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Throwing or rolling boules(heavy metal balls) close to a cochonnet(little wooden ball).

Presented in World Games since 1985.Existed since 1910, in La Ciotat in Provence ,

France.The first pentanque tornament was organized by Ernest Pitiot along with his brother
Joseph Pitiot and became most popular form of pentanque in France.Also existed since the
Middle Ages.Played in many nations due to French colonial influence.

Need boules(hollow metal balls) sizing (70.5->80)mm in diameter, weighing (0.8->1.3)kg and
also a Jack(cochonnet) made of wood sizing 30mm in diameter.Measuring tape is also
needed to be used to measure distance between boules and jack.Can be played as a team
numbering by 3vs3(2 boules per person),2vs2(3 boules per person) and 1vs1(3 boules per
person).Number of boules per person never exceeds 12.Usually played in a open and flat
surface that is marked and defined sizing too [15mm(long) x 4mm(wide).Boules that is
thrown are not to be touched or penalty will be given including any other rules that is
broke.Valid circle made sizing (6->10)m with minimum 1m away from any obsticles.Jack is
thrown at a visible area of all players.

Flip a coin .First boules is thrown by the team that won the coin toss no mark or guidance to
throw and proceed by the opposition turn by turn until all boules are thrown.Repeat it until
the first team that reach 12marks.Can be replayed if boules is deviated accidentally from the
designated area without touching anything.Time duration for each throw is 1min(starts the
moment other boules or jack became at rest).Temporary removal of boules is allowed for
measuring the distance.Point measuring is measure by the last player using a measuring
instrument which both team has.If both team boules are equidistant to the jack ; no boules
left for the two team ->mark belong to the one scoring the previous end or winning a draw,
one team has boules at its disposition ->score as many points too win , two team has boules
at its disposition -> the one that throw first in the last end will also throw in this one and
proceed alternately with the opposition.

Dead Jack, displaced into out of bound area , not visible from the throwing circle , not found
under 5min , crosses more than one lane or in limited games out of designated area.Jack
that is been displaced while in match can be ; remain in its new position , reset too origin or
place on the life from the original place away distancing (15->20)m where it is visible.
Dead Boules,enters out of bound area ,crossing designated ,line,marked area , is completely
eliminated even if it is rebound and distrupt other boules(that is reseted in the previous
spot).Stopped boules ; spectators&the Umpire->remains , by a player in of a team ->
eliminated of that team , accidentally -> remains at rest or replay or place on the line from
originated position, purposefully -> player disqualified.Displaced boules by natural causes is
reverted back to original position(and it is a compulsory for players to mark their boules
position to avoid error or dispute).

Penalties ; yellow card for players at fault or exceeding time limit , those who is yellow-
carded twice will be disqualified ,orange card disqualification of the boule played or to be
played , Disqualification of the team responsible ,Disqualification of the two teams in case of

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