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 Ecology is a branch of biology concerning the spatial and

temporal patterns of the distribution and abundance

of organisms, including the causes and consequences. It seeks
to understand the vital connections between plants and
animals and the world around them. Ecology also provides
information about the benefits of ecosystems and how we can
use Earth’s resources in ways that leave the environment
healthy for future generations.
 The nature being the mother has selflessly open itself for her
dear humans but to subdue nature, to bend its forces to our
will, has been the acknowledged purpose of mankind since
human life began, but the time has come for a revision of our
conception of the benefits and responsibilities of holding
dominion over all other created things. A new spirit is abroad as
scientists and laymen realize that man and the rest of nature are
united and indivisible.
 There is an urgent need to understand that the nature is under
no obligation to makes things simple just for our convenience
and if we try to bend the nature according to our wish there will
be major consequences. The whole world is alarming so we need
to understand , human beings are not the pinnacle of evolution,
but simply yet another species in the teeming spectrum of
evolving life.
 There are many habits of we humans that has lead to the
depletion of the mother nature . one of them is the growing
numbers of humans i.e. POPULATION.
 Population, in simpler terms, is the number of
people in a city or town, region, country or world;
population is usually determined by a process
called census (a process of collecting, analyzing,
compiling and publishing data).
 Global population growth is determined by the
number of births and deaths. The UN projects that
the global population increases from a population
of 7.7 billion in 2019 to 11.2 billion . The
demographers of WC-IIASA made clear that the
population growth rate tomorrow depends on what
we do today.
The increase in the population has lead to the
increase in the demand of food and space which in
turn has lead to the removal of forest to develop it
into agricultural land and construct buildings .
The current protest in Goa :
residents in Goa gathered in thousands late on Sunday
night to protest against a series of government
projects claiming that it will erase large chunks of
forest land.
Now it is obvious that due to deforestation the houses of the
wild animal will destroy so being homeless they will be
hunting , grazing or might be taking a walk with us and that
might be dangerous if the animal walking with us comes to
be a Royal Bengal Tiger ….

Coronavirus lockdown: Unusual sightings

of animals in India :
Dolphins in Mumbai
Dolphins were spotted in the waters off Marine Drive and
Malabar Hill. While they are not uncommon in the marine
landscape here, fishing and other human activities keep them
away from appearing so close to the coast.
 Over use of natural resources:
Like all living organisms, humans exploit their
surroundings for resources. More population means
more need for the recourses that means no recourses
left for the future generation and also extracting
natural resources damage the nature .
How Long Will the World’s Natural
Resources Last?
It was destruction of the environment that caused
salmon to disappear from Lake Ontario, and the
bison to die off our Western plains, and the
passenger pigeon to vanish from North America.
Forests have been burnt up, soil has been washed
away, deserts have been produced, and rivers have
been polluted . Nature has its laws designed to
maintain balance. If the number of any living species
tends to increase out of proportion, some force will
arise to control and these forces are disaster to
make the humans realize that humans are living on
this planet just because of them .
The Climate Clock is a graphic to demonstrate how
quickly the planet is approaching 1.5℃ of global
warming, given current emissions trends.It also
shows the amount of CO2 already emitted, and the
global warming to date. As of 8 April 2020, the
clock shows that the 1.5°C threshold will be
breached in 12 years, 7 months, 16 days and 15
hours, or early on 25 November 2032, and current
global warming to date is 1.14°C.
This is the area of the Earth that is needed to provide the resources a
person requires and to remove their waste products. A person’s
ecological footprint is a measure of their impact on the environment.
The average ecological footprint of each human is currently 2.3 hectares of
land. This area is bigger than 3 football pitches. According to the World
Commission on Environment and Development there are only 1.7
hectares of productive land available to every human. This means many
people are not living in a sustainable way.
This map shows the ecological footprint of different countries.
We are surrounded by, and we are part of, the
eternal flux of life in an environment of natural
forces. An Eastern proverb puts it: "To survive,
all men must hold hands." And living things of
all sorts are our kin in the wholeness of

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