21st Century Literature 3rd Quarter

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What I know
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. C
What’s New
1. E
2. G
3. H
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. I
8. J
9. C
10. F
What’s More
Activity 1. Who’s who
1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. B
Assessment 1. Characterize me

Legends Folk tales The epic age Folk songs

Old Filipino customs Evaluate our long narrative mirrored the early
are reflected in these personalities and poems in which a forms of culture.
legends improve our series of heroic
respective in life achievements or
events, usually of a
hero, are dealt with
at length.

Activity 2. Thinker’s View

1. Moon was scared that his stars would wither and die if they play with the star children
of the sun
2. In the evening, when the clouds faded, the moon stars appeared.
3. The eclipse
Assessment 2. Closer Look
1. Faith
2. Awe
3. Worship
Assessment 3. Saying a Song
I. The Philippines is a beautiful and rich country.
II. Because of its natural beauty, it was colonized by foreign
III. Philippines had been occupied by others and it needs freedom.
IV. A patriot would love to see his country free
What I can do
As a grade 11 Filipino student, I can demonstrate adaptability to the diverse Philippines
Literary History by reading any or all of the Philippine literary works or watching some
Lesson 2
What’s New
1. Gabu is a representation of life
2. A coastline in Ilocos that is constantly experiencing the battering restlessness of the sea
What’s More
Activity 1. Graphic Organizer

Title of the text: Gabu

Author: Carlos A. Angeles
Questions Response
Topic coastline in ilocos that is constantly
experiencing the battering restlessness of the
Situation Representation of life
Client The target group of the text is anyone who
reads the text.
Purpose To say that we must Love our nature every
time not when it's totally destroyed us before
we realize the important of caring the nature.
Persona Probably someone on the beach at Gabu,
watching the rough sea, contemplating life

Assessment 1. Reflect on Me
1. Tagalog
2. Encouraging people to be excited about literature
Activity 2. Outline
Introduction: Philippine literature is going through a drought.
1st point: Many are anticipating the reawakening of literature.
2nd point: Literature today is focused on the demand of the public.
3rd point: A call for re-emergence of Philippine literature.
Assessment 2. Theme’s up
1. Anger/ Resentment
What I can Do
Activity 1. Verse of the day
Verse 1- We are entitled to our experiences that determine how things appear to us.
Verse 6- Women are stronger together.
Verse 7- It tells of the strength of women, both physically, spiritually and mentally.
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. D

Additional activities
1. Short stories in Pilipino should be encouraged because they are easily understood by
the masses. If they open the minds of /Filipinos on a socio-political and moral issue
confronting the Philippines, then so much the better that this literary form should be
given wide coverage. It is also more credible to read these short stories in Filipino and
accept them as they reflect the cultural norms of Filipinos.

What I know
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. D
14. D
15. C

What’s New
1. Fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama.
2. Non-Fiction- based on facts and the author’s opinion about a subject
Fiction- Literature created from the imagination.
Poetry- form of text that follows a meter and rhythm, with each line and syllable
Drama- Situation or series of events having vivid, emotional, conflicting or striking

What’s More
Activity 1
It is a Flash Fiction.

Assessment 1
Tristan Cafe is a literary genre that is flash fiction. Tristan Cafe will be qualified in the 21st-
century literary piece because the 21st-century literary piece comprehends their various
genres, elements, context, structures, and tradition. Tristan Cafe was about love and love is
traditional. The said story depicts extreme brevity where the reader must analyze the story well
in order to understand it's exact message/meaning. The texts and words on the story leads to
another direction/somewhere else.

Activity 2
Similarities: All genres use the web to share and present stories.
Difference: Text-talk novel present stories using social networking sites.
Blog- A page or websites with features stories are posted and regularly updated
Hyper poetry- Uses hyperlinks to connect to other parts of the literary piece.

Assessment 2
1. these genres are made from phrases set of words and conversation likes structure to
create. or form a complete thought story
2. similar in way that all belong to digital medium of literature. These three literature
styles belong to modern digital era of communication.

Activity 3
Differences in Similarities Differences in terms of
terms of Elements
Doodle All genres Doodle fictions-
Fiction- incorporate handwritten elements to
novel or story drawing, write its text and
book type of illustrations or drawing.
narration graphics in
telling a story.  Manga- use a very
Manga- uses a specific Japanese art
comic book style to draw
format the graphics, also they
presented in are read from right to
panels read left.
from right to
left. They are Graphic novels- use a
publish very Americanized art
periodically in style in drawing
Japan. the comic, and must be
read from left to right.
Graphic Novel-
uses a comic
book format
presented in
panels from
left to right.

Assessment 3
Doodle fiction, manga, graphic novel and many more genres incorporate drawing, illustrations
or graphics in telling a story. However, there are some differences on their structure and
elements. In structures, doodle fiction is a novel or story book type of narration, manga uses a
comic book format presented in panels read from right to left. They are publish periodically in
Japan and graphic novel uses a comic book format presented in panels from left to right. In
elements, doodle fictions uses handwritten elements to write its text and drawing, manga uses
a very specific Japanese art style to draw the graphics, also they are read from right to left and
graphic novels uses a very Americanized art style in drawing the comic, and must be read from
left to right.

What I have learned

1. Drama, fiction, non-fiction, poetry
2. Conventional literary genres are examples of creative literary forms. Each of these forms
is a mode of creative writing. Imagination is at the heart of each genre.
3. Illustrated novel, digi-fiction
4. notable characteristic of modernism is self-consciousness concerning artistic and social
traditions, which often led to experimentation with form, along with the use of
techniques that drew attention to the processes and materials used in creating works of
5. Traditional literature usually follow a strict set of rules in writing, whereas, modern
literature is more free, and sometimes mixes different qualities of literary work to form
a more creative and innovative piece.

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. A

Additional activities
1. Letter A is a modern literary genre while B is a conventional literary genre.
2. Conventional literature usually follow a strict set of rules in writing, whereas, modern
literature is more free, and sometimes mixes different qualities of literary work to form
a more creative and innovative piece.

What I know
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. A

What’s In
Genre Similarity/ies Differences Sample
1.Manga D E Shonen
2.Graphic D F Maus
3.Blog A B Apartment
4.Doodle D G Diary of a
fiction Wimpy Kid
5.Hyper A C A dream of
poetry Uruguay
6.Text-talk A H The most
novel magnificient

What’s New
1. Pepe or Jose Rizal, our national hero. And Padre Faura, one of Pepe's favorite mentors.
2. Padre Faura is the speaker. I stand on the roof
3. It has no rules to be followed in writing that why it is free verse poem.
4. He is shivering when he was remembering what had happened months ago, the last
time he talks to Pepe.
5. We were at the hands of the Spaniards, who wants to colonize our country Philippines.
“Between the soldiers. With their Mausers raised.”
6. The poem is addressed to Filipinos because we are the ones who needs freedom from
that time
7. I feel sad because they are like family
8. Sadness
9. The poem conveys the comparison of Rizal to a star. Like a star, he was born to do
his purpose on Earth. It is to bring hope and light not just to the Filipinos but also to
other nations who suffer the same way as we witness it to the hands of the foreign

What’s More
Activity 1. Understanding the text
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. B

Assessment 1
1. B
2. Leaves of trees, flock of birds, blade of grass, cogon flowers.
3. Visual- star, grass, leaves, birds, Flowers
Auditory- Sound, rustling, chirping, buzzing, flapping
Kinesthetic- tend, rearrange, weed, harvest
4. The poem "Earnest Wish" uses the three types of imagery: visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic. The poem contains end rhyme and assonance. It has four stanzas and each
stanza has 6 lines.
5. In the first three stanzas he asks for what he wants to do and in the last stanza he shows
that he wants everything to be fine and back to normal.

Activity 2. Understanding the context

1. Manila Observatory- I think it’s the origin of Manila observatory
2. Padre Faura witnessed Dr. Rizal execution- I feel sad for Padre Faura because he lose a
3. Azotea de Ateneo overlooking Bagumbayan- The beautiful sight of Bagumbayan

Assessment 2. Finding the purpose

1. The situation was during the lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic.
2. The author described first what she heard, see and do before relaying the message.
3. The author was willing to do some impossible tasks. The author uses exaggeration.
4. Count the uncountable, listen to the sounds of nature, redo all the things have been
5. The author wanted to persuade the reader about the things can be done amidst
pandemic; to do necessary thing to cooperate for one goal.

Activity 3. Knowing Author’s Context

1. The environment pictures the nature where the author was in a farm surrounded by
trees and plants.
2. There was an enhanced community quarantine due to pandemic due to covid 19.
3. Bring the front liners back home. Fight the unforeseen enemy. Help the new
bebeginning. Contribute to the humanity. Flatten the curve. Stay at home

What I have learned

 I recall the Doctor Jose Rizal was shot in Bagumbayan.
 During this time, the Philippines was under the Spanish colonial government.
 The purpose of the poem was to bring hope and light not just to the Filipinos but also to
other nations who suffer the same way as we witness it to the hands of the foreign
 The author wrote the poem for the Filipinos.
 The poem was based on the historical perspective. Recalling our past as Filipinos, what
was the most trying moment of Jose Rizal during those time? From the moment he was
handed his death sentence to his final steps toward the firing squad
 With that challenging situation, Doctor Jose Rizal was able to write two novels namely
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo.
 As you read the poem, what experiences in life can you consider challenging and why?
The most challenging experience in my life is the quarantine because your work is
limited and it is too dangerous to go out.
What I can do
A dazzling night that spoil my moods.
A chirp of the bird that steal my ears.
A refreshing wind that makes me chills.
A feelings that makes me a loner.

What does another day offer after this night.

Wish a glamorous smiles of a sunrise.
Wish a dry and dazzling green everywhere.
Wonderful day it is when the sun change the weather.

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. C

Additional Activities
Padre Faura is feeling sad because he lost a friend. Jose Rizal is also sad and happy at the same
time because he is in the way to death but he knows that he did his purpose while he is still

For me, the most challenging experience in my life is the quarantine because your work is
limited and it is too dangerous to go out.

Negative vs. Positive

In the poem: Jose Rizal died Filipinos learned to fight for what is right and
know their purpose
In the current situation: Viruses spread all Makes our faith in God even stronger
over the world
What I know
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. A

What’s In
1. Danton Remoto
2. Biography is an account of someone's life written by someone else.
3. Biographical context

What’s New
1. nationalistic sentiments and how life should be cherished
2. They interpret the song "Ang Pipit" by using hand gestures, hitting the wall, using
instrument which is guitar, making a sound using a pair of shoes, two plastic cups, two
glasses and etc.
3. Youtube

Blog is a website
Mind mapping It’s a
Video is an electronic
graphical technique to
device use to record,
visualize connections
copy, playback,
of ideas and pieces of
broadcast and display
Using information.
moving visual media
Formats in
Literary texts
Tag cloud is a visual, Mobile phone
stylized arrangement text tula is a
of words or tags traditional
Activity 2. Mobile Text tula
A world full of devilment
Little bird mercilessly hit
Can’t fight because of affright
But one day you will be bright

What I can do

People are fighting for their rights and freedom.

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. A
11. C
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. D

Additional Activities

What I know
1. D
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. A
What’s In
1. Tag cloud
2. Video
3. Blog
4. Slideshow
5. Mind mapping

What’s more
nangangalahig po ako ng basura po at namamalimos din po ako ng pera sa palengke po"(kesz).
actually di lang ako ang nakatagpo kasama ko noon si KB,kaming dalawa.nakita namin si kesz
natutulog sa harapan ng convenient store"(efren)

The message of the video is that all of us can be a salbabida, and we can help others in need.
Ikaw ang nagsalba
Sa damdaming tinutupok
At inaabo ng apoy
Na walang tigil sa pagliyab

Ikaw ang bida

Sa pelikulang ginawa
Ng isipang malikot
Kahit na ika’y nagbibiro

Ikaw ang nagsalba

Sa natitirang ligaya
At ito’y pinagpatuloy mo’t
Hindi ipinagdamot

Ikaw ang bida

Sa pusong hinilom
Ng pagsuyo mong
Ako lang ang may alam

Activity 2

1. Salbabida
2. A salbabida is a person who helps someone else
3. He didn’t want to go to school because he was being bullied. KB taught Efren to help others too.
4. Efren was inspired and he helped others too. They started kariton classroom.
5. Everyone can be a salbabida and help others in need.

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. A

What I know
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. A
12. D
13. C
14. C
15. D

What’s New
1. The story took place in Liza's home where she and her aunt, Tita Loleng, were
cooking sinigang which is her father's favorite dish.
2. Liza, Tita Loleng, Liza’s mother, Liza’s father, Sylvia, lem
3. The issue of her father who had an extramarital affair with sylvia and an illegitimate son,
4. The most interesting part of the story was when Sylvia her father's mistress appeared
and confessed to Liza and asked for forgiveness explaining that nobody's perfect,
everybody commits mistakes.
5. The story is about how Liza deals with the issue of her father who had an extramarital
affair with Sylvia, and consequently had a son, Lem
6. Marie Aubrey J. Villaceran

What’s More
1. Setting: The story took place in Liza's home where she and her aunt, Tita Loleng, were
cooking sinigang which is her father's favorite dish.
2. Characters: Liza, Tita Loleng, Liza’s mother, Liza’s father, Sylvia, lem

3. Plot: Exposition:

The story is about how Liza deals with the issue of her father who had an extramarital
affair with Sylvia, and consequently had a son, Lem. Liza was a daddy’s girl that is why
her relationship with his father got tainted after she discovered the issue about her

Rising Action:

While she was preparing the tomatoes, Tita Loleng started asking questions to her, then
a memory came to her mind. Liza is sitting on a sofa in the living room in Bulacan. She
was in his half-brother’s wake who died because of cancer. She was only requested to
be there because her father requested her mother to ask her to visit Lem’s wake.


At the wake, a woman approached Liza and introduced herself as Sylvia, her father’s
mistress. Back to the present, she answered Tita Loleng that she met Sylvia and they
talked about how she looked. Her memories continued to flash. Her emotions crumbled
as she realized that the woman in front of her is her father’s mistress. She obviously
disliked the presence of Sylvia. After that, Sylvia talked to her and asked her forgiveness
for everyone makes mistakes. Sylvia even grabbed her hands to beg for forgiveness and
she wanted to be free from Sylvia’s hold that is why she nodded and pretended to

Falling Action:
Back to the present where Liza was crashing the salt, onions and tomatoes together
with her hands, Tita Loleng exclaimed that it was enough. Tita Loleng brought out the
vegetables needed to prepare while softening the meat, then she left Liza with the
cooking after instructing what to do for the rest. She then started to simmer the
ingredients and started to prepare the vegetables for the sinigang. When the pot with
the meat started to boil, she added the powdered tamarind mix and the vegetables.


Still in her memory, she looked at her father, then his heavy hands with sadness fell to
her shoulder. Her father told her that he’s sorry which is the word that she was waiting
for. She then decided to forgive his father and rebuild their lost connection little by little.
Back to the present, she let the sinigang boil for a few minutes and it will be served at
the dinner. She already imagined her family sitting in the dinner table and her father
complimenting her cook then giving him a smile that would never quite show.

4. The conflict of the story is the fact that her father had an extramarital affair with
another woman and consequently had a child. This conflict tainted Liza’s relationship
with her father. This is a man versus man because this conflict is between Liza and his
father. Another thing, this conflict will test Liza on how she will deal her relationship to
his father. Another conflict of the story is when she met Sylvia in her half-brother’s
wake. Man versus man conflict can be noticed in this part because she encountered the
woman who broke her trust to his father. Man versus himself conflict can be also
noticed because she needs to prevent her emotions from exploding in front of the
woman or else, a commotion might happen.
 Many husbands are committing adultery and looking for another woman which leads to
a broken family and tainted relationship with family members. This issue is common in
Filipino families.
 Filipino cultures and traditions are reflected in this story like the sinigang dish,
respecting elders, being obedient and others.
 Accepting and forgiving others despite the mistakes they did.

6. POINT OF VIEW: First Person Point of View

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. E

What I have learned

1. The significant lesson have I learned from the story Sinigang could be that people
are prone to make mistakes in life. Some light mistakes, but oftentimes, critical
mistakes. In the end, you have to be humble to accept your errors and ask for
2. Some of the reasons cited as the cause for cheating may include:
Unhappiness/Dissatisfaction: Dissatisfaction with the marriage either
emotionally or sexually is common. Marriage is work, and without mutual
nurturing couples may grow apart. A sexless marriage is often claimed as a
reason for both men and women.
3. It's forbidden because it is stated in the Bible on the Book of Exodus that "Thou
shall not commit adultery nor fornication

What I can do
Activity 2. Blog
The story Sinigang thought me that everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves to be
forgiven. And to the people who knows that they made mistakes admit it and sincerely
apologize to the person who you made mistake from

Impact to me as a 21st Century Learner

The impact of the story to me as a 21st century learner is that it made me realize that no one
is perfect that cannot make mistakes to you or to me. So I must learn how to forgive like how
GOD forgive me to all of my sins.

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. C

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