Critical Analyses

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Literature is necessarily the spice of life, not a necessity.

There are various reasons why it is

essential amongst different age groups, especially young adults.

Literature reflects the vision of others’ lives and panorama. One of the many benefits is to
expand reader’s thoughts. While reading one empathizes in others world and expands his own pages of
life. Readers sail in the boat of narration to different places, into past, present, and future through
various culture and religion, caste, creed and sex. Fiction such as Harry Potter can greatly help in shaping
young children’s future as they may not fight trolls or wizards, but they could face challenges where
they will need friend’s help or help them instead as Harry Potter. They may not see themselves defend
in an unwinnable trial, but they can appreciate the importance of standing up for what they believe in.
Literature helps lending someone else’s pair of eyes and thus looking solely through their point of view.

Business writing is all about facts, data, figures, and statistics whereas literature is to experience
and participate life. It makes issues come alive for the readers to experience. It is rightly said that the
death toll is a figure for analyses in business, but literature reader feels the tragedy of loss.

The sharp decline in young readers has resulted in lack of ideas of democracy. The threatening
aspect is that they lack historical, political as well as civil awareness. 21 st century requires innovation and
creativity for its growth in the economy as the same time aggressive reading habits along with
imagination is required which is nurtured by literary reading.

Literature has been actively taken up by passive activities such as watching TV or even surfing
the web. Reading is highly active activity and requires constant and intensive attention along with high
usage of memory with imagination.

If all of these condition sustain to persist for a longer duration, then this will result in less
informed citizens. Our nation will become less informed, inactive, and dependent minded. These are the
qualities that a free, innovative, or productive society can’t afford to lose. The history will diminish if
similar conditions persist. Literature acts as a promoter for education, culture and history.

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