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Field Study 2


Field Study 2

Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process

<Student Name>

Guidelines and Requirements

What is Field Study 2?

Field Study 2 is designed to aid the field study students verify the learners’
behavior in varied actual classroom settings. This requires the recognition of
feasible approaches to facilitate learning with heed to learners’ different
phases of development and type of social environment.
This course is designed to provide students with opportunities to examine
the application of teaching theories and principles in the learning
environment. Students are expected to verify the cognitive, metacognitive,
individual differences, and motivational factors that influence the acquisition
of knowledge. The students are given the chance to develop and try out
learning tasks, instructional materials, and assessment tools.

A. Enrich knowledge on teaching methods and strategies, appropriate

instructional materials, and assessment tools used by teachers.
B. Reflect on the application of different theories on learning and
knowledge acquisition that promote the cognitive and metacognitive
processes, positive motivational processes, and use of varied resources of
learning in the actual learning environment.
C. Develop alternative ways of teaching a lesson.
Duties and Responsibilities of a Field Study Student:
1. take the field study courses congruent to their professional education
2. observe proper decorum and behavior when making field visits and
observations in the schools where they are assigned;
3. accomplish the requirements of the course as scheduled.

General Requirements:
1. Students of Field Study 2 are tasked to look for their cooperating schools
where they intend to conduct field study. A letter of recommendation is
provided through the LMS once the student is officially enrolled in the
2. Students of Field Study 2 are required to fulfill thirty (30) hours of
classroom observation.
3. Students of Field Study shall complete the worksheets required for the
subject. Worksheets are provided through the LMS once the student is
officially enrolled in the course.
4. The last part of the Field Study portfolio shall include the following entries
as proof of observation:
Field Study 2

- Photos of Actual Observation or Field Work

Take at least five (5) shots of your actual observation and field work. The
photos should be relevant to the focus of your field study work (e.g. FS1 is
“The Learner and the Learning Environment”, FS2 is Experiencing the
Teaching- Learning Process, etc.). Feel free to increase the number of
photos depending on the design you prefer in presenting this part of the
- Daily Time Record
Provide your own Daily Time Record which you will use during your
actual observation. Include a photo or scanned copy of your DTR as proof
of observation.
- Weekly Accomplishment Report
Together with the worksheets, weekly accomplishment report form is
also provided on LMS. The Weekly Accomplishment Report records your
weekly activities after the observation or field work.
- Related Articles
Look for five (5) articles or journals online which are relevant to the focus
of your field study work (e.g. FS1 is “The Learner and the Learning
Environment”, FS2 is Experiencing the Teaching- Learning Process, etc.).
Include the copies of the selected articles as an appendix to your over-all

Submission Guidelines:
1. Save your portfolio as document (.doc/.docx/.pdf).
2. Upload your portfolio (completed worksheets and proof of observation) on
LMS using the following file name:

FS2_Last Name_First Name

(e.g. FS2_Marx_Karl)

Episode 1: Looking through the Meaningful Experiences

Episode 2: Learners’ Characteristics and Needs

Proof of Observation

 Photos of Actual Observation or Field Work

 Daily Time Record
 Weekly Accomplishment Report
 Related Articles
Field Study 2

Episode 1: Looking through the Meaningful Experiences

Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Year/Grade Level and Section:

Learning Target

At the end of this activity, I will be able to identify the principles in

teaching- learning activities, manuals, and other instructional
materials used by the teacher.

Activity Questions

1. What principles in teaching- learning were commonly applied?

2. What instructional materials were used in teaching?
3. Which of the principles in teaching facilitate the cognitive, metacognitive, and positive
motivational processes of learning?

(Write an at least 2-page reflection paper relevant to Episode 1)
Field Study 2

Episode 2: Learners’ Characteristics and Needs

Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School:
Year/Grade Level and Section:

Learning Target

At the end of this activity, I will be able to identify and describe the
teacher’s activity and the behaviors of the learners in the activities.

My Journal

Name of the School Observed:

School Address:
Date of Visit:

Grade Level:
Topic/ Lesson:

Description of the Teaching Strategies:

Description of Learning Activities:

Description of Learner’s Participation

Noted by:

Signature over FS Teacher’s Name
Field Study 2

(Write an at least 2-page reflection paper relevant to Episode 2)
Proof of Observation

 Photos of Actual Observation or Field Work

 Daily Time Record
 Weekly Accomplishment Report
 Related Articles
Field Study 2


Arnado, J. (2015, July 13). Field Study: FS The Learner’s Development and Environment
(Episode 1-5). Retrieved September 2, 2017, from

Experiential Learning Courses Handbook. (2009). A Project of the Teacher Education

Council (TEC) DepEd and CHED

The Secondary School Teacher: On Focus ( A Practical Guide). (1996). DepEd.

Atienza, S., et al. (2000). Student Teaching Handbook. Manila: Rex Book Store

Borabo, M., et al. (2010). My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio (NCBTS-Based).
Manila: Lorimar Publishing.

Palma, J. (2009). Curriculum Development System: A Handbook for School Practitioners in

Basic Education, 2nd Edition. Mandaluyong: National Book Store

Bilbao, P., et al. (2008). Curriculum Development. Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Vega, V., et al. (2009). Social Dimensions of Education. Manila: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

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