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John Michael L.

Manila September 22, 2021

History 11 EDE-1B
Instructor: Mr. Renato Valdez

Exercises 2.2 Speech of Corazon C. Aquino

Read and watch (using the YouTube link given in the document) the speech of Corazon C.
Aquino and answer the questions given below.
Give a concise explanation/discussion on the following items below.

1. What can you say about this line in the speech of Corazon C. Aquino: “… and so
began the revolution that has brought me to democracy’s most famous home, the
congress of the United States”? Which concept in this line is important to you? Why?
Ans: This remark in Corazon's speech suggests that she feels the United States is democratic
and can assist them in escaping the totalitarian rule in the Philippines. She is reminiscing on
the events that transpired during their efforts to liberate the Philippines and achieve peace
via peaceful means in this phrase.

2. What did Corazon C. Aquino mention in her speech pertaining the aspiration of
Filipino people? What are the specific lines for this? What do you feel about these
Ans: Corazon Aquino suggested the approval of a constitution that will give full recognition
and protection to a citizen's basic rights and freedoms in relation to the Filipino people's
aspirations. For example, rights against abuses of a person's integrity; rights against
interference with the people's sovereign prerogatives to impose the democratic
government they desire and to have their views heard. These rights against abusive
authority, in my opinion, are provisions that bind the state to the achievement of the
nation's worthy aspirations: growth, peace, security, and equity.
3. In the video, how many times the former President Corazon C. Aquino have been
applauded by the members of the U.S. congress? Mention the lines she said for
which she received an over whelming applause.
Ans: Applause interrupted Aquino's speech 11 times, and after she ended a speech filled
with personal references to her killed husband, Philippine Sen. Benigno S. Aquino Jr., the
entire audience stood and cheered for three minutes. Several members screamed “Cory,
Cory, Cory!” as Aquino made her way through the swarm of lawmakers afterwards, shaking

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