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Choose present perfect or present perfect continuous

1) They arrive already?

2) Lucy (run) 2000 meters today.

3) I (clean) all morning - I'm fed up!

4) How long (you/know) Simon?

5) I (drink) more water recently, and I feel better.

6) How many times (you/take) this exam?

7) He (eat) six bars of chocolate today.

8) Julie (cook) dinner. Let's go and eat!

9) The students (finish) their exams. They're very happy.

10) Luke (never/be) abroad.

Choose past perfect or present perfect continuous

1. The children were wet because they (play) football in the rain.

2. We were very hungry because we (not / eat).

3. I was delighted when I found my keys. I (look) for them for hours.

4. She was exhausted because she (work) since eight o'clock that morning.

5. I (not / see) Jacob for several years, but I recognized him immediately.
Choose future perfect or future perfect continuous

1. The appointment is at 7 and now it’s 7.30. Unfortunately, Marry has just called and said
that she would be here at 8.30. By the time she gets here, I (wait) for her for one and a
half hour!

2. (finish, you) this novel by next week?

3. He (read) this book for 15 days by the end of this week, and I don’t think he can finish it
in a month.

4. They (be) married for 40 years by the end of this month.

5. Come over to my house around 7 o’clock. By then, I (complete) my writing assignment

and we can go for a movie.

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