Abdu Zhaif Andal 12 GAS - Block 3 Introduction To The Philosophy of The Human Person Quarter 1 - Module 1 What I Know Pre-Test Multiple Choice

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Abdu Zhaif Andal

12 GAS - Block 3

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Quarter 1 - Module 1

What I Know


Multiple Choice

1. C

2. C

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. D

10. B

11. A

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. C
What’s In
Activity 2: I Belong to You!
Directions: On your separate sheet of paper, state the meaning of the underlined word in every group of
words. Let other words in the cluster represent as hints to the meaning of the word.

1. holistic, complete, whole, entire

Entire - with no part left out; whole.

2. partial, half done, limited, restricted

Half done - unfinished or only partially completed.

3. reflection, discernment, contemplation, meditation

Reflection - serious thought or consideration.

4. reason, cause, grounds, basis

Reason - a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event.

5. perspective, point of view, standpoint, outlook

Standpoint - An attitude to or outlook on issues, typically arising from one's circumstances or beliefs.
6. thinking, rationality, shrewdness, insight

Rationality - based on or in accordance with reason or logic.

7. avenue, possibility, cradles, cots

Avenue - a way of approaching a problem or making progress toward something.

8. scenario, set-up, circumstance, status qou

Status qou - the current situation.

9. evidence, substantiation, verification, authentication

Substantiatation - the act of showing something to be true, or of supporting a claim with facts.
10. coherent, intelligible, comprehensible, lucid

Lucid - transparently clear; easily understandable.

What’s New
Let’s Do This!
Activity 4: The Judgmental in Me!
Directions: On your answer sheet, put a check (√) if the statement deals with holistic point of view and
put (×) if the statement refers to partial point of view.
1.√ 6. ×

2. × 7. ×

3. × 8. ×

4. √. 9. √

5. √. 10. √

What I Can Do
Creativity Showcase!
Activity 6. Watch and Learn! (Individual work)
Directions: As you read the lesson about holistic and partial point of view and learning from it, do the
following. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. On your answer sheet, make at least top three (3) social problems from your surroundings (family,
experiences, school or community) that destroy relationships.
Top 1: Poverty
Top 2: Unemployment
Top 3: Crime

2. Among the problems you identified, pick only one which bothers you the most? Justify your answer.
- One that bothers me the most is Poverty, Poverty is the state of not having enough material
possessions or income for a person's basic needs. Poverty may include social, economic, and political
elements. Absolute poverty measures compare income against the amount needed to meet basic
personal needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter. Children born into poverty are more likely to
experience a wide range of health problems, including poor nutrition, chronic disease and mental health
problems. Poverty puts an additional strain on families, which can lead to parental mental health and
relationship problems, financial problems and substance misuse. Poverty also leads to crime, violence
which really destroys a family relationship.

3. Among the problems you identified, pick only one which excites you the most? Justify your answer.

- One that excites me the most is Unemployment, Unemployment is a term referring to individuals who
are employable and actively seeking a job but are unable to find a job. Problems within relationships
mount-up when men are unemployed and, even when men become re-employed, women often still feel
less happy about their relationships. Indeed, long spells of unemployment can cause serious problems
for relationships, even leading to break-ups.

Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write T if the bold and italicized word is correct and write F if
the bold and italicized word is false.

1. F. 6. F 11. T

2. T 7. T 12. F

3. F 8. F 13. T

4. T. 9. T 14. F

5. F 10. T 15. T

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