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The Product-Led Growth Flywheel 8/25/20, 8:53 AM

What is product-led growth? SUBSCR

The Product-Led Growth Flywheel


The funnel is dead. Long live the Flywheel!

As product transitions from a supporting role to lead actor, companies are

transforming the way they communicate with users, nurture relationships, and

understand user behavior.

This product-led approach shifts the balance of power in favor of the user and

upsets traditional ideas about what the customer lifecycle looks like. Leading

with the product (versus sales or marketing) means that the product experience

begins earlier and plays a much larger role in the user journey as a whole.

The way we understand and visualize this journey has been evolving for some

time. SaaS businesses have been using Dave McClure’s pirate metrics

framework for over a decade now. The pirate metrics—acquisition, activation,

revenue, retention, and referral—have been so widely adopted and remain so

useful because they provide companies with a way to quantify the customer Page 1 of 25
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lifecycle and offer a framework for a more scientific approach to growth.

But the pirate metrics were developed in 2007. While the principles behind the

framework are still sound, a lot has changed since then. User expectations have

never been higher, and there’s more competition than ever. To stay ahead,

innovative companies in every vertical have been transitioning away from

traditional business methodologies and embracing the opportunities and

challenges of product-led growth.

Part of this transition involves rethinking the user journey and the strategies

teams use to affect it at every stage. To this end, companies have been saying

goodbye their siloed funnels and introducing variations of the flywheel model


A flywheel model encourages companies to consider the user experience in its

entirety and understand its potential for compounding growth.

We, the Product-Led Growth Collective, believe that making the transition from

funnel to flywheel is critical to fully realizing product-led growth.

What is the Product-Led Growth Flywheel? Page 2 of 25
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The Product-Led Growth Flywheel is a framework for growing your business by

investing in a product-led user experience. In this framework, the experience is

designed to generate higher user satisfaction and increased advocacy, which in

turn drives compounding growth of new user acquisition.

It depicts 4 sequential user segments that correlate with stages in the user

journey from awareness to evangelism—evaluator, beginner, regular, and

champion—and the key actions that users need to take to graduate to the next

stage—activate, adopt, adore, and advocate.

The goal is to focus company- and team-level strategies on optimizing the user

experience to move users from one stage to the next. As the rate of users

completing each action increases, the flywheel will spin faster, increasing the

rate that users move from one segment to the next. This creates a positive

feedback loop—as more users become advocates, they drive more acquisition,

and growth increases exponentially.

We’ll take a much deeper look at each part of the flywheel in the chapters

below. But first, a bit about how we developed the Product-Led Growth Page 3 of 25
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Introduction: From funnel to


So, what is a flywheel? We interviewed over 50 companies covering a range of sizes and business

Methodology models—from direct-to-consumer companies with over 500 employees to B2B

The Product-Led Growth

SaaS businesses with fewer than 10. Some companies relied strictly on large
enterprise contracts with low volume and long sales cycles, while others were
Activate dealing with high volume and a diverse customer composition.
Adore Over the course of our interviews, we talked with people in marketing, sales,
customer success, support, and product. We asked them how they think about

The next steps users, how they leverage product experiences to drive behavior, and what they

thought was the most important accelerant for their company’s growth in the

near and long term.

What we found was a consistent pattern: Companies are beginning to refocus

their efforts on improving the end-user experience through their products, and

this change can be felt across every functional area of the business. The top

performers are rethinking their approach to sales, marketing, and service in an

effort to meet today’s user expectations and deliver high-quality, self-service

touchpoint at scale—typically through the product itself.

The companies we talked to are also becoming smarter about how they

segment their users. They’re becoming more thoughtful and analytical about

the goals their users are trying to achieve—and how they can support those

goals—at different stages of their journey.

We used the insights from our conversations to inform the creation of the

Product-Led Growth Flywheel. We shared working versions with the

participants of our survey and iterated on new versions until we identified a Page 4 of 25
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model that best represented the way these forward-looking companies are

thinking about their product users.

Now, let’s get to the flywheel.

The Product-Led Growth Flywheel

Evaluators Page 5 of 25
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Evaluators are just browsing right now, thanks.

These users are cautiously excited about your product as a solution to their

problems. Whether they were compelled by your marketing or heard great

things about your product from a current user, they’re here to realize the value

they were promised.

If you have a free trial, freemium tier, or even a low-cost monthly plan, they’re

probably evaluating a variety of solutions—including your competitors.

Evaluators are typically:

In a trial or demo phase—they’ve just started playing around with your


Not installed or using real data

Not using your product in their current workflows

Still searching for a solution to a problem they are trying to solve

What they want from your product Page 6 of 25
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​Evaluators want to know that you understand their problem and can offer them

a clear path to solving it. They don’t care about the nuances of your product or

the wide range of use cases that you can address—they are solely focused on

how you relate to their most pressing needs.

They are gauging the tradeoffs between your product, those of your

competitors, and possible internal solutions. Ease of use, core functionality, and

unique features are at the forefront of these users’ minds. Evaluators are

searching for value but don’t want to work hard to find it.

How to deliver value

​In short, guide evaluators to their aha moment.

Let evaluators experience your product in action and get a basic understanding

of its core functionality. Don’t drag them through an exhaustive tour of every

single feature—assume they are starting with zero knowledge but firm goals in

mind. Use your onboarding experience to gather information about these goals

and then selectively guide users toward the features that will help them realize


Remember: Evaluators need a map to initial success, not an advanced user

manual. If they want to dive deeper on a specific functionality, be ready to help

them via in-product support, opt-in walkthroughs, or a user-friendly help center

—but don’t overwhelm them with this information all at once. Make sure they

don’t get buried in the details of your product and that they stay focused on

finding value and addressing the problem they came to you to solve.

The goal is to guide evaluators to value and get them to activate. Page 7 of 25
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Activation looks different for every company. But at its core, activation is a

feeling that the user experiences—it’s a moment of relief and excitement when

a user discovers the solution to their problem.

Entering a credit card or signing a purchase order is not a prerequisite for

activating—in fact, companies can have a lot of users who purchase but don’t

activate. (You’ll likely see them listed as churned accounts a few months later).

Instead, activation happens when a user sees your product’s value, has that

critical aha moment, and experiences buy-in. Activated users want to learn

more and are willing to invest time and energy into a product because they’ve

seen it can be an asset in their life.

To help your evaluators activate, you need to identify the in-product actions

that users experience as aha moments and which trigger activation. Identifying

your activation events can be done by analyzing product usage data, user

testing, and interviewing customers.

Once you’ve identified the activation events within your product, your goal Page 8 of 25
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should be to help your users get there quickly and minimize their time-to-value.

Who is responsible for activation?

Product-led growth requires coordination and collaboration across teams, and

every department contributes to activation in one way or another.

That being said, sales and marketing typically own the evaluator stage,

sometimes with the help of a dedicated growth, product, or customer success

team member. Together, these teams will bear much of the responsibility for

driving evaluators to activate.

To do this, they will need to focus on understanding users’ needs and reducing

friction on the path to activation.

Secondarily, your product managers, designers, and engineers should be

working to optimize your product for new users and collaborating with

marketing or growth on in-app messaging and user onboarding experiences.

And while much of their focus will be on customers further along in the

flywheel, customer success and support teams should be communicating

customer pain points and insights about their evaluator experience to improve

your activation engine.

Once a user has activated through these combined efforts, they progress in

their user journey and graduate to the beginner stage of the flywheel.

Beginners Page 9 of 25
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Beginners understand how your product can meet their needs and deliver value

—and they’re excited about it!

Due to this excitement, they’re spending more time with your product and

exploring its features and functionality more deeply. These users may or may

not be paying customers yet, but they’re mentally prepared to make that leap

now that they’ve experienced the value that your product provides.

Beginners are typically:

Incorporating your product into their workflows

Starting to use real data and receiving tangible value

Not using advanced functionality or implementing sophisticated use


Feeling confident that your product is the best solution to solve their


What they want from your product

Beginners are starting to demonstrate signs of commitment. They’re eager to Page 10 of 25
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learn more to discover additional benefits your product may provide beyond

the use case that initially brought them to you.

They may be trying to figure out how to incorporate your product into their

current workflow and tech stack. They are likely starting to evaluate edge cases

and identify workarounds for small issues that arise. It won’t be long before

they start thinking about results and ROI.

These are the folks who are likely to be most interested in your best practices

recommendations. Beginners want to learn how to use your product effectively

and correctly from the start, and as a result they’ll likely benefit from extra

support during this stage of their journey.

How to deliver value

Beginners are trying to get stuff done. Give them the freedom to do what they

need to do, but remember that they’re still learning and are sensitive to

blockers. Reduce possible friction by making extra guidance available and easy

to access.

Beginners should be successfully completing key tasks with minimal friction and

exploring your product’s range of functionality. During this stage, your focus

should be on helping users build on the foundational knowledge they achieved

as evaluators, discover additional features that may address secondary

problems or make their workflow more efficient, and generally connect the dots

between your product and their day-to-day.

The goal is to get users to fully adopt your product through habitual, more

advanced usage. Page 11 of 25
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Adoption is about forming habits and getting users to associate your product

with a specific task or solution. Users who have adopted your product don’t put

a lot of thought into deciding to use your product regularly, they just use it.

Take Slack, for example. If you’ve adopted Slack and you want to communicate

with a teammate, you naturally send them a message in Slack, even though you

could communicate with them via text, email, or phone. In this scenario, you’re

simply thinking “I need to send so-and-so a message,” not “I’d like to use Slack

right now.”

Product adoption means full buy-in—it’s when a user really understands the

power of your product and depends on it regularly.

Who is responsible for product adoption?

Product, support, and customer success commonly own the beginner stage of

the user journey, and will be focused on driving adoption.

Your product team should be working on removing friction—especially from Page 12 of 25
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frequently repeated tasks—and building motivation into the user experience.

Beginners tend to have a lot of questions, so your support team should be

thinking about how they can get ahead of their users by proactively surfacing

help and guidance.

And your customer success team should be focused on, well, helping

customers be successful. The user’s experience at this stage has an enormous

impact on the quality and duration of the user journey from here on out. To

make sure they’re getting it right, CS should be advising beginners about best


Together, these 3 teams should be helping users build great habits, integrate

your product into their workflows, and realize more advanced product value

faster than they would on their own.

When users adopt successfully, they move through the flywheel and become

regular users of your product.

Regulars Page 13 of 25
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Regular users are the bread and butter of your user base. If your product was a

coffee shop, these are the folks who’d have a usual order, carry a half-punched

loyalty card, and know where the straws and stirrers are kept.

These users log in frequently and rely on your product for multiple use cases.

They may not always get excited about using your product, but it has become

key to achieving their goals. Switching to another solution would be costly,

because they have already invested time, effort, and data in your product.

Regulars have mastered the core use cases and are curious about the other

problems your product can solve. They’re very familiar with your interface and

are unlikely to need much regularly support—just remember that any changes

to your product can cause friction disrupt their workflows.

Regular users are typically:

Logging in on a regular basis

Using your product to complete core parts of their job

Defaulting to your product as a possible solution when new problems

arise Page 14 of 25
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Exploring deeper layers of your product to see what else your product

help them do

What they want from your product

Regulars want to enjoy using your product—they use it frequently, after all—and

they are easily frustrated by friction. Since your product is fully integrated into

their workflows, there is a tangible business impact for these users when

something in your product breaks. Regulars are also the most likely to be

disturbed by a redesign, since it disrupts their normal routine.

These users are often searching for new ways to obtain value from your

product, either through new use cases or through efficiencies that save them

time on existing tasks. They’re interested in new features, updates, and

continued education. Most regulars enjoy learning about advanced features and

functionalities and about how they can extract more value from your product.

Regulars are also likely curious about how your product will grow with them to

address their evolving needs. This group of users is likely to have opinions

about new directions for your product—integrations, use cases, features—and

can be a valuable source of feedback.

How to deliver value

Be proactive. Just because they’re regulars doesn’t mean they don’t need your


They can still get tripped up or forget how to perform certain tasks (it’s been a

while since they completed onboarding, after all), so give them opt-in access to

the same type of support that you provide your new users. But remember,

regulars are productive and functioning users of your product—whatever help

you give them should be unobtrusive. Page 15 of 25
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To keep these users healthy and maintain their enthusiasm for your product,

remind your regulars that they’re important to you by offering them exclusive

looks at new product features. Spend adequate time gathering and

understanding their feedback and follow up with them to let them know how

their feedback was used to improve your product.

Educational content is another great way to engage users at this stage of their

journey. Try creating high-value content like a customer-exclusive webinar with

a best practices showcase, the story of another user’s success, or even a deep

dive into an advanced product feature.

Don’t bombard regulars with too much communication, but do check up on

them to make sure that they are having a delightful product experience—and

find out how you can make it even better.

The goal here is more than just habitual usage or product adoption—it’s

emotional. To move users through the flywheel, you need them to adore your


Adore Page 16 of 25
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Users who adore your product don’t just use it frequently—they enjoy using it,

look forward to accomplishing tasks, and have a real desire to expand into new

use cases.

Once a user adores your product, they may take it in directions you never

expected. These users are passionate and will push the limits of your product

to try to unlock new solutions and further engrain your software into their


These users are eager to provide feedback and insights. They’re the folks that

you want to consult about your near- and long-term product roadmaps.

Getting users to adore your product requires providing them with a consistently

delightful experience—both with your product and with any human touchpoints

they have along the way. And it requires establishing a two-way relationship

between customer and company, wherein both sides give and receive value

from one another.

Who is responsible for getting users to adore your product? Page 17 of 25
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Remember, product-led growth requires a company-wide commitment to

delivering an exceptional user experience. Every team in your company should

be concerned with creating a product that users will adore.

But it’s your product, marketing, customer success, and support teams who will

be most focused on nurturing regulars. These teams should strive to ensure

that your users’ experiences are delightful, develop company-customer

relationships, and build positive product sentiment that moves users onto the

next phase of their journey.

Product should remain focused on improving processes, removing points of

friction, and continuing to deliver value-add features. They should be working

with marketing to maximize awareness of these improvements and ensuring

that regular users stay engaged. And product should take advantage of any

opportunities to solicit feedback from regulars—when done right, this helps the

customer feel special and the team walk away with a valuable perspective.

Customer success and support should remain focused on surfacing best

practices and minimizing friction by getting ahead of users’ questions. The

support team should be prepared to answer increasingly advanced questions,

revisit the basics, and perform triage when bugs arise or users run into

unexpected blockers.

Together, your teams should be focused on minimizing points of frustration,

communicating and leveraging customer feedback, and creating an ongoing

product experience that users continue to love.

Because when a user adores your product, something special happens. The

relationship is no longer just utilitarian—the user now has an emotional

connection to your product. They are committed to what you are providing

now and are invested in seeing how your product will evolve in the future.

Losing your product from their techstack would be a painful blow. Page 18 of 25
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When a user truly adores your product, they graduate to the ultimate stage of

the user journey and become a champion.


Your champions are eagerly watching your every move. These users want more

capabilities and more power from your product—not because they necessarily

require them, but because they love your product and are actively invested in

your success. If you were to shut the doors tomorrow, they would be


Champions are the users who recommend your product to their colleagues,

friends, and social media followers. They have formed an emotional connection

with your brand and your product—at this point in the relationship, you are

providing value outside of the job to be done.

These users may still require help, but it’s usually because they’re pushing your

product to its limits or thinking about advanced use cases that require a depth Page 19 of 25
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of product knowledge that some of your employees may not even have.

Champions are typically:

Actively participating in the future of your product

Pushing the limits of your product with new use cases

NPS promoters

Wearing your brand’s t-shirt

What they want from your product

Champions enjoy feeling like a partner or friend to your business. They want to

actively participate in your future because they are invested in it.

These folks have pride in the work they are doing with your product and

appreciate recognition for their accomplishments and contributions. They want

are excited—and often expect—to be the first group to try new features and

provide feedback. They’re not only willing but eager to participate in case

studies, leave glowing product reviews, and be a reference for prospective


How to deliver value

Champions think your product is special. Let them know the feeling is mutual.

Offer them swag, advanced guidance, power-use features, and first dibs on

beta versions.

You can ask for things from these users in return. Whether it's leaving a product

review, completing a survey, collaborating on a case study, or sharing your

product with friends and colleagues—you've earned it, and champions are the

ones who won't hesitate to help you out. You could even invite champions to

join your customer advisory board. Page 20 of 25
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Actively reach out to hear about their successes and ask if you can share them

with others. Include your champions in the future of the company, make them

feel special, and let them know that their feedback is crucial to the continued

success of your product.

When thinking through the Product-Led Growth Flywheel, the goal at this point

is clear—you want your champions to advocate.


Advocacy is what makes the Product-Led Growth Flywheel a flywheel.

Advocacy—inviting other users to your product, leaving reviews, actively

evangelizing—drives awareness and evaluator interest in your product,

completing the cycle and leading to compounding growth.

It usually just takes a little nudge to get your champions to become advocates

for your product. These folks love your product and want to see it succeed— Page 21 of 25
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but they might not take the next step on their own. They’re eager to participate

in the future of your company, but they may still be waiting for an invitation to

do so.

Try asking your champions to participate in a case study about the impact your

product had on their own success or to leave 5-star reviews on G2 Crowd and


Advocacy can also come in the form of a private conversation between the

user and your team. Champions may advocate for new features or creative

solutions to a roadblock they are facing. They do this because they are

invested in the maturation of your product and want to see it evolve with their


Third-party reviews and case studies from successful users are powerful forms

of social proof, and this sort of advocacy fuels growth and attracts new

evaluators to your product. Not only that, but when your champions advocate

for their own evolving needs, they can help you move your product in new

directions and stay on top of the market.

Who is responsible for encouraging advocacy?

Your customer success, marketing, and product teams should own this part of

the user journey and encourage champions to advocate for your product.

Customer success should focus on cultivating strong relationships with

champions and leveraging their knowledge of individual success stories to

suggest case studies.

Marketing should ensure that users who want to advocate are doing so

effectively by identifying opportunities for champions to influence new

prospects. Page 22 of 25
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Meanwhile, your product team should continue working on ways to excite and

engage your users, while also making champions feel special. Providing early

access to beta features, requesting feedback, and giving exclusive access to

new roadmap directions are all impactful ways to nurture the relationship with


Working together to promote customer advocacy around your product fuels

sustainable and efficient growth by keeping the flywheel spinning.

Next steps

As Liz Li, Director of Product at Linkedin said at GrowthHackers 2019: “Growth

is not just about moving metrics up and to the right.” Growth quality matters,

too—a blind focus on quantity creates a leaky bucket wherein you are “adding

users to the top of your funnel, only to lose them on the other side.”

The Product-Led Growth Flywheel emphasizes the importance of quality

growth. It’s about getting the right users into your flywheel and making sure

your entire company is empowered to move those users along their journey

toward advocacy.

Product-led growth is a company-wide effort. The Product-Led Growth

Flywheel was designed to provide clear guidelines and focused outcomes for

every team, and to help businesses understand the way that a product-led

strategy fuels exponential growth.

This flywheel isn’t the only flywheel—and it doesn’t have to be. The wonderful

thing about flywheels is that, unlike siloed funnels, they can connect to and

power each other like gears in the system. Your marketing team may have a

more granular, marketing-specific flywheel that feeds into the product-led Page 23 of 25
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growth flywheel somewhere around evaluator stage. And sales may have a

flywheel that connects with activation.

However your company ends up using and adapting the Product-Led Growth

Flywheel, the most important thing to takeaway is that company growth isn’t

just a matter of net new signups and revenue. It’s about ensuring that users of

your product are set up for long-term success, have a truly exceptional

experience, and continue using your product to achieve their goals for years to

come. Page 24 of 25
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