of us are not responsible enough when it comes in posting news and other post that will later on
become an assault to another person’s life and privacy. As a result, cybercrime will arise. As a netizen
with must prioritize being responsible to what are we posting in any social media platforms. We should
be aware and always remember to “Think before you Click” to avoid conflicts and issues with another
person. A good citizen is a good netizen and even more aware about what is the feeling of others and
respects someone’s private life.

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