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Abdu Zhaif A.


12 GAS - Block 3

Physical Education - Quarter 1 Module 1

STRENGTH – refers to the muscle’s ability to generate force against physical objects. In the fitness world,
this typically refers to how much weight you can lift for different strength fitness exercises.
1. 90 Degree Push-up

Purpose – to measure strength of upper extremities.

Score: 20

2. Curl-ups
Purpose – To measure the strength of abdominal muscles.

Materials/Equipment: Exercise mats or any clean mats

Score: 15

FLEXIBILITY – refers to the ability of the joints to move through a full range of motion.
3. Sit and Reach – a test of flexibility for the lower extremities particularly the hamstring.

Purpose – reach as far as possible without bending the hamstring

Materials/Equipment: Tape Measure

Score: 22 cm

4. Zipper Test – a test of upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to parallel the strength /
endurance assessment of the region.
Purpose – to touch the fingertips together behind the back by reaching over the shoulder and under the

Materials/Equipment: Ruler

Score: 11 cm

Cardiovascular Endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to
working muscles and tissues, as well as the ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize the oxygen.
Endurance may also refer to the ability of the muscle to do repeated work without fatigue.

5. 3–Minute Step Test

Purpose: to measure cardiovascular endurance
Equipment: Step with a height of 12 inches and Stopwatch

Score: 140
Direction: Complete the statements below. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

I have learned that HRF or health-related fitness involves exercise activities that you do to try to
improve your physical health and stay healthy. Health-related fitness is all about personal health and
how the healthy lifestyle of physical activity influences us as a person. This is important for anyone who
wants to live a physically active lifestyle to support a better quality of life.

I have realized that it improves respiratory, cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can
also help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and reduce
your risk for some cancers. In other words, staying active is a crucial part of maintaining good health and

I will apply this to my daily life by starting an exercise session with a warm-up of about 5 to 10 minutes.
Start by slowly stretching your muscles, and then gradually increase the intensity of your activity. For
example, begin walking slowly and gradually pick up the pace. After i finished exercising, i'll take a cool
down for about 5 to 10 minutes. And after i finish basic exercises, ill go to moderate then to a vigorous

Access what you have learned


DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answers in
your activity notebook

1. True 6-10. 5 Main Components of Physical Fitness

2. True - Cardiorespiratory Fitness

3. True - Muscular Strength

4. False - Muscular Endurance

5. True - Flexibility

- Body Composition

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