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Jane Thompson
Medical Practitioner
North Fitzroy General Practice
12 Raeburn Street, North Fitzroy 3124

June 28, 2021

Re: Ms Amber Watson, DOB: 25/03/1999

Dear Dr. Thompson,

I am writing to refer Ms Amber Watson, who came to our clinic last May 16, 2018 for Pap test. She requires
further testing and contraceptive advice.

On Ms Watson’s first visit, she requested to have a Pap smear as advised by her mother. But her main
concern was regarding her increased in weight of 10kg over the past 12 months and wanted to know more
about methods of contraception. She has been taking oral contraceptives pills for the last 12 months and not
using condom during sexual contacts. She has regular menstrual periods, no history of STI and pregnancy.
She was also immunized for hepatitis B. On the same day, she underwent pelvic exam and reported to be
normal. And also, urine PCR test for chlamydia was collected. Initially, she was educated for safer sexual
practices, including use of barrier protection and a cervical screening information sheet was also provided. In
addition to that, she was also referred to a women’s health nutritionist concerning her weight.

4 days later, Ms Watson returned to clinic and was informed that her PCR test reported to be positive for
chlamydia trachomatis. She was commenced on azithromycin 1gram as a single dose and advised not to have
sexual contact for 7days after treatment. Notification of her partners was also arranged with regards to her
present condition.

With regards to Ms Watson present condition, it would be appreciated if you could provide detailed
investigations for sexually transmitted infections. And kindly advise her about different methods of birth control
and other blood-borne viruses.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

riteria Points
Purpose (3 marks)

Content (7 marks)
Conciseness & Clarity (7 marks)

Genre & Style (7 marks)

Organisation and layout (7 marks)

Language (7 marks)


Tip: Total of 38 marks. Atleast get 27 to hit a B ☺

Test-takers securing grade B will have achieved predominantly

scores of 2 out of 3 for Purpose and 5 out of 7 for the remaining

Overall Comments

Grading System:

35-38 A

27-34 B

26-20 C+

Below 20 C

Estimated Grade 0

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