Situation Analysis Group Problem: Syndicate 4

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Situation Analysis Group

RAIHAN M - 29120625
TOMMY YULIAN - 29120336
WAHYUDI - 29120536
Problem 1 : Exxon Valdes

● In March 24, 1989, the exxon valdez tanker ran

aground on the bligh reef at 12:45 AM in the morning.
● This causes leakage on the ship and spilling oil to the
sea at an enormous rate
● It is known that the oil spill has reached 6 million
gallons and will continue to grow if not handled
Excon Veldes -Situational Appraisal
Situation Timing Trend Impact Process

Tanker run Medium Medium Medium

(Urgent) (Get worse more spoil) (Get worse more spoil) Decision Analysis

Damaged Low Low Medium

compartment (Less Urgent) (Not Worse) (Get worse more spoil) Problem Analysis

Oil spilled High High High

Decision Analysis
(Urgent) (Get worse area spoilled) (Get worse harm fisheries)

Chemical High Medium High

(Urgent) (Get worse harm fisheriesl) (Get worse harm fisheries) Potential Problem
Dispersant will
harm fisheries

Not enough of Medium Medium High

Floating boom (Urgent) (Contain Spill) (Save fisheries) Decision Analysis

Fisheries High High High Potential Problem

protected (Urgent) (Get worse area spoilled) (Get worse harm fisheries) Analysis
Excon Veldes -Situational Appraisal

1. The current tanker aground is medium priority because it is depend to to the tide. The trend will also be
medium because the condition will less worse but can spoil more oil. Tanker evacuation can only be done
during high tide conditions. The process is towing the ship to the port (DA)
2. Compartment repair can only be done after being evacuated (low priority) and it is not getting worst (low
priority). If it is not repaired it could have impact on our business (medium). The problem is to find out why the
compartment leak (PA)
3. Oil spills are the most urgent thing to be addressed (high priority). The trend is getting worse / more spoil (high
priority) and the impact is to the environment of fisheries could be harmful (high priority). The process is to
prevent the spill from spreading further (DA)
4. Chemical dispersant has a high priority to treatment to oil. The trend will also be less worse (Medium) because
in a certain time it will be detrimental to the fisheries (impact High) ,but now the focus is to the oil treatment.
The next process is to determine chemical impact to the fisheries in the near future (PPA)
5. The limited floating boom is a problem that must be solved (medium priority), the trend is also medium
priority. Available material can be used to surround the shore of a small village on a nearby island. However,
because the impact is quite large, it must immediately look for additional / floating boom loans from the
nearest area (DA).
6. Four fisheries are important to be protected (high priority). The trend is getting worse (high priority) and the
impact is to the fishing industry (high priority). The next process is to determine where to place the boom
material (PPA)
Problem 2 : Leaking Oil

One of the company plants produces oil from corn and

soybeans. The five units that filter the oil are located in
one building. On the day the problem was first
observed, a foreman rushed into his supervisor's office:
"Number One Filter is leaking. There's oil all over the
floor of the filter house."

So we need to analyze the problem of the leaking oil by

doing problem analysis.

What happened? Oil leaking Another leak (Not Oil) Leaked Material

Where did oil leaked? Number One Filter The other four filters Number of filters

When did oil leaked? After the Installation of Shape of cornered

WHEN square-cornered gasket rounded-cornered gasket
installed gasket on Filter

How much the oil All over the floor of the Some area of the floor Area of oil leaked
leak? filter house of the filter house

Possible Causes The Most Possible Causes

1. Valves loosening up from vibration Filter 1 using square-cornered gaskets instead of the
2. New guys of maintenance people just aren't closing it rounded-cornered gaskets, because there is a possibility
tight enough after they clean it out that using square-cornered will be more susceptible to
3. The square-cornered gasket vibration and not familiar with workers

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