Chapter 1: Biopsychology As A Neuroscience: Four Themes of Biopsychology

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1. Thinking Creatively with the book that DR. Hebb has
- Biopsy wants us to think are based on written.
evidence, rather than widely accepted views  Entitled “The organization of Behavior
and traditions. Think creatively the cases. (1949) – this is a key factor in the
2. Clinical Implications development of biopsychology as a
 Implications of biopsy concepts neuroscience discipline. Isa ito sa mga
 Application of conditions, disorders, nagconsider na maging neurosicience
abnormal behaviors ang biopsy
3. Evolutionary perspective (comparative approach  BIOPSYCHOLOGIST- studies how
(trying to understand biological phenomena by the brain and the rest of nervous
comparing them in different species). system works (Psychological Processes
 Comparative approach of different – perception, feeling, what we say, and
species to learn more about humans. what we do behavior) this are covert –
 Use of laboratory animals, experiments. inside the brain.
 Mammal species comparable to human  The ultimate challenge.
 Study of brain activity or neural in
human beings
4. Neuroplasticity Neuroscience – it is the scientific study of the nervous
system wherein it includes the other disciplines or
New discovery: approaches:
 The brain is plastic. - neuroscience (the scientific study of the
 The brain continuously changes I nervous system)
response to interactions between its
genetic programs and experience.

Definition of Biopsychology: Disciplines Related to Biopsychology:

 Some refer to this field as • Neuroanatomy
psychobiology, behavioral biology, or
- Talks about the structure of nervous
behavioral neuroscience.
system (central nervous system,
 It is the scientific study of biology of autonomous nervous system, brain, spine
behavior. Means all observable all organs in nervous)
behavior in the naked eye are studied.
 Brain and Behavior = Biopsychology -The study of the structure of the nervous
 It is another approach in studying system
behavior aside from TOP, Behavioral
• Neurochemistry
psychology, developmental psychology
and etc. - The study of the chemical bases of
 Biopsy is the biological approach to neural activity
study psychology. - Chemical basis of neural activity. Ano
 “Biology of Psychology” – ang ginagawa ng mga organs na inaaral sa
Biopsychology neuroanatomy. They study hormones,
 Overt-observable covert chemical reactions inside our brain. How
 Biopsy emerged at the end of 19th neurons and transfers and activated
century, it was together disvcovered
• Neuroendocrinology 2. Comparative Approach (human vs nonhuman
subject’s differences)
- The study of interactions between the 3. Fewer ethical constrains (still we have to follow
nervous system and the endocrine system. ethical considerations)
- Endocrine system – function is to - Brain weight (1.3kilogram)
regulate hormones. - 4 Lobes in the Cerebral cortex.
- Connected to neurochemistry, studies
- Brain stem – physiological feature
about interaction within endocrine system
and nervous system.
• Neuropathology Differences of human and nonhuman mind:

- The study of nervous system disorders - Differences are more than the qualitative
- Studies - What are the disorder in the and more than the quantitative.
nervous system? - Sizes and functions. Cornicle
• Neurophysiology

- The study of the functions and activities of

the nervous system
- The functions of the nervous system
- Work together with neuroanatomy.
- in a sense of what are the functions of the
organs studied in neuroanatomy and
• Neuropharmacology

- Studies what are the effects of drugs on

neural activity.
- Discover the effects of drugs and
alcohol in the neural activities or the neural
connection inside our brain. Experiments:

- Used for cause-and-effect relationship.

Scientist - are interested in behavior, normal and o (to know causal factor of the experiment.
standard conditions. They are not interested in We have control group and treatment
understanding of maltreated animals. group.
o Control group – No manipulation
Bio psychologist - handle different subjects. (human and o Treatment group – being manipulated.

2 subject designs:
Human and Nonhuman subjects:
1. Between subject design
Advantages of Human:
(deals on different groups of subjs.)
1. They can easily follow directions.
2. They report subjective experience. 2. Within subject design
3. Less expensive. (in terms of laboratory (similar group of subjects in different
materials) experiment)
4. They have Human Brain. (the focus of biopsy)

Advantages of Nonhuman subjects

1. Simpler nervous system.
o (It is motivated to address certain
problems to humankinds
o Independent variables - Control / manipulated
o (More beneficial. Nagsosolve ng
o Dependent variables - Outcome variable
problem sa humankind)
o Variables that are unintended to be present are
the experiments difficult.

- Two common types of nonexperimental Six Divisions of Biopsychology

studies are quasiexperimental studies and case

 Quasiexperiments - a design which

researchers examine real world situations who
have self-selected in a specific condition.
Individuals who have already experience the
study.) 1. Physiological psychology
 Quasiexperimental studies - studies of groups -physiology talks abouts
of subjects who have been exposed to the functions and role.
conditions of interest in the real world. -Mechanisms that affects our
o Used when controlled experiments activities.
are impossible. - Direct manipulation of
o Self-Selected subjects nervous system
o KEY PROBLEM: You cannot - Mostly lab animals
control confounding variable. (cannot - Focus on pure research.
identify cause and effect) 2. Psychopharmacology
o -therapy drugs for disorder, use
 Case study (Jimmie g case is a case study) of drug research or experiments.
Studies that focus on a single case or subject - Manipulation of nervous
are called case studies. system pharmacologically
- Used when conditions are rare. - Focuses o drug effects on
- Single-subject design behavior.
- Questionable generalizability - Drug effects change neural
(generalizability—the degree to which activity.
their results can be applied to other - Conduct both pure and
cases.) applied questions.
3. Neuropsychology (most interesting)
- Focuses on behavior effects
of brain damage.
Major Research Kinds: Pure Research and Applied
- Uses case studies and
quasiexperimental designs.
1. Pure Research - Applied research.
- Curiosity of the researcher
“The Lost Mariner” – Jimmie G. (she is stuck in the
(Basic research for
base in navy because of alcoholism making his memory
to be lost) unable to recognize himself, age etc. he was
- Focus on basic concepts.
not able to make new memories.
2. Applied Research (Translational research)
- Use basic research to answer specific Tested by Dr. Oliver Sacks
4. Psychophysiology
- (focuses on how our psychological activities
produce psysiological responses)
- Focuses on physiological and psychological Converging Operations:
- Uses noninvasive recordings from humans. How Do Biopsychologists Work Together?
 Muscle tension • Each area has a weakness.
 Eye movement
 Pupil dilation • Must collaborate to ask good questions.
 Electroencephalogram • Converging operations
 Electrical conductance of the skin
– Progress made using different
5. Cognitive Neuroscience approaches.
- Newest division
– Each compensates for the shortcomings
- Focus: Neural basis of cognitive processes
of others.
o Learning/memory
o Attention Scientific Inference:
o Perceptual processes
How Do Bio Psychologists Study the
- Use noninvasive, functional brain imaging. Unobverservable (Covert) Workings of the Brain?
- Often collaborative between varied scientists.
• Science is empirical.
6. Comparative Psychology (general
• Brain activity is not observable (observation not
directly from the brain, like influence of the
- Focuses on the biology of behavior. result to the behavior)
- Features comparative and functional
approaches (Hindi lang isa ang • Scientists look at the effects of processes.
ginaganamit na approach)
• Scientific Inference (scientific inference- based
- Feature’s laboratory and ethological
on evidence and reasoning)
- Includes evolutionary psychology and
behavior genetics.
Taming a Charging Bull with Caudate Stimulation
• Implanted electrode into caudate nucleus
Major functioning method of cognitive • Delivered an electrical stimulation when bull
neuroscience: charged.

- Functional Brain Imaging • This stopped the charge.

(how their brain works) (we can see occipital • Delgado claimed he found caudate taming
lobe deals with vision) center.

- Functional brain imaging is the major method – Suggested it might cure psychopaths.
of cognitive neuroscience. This image—taken from the
top of the head with the participant lying on her back—
reveals the locations of high levels of neural activity at
one level of the brain as the participant views a flashing
light. The red and yellow areas indicate high levels of
activity in the visual cortex at the back of the brain.
(Courtesy of Todd Handy, Department of Psychology,
University of British Columbia
1. Prefrontal Lobotomy (discovered by Antonio 3.Transorbital Prefrontal Lobotomy
Egas MONIZ) (Becky case is an example)
- The transorbital procedure for performing
• Moniz wins Nobel Prize. prefrontal lobotomy.
• Based on research with chimpanzees
• Various forms of lobotomy existed.
• Following reports of success, lobotomy freely
• The case of Howard Dully

- The right and left prefrontal lobes, whose

connections to the rest of the brain are disrupted by
prefrontal lobotomy.

2. Prefrontal Lobotomy (Moniz and Lima)

-Insertion of Leucotome
Chapter 2
Evolution, Genetics, and Experience

Is it physiological or psychological? 1 of 3

 The idea that human processes fall into one of two categories, physiological or psychological, has a long history
in many cultures. In Western cultures, it rose to prominence following the Dark Ages in response to a 17th-
century conflict between science and the Roman Church. For much of the history of Western civilization, truth
was whatever was decreed to be true by the Church.

Is it inherited or is it learned?

 The tendency to think in terms of dichotomies extends to the way people think about the development of
behavioral capacities. For centuries, scholars have debated whether humans and other animals inherit their
behavioral capacities or acquire them through learning. This debate is commonly referred to as the nature–
nurture issue.

Is it physiological or psychological? 2 of 3

 There are two lines of evidence against physiological or psychological thinking (the assumption that some
aspects of human psychological functioning are so complex that they could not possibly be the product of a
physical brain).
 The first line is composed of the many Evolution, Genetics, and Experience 47 demonstrations that even the
most complex psychological changes (e.g., changes in self-awareness, memory, or emotion) can be produced by
damage to, or stimulation of, parts of the brain (see Farah & Murphy, 2009).
 The second line of evidence is composed of demonstrations that some nonhuman species, particularly primate
species, possess some abilities that were once assumed to be purely psychological and thus purely human (see
Bartal, Decety, & Mason, 2011; Hauser, 2009; Kornell, 2009)

Is it inherited, or is it learned? 3 of 3

 Most of the early North American experimental psychologists were totally committed to the nurture (learning)
side of the nature–nurture issue (de Waal, 1999). The degree of this commitment is illustrated by the oft-cited
words of John B. Watson, the father of behaviorism: We have no real evidence of the inheritance of [behavioral]
traits. I would feel perfectly confident in the ultimately favorable outcome of careful upbringing of a healthy,
well-formed baby born of a long line of crooks, murderers and thieves, and prostitutes.
 At the same time experimental psychology was taking root in North America, ethology (the study of animal
behavior in the wild) was becoming the dominant approach to the study of behavior in Europe. European
ethology, in contrast to North American experimental psychology, focused on the study of instinctive behaviors
(behaviors that occur in all like members of a species, even when there seems to have been no opportunity for
them to have been learned), and it emphasized the role of nature, or inherited factors, in behavioral
development. Because instinctive behaviors are not learned, the early ethologists assumed they are entirely

Problem 1: Brain damage impacts psychological functioning

 Example: Asomatognosia
 Lack awareness of parts of one’s own body

 Damage to the right parietal lobe

The first case is Oliver Sacks’s (1985) account of “the man who fell out of bed.” This patient was suffering from
asomatognosia, a deficiency in the awareness of parts of one’s own body. Asomatognosia typically involves the left side
of the body and usually results from damage to the right parietal lobe (see Figure 2.1). The point here is that although
the changes in self-awareness displayed by the patient were very complex, they were clearly the result of brain damage:
Indeed, the full range of human experience can be produced by manipulations of the brain.

• Problem 2: Chimps show psychological (i.e., “human”) abilities — self-awareness

– Chimps groom in mirror

– Chimps examine and touch the red marks viewable in mirror

The second case describes G. G. Gallup’s research on self-awareness in chimpanzees (see Gallup, 1983; Parker,
Mitchell, & Boccia, 1994). The point of this case is that even nonhumans, which are assumed to have no mind, are
capable of considerable psychological complexity—in this case, self-awareness. Although their brains are less complex
than the brains of humans, some species are capable of high levels of psychological complexity

 Problem 3
o Many factors beyond genetics (nature) or learning (nurture) impact behavior
o “Nurture” now encompasses learning and environment
o Genetic and experiential factors interact

Like earlier versions of the nature-or-nurture question, the how-much-of-it-is-genetic-and-how-much-of-it-is-

theresult-of-experience version is fundamentally flawed. The problem is that it is based on the premise that genetic
factors and experiential factors combine in an additive fashion—that a behavioral capacity, such as intelligence, is
created through the combination or mixture of so many parts of genetics and so many parts of experience rather than
through the interaction of genetics and experience. Once you learn more about how genetic factors and experience
interact, you will better appreciate the folly of this assumption. For the time being, however, let us illustrate its
weakness with a metaphor embedded in an anecdote.
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution

Darwin presented three kinds of evidence to support his assertion that species evolve: (1) He documented the
evolution of fossil records through progressively more recent geological layers. (2) He described striking structural
similarities among living species (e.g., a human’s hand, a bird’s wing, and a cat’s paw), which suggested that they had
evolved from common ancestors. (3) He pointed to the major changes that had been brought about in domestic plants
and animals by programs of selective breeding.
Four kinds of evidence supporting the
theory that species evolve.

He argued that natural selection, when repeated for generation after generation, leads to the evolution of
species that are better adapted to surviving and reproducing in their particular environmental niche. Darwin called this
process natural selection to emphasize its similarity to the artificial selective breeding practices employed by breeders of
domestic animals. Just as horse breeders create faster horses by selectively breeding the fastest of their existing stock,
nature creates fitter animals by selectively breeding the fittest. Fitness, in the Darwinian sense, is the ability of an
organism to survive and contribute its genes to the next generation.

Evolution and Behavior

Some behaviors play an obvious role in evolution. For example, the ability to find food, avoid predation, or defend one’s
young obviously increases an animal’s ability to pass on its genes to future generations. Other behaviors play a role that
is less obvious but no less important—for example, social dominance and courtship displays.

Social Dominance
The males of many species establish a stable hierarchy of social dominance through combative encounters with other
males (see Clutton-Brock & Huchard, 2013). In some species, these encounters often involve physical damage; in others,
they involve mainly posturing and threatening until one of the two combatants backs down. The dominant male usually
wins encounters with all other males of the group; the number two male usually wins encounters with all males except
the dominant male; and so on down the line.

Courtship Display
An intricate series of courtship displays precedes copulation in many species. The male approaches the female and
signals his interest. His signal (which may be olfactory, visual, auditory, or tactual) may elicit a signal in the female, which
may elicit another response in the male, and so on, until copulation ensues. But copulation is unlikely to occur if one of
the pair fails to react appropriately to the signals of the other.

Course of Human Evolution

Evolution of Vertebrates

Complex multicellular water-dwelling organisms first appeared on earth about 600 million years ago (Bottjer,
2005). About 150 million years later, the first chordates evolved. Chordates (pronounced “KOR-dates”) are animals with
dorsal nerve cords (large nerves that run along the center of the back, or dorsum); they are 1 of the 20 or so large
categories, or phyla (pronounced “FY-la”), into which zoologists group animal species. The first chordates with spinal
bones to protect their dorsal nerve cords evolved about 25 million years later. The spinal bones are called vertebrae
(pronounced “VERT-eh-bray”), and the chordates that possess them are called vertebrates. The first vertebrates were
primitive bony fishes. Today, there are seven classes of vertebrates: three classes of fishes, plus amphibians, reptiles,
birds, and mammals.

Evolution of Amphibians

About 410 million years ago, the first bony fishes started to venture out of the water. Fishes that could survive
on land for brief periods of time had two great advantages: They could escape from stagnant pools to nearby fresh
water, and they could take advantage of terrestrial food sources. The advantages of life on land were so great that
natural selection transformed the fins and gills of bony fishes to legs and lungs, respectively— and so it was that the first
amphibians evolved about 400 million years ago. Amphibians (e.g., frogs, toads, and salamanders) in their larval form
must live in the water; only adult amphibians can survive on land.

Evolution of Reptiles

About 300 million years ago, reptiles (e.g., lizards, snakes, and turtles) evolved from a branch of amphibians.
Reptiles were the first vertebrates to lay shell-covered eggs and to be covered by dry scales. Both of these adaptations
reduced the reliance of reptiles on watery habitats. A reptile does not have to spend the first stage of its life in the
watery environment of a pond or lake; instead, it spends the first stage of its life in the watery environment of a shell-
covered egg. And once hatched, a reptile can live far from water because its dry scales greatly reduce water loss through
its water permeable skin.

Evolution of Mammals

About 180 million years ago, during the height of the age of dinosaurs, a new class of vertebrates evolved from
one line of small reptiles. The females of this new class fed their young with secretions from special glands called
mammary glands, and the members of the class are called mammals after these glands. Eventually, mammals stopped
laying eggs; instead, the females nurtured their young in the watery environment of their bodies until the young were
mature enough to be born. The duck-billed platypus is one surviving mammalian species that lays eggs

Emergence of Humankind

Primates of the tribe that includes humans are the Hominini. This tribe is composed of at least six genera.

Australopithecus, Paranthropus, Sahelanthropus, Orrorin, Pan, and Homo. Homo is thought to be composed of at least
eight species seven of those Homo species are now extinct, whereas Homo sapiens (humans) are not.

It is difficult to reconstruct the events of human evolution because the evidence is so sparse. Only a few partial hominin
fossils dating from the critical period have been discovered. However, three important hominin fossil discoveries have
recently been made (see Harmon, 2013):

 An uncommonly complete fossil of a 3-year-old early Australopithecus girl in Ethiopia (see Figure 2.10; Gibbons,
2009; Suwa et al., 2009; White et al., 2009).
 Fossils indicating that a population of tiny hominins inhabited the Indonesian island of Flores as recently as
18,000 years ago (see Callaway, 2014; Stringer, 2014).
 Several early Australopithecine fossils with combinations of human and nonhuman characteristics in a pit in
South Africa (Pickering et al., 2011; Wong, 2012).

Many experts believe that the australopithecines evolved about 4 million years ago in Africa. About 275,000 years ago,
early Homo species were gradually replaced in the African fossil record by modern humans (Homo sapiens). Then, about
130,000 years ago, modern humans began to migrate out of Africa
Thinking about Human Evolution (1 of 3)

• Evolution does not proceed in a single line

• Humans have only existed for a brief period

• Rapid evolutionary changes do occur

• Fewer than 1 percent of all known species are still in existence

• Evolution does not necessarily result in perfect design

Thinking about Human Evolution (2 of 3)

• Not all existing behaviors or structures are adaptive

– Spandrels: incidental nonadaptive byproducts (such as the human belly button)

• Not all existing adaptive characteristics evolved to perform their current functions

– Exaptations: evolved to do one thing, but now do something else (such as bird wings)

• Humans are not the product of a single ancestral population from Africa

Thinking about Human Evolution (3 of 3)

Similarities among species do not necessarily mean that the species have common evolutionary origins.
Structures that are similar because they have a common evolutionary origin are termed homologous; structures
that are similar but do not have a common evolutionary origin are termed analogous. The similarities between
analogous structures result from convergent evolution, the evolution in unrelated species of similar solutions to
the same environmental demands. Deciding whether a structural similarity is analogous or homologous requires
careful analysis of the similarity. For example, a bird’s wing and a human’s arm have a basic underlying
commonality of skeletal structure that suggests a common ancestor; in contrast, a bird’s wing and a bee’s wing
have few structural similarities, although they do serve the same function.

Evolution of the Human Brain (1 of 2)

• Brain size not correlated with intelligence

• Convolutions lead to larger cerebrum

• Brain size is generally correlated with body size

• Relative sizes of different brain regions important

Evolution of the Human Brain

(2 of 2)

• The human brain has increased in size during evolution

• Most of the increase in size has occurred in the cerebrum

• Convolutions allow an increase in the volume of the cerebral cortex

Evolutionary Psychology:
Understanding Mate Bonding (1 of 2)

 Most species mate promiscuously • Physical attractiveness best predicts which

women will bond with men of high
 Most mammals form polygynous mating bonds
occupational status.
 Polyandry — males contribute to reproduction
• The major mate-attraction strategy of
more than females
women is increasing their physical
 Humans generally form monogamous bonds attractiveness; in men, it is displaying their
power and resources.
— Adaptive in allowing more attention to
survival of children • Men are more likely than women to commit
Evolutionary Psychology: Understanding
Mate Bonding (2 of 2)

 Mate bonding in humans predicted by The Origins of Dichotomous Thinking (2 of 3)

evolutionary theory
Is it physiological or is it psychological?
— Men value youth and attractiveness
- Cartesian dualism
— Women value power and earning
capacity • Physical matter

— Physically attractive women bond with • Human mind (soul, self, or spirit)
men of high status - Dualism viewed the mind and brain as separate
— Mate attraction: for women, physical
attraction; for men, display power and
resources The Origins of Dichotomous Thinking (2 of 3)
— Men more likely than women to Is it inherited, or is it learned?
commit adultery
-The “Nature–Nurture” Issue
-Watson (nurture)
-Ethology (nature)
CHAPTER 2 pages 61-76 (16 pages)
Problems with Thinking about the Biology of Darwin did not understand two of the key facts on
Behavior in Terms of Traditional Dichotomies (1 which his theory of evolution was based. He did not
of 3) understand why conspecifics differ from one
another, and he did not understand how anatomical,
• Problem 1: Brain damage
physiological, and behavioral characteristics are
impacts psychological
passed from parent to offspring. While Darwin
puzzled over these questions, an unread manuscript
• Example: in his files contained the answers. It had been sent
Asomatognosia to him by an unknown Augustinian monk, Gregor
Mendel. Unfortunately for Darwin (1809–1882)
- Lack awareness of parts of one’s own body and for Mendel (1822–1884), the significance of
- Damage to the right parietal lobe Mendel’s research was not recognized until the
early part of the 20th century, well after both of
their deaths.
Problems with Thinking about the Biology of Evolution and Behavior
Behavior in Terms of Traditional Dichotomies (2
of 3) • Behaviors contribute to “fitness”

• Problem 2: Chimps show psychological (i.e., • Obvious examples

“human”) abilities — self-awareness - Finding food
- Chimps groom in mirror - Avoiding predation
- Chimps examine and touch the red • Not so obvious examples
marks viewable in mirror
- Social dominance
• Many factors beyond genetics (nature) or
learning (nurture) impact behavior - Courtship displays

• “Nurture” now encompasses learning and

Course of Human Evolution (1 of 3)
• Genetic and experiential factors interact
• Evolution of Vertebrates
• Interactionism
- Chordates have dorsal nerve cords
- Vertebrates have spinal bones
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
• Evolution of Amphibians
• Darwin suggests evolution
- Bony fishes leave the water
• Darwin presented 3 kinds of evidence
- Advantages
- Fossil records
- Fresh water
- Structural similarities
- New food sources
- Selective breeding
• Evolution of Reptiles
• Darwin argued for natural selection
-Lay shell-covered eggs; covered by dry scales
-Can live far from water
Fundamental Genetics
• Evolution of Mammals
- Develop mammary glands to nurture young second-generation offspring had brown seeds and
about one-quarter had white seeds.
- Raise young in mother’s body
- Humans emerge from the order primates
Mendel repeated this experiment many times with
• Emergence of Humankind
various pairs of dichotomous pea plant traits, and
- Humans belong to family hominids, genus Homo each time the result was the same. One trait, which
Mendel called the
- First homo species emerged from Australopithecus
4 million years ago • dominant trait, appeared in all
of the first-generation offspring;
- Homo sapiens emerged 275,000 years ago the other trait, which he called
• recessive trait, appeared in
about one-quarter of the second-
generation offspring.
Mendelian Genetics
LO 2.9 Describe what Mendel’s work with pea Mendel would have obtained a similar result if he
plants tells us about the mechanisms of inheritance. had conducted an experiment with true-breeding
Mendel studied inheritance in pea plants. In lines of brown-eyed (dominant) and blue-eyed
designing his experiments, he made two wise (recessive) humans. The results of Mendel’s
decisions. experiment challenged the central premise on which
1. He decided to study dichotomous traits, and all previous ideas about inheritance had rested: that
offspring inherit the traits of their parents.
2. he decided to begin his experiments by crossing Somehow, the recessive trait (white seeds) was
the offspring of true-breeding lines. passed on to one-quarter of the second-generation
• Dichotomous traits - occur in one form or pea plants by first generation pea plants that did not
the other, never in combination. For themselves possess it.
example, seed color is a dichotomous pea
plant trait: Every pea plant has either brown
seeds or white seeds. • An organism’s observable traits are referred
to as its phenotype;
• True-breeding lines - are breeding lines in
which interbred members always produce • the traits that it can pass on to its offspring
offspring with the same trait (e.g., brown through its genetic material are referred to as
seeds), generation after generation. its genotype.

In one of his early experiments, Mendel studied the

inheritance of seed color: brown or white. He Mendel devised a theory to explain his results. It
began by crossbreeding the offspring of a line of comprised four ideas.
pea plants that had bred true for brown seeds with
the offspring of a line of pea plants that had bred First, Mendel proposed that there are two kinds of
true for white seeds. The offspring of this cross all inherited factors for each dichotomous trait—for
had brown seeds. Then, Mendel bred these first- example, that a brown-seed factor and a white-seed
generation offspring with one another, and he factor control seed color. Today, we call each
found that about three-quarters of the resulting inherited factor a gene.
Second, Mendel proposed that each organism divide, and one chromosome of each pair
possesses two genes for each of its dichotomous goes to each of the two gametes that results
traits; for example, each pea plant possesses either from the cell division.
two brown-seed genes, two white-seed genes, or
As a result, each gamete has only half the usual
one of each.
number of chromosomes (23 in humans); and when
• The two genes that control the same trait are a sperm cell and an egg cell combine during
called alleles. fertilization.
• Organisms that possess two identical genes • a zygote (a fertilized egg cell) with the full
for a trait are said to be homozygous for that complement of chromosomes is produced.
• those that possess two different genes for a
Figure 2.16 During fertilization, sperm cells attach
trait are said to be heterozygous for that
themselves to the surface of an egg cell; one will
enter the egg cell and fertilize it. The random
Third, Mendel proposed that one of the two kinds division of the pairs of chromosomes into two
of genes for each dichotomous trait dominates the gametes is not the only way meiosis contributes to
other in heterozygous organisms. For example, pea genetic diversity. Let us explain. During the first
plants with a brown-seed gene and a white-seed stage of meiosis, the chromosomes line up in their
gene always have brown seeds because the brown- pairs. Then, the members of each pair cross over
seed gene always dominates the white-seed gene. one another at random points, break apart at the
And points of contact, and exchange sections. As a result
of this genetic recombination, each of the gametes
fourth, Mendel proposed that for each dichotomous
that formed the zygote that developed into you
trait, each organism randomly inherits one of its
contained chromosomes that were unique, spliced-
“father’s” two factors and one of its “mother’s” two
together recombinations of chromosomes from your
mother and father. In contrast to the meiotic
creation of the gametes, all other cell division in the
body occurs by mitosis .Just prior to mitotic
Chromosomes LO 2.10 Understand the structure division, the number of chromosomes doubles so
and function of chromosomes. that, when the cell divides, both daughter cells end
REPRODUCTION AND RECOMBINATION up with the full complement of chromosomes.

It was not until the early 20th century that genes

were found to be located on STRUCTURE AND REPLICATION
• chromosomes—the threadlike structures in • Each chromosome is a double-stranded
the nucleus of each cell molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
Chromosomes occur in matched pairs, and each Each strand is a sequence of nucleotide bases
species has a characteristic number of pairs in each attached to a chain of phosphate and deoxyribose;
of its body cells; humans have 23 pairs. there are four nucleotide bases:
• The two genes (alleles) that control each 1. adenine,
trait are situated at the same location, one on
each chromosome of a particular pair. 2. thymine,

• The process of cell division that produces 3. guanine, and

gametes (egg cells and sperm cells) is called
4. cytosine.
meiosis. In meiosis, the chromosomes
It is the sequence of these bases on each • There is one exception to the rule that
chromosome that constitutes the genetic code—just chromosomes always come in matched
as sequences of letters constitute the code of our pairs. The typical chromosomes, which
language. come in matched pairs, are called autosomal
The two strands that compose each chromosome are
coiled around each other and bonded together by the the one exception is the pair of sex chromosomes—
attraction of adenine for thymine and guanine for the pair of chromosomes that determines an
cytosine. This specific bonding pattern has an individual’s sex.
important consequence: The two strands that
There are two types of sex chromosomes,
compose each chromosome are exact complements
of each other. X and Y, and the two look different and carry
different genes.
For example, the sequence of adenine, guanine,
thymine, cytosine, and guanine on one strand is • Female mammals have two X
always attached to the complementary sequence of chromosomes,
thymine, cytosine, adenine, guanine, and cytosine
on the other. • and male mammals have one X
chromosome and one Y chromosome.
Traits influenced by genes on the sex chromosomes
• Replication is a critical process of the DNA are referred to as sex-linked traits. Virtually all
molecule. Without it, mitotic cell division sex-linked traits are controlled by genes on the X
would not be possible. chromosome because the Y chromosome is small
and carries few genes.
The two strands of DNA start to unwind. Then the
exposed nucleotide bases on each of the two strands Traits controlled by genes on the X chromosome
attract their complementary bases, which are occur more frequently in one sex than the other. If
floating in the fluid of the nucleus. Thus, when the the trait is dominant, it occurs more frequently in
unwinding is complete, two double-stranded DNA females. Females have twice the chance of
molecules, both of which are identical to the inheriting the dominant gene because they have
original, have been created. twice the number of X chromosomes. In contrast,
recessive sex-linked traits occur more frequently
• Chromosome replication does not always
in males.
go according to plan; there may be errors.
Sometimes, these errors are gross errors. The reason is that recessive sex-linked traits are
manifested only in females who possess two of the
For example, in Down syndrome, there is an extra
recessive genes—one on each of their X
chromosome in each cell. But more commonly,
chromosomes—whereas the traits are manifested in
errors in duplication take the form of mutations—
all males who possess the gene because they have
accidental alterations in individual genes. In most
only one X chromosome.
cases, mutations disappear from the gene pool
within a few generations because the organisms that The classic example of a recessive sex-linked trait is
inherit them are less fit. However, in rare instances, color blindness. Because the color-blindness gene is
mutations increase fitness and in so doing contribute quite rare, females almost never inherit two of them
to rapid evolution. and thus almost never possess the disorder; in
contrast, every male who possesses one color-
blindness gene is color blind.
Genetic Code and Gene Expression
Outline the mechanisms of gene expression. Structural along the strand of messenger RNA, translating the
genes contain the information necessary for the synthesis genetic code as it proceeds.
of proteins.
• Proteins are long chains of amino acids; they
Each group of three consecutive nucleotide bases along
control the physiological activities of cells and
the messenger RNA strand is called a codon. Each
are important components of cellular structure.
codon instructs the ribosome to add 1 of the 20 different
All the cells in the body (e.g., brain cells, hair
kinds of amino acids to the protein it is constructing;
cells, and bone cells) contain exactly the same
genes. for example, the sequence guanine-guanine-adenine
instructs the ribosome to add the amino acid glycine.
How then do different kinds of cells develop? The
Each kind of amino acid is carried to the ribosome by
answer lies in stretches of DNA that lack structural
molecules of transfer RNA; as the ribosome reads a
genes—indeed, although all genes were once assumed to
codon, it attracts a transfer RNA molecule that is
be structural genes, those genes comprise only a small
attached to the appropriate amino acid.
portion of each chromosome.
The ribosome reads codon after codon and adds amino
• The stretches of DNA that lack structural genes
acid after amino acid until it reaches a codon that tells it
are not well understood, but it is clear that they
the protein is complete, whereupon the completed
include portions called enhancers (or
protein is released into the cytoplasm. Thus, the process
promoters). Enhancers are stretches of DNA
of gene expression involves two phases:
whose function is to determine whether
particular structural genes initiate the synthesis 1. the transcription of the DNA base-sequence code to an
of proteins and at what rate. RNA base-sequence code and
The control of gene expression by enhancers is an 2. the translation of the RNA base-sequence code into a
important process because it determines how a cell will sequence of amino acids.
develop and how it will function once it reaches
maturity. Enhancers are like switches because they can
be regulated in two ways: They can be turned up, or they
can be turned down. Human Genome Project
• Proteins that bind to DNA and influence the LO 2.12 Discuss several ways in which modern
extent to which genes are expressed are called advances have changed our understanding of genetic
transcription factors. Many of the transcription processes. One of the most ambitious scientific projects
factors that control enhancers are influenced by of all time began in 1990. Known as the Human
signals received by the cell from its environment Genome Project, it was a loosely knit collaboration of
major research institutions and individual research teams
in several countries. The purpose of this collaboration
The expression of a structural gene is illustrated in was to compile a map of the sequence of all 3 billion
Figure 2.19. bases that compose human chromosomes. The Human
Genome Project was motivated by potential medical
First, the small section of the chromosome that contains applications. It was assumed that once the human
the gene unravels, and the unraveled section of one of genome was described, it would be a relatively
the DNA strands serves as a template for the straightforward matter to link variations in the genome
transcription of a short strand of ribonucleic acid to particular human diseases and then develop treatment
(RNA). RNA is like DNA except that it contains the and prevention programs tailored to individual patients.
nucleotide base uracil instead of thymine and has a
phosphate and ribose backbone instead of a phosphate More than a decade after the human genome was
and deoxyribose backbone. The strand of transcribed described, these medical miracles have yet to be
RNA is called messenger RNA because it carries the realized. However, the Human Genome Project has
genetic code out of the nucleus of the cell. Once it has changed our understanding of ourselves and
left the nucleus, the messenger RNA attaches itself to revolutionized the field of genetics. The following are
one of the many ribosomes in the cell’s cytoplasm (the three major contributions of the Human Genome
clear fluid within the cell). The ribosome then moves Project:
1. Many new techniques for studying DNA were genes in the 1960s, the structure and expression of genes
developed during the Human Genome Project. 2. Many had been the focus of genetics research and thinking (see
things that were impossible before the Human Genome Franklin & Mansuy, 2010; Zhang & Meaner, 2010).
Project are now routine, and 3. things that took months Epigenetics is the study of all mechanisms of
to accomplish before the Human Genome Project are inheritance other than the genetic code and its
now possible in only a few hours. expression. Why did epigenetics rise to prominence so
quickly at the turn of the century? The presence of the
Using this new technology, genomes have already been
following four conditions set the stage:
established for many species, including those of many
long-extinct species (see Shapiro & Hofreiter, 2014), The Human Genome Project had just discovered that
leading to important insights into evolution. The genes constitute only about 1 percent of human DNA.
discovery that we humans, the most complex of all The other 99 percent of DNA had been widely regarded
species, have relatively few genes surprised many as junk DNA. In the 1990s, the vast majority of RNA
scholars. Humans have about 20,000 genes; mice have molecules were found to be small—only 1.2 percent
about the same number, and corn has many more (Ast, were of the large protein-encoding variety. This
2005; Lee, Hughes, & Frey, 2006). indicated that protein encoding is only a minor function
of RNA (see Dolgin, 2015; Wilusz & Sharp, 2013).
Indeed, protein-encoding genes constitute only about 1
percent of human DNA. Researchers have now For decades, there had been a general consensus that
generated a nearly complete map of the entire set of inheritance was a product of gene-experience
proteins encoded for by our genes: the human proteome interactions, and yet the mechanisms by which these
(Kimet al., 2014). critical interactions took place were unknown (see
Oureshi & Mehler, 2012). At the turn of the century,
Many variations in the human genome related to
there was a newly available arsenal of research
particular diseases have been identified. However, this
techniques resulting from the Human Genome Project.
has proven to be less useful than anticipated: So many
Stimulated by these four factors, it was not long before
genes have been linked to each disease that it has proven
the wave of research into epigenetics began to produce
difficult to sort out the interactions among the numerous
important discoveries, which further fanned the flames
genes and experience (Hall, 2010). Compounding the
of enthusiasm for epigenetic research. Genetics had just
problem is that even when many genes have been linked
spent half a century focused exclusively on the genetic
to a disease, all of them together often account for only a
code as the mechanism of inheritance, and the new
small portion of its heritability (Manolio et al., 2009).
epigenetic research led to discoveries that challenged
For example, 18 different gene variants have been linked
this narrow view. Despite its youth, epigenetic research
to adult-onset diabetes, but these 18 variants account for
has already amassed an impressive array of important
only 6 percent of the heritability of the disease (see
discoveries. Here are five important advances:
Stumvoll, Goldstein, & Haeften, 2005).
Epigenetic investigations of nongene DNA have
identified many active areas. Many of these active areas
seem to control the expression of nearby genes. Clearly,
Modern Genetics: Growth of the belief that nongene DNA is junk DNA is no longer
tenable (see Pennisi, 2014; Tragante, Moore, &
Epigenetics Asselbergs, 2014). Small RNA molecules have been
LO 2.13 Define epigenetics, and explain how it is found to come in a variety of different types. Some small
transforming our understanding of genetics. Around the RNA molecules have been found to regulate gene
turn of the century, the field of genetics changed. Interest expression, but it is likely that each type of small RNA
shifted away from protein-encoding genes and their performs a different function (see Gorman & Maron,
expression to other possible mechanisms of inheritance. 2014; Hoffman & Pilpel, 2015; Schmiedel et al., 2015).
In particular, interest shifted to the mechanisms by Many epigenetic mechanisms have been discovered by
which experience exerts its effects on development. This which gene expression can be regulated. Two of the
led to an explosion of interest in an area of genetics most widely studied are DNA methylation and histone
research that had been lingering in the background since remodeling (see Baker-Andresen et al., 2013; LaSalle,
1942: epigenetics. Epigenetics is often defined by what Powell, & Yasui, 2013; Schultz et al., 2015)— see
it is not: It is not what genetics had been prior to Figure 2.20. DNA methylation is the reaction that occurs
epigenetics’ rise to prominence. Since the discovery of when a methyl group attaches to a DNA molecule,
usually at cytosine sites in mammals (see Schübeler, think about ourselves, our ancestors, and our
2012). Histone remodeling is the reaction that occurs descendants.
when histones (proteins around which DNA is coiled)
change their shape and in so doing influence the shape of
the adjacent DNA—there are several different
mechanisms by which this can occur. Both DNA
Epigenetics of Behavioral
methylation and histone remodeling can either decrease Development: Interaction of Genetic
or increase expression (see Bintuet al., 2016; Keung &
Khalil, 2016; LaSalle, Powell, & Yasui, 2013). Some
Factors and Experience
epigenetic effects regulate gene expression by acting on This module comprises three classic examples of how
messenger RNA rather than genes (see Izaurralde, 2015 genetic factors and experience interact to direct
Mattick, Mehler, 2008); this is called RNA editing. behavioral ontogeny.
Small RNA molecules and other proteins have been
shown to cleave messenger RNA apart at precise points • Ontogeny - is the development of individuals
and sometimes to splice sections of new RNA to create a over their life span;
new sequence of bases. Remarkably, epigenetic changes • phylogeny, in contrast, is the evolutionary
such as DNA methylation and histone remodeling can be development of species through the ages.
induced by particular experiences (e.g., neural activity,
hormonal state, changes to the environment) that can last In each example, you will see that development is a
a lifetime (Handel & Ramagoplan, 2010; Nadeau, 2009; product of the interaction of genetic and experiential
Nelson & Nadeau, 2010; Riccio, 2010; Sweatt, 2013). factors, which we now know is likely mediated by
Epigenetic mechanisms are known to produce enduring epigenetic mechanisms (see Sweatt, 2013).
changes in an individual. But can those experience-
induced changes be passed on to future generations?
That is, can the experiences of your mother and father be
passed on to you and on to your children? Biologists first
Selective Breeding of “Maze-Bright”
observed such transgenerational epigenetic effects in and “Maze-Dull” Rats
plants, but such effects have now been observed in
mammals as well. LO 2.14 Discuss what insight into the genetics of
behavior was gained from early research on selective
Transgenerational epigenetics is a subfield of You have already learned in this chapter that most early
epigenetics that examines the transmission of psychologists assumed that behavior develops largely
experiences via epigenetic mechanisms across through learning. Tryon (1934) undermined this
generations (see Hughes, 2014). assumption by showing that behavioral traits can be
selectively bred. Tryon focused his selective-breeding
For example, it has been shown that when mice
experiments on the behavior that had been the focus of
experience an odor associated with a painful shock, the
early psychologists in their investigations of learning:
memory of that experience is passed on to subsequent
the maze running of laboratory rats.
generations through epigenetic mechanisms (see Dias et
al., 2015; Dias & Ressler, 2014; Szyf, 2014; Welberg, Tryon began by training a large heterogeneous group of
2014). There is some suggestive evidence that laboratory rats to run a complex maze; the rats received
inheritance via transgenerational epigenetic mechanisms a food reward when they reached the goal box. Tryon
can also occur in humans (e.g., Marczylo et al., 2012). then mated the females and males that least frequently
Before leaving this subsection on epigenetics, pause to entered incorrect alleys during training—he referred to
consider the important implications of what you have these rats as maze-bright. And he bred the females and
just learned. It now seems likely that each person’s males that most frequently entered incorrect alleys
genetic material changes through life as experiences during training—he referred to these rats as maze-dull.
accumulate, and there is evidence that these experience When the offspring of both the maze-bright and the
induced changes can be passed on to future generations. maze-dull rats matured, their maze- learning
These findings are revolutionizing the field of genetics, performance was assessed. Then, the brightest of the
and they have major implications for how we humans maze-bright off spring were mated with one another, as
were the dullest of the maze-dull offspring. This
selective breeding procedure was continued for 21
generations (and the descendants of Tryon’s original
strains are still available today). By the eighth Phenylketonuria: A Single-Gene
generation, there was almost no overlap in the maze- Metabolic Disorder
learning performance of the two strains. With a few
exceptions, the worst of the maze-bright strain made LO 2.15 Explain how classic research on
fewer errors than the best of the maze-dull strain (see phenylketonuria (PKU) has informed our
Figure 2.21). understanding of the genetics of behavior.
To control for the possibility that good maze-running It is often easier to understand the genetics of a
performance was somehow being passed from parent to behavioral disorder than it is to understand the genetics
offspring through learning, Tryon used a cross-fostering of normal behavior. The reason is that many genes
control procedure: influence the development of a normal behavioral trait,
but it sometimes takes only one abnormal gene to screw
- He tested maze-bright offspring that had been reared
it up. A good example of this point is the neurological
by maze-dull parents and maze-dull offspring that had
disorder phenylketonuria (PKU).
been reared by maze-bright parents.
PKU was discovered in 1934 when a Norwegian dentist,
However, the offspring of maze-bright rats made few
Asbjörn Fölling, noticed a peculiar odor in the urine of
errors even when they were reared by maze-dull rats,
his two intellectually disabled children. He correctly
and the offspring of maze-dull rats made many errors
assumed that the odor was related to their disorder, and
even when they were reared by maze-bright rats. Since
he had their urine analyzed. High levels of phenyl
Tryon’s seminal selective-breeding experiments, many
pyruvic acid were found in both samples. Spurred on by
behavioral traits have been selectively bred. Indeed, it
his discovery, Fölling identified other intellectually
appears that any measurable behavioral trait that varies
disabled children who had abnormally high levels of
among members of a species can be selectively bred. An
urinary phenyl pyruvic acid, and he concluded that this
important general point made by studies of selective
subpopulation of intellectually disabled children was
breeding is that selective breeding based on one
suffering from the same disorder. In addition to
behavioral trait usually brings a host of other behavioral
intellectually disability, the symptoms of PKU include
traits along with it. This indicates that the behavioral
vomiting, seizures, hyperactivity, irritability, and brain
trait used as the criterion for selective breeding is not the
damage (Strisciuglio & Concolino, 2014). The pattern of
only behavioral trait influenced by the genes segregated
transmission of PKU through the family trees of afflicted
by the breeding. Indeed, Searle (1949) compared maze-
individuals indicates that it is transmitted by a single
dull and maze-bright rats on 30 different behavioral tests
gene mutation. About 1 in 100 people of European
and found that they differed on many of them. The
descent carry the PKU gene; but because the gene is
pattern of differences suggested that the maze-bright rats
recessive, PKU develops only in homozygous
were superior maze learners not because they were more
individuals (those who inherit a PKU gene from both
intelligent but because they were less fearful—a trait that
their mother and their father). In the United States, about
is not adaptive in many natural environments. Selective-
1 in 10,000 Caucasian infants is born with PKU; the
breeding studies have proved that genes influence the
incidence is much lower among infants of African
development of behavior. This conclusion in no way
Americans. The biochemistry of PKU turned out to be
implies that experience does not. This point was driven
reasonably straightforward. PKU homozygotes lack
home by Cooper and Zubek (1958) in a classic study of
phenylalanine hydroxylases, an enzyme required for the
maze-bright and maze-dull rats. The researchers reared
conversion of the amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosine.
maze-bright and maze-dull rats in one of two
As a result, phenylalanine accumulates in the body; and
environments: (1) an impoverished environment (a
levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter normally
barren wire-mesh group cage) or (2) an enriched
synthesized from tyrosine, are low. The consequence is
environment (a wire-mesh group cage that contained
abnormal brain development. Like other behavioral
tunnels, ramps, visual displays, and other objects
traits, the behavioral symptoms of PKU result from an
designed to stimulate interest). When the maze-dull rats
interaction between genetic and environmental factors:
reached maturity, they made significantly more errors
between the PKU gene and diet (see Rohde et al., 2014).
than the maze-bright rats only if they had been reared in
Accordingly, in most modern hospitals, the blood of
the impoverished environment (see Figure 2.22).
newborn infants is routinely screened for high
phenylalanine levels (see Casey, 2013). If the level is vocalizations of subsongs are gradually refined until they
high, the infant is immediately placed on a special resemble the songs of the birds’ earlier adult tutors.
phenylalanine-restricted diet; this diet reduces both the Auditory feedback is necessary for the development of
amount of phenylalanine in the blood and the singing during the sensorimotor phase; unless the young
development of intellectual disability—however, it does birds are able to hear themselves sing, their subsongs do
not prevent the development of subtle cognitive deficits not develop into adult songs (Tschida & Mooney, 2012).
(Moyle et al., 2007; Simon et al., 2008). The timing of However, once stable adult song has crystallized,
this treatment is extremely important. The songbirds are much less dependent on hearing for
phenylalanine-restricted diet does not significantly normal song production (see Brainard & Doupe, 2013).
reduce the development of intellectual disability in PKU When it comes to the retention of their initial crystallized
homozygotes unless it is initiated within the first few adult songs, there are two common patterns among
weeks of life; conversely, the restriction of songbird species. Most songbird species, such as the
phenylalanine in the diet is usually relaxed in late widely studied zebra finches and white-crowned
childhood, with few obvious adverse consequences to sparrows, are age-limited learners; in these species, adult
the patient. The period, usually early in life, during songs, once crystallized, remain unchanged for the rest
which a particular experience must occur to have a major of the birds’ lives. In contrast, some species are open
effect on the development of a trait is the sensitive ended learners; they are able to add new songs to their
period for that trait. repertoire throughout their lives. For example, at the end
of each mating season, male canaries return from a
period of stable song to a period of plastic song—a
period during which they can add new songs for the next
Development of Birdsong mating season. Male zebra finches (age-limited learners)
LO 2.16 Describe how research on the ontogenetic and male canaries (open-ended learners) are shown in
development of birdsong has provided insight into the Figure 2.23. Figure 2.24 is a simplified version of the
development of human language. In the spring, the songs neural circuit that controls birdsong in the canary (see
of male songbirds threaten conspecific male trespassers Hahnloser & Kotowicz, 2010). It has two major
and attract potential mates. The males of each species components: the descending motor pathway and the
sing similar songs that are readily distinguishable from anterior forebrain pathway. The descending motor
the songs of other species, and there are recognizable pathway descends from the high vocal center on each
local dialects within each species. The learning of side of the brain to the syrinx (voice box) on the same
birdsong has many parallels to human language learning side; it mediates song production. The anterior forebrain
(see Brainard & Doupe, 2013; Elemans, 2014; Pfenning pathway mediates song learning (see Prather, 2013). The
et al., 2014). Studies of the ontogenetic development of canary song neural circuit is remarkable in three
birdsong suggest that this behavior develops in two respects. First, the left descending motor pathway plays
phases. The first phase, called the sensory phase, begins a more important role in singing than the right
several days after hatching. Although the young birds do descending motor pathway (which duplicates the left-
not sing during this phase, they form memories of the hemisphere dominance for language in humans).
adult songs they hear—usually sung by their own male Second, the high vocal center is four times larger in male
relatives—that later guide the development of their own canaries than in females. Third, each spring, as the male
singing (see Bolhuis & Moorman, 2015). The young canary prepares its new repertoire of songs for the
males of many songbird species are genetically prepared summer seduction, the song-control structures of its
to acquire the songs of their own species during the brain double in size, only to shrink back in the fall. This
sensory phase. They cannot readily acquire the songs of springtime burst of brain growth and singing is triggered
other species, nor can they acquire the songs of their by elevated levels of the hormone testosterone that result
own species if they do not hear them during the sensory from the increasing daylight (see De Groof et al., 2013).
phase. Males who do not hear the songs of their own
species early in their lives may later develop a song, but
it is likely to be abnormal. The second phase of birdsong
development, the sensorimotor phase, begins when the Genetics of Human Psychological
juvenile males begin to twitter subsongs (the immature Differences
songs of young birds), usually when they are several
months old. During this phase, the rambling This chapter has focused on three topics:
• human evolution, To assess the relative contributions of genes and
experience to the development of differences in
• genetics, and
psychological attributes, behavioral geneticists study
• the interaction of genetics and experience individuals of known genetic similarity. For example,
through epigenetic mechanisms. they often compare monozygotic twins, who developed
from the same zygote and thus are genetically similar,
All three topics converge on one fundamental question: with dizygotic twins, who developed from two zygotes
Why are we the way we are? You have learned that each and thus are no more similar than any pair of siblings
of us is a product of gene experience interactions and (brothers and sisters). Studies of pairs of monozygotic
that the effects of genes and experience on individual and dizygotic twins who have been separated at infancy
development are inseparable. This final module of the by adoption are particularly informative about the
chapter continues to look at the effects of gene– relative contributions of genetics and experience to
experience interactions, but it focuses on a differences in human psychological development. The
developmental issue that is fundamentally different from most extensive of such adoption studies is the Minnesota
the ones we have been discussing: the development of Study of Twins Reared Apart (see Bouchard & Pedersen,
individual differences rather than the development of 1998).
individuals. Development of Individuals versus
Development of Differences among Individuals Heritability Estimates: Minnesota
Study of Twins Reared Apart
LO 2.17 Explain why it is important to distinguish LO 2.18 Explain heritability estimates and how they
between the development of individuals and the are commonly misinterpreted.
development of individual differences. So far, this
chapter has focused on the development of individuals. The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart involved
The remainder of the chapter deals with the development 59 pairs of monozygotic twins and 47 pairs of
of differences among individuals. In the development of dizygotic twins who had been reared apart as well as
individuals, the effects of genes and experience are many pairs of monozygotic and dizygotic twins who had
inseparable. In the development of differences among been reared together. Their ages ranged from 19 to 68.
individuals, they are separable. This distinction is Each twin was brought to the University of Minnesota
extremely important, but it confuses many people. Let’s for approximately 50 hours of testing, which focused on
return to the musician metaphor to explain it. The music the assessment of intelligence and personality. Would
of an individual musician is the product of the the adult monozygotic twins reared apart prove to be
interaction of the musician and the instrument, and it similar because they were genetically similar, or would
doesn’t make sense to ask what proportion of the music they prove to be different because they had been brought
is produced by the musician and what proportion by the up in different environments? The results of the
instrument. However, if we evaluated the playing of a Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart proved to be
large sample of musicians, each playing a different remarkably consistent—both internally, between the
instrument, we could statistically estimate the degree to various cognitive and personality dimensions that were
which the differences in the quality of the music they studied, and externally, with the findings of other
produced resulted from differences in the musicians studies. In general, adult monozygotic twins were
themselves as opposed to differences in their substantially more similar to one another on all
instruments. For example, if we selected 100 people at psychological dimensions than were adult dizygotic
random and had each one play a different professional- twins, whether or not both twins of a pair were raised in
quality guitar, we would likely find that most of the the same family environment (see Turkheimer, 2000).
variation in the quality of the music resulted from In order to quantify the contributions of genetic
differences in the subjects, some being experienced variations in a particular study, researchers calculate
players and some never having played before. In the heritability estimates. A heritability estimate is not about
same way, researchers can select a group of volunteers individual development; it is a numerical estimate of the
and ask what proportion of the variation among them in proportion of variability that occurred in a particular trait
some attribute (e.g., intelligence) results from genetic in a particular study as a result of the genetic variation in
differences as opposed to experiential differences. that study (see Turkheimer, Pettersson, & Horn, 2014).
Heritability estimates tell us about the contribution of
genetic differences to phenotypic differences among the LO 2.19 Describe two ways that twin studies can be
participants in a study; they have nothing to say about used to study the interaction of genes and
the relative contributions of genes and experience to the
experience (i.e., nature and nurture). Two lines of
development of individuals.
research on twins have recently created considerable
The concept of heritability estimates can be quite excitement among geneticists and other scholars. We
confusing. We suggest that you pause here and carefully hope you share their enthusiasm.
think about the definition before proceeding. The
musician metaphor may help you. The magnitude of a
study’s heritability estimate depends on the amount of Most studies of epigenetic effects have focused on
genetic and environmental variation from which it was nonhuman species. In plants and nonhuman animals, it is
calculated, and it cannot be applied to other kinds of quite clear that epigenetic changes can be triggered by
situations. For example, in the Minnesota study, there experience, can last a lifetime, and can be passed on to
was relatively little environmental variation. All future generations (see Szyf, 2014). To what extent do
participants were raised in industrialized countries these amazing results apply to humans? Twin studies
(Great Britain, Canada, and the United States) by parents may provide a route to the answers (see Aguilera et al.,
who met the strict standards required for adoption. 2010; Feil & Fraga, 2012). The study of epigenetic
Accordingly, most of the variation in the subjects’ effects in humans is difficult because experimental
intelligence and personality resulted from genetic manipulation of human genetic material is not ethical.
variation. If the twins had been separately adopted by Monozygotic twins, however, provide a method of
European royalty, Los Angeles rap stars, London circumventing this difficulty. At conception
advertising executives, and Inuit, the resulting monozygotic twins are genetically identical, and by
heritability estimates for IQ and personality would likely repeatedly assessing their DNA one can document the
have been much lower. Now that you understand the development and survival of the many epigenetic
meaning of heritability estimates, let us tell you how big differences that develop between them (see Bell &
they tend to be for a variety of complex human traits and Saffery, 2012; Bell & Spector, 2011; Chatterjee &
behaviors: for example, for intelligence, personality Morison, 2011; Silva et al., 2011). Moreover, by
traits, aggression, divorce, religious beliefs, sports comparing monozygotic and dizygotic twins, it is
participation, psychiatric disorders, and television possible to get a sense of the degree to which changes
watching. The answer is simple because heritability are caused by experiential as opposed to genetic factors
estimates tend to be about the same regardless of the —if epigenetic changes developed under genetic control,
particular trait or behavior under consideration and one would expect that the pattern of epigenetic changes
regardless of the particular basis used to calculate them would be more similar in monozygotic than dizygotic
(i.e., twin, adoption, or family-tree studies). In the pairs. The first systematic demonstration of epigenetic
representative Western samples that have been studied, differences in human twins was published by Fraga and
all complex traits and behaviors have substantial colleagues (2005). They took tissue samples (blood,
heritability estimates—most between 40 and 80 percent. skin, muscle) from 40 pairs of monozygotic twins,
ranging in age from 3 to 74. Then, they screened the
The discovery that genetic variability contributes
tissues for DNA methylation and histone modifications.
substantially to individual differences in virtually all
They found that the twins were epigenetically
human traits and behaviors has led several eminent
indistinguishable early in life, but differences
geneticists to argue that no more heritability estimate
accumulated as they aged, each type of tissue displaying
studies should be conducted (e.g., Johnson et al., 2009;
a different epigenetic profile (see Zong et al., 2012). As
Petronis, 2010). What could more heritability estimate
a result, the former assumption that monozygotic twins
studies possibly add? These geneticists are, however,
are genetically identical was disproven, and the common
excited about the potential of two other types of twin
practice of referring to monozygotic twins as identical
studies that have recently been reported. The chapter
twins should be curtailed. In another study of epigenetic
ends with them.
changes in twins, Wong and colleagues (2010) examined
DNA methylation in buccal cells (cells of the lining of
the mouth) scraped from 46 pairs of monozygotic twins
A Look into the Future: Two Kinds and 45 pairs of dizygotic twins. They took samples from
of Twin Studies the twins at age 5 and again from the same twins at age
10. Then they assessed DNA methylation. Wong and
colleagues found DNA methylation to be prominent in in a poverty-stricken environment (see Loehllin, Harden,
both groups of twins at both ages. Because the & Turkheimer, 2009; Nisbett et al., 2012). This finding
concordance rates of DNA methylation were the same also has important implications for the development of
between monozygotic and between dizygotic twins, they programs to help the poor. Many politicians have argued
concluded that differences in DNA methylation are against special programs for the poor because most
mainly a consequence of experiential factors. The heritability estimates of intelligence are high. They
discovery of epigenetic differences in monozygotic incorrectly argue that because intelligence is inherited,
twins raises the possibility that epigenetic differences special programs for the poor are a waste of money.
may explain why one twin develops a disease and the However, the findings of Turkheimer and colleagues
other doesn’t (Bell & Spector, 2011; Haque, Gottesman, suggest otherwise: Reducing poverty would permit many
& Wong, 2009). Once identified, such epigenetic of the poor to develop their genetic potential.
differences would provide important clues to the cause
and mechanisms of the disease. Bell and Spector (2011)
suggest that disease- discordant monozygotic twin TAKE NOTE:
studies are a particularly powerful approach (see also
Czyz et al., 2012). This kind of study begins with the This chapter introduced the topics of evolution, genetics,
identification of monozygotic twins who are discordant and development, but its unifying focus was thinking
for the disease of interest. Then one searches each pair creatively about the biology of behavior. Not
for epigenetic differences focusing on those areas of surprisingly, then, of this text’s four major themes, the
DNA that are thought to be involved in the disorder. thinking creatively theme received the most attention.
Large-scale studies in monozygotic twins across This chapter challenged you to think about important
different ages, tissues, and epigenetic effects could biopsychological phenomena in new ways. Thinking
greatly improve our understanding of human disease (see creatively tabs marked points in the chapter where you
Bell & Spector, 2011; Tan et al., 2014). were encouraged to sharpen your thinking about the
nature–nurture issue, the physiological-or-psychological
dichotomy, human evolution, the biopsychological
implications of the Human Genome Project, the
In thinking about heritability estimates, it is paramount implications of epigenetics, the genetics of human
to remember that heritability estimates depend on the psychological differences, the meaning of heritabiliity
particular conditions and subjects of a particular study. estimates, and the important study of Turkheimer and
This point was driven home by the influential study of Colleagues.
Turkheimer and colleagues (2003). Before the
The other three themes also received coverage in this
Turkheimer et al. study, all published studies of the
chapter, and each case was marked by the appropriate
heritability of intelligence were conducted on middle- to
tab. The evolutionary perspective was illustrated by
upper- class families, and the heritability estimates for
comparative research on self-awareness in chimps, by
intelligence tended to be about 75 percent. Turkheimer
consideration of the evolutionary significance of social
and colleagues assessed heritability of intelligence in
dominance and courtship displays, and by efforts to
two samples of 7-year-old twins: those from families of
understand mate bonding. The clinical implications
low socioeconomic status (SES) and those from families
theme was illustrated by the case of the man who fell out
of middle to high SES. The heritability estimates for
of bed, the discussion of phenylketonuria (PKU), and
intelligence in the middle- to high-SES twins was, as
the discussion of disease-discordant twin studies.
expected, about 70 percent. However, the heritability
estimate for intelligence in the twins from low-SES The neuroplasticity theme arose when you learned that
families was only 10 percent. This effect was brain growth occurs in male songbirds prior to each
subsequently replicated and extended to other age breeding season.
groups: babies (Tucker-Drob et al., 2010) and
adolescents (Harden, Turkheimer, & Loehlin, 2007).
One major implication of this finding is that it forces one
to think of intelligence as developing from the
interaction of genes and experience, not from one or the
other. It seems that one can inherit the potential to be of
superior intelligence, but this potential is rarely realized
motor signals from the CNS to the skeletal
muscles (going away).
2) Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) –
it regulates the body’s internal environment.
The autonomic nervous system has two
efferent nerves:
Sympathetic Nerves – are
autonomic motor nerves that project from CNS
in the lumbar (small of the back) and thoracic
(Chest area) regions of the spinal cord.
Parasympathetic Nerves – are
those autonomic motor nerves that project
from the brain and sacral (lower back) region of
the spinal cord.
The conventional view of the respective

BIOPSY CHAPTER 3  functions of the sympathetic and

parasympathetic systems stresses three
important principles:
Nervous System – It is the complex collection of nerves 1) Sympathetic nerves stimulate,
and specialized cells known as neurons that transmit organize, and mobilize energy resources in the
signals between different parts of the body. It is threatening situations, whereas
essentially body’s electrical wiring. parasympathetic nerves act to conserve energy.
2) Each autonomic target organ receives
Division of the Nervous system
opposing sympathetic and parasympathetic
 Central Nervous System (CNS) – is the division input, and its activity is thus controlled by
of the nervous system located within the skull relative levels of sympathetic and
and spine. parasympathetic activity.
1) Brain 3) Sympathetic changes are indicative of
2) Spinal Cord psychological arousal, whereas parasympathetic
 Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) – is the changes are indicative of psychological
 division located outside the skull and spine. relaxation.
1) Somatic Nervous System (SNS) – is
the part of PNS that interacts with the external
Afferent Nerves – it carries
sensory signals from the skin, skeletal muscles,
joints, eyes, ears and so on, to the central
nervous system. (going towards)
Efferent Nerves – it carries
microvasculature of the CNS. Tightly packed
cells (Protection, Stabilizer, holder).
 Paul Ehrlich – a German Jewish physician
(Bacteriologist, staining)

Cells of the Neurons

 Neurons – are cells that are specialized for the

reception, conduction, and transmission of
electrochemical signals.
 Neuron Cell Membrane – Is composed of a lipid
bilayer, or two layers of fat molecules. (Some
membrane proteins are Channel proteins;
 Meninges these are protective membranes that others are signal proteins)
surrounds the brain and spinal cord.  External features of a neuron
1) Pia Mater Pious Mother, inside – Cell membrane – The semipermeable
Innermost meninx the delicate pia mater which membrane that encloses the neuron.
adheres to the surface of the CNS. Cell body – The metabolic center of the
2) Arachnoid membrane Spider-we-like neuron; also called the soma.
membrane, middle (Subarachnoid space Axon Hillock – The cone-shaped region
contains many large blood vessels and at the junction between the axon and the cell
cerebrospinal fluid) body.
3) Dura Mater tough mother, outside Dendrites – The short processes
emanating from the cell bod, which receive
Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid
most of the synaptic contacts from the
 Cerebrospinal fluid CSF it is manufactured by Neurons.
the choroid plexuses –capillary networks that Axon – The long, narrow process that
protrude into the ventricles from the Pia Mater. projects from the cell body.
 Cerebral Ventricles – are the four large internal Myelin – The fatty insulation around
chambers of the brain: two lateral ventricles, many axons.
the third ventricle, and the fourth ventricle. Nodes of Ranvier – The gaps between
 Central Canal – is a small central channel that sections of myelin.
runs the length of the spinal cord. Buttons – The buttonlike endings of the
axon branches, which release chemicals into
Synapses – The gaps between adjacent
neurons across which chemical signals are
 Internal features of a neuron
Endoplasmic reticulum – A system of
folded membranes in the cell body; rough
portions (those with ribosomes) play a role in
the synthesis of proteins; smooth portions
Hydrocephalus is often congenital (present from birth) (without ribosomes) play a role in the synthesis
– The resulting of buildup of fluid in the ventricles of fats.
causes the walls of the ventricles, and thus the entire Cytoplasm The clear internal fluid of
brain, to expand. the cell.
Ribosomes Internal cellular structures
 Blood Brain Barrier BBB – A term used to on which proteins are synthesized; they are
describe the unique properties of the located on the endoplasmic reticulum.
Golgi complex A connected system of
membranes that packages molecules in vesicles.  Golgi Stain by Camillo Golgi – it permits an
Nucleus The spherical DNA-containing excellent view of the silhouettes
structure of the cell body.  Nissl Stain by Franz Nissl – provide a gross
Mitochondria Sites of aerobic (oxygen- indication of brain structure by selectively
consuming) energy release. staining groups of neural cell bodies
Microtubules Tubules responsible for  Electron Microscopy –provides information
the rapid transport of material throughout about the details of neuronal structure.
Neuroanatomical Tracing Techniques
Synaptic Vesicles Spherical membrane
packages that store neurotransmitter molecules  Anterograde tracing methods – to trace the
ready for release near synapses. paths of axons projecting away from cell bodies
Neurotransmitters Molecules that are located in a particular area.
released from active neurons and influence the  Retrograde Tracing methods – works in reverse.
activity of other cells. Trace the paths of axons projecting into a
particular area.
Classes of Neurons
Directions in the Vertebrate Nervous system
 Multipolar Neuron
 Unipolar Neuron  The vertebrate nervous system has three axes:
 Bipolar Neuron 1) Anterior means toward the nose end and
 Interneurons Posterior means toward the tail end.
2) Dorsal toward the surface of the back or the
Neurons and Neuroanatomical Structure
top of the head and Ventral means toward the
 In the CNS, clusters of cell bodies are called surface of the chest or the bottom of the head.
Nuclei (singular nucleus); In the PNS, they are 3) Medial means toward the midline and
called Ganglia (singular glion) Lateral away from the midline.
 In the CNS, bundles of axons are called tracts; in  Superior and Inferior are often used to refer to
the PNS, they are called nerves. the top and bottom of the primate head,
Glia; The Forgotten Cells
 In general, Proximal means close and distal
 Neurons are not the only cells in the nervous means far.
system; there are about as many glial cells or
 Oligodendrocytes are glial cells with extensions
that wrap around the axons of some neurons of
the CNS. These extensions are rich in myelin, a
fatty insulating substance and the myelin
sheaths they form increase the speed and
efficiency of axonal conduction.
 A similar function is performed in the PNS by
Schwan cells.
 Microglia They respond to injury or disease by
multiplying, engulfing cellular debris or even
entire cells.
 Astrocytes They are the largest glial cells, and
they are so named because they are star-
shaped (Astron means star).


Neuroanatomical techniques
which dangles from it on the ventral surface of
the brain.
- pituitary gland - “snot gland”
It was discovered in a gelatinous state behind
the nose of an unembalmed cadaver and was
incorrectly assumed to be the main source of
nasal mucus.In addition to the pituitary gland,
two other structures appear on the inferior
surface of the hypothalamus: the optic
chiasm and the mammillary bodies.
optic chiasm - the point at which the optic nerves from
each eye come together.
The X shape - created because some of the axons of the
optic nerve decussate (cross over to the other side of
the brain) via the optic chiasm. The decussating fibers
are said to be contralateral (projecting from one side of
the body to the other), and the non-decussating fibers
are said to be ipsilateral (staying on the same side of
the body). The mammillary bodies, which are often
considered to be part of the hypothalamus, are a pair of
spherical nuclei located on the inferior surface of the
hypothalamus, just behind the pituitary.

Composed of two structures:
1. Thalamus
- large two-lobed structure that constitutes the
top of the brain stem.
- One lobe sits on each side of the third
- massa intermedia - joins the two lobes (which
runs through the ventricle)
- Visible on the surface of the thalamus are white
lamina (layers) that are composed of
myelinated axons.

sensory relay nuclei (most understood thalamic nuclei)

—nuclei that receive signals from sensory receptors,
process them, and then transmit them to the
appropriate areas of sensory cortex.

2. Hypothalamus
- Located just below the anterior thalamus (hypo
means “below”)
- Plays an important role in the regulation of
several motivated behaviors (e.g., eating,
sleep, and sexual behavior).
- It exerts its effects in part by regulating the
release of hormones from the pituitary gland,
Telencephalon Membrane potential – the difference in electrical
charge between the inside and outside of a cell.
Largest Division of the Human Brain
Microelectrodes – intracellular electrodes
- initiates voluntary movement
- interprets sensory input When both electrode tips are in the extracellular fluid,
- mediates complex cognitive processes the voltage difference between them is zero. However,
(learning, speaking & problem-solving) when the tip of the intracellular electrode is inserted
into a neuron, a steady potential of about −70 millivolts
Cerebral Cortex - Surrounds the cerebral (mV) is recorded. This indicates that the potential
hemispheres, convolutions serve to increase surface inside the resting neuron is about 70 mV less than that
area. outside the neuron. This steady membrane potential of
about −70 mV is called the neuron’s resting potential.
Gray matter – unmyelinated neurons
In its resting state, with the −70 mV charge built up
White matter – large, myelinated axons across its membrane, a neuron is said to be polarized.

Convolutions – have the effect of increasing the amount Neuron’s resting membrane potential - Inside of the
of cerebral cortex without increasing the overall volume neuron is negative with respect to the outside; -70mV.
of the brain.
4 Contributing Ions:
Longitudinal Fissure – largest of the fissures also it
1. Sodium (Na+)
separates cerebral hemispheres.
2. Chloride (Cl-)
Cerebral commissures - Connect two lobes - pathway 3. Potassium (K+)
between the left and right hemisphere. 4. Negatively charged proteins
Corpus Callosum – Largest hemisphere connecting Random Motion – Particles move down their
tract. concentration gradient.
Gyri – Bulges or bumps in cerebral cortex Electrostatic Pressure – Like forces repel, opposites
Hippocampus – Forming and retrieving memories. attract.

Limbic system - Processing emotions and memories Sodium-potassium Pumps – “Transporters” (3NA+
(around thalamus) out/2K+ in)

Basal Ganglia – motor control, putamen, caudate, Semipermeable Phospholipid Bilayer – Causes
globus pallidus differences in electrical charge between inside and
outside of the cell.
Amygdala – Organizes emotional responses (aggression
and fear) Active Process – Energy consumed by the brain goes
towards maintenance of ionic differences.
TRANSMISSIONS Depolarization – Making the membrane potential less
The Lizard, a Case of Parkinson’s Disease
ESPS – Excitatory postsynaptic potential
Roberto d’Orta – looks much older than his
actual age. Hyperpolarization – Making the membrane more
1st symptom – Tremor
IPSP – Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
2nd rigid muscles
ESPS and ISPS, graded and decremental – The greater
3rd Reptilian stare the stimulus, the greater the response; they get smaller
Post Synaptic Potential location – Near the axon hillock GABA – Anxiety, main inhibitory NT ISPS

Action Potential happens at approximately -65mV. Glutamate – Main excitatory NT ESPS

All or none – When threshold is reached the neuron Small neurotransmitter molecules – Synthesized in the
'fires' and the AP either occurs or doesn't. terminal button and packaged in synaptic vesicles (ex.
Amino acids)
Membrane during an action potential moves from -70
to +50mV. Large neurotransmitter molecules – Assembled in the
cell body, packaged in vesicles, and then transported to
the axon terminal (ex. Neuropeptides)
- Sodium channels close
Monoamines – Synthesized from a single amino acid
Hyperpolarization (tyrosine or tryptophan); effects tend to be diffuse;
modulating effects
- Potassium channels start to close
Catecholamines – Synthesized from tyrosine (beef,
Rising phase pork, lamb)

- Sodium channels open, then Potassium Indolamines – synthesized from tryptophan (serotonin,
channels open poultry, milk)

Absolute refractory period – Impossible to initiate Neuropeptides – Produce analgesia, Receptors were
another action potential identified before the natural ligand was (endorphins)

Relative refractory period – harder to initiate another 1st step in the life of a neurotransmitter –
action potential Neurotransmitters are synthesized.

Saltatory conduction – Myelinated axons provide faster 2nd step in the life of a neurotransmitter –
transfer of chemicals Neurotransmitters are stored in vesicles.

Exocytosis – Leaving of neurotransmitters 3rd step in the life of a neurotransmitter – Action

potential causes vesicles to fuse with presynaptic
Ionotropic receptors – Na channels opens in ESPS; membrane.
K channels opened out ISPS
4th step in the life of a neurotransmitter –
Metabotropic receptors – Effects are slower, longer- Neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft
laster, more diffuse and more varied; using a 2nd (exocytosis).
messenger synthesized.
5th step in the life of a neurotransmitter – Released
Reuptake – “Scoop up" and recycle NT. neurotransmitters bind to the postsynaptic receptor
(ionotropic and metabotropic).
Enzymatic Degradation – NT broken down by enzymes.
6th step in the life of a neurotransmitter – Released
Prozac – prevents reuptake of serotonin, overloads in
neurotransmitters are deactivated (reuptake and
system, autoreceptor preventing it from being recycled.
Serotonin – Mood, sleep, hunger
Agonists – Increase or Facilitate NT activity (blocker).
Dopamine – Pleasure, reward, motor function
Antagonists – Decrease or inhibit NT activity.
Acetylcholine – Muscle contractions (PNS); Learning
Facilitating the reuptake for an auto receptor –
and memory (CNS)
Antagonist because it stimulates.
Anadamide – Bliss and joy
Agonistic drug effects – Cocaine, Benzodiazepines,
Norepinephrine – Stress response GABA (XANAX)
Antagonistic drug effect – Atropine, Botox Directed synapses—synapses at which the site of
neurotransmitter release and the site of
Refractory Period
neurotransmitter reception are in close proximity
- A trap cannot respond again until it has been
Non directed synapses are synapses at which the site of
reset, just as a section of axon cannot fire again
release is at some distance from the site of reception.
until it has been repolarized.
There are two basic categories of neurotransmitter
Antidromic conduction
molecules: small and large.
- electrical stimulation of sufficient intensity is
Small neurotransmitters are of several types; large
applied to the terminal end of an axon, an
neurotransmitters are all neuropeptide
action potential will be generated and will travel
along the axon back to the cell Neuropeptides are short amino acid chains composed
of between 3 and 36 amino acids; in effect, they are
0rthodromic conduction
short proteins
- Axonal conduction in the natural direction—
Small-molecule neurotransmitters are typically
from cell body to terminal buttons
synthesized in the cytoplasm of the terminal button and
Myelin-axons of many neurons are insulated from the packaged in synaptic vesicles by the button’s Golgi
extracellular fluid by segments of fatty tissue complex.

Nodes of Ranvier—gaps between adjacent myelin Co-existence- referred to situation wherein neurons
segments contain two neurotransmitters

Myelinated axons, axonal sodium channels are Exocytosis—the process of neurotransmitter release
concentrated at the nodes of Ranvier
Ligand-Any molecule that binds to another
Saltatory conduction (saltare means “to skip or jump”)
Receptor subtypes- different types of receptors to
- transmission of action potentials in myelinated axons
which a particular neurotransmitter can bind
Motor neurons -neurons that synapse on skeletal
Ionotropic receptors - associated with ligand-activated
ion channels
The Hodgkin-Huxley model was based on the study of
Metabotropic receptors- associated with signal
squid motor neurons.
proteins and G proteins (guanosine-
Describe the structure of different types of synapses. triphosphate−sensitive proteins)

Axodendritic synapses—synapses of axon terminal Note: Metabotropic receptors are more prevalent than
buttons on dendrites. ionotropic receptors, and their effects are slower to
develop, longer-lasting, more diffuse, and more varied.
Dendritic spines- nodules of various shapes that are
located on the surfaces of many dendrites Neurotransmitters are considered to be the first
Axosomatic synapses— synapses of axon terminal
buttons on somas (cell bodies). Autoreceptors- metabotropic receptors that have two
unconventional characteristics: They bind to their
Dendrodendritic synapses, which are interesting neuron’s own neurotransmitter molecules, and they are
because they are often capable of transmission in either located on the presynaptic, rather than the
direction postsynaptic, membrane. Their usual function is to
Axoaxonic synapses are particularly important because monitor the number of neurotransmitter molecules in
they can mediate presynaptic facilitation and the synapse, to reduce subsequent release when the
inhibition. levels are high, and to increase subsequent release
when they are low.
Small-molecule neurotransmitters tend to be released Recent research has clearly established that glial cells
into directed synapses and to activate either ionotropic (particularly astrocytes) and gap junction play major
receptors or metabotropic receptors that act directly on roles in brain function
ion channels. The function of small-molecule
Cerebral gap junctions occur between all classes of
neurotransmitters appears to be the transmission of
cerebral cells; however, the majority of them seem to
rapid, brief excitatory or inhibitory signals to adjacent
occur between cells of like kind.
One aspect of astrocytic organization suggests that they
Neuropeptides tend to be released diffusely, and
too play a role of synchronizing activities of like cells in a
virtually all bind to metabotropic receptors that act
particular area. Unlike neurons, astrocytes are
through second messengers. The function of
distributed evenly throughout a particular area, with
neuropeptides appears to be the transmission of slow,
only one astrocyte per location and little overlap
diffuse, long-lasting signals.
between the projections of adjacent astrocytes. This
Explain how neurotransmitters are removed from a suggests that each astrocyte coordinates the activity of
synapse neurons in its domain, and with as many as 40,000
processes, each astrocyte has a great potential to
Two mechanisms terminate synaptic messages and
coordinate activity (see Panasch & Rouach, 2013). Gap
keep that from happening. These two message-
junctions on astrocytes tend to occur at the end of
terminating mechanisms are reuptake by transporters
each process, where it comes in contact with processes
and enzymatic degradation.
from adjacent astrocytes.
Reuptake is the more common of the two deactivating
What could astrocytes be coordinating?
mechanisms. The majority of neurotransmitters, once
released, are almost immediately drawn back into the The fact that many astrocytic processes wrap around
presynaptic buttons by transporter mechanism synapses and are connected to both presynaptic and
postsynaptic neurons by gap junctions suggests that
In contrast, other neurotransmitters are degraded
each astrocyte may coordinate the activity of synapses
(broken apart) in the synapse by the action of enzymes
in its domain. The hypothesis that synaptic
— proteins that stimulate or inhibit biochemical
transmission depends on communication among three
reactions without being affected by them.
cells (presynaptic neuron, postsynaptic neuron, and
For example, acetylcholine, one of the few astrocyte) is referred to as the tripartite synapse.
neurotransmitters for which enzymatic degradation is
Name the classes of neurotransmitters.
the main mechanism of synaptic deactivation, is broken
down by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. 100 neurotransmitter substances that have been
Terminal buttons are models of efficiency. Once
released, neurotransmitter molecules or their The following are three classes of conventional small-
breakdown products are drawn back into the button molecule neurotransmitters:
and recycled, regardless of the mechanism of their
the amino acids,
deactivation. Even the vesicles, once they have done
their job, are drawn back into the neuron from the the monoamines,
presynaptic membrane and are used to create new
vesicles. and acetylcholine.

Gap junctions are narrow spaces between adjacent cells Fourth group of various small-molecule
that are bridged by fine, tubular, cytoplasm-filled neurotransmitters, which are often referred to as
protein channels, called connexins. unconventional neurotransmitters because their
mechanisms of action are unusual
Gap junctions are sometimes called electrical synapses.
Gap junctions transmit signals more rapidly than Neuropeptides- it is the only one class of large-
chemical synapses. molecule neurotransmitters
Most neurotransmitters produce either excitation or Catecholamines:
inhibition, not both, but a few produce excitation under
some circumstances and inhibition under others. Dopamine

Name and compare different neurotransmitters Norepinephrine and

Amino acid neurotransmitter- The neuro transmitters Epinephrine.
in the vast majority of fast-acting, directed synapses in
the central nervous system are amino acids— the Each is synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine.
molecular building blocks of proteins Tyrosine is converted to l-dopa, which in turn is
converted to dopamine. Neurons that release
The four most widely studied amino acid norepinephrine have an extra enzyme (one that is not
neurotransmitters are glutamate, aspartate, glycine, present in dopaminergic neurons), which converts the
and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine used to be
called adrenaline and noradrenaline, respectively, by
The first three are common in the proteins we
many scientists, until a drug company registered
consume, whereas GABA is synthesized by a simple
Adrenalin as a brand name. The other reason will
modification of the structure of glutamate.
become apparent to you if you try to say
Glutamate is the most prevalent excitatory norepinephrinergic.
neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous
Acetylcholine (abbreviated Ach) is a small-molecule
neurotransmitter that is in one major respect like a
GABA is the most prevalent inhibitory however, it has professor who is late for a lecture: It is in a class by
excitatory effects at some synapses itself. It is created by adding an acetyl group to a
choline molecule. Acetylcholine is the
Monoamines - another class of small-molecule neurotransmitter at neuromuscular junctions, at many
neurotransmitters. Each is synthesized from a single of the synapses in the autonomic nervous system, and
amino acid—hence the name monoamine (one amine) at synapses in several parts of the central nervous
system. Acetylcholine is broken down in the synapse
Monoamine neurotransmitters are slightly larger than by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. Neurons that
amino acid neurotransmitters, and their effects tend to release acetylcholine are said to be cholinergic.
be more diffuse. The monoamines are present in small
groups of neurons whose cell bodies are, for the most Unconventional neurotransmitters act in ways that are
part, located in the brain stem. different from those that neuroscientists have come to
think of as typical for such substances.
These neurons often have highly branched axons with
many varicosities (string-of-beads synapses), from One class of unconvenitional neurotransmitters, the
which monoamine neurotransmitters are diffusely soluble-gas neurotransmitters, includes nitric oxide
released into the extracellular fluid. and carbon monoxide. These neurotransmitters are
produced in the neural cytoplasm and immediately
Four monoamine neurotransmitters: Dopamine diffuse through the cell membrane into the
extracellular fluid and then into nearby cells. They
Epinephrine easily pass through cell membranes because they are
soluble in lipids. . They are difficult to study because
they exist for only a few seconds.
Soluble-gas neurotransmitters have been shown to be
involved in retrograde transmission. At some synapses,
They are subdivided into two groups, catecholamines
they transmit feedback signals from the postsynaptic
and indolamines, on the basis of their structures.
neuron back to the presynaptic neuron. The function
of retrograde transmission seems to be to regulate the
activity of presynaptic neurons.

Another class of unconventional neurotransmitters is

the endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are
neurotransmitters that are similar to delta-9-
tetrahydrocannabi (THC), the main psychoactive
(producing psychological effects) constituent of

So far, two endocannabinoids have been

discovered.The most widely studied is anandamide
(from the Sanskrit word ananda, which means “eternal
bliss”). Like the soluble gases, the endocannabinoids
are produced immediately before they are released.
Endocannabinoids are synthesized from fatty
compounds in the cell membrane; they tend to be
released from the dendrites and cell body; and they
tend to have most of their effects on presynaptic Most of the methods that bio psychologists use to
neurons, inhibiting subsequent synaptic transmission. study the behavioral effects of neurotransmitters are
pharmacological (involving drugs). To study
About 100 neuropeptides have been identified. The neurotransmitters and behavior, researchers administer
actions of each neuropeptide depend on its amino acid to human or nonhuman subjects drugs that have
sequence. particular effects on particular neurotransmitters and
then assess the effects of the drugs on behavior.
It is usual to loosely group neuropeptide transmitters
into five categories. Drugs have two fundamentally different kinds of
effects on synaptic transmission: They facilitate it or
Three of these categories acknowledge that
they inhibit it.
neuropeptides often function in multiple capacities,
not just as neurotransmitters: Drugs that facilitate the effects of a particular
neurotransmitter are said to be agonists of that
Pituitary peptides- one category that contains
neuropeptides that were first identified as hormones
released by the pituitary Drugs that inhibit the effects of a particular
neurotransmitter are said to be its antagonist.
Hypothalamic peptides- second category contains
neuropeptides that were first identified as hormones Provide a general overview of how drugs influence
released by the hypothalamus synaptic transmission

Brain–gut peptides – third category, contains Seven general steps are common to most
neuropeptides that were first discovered in the gut. neurotransmitters:

Opioid peptides- fourth category that contains (1) Synthesis of the neurotransmitter,
neuropeptides that are similar in structure to the active
ingredients of opium (2) Storage in vesicles,

Miscellaneous peptides- fifth category, that catch-all (3) Breakdown in the cytoplasm of any
category that contains all of the neuropeptide neurotransmitter that leaks from the vesicles,
transmitters that do not fit into one of the other four
categories. (4) Exocytosis,
(5) Inhibitory feedback via auto receptors, nicotinic and muscarinic receptors are found in the CNS
and the PNS.
(6) Activation of postsynaptic receptors,
In the PNS, many nicotinic receptors occur at the
(7) Deactivation. junctions between motor neurons and muscle fibers,
whereas many muscarinic receptors are located in the
autonomic nervous system (ANS). Nicotinic and
muscarinic receptors are ionotropic and metabotropic,
respectively. Many of the drugs used in research and
medicine are extracts of plants that have long been
used for medicinal and recreational purposes. The
cholinergic agonists and antagonists illustrate this point

For example, ancient Greeks consumed extracts of the

belladonna plant to treat stomach ailments and to
make themselves more attractive. Greek women
believed that the pupil-dilating effects of these extracts
enhanced their beauty (belladonna means “beautiful

Atropine, which is the main active ingredient of

belladonna, is a receptor blocker that exerts its
antagonist effect by binding to muscarinic receptors,
thereby blocking the effects of acetylcholine on them.
The pupil-dilating effects of atropine are mediated by its
antagonist actions on muscarinic receptors in the ANS.
Some agonists of a particular neurotransmitter bind to
The disruptive effects of large doses of atropine on
postsynaptic receptors and activate them, whereas
memory are mediated by its antagonistic effect on
some antagonistic drugs, called receptor blockers, bind
muscarinic receptors in the CNS. The disruptive effect
to postsynaptic receptors without activating them and,
of high doses of atropine on memory was one of the
in so doing, block the access of the usual
earliest clues that cholinergic mechanisms may play a
role in memory.
Describe three examples of how drugs have been used
Curare—an extract of a certain class of woody vines
to influence neurotransmission
used by south African —on the tips of darts they use to
Nicotine- a CNS stimulant and the major psychoactive kill their game.
ingredient of tobacco

Muscarine- a poisonous substance found in some


These two kinds of acetylcholine receptors thus

became known as nicotinic receptors and muscarinic

It was discovered that nicotinic and muscarinic

receptors are distributed differently in the nervous
system, have different modes of action, and
consequently have different behavioral effects. Both
In the 1970s, it was discovered that opioid drugs such
as morphine bind effectively to receptors in the brain.
These receptors were generally found in the
hypothalamus and other limbic areas, but they were
most concentrated in the area of the brain stem around
the cerebral aqueduct, which connects the third and
fourth ventricles; this part of the brain stem is called
the periaqueductal gray (PAG). Microinjection of
morphine into the PAG, or even electrical stimulation of
the PAG, produces strong analgesia. The existence of
selective opioid receptors in the brain raised an
interesting question: Why are they there? They are
certainly not there so that once humans discovered
opium, opioids would have a place to bind. The
existence of opioid receptors suggested that opioid
chemicals occur naturally in the brain, and that
Botox (short for Botulinium toxin), a neurotoxin
possibility triggered an intensive search on them.
released by a bacterium often found in spoiled food, is
another nicotinic antagonist, but its mechanism of Several families of endogenous (occurring naturally
action is different: It blocks the release of acetylcholine within the body) opioids have been discovered. First
at neuromuscular junctions and is thus a deadly discovered were the enkephalins (meaning “in the
poison. However, injected in minute doses at specific head”). Another major family of endogenous opioids
sites, it has applications in medicine (e.g., reduction of are the endorphins (a contraction of “endogenous
tremors) and cosmetics morphine”). All endogenous opioid neurotransmitters
are neuropeptides, and their receptors are



Arguably, the most important event in the treatment

of mental illness has been the development of drugs
for the treatment of schizophrenia. Surprisingly,
Parkinson’s disease, the disease from which Roberto
Garcia d’Orta suffered, played a major role in their
discovery. In the 1950s, largely by chance, two drugs
were found to have anti schizophrenic effects.
Although these two drugs were not related structurally,
they both produced a curious pattern of effects:
Neither drug appeared to have any anti schizophrenic
activity until patients had been taking it for about 3
weeks, at which point the drug also started to produce
Opium- the sticky resin obtained from the seed pods of mild Parkinsonian symptoms (e.g., tremor-at-rest).
the opium poppy, has been used by humans since Researchers put this result together with two then-
prehistoric times for its pleasurable effects. recent findings: (1) Parkinson’s disease is associated
with the degeneration of a main dopamine pathway in
Morphine, its major psychoactive ingredient, is the brain, and (2) dopamine agonists—cocaine and
addictive. But morphine also has its good side: It is an amphetamines— produce a transient condition that
effective analgesic (painkiller) resembles schizophrenia. Together, these findings
suggested that schizophrenia is caused by excessive
activity at dopamine synapses and thus that potent
dopamine antagonists would be effective in its

It was ultimately discovered that one particular

dopamine receptor, the D2 receptor, plays a key role in
schizophrenia and that drugs that most effectively block
it are the most effective ant schizophrenic drugs. It
would be a mistake to think that ant schizophrenic
drugs cure schizophrenia or that they help in every case.
However, they help many patients, and the help is
sometimes enough to allow them to live at home.

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