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The Critical Analysis Paper: “Road to Aras-Asan”

The story written by Rebekah M. Alawi called “The Road to Aras- Asan”

talks about a mother’s experiences from her journey in meeting the family of her future

daughter- in – law for her son’s “pamanhikan” and the wedding itself. I can say the story was a

success since the story focuses on the existing conflict between two families with different

religious credence, it talks more about culture and indifferences which we could all learn new


Cultural values influence individual’s belief system, or how they view the

world and interact with the people around them. The story is a good example of “Love has no

culture”. Despite the religious differences, the issues with the wedding and many more, the

author still stood stoically even against her will seeing how happy her son was during the


The story showed us that one of the most important assets in an interfaith

relationship is “respect”. Respect helps both parties to create a strong union. If you can’t respect

someone’s faith that will inevitably spell trouble for the relationship. Going through situations

like what the author experienced takes time for some people to adjust.

The story showed what life is all about, which is accepting the challenges

along the way. Choosing to keep moving forward and savoring the journey. Just like what the

author experienced despite the predicament trip and all the issues about compromising and etc.

she managed to be thoughtful in seeing her son getting married and see the wedding as a success.
“The Road to Aras-Asan” by Rebekkah M. Alawi was not just a story about

her experience but also a teaching lesson for all of us about culture indifferences. Despite all the

challenges we encounter in our lives we should believe that could conquer it.

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