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Course Syllabus

Faculty of Liberal Arts

King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
(Academic Year 2/2020)

Course: Introduction to Intercultural Communication Code: 16016021

Instructor: A. Atichat Rungswang

Course Description
Study of the values, beliefs, customs, and communication styles of diverse cultural
groups, including the cultures of English speakers and others, in order to acquire intercultural
knowledge and awareness; discussion of the cultural influences on the communication
processes and language uses of people from diverse cultural situations.

Tentative Schedule:

Week Date Topics Presenter(s)

1 14/1/20 Course introduction Instructor
2 21/1/20 - Defining Intercultural Communication: A Process Instructor
- Intercultural Communication Process: Overall
- Intercultural Communication: Meaning

Reading Source:
- Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C.
(2005). Understanding intercultural communication.
Oxford University Press. (RS: 1, pp. 24-28)

3 28/1/20 - Practicing Intercultural Communication Flexibility Instructor

- Developing Intercultural Communication
- Process Consciousness: Underlying Principles

Reading Source:
- Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C.
(2005). Understanding intercultural communication.
Oxford University Press. (RS: 1, pp. 28-36)

4 4/2/20 - Cultural Value Dimensions Group 1

Reading Source: 61140065
- Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C. 61140150
(2005). Understanding intercultural communication. 61140162
Oxford University Press. (RS: 1, pp. 43-52) 61140195
Ho, C. L. L., Whittle, C., & Eaves, M. H. (2020).
Mixed Methods Research–Nonverbal Observations
of Cultural Convergence in Online and Offline
Contexts: Testing Hall’s Low-Vs. High-Context
Framework. Journal of Intercultural Communication
Research, 49(4), 301-312. (RS: 2)

Jwa, S. (2017). Facework among L2 speakers: a

close look at intercultural communication. Journal
of Multilingual and Multicultural
Development, 38(6), 517-529. (RS: 18)
(What is face in intercultural Communication?)

5 11/2/20 - Family and Gender Socialization Group 2

Reading Source: 61140081
- Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C. 61140190
(2005). Understanding intercultural communication. 61140206
Oxford University Press. (RS: 1, pp. 66-70)
- Gender & Gender stereotype (RS: 4)
Group 3
Article 61140083
- Jurczyk, K., Jentsch, B., Sailer, J., & Schier, M. 61140090
(2019). Female-Breadwinner Families in Germany: 61140267
New Gender Roles?. Journal of Family Issues,
41(13), 1731-1754. (RS: 6)

6 18/2/20 - Patriarchy: A Male-dominated Society Group 4

Reading Source: 61140073
Patriarchy (RS: 7) 61140148
- Oluyemo, C. A., & Ola, T. (2014). The rights of
Nigerian women in a patriarchal society: implication
for development. Journal of Research in Gender Group 5
Studies, 4(2), 373-387. (RS: 8) 61140142
- Adil F., Shahed S., Arshad H., (2017). The Burden 61140149
of Being a Man in a Patriarchal Society
Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 4 (2), 57-70.
(RS: 9)
7 25/2/20 - Sexism Group 6
Reading Source: 61140062
Lease, S. H., Shuman, W. A., & Gage, A. N. (2019). 61140080
Female and male coworkers: Masculinity, sexism, 61140160
and interpersonal competence at work. Psychology
of Men & Masculinities. (RS: 10)
Article Group 7
- Heilman, M. E. (2001). Description and 61140058
prescription: How gender stereotypes prevent 61140061
women's ascent up the organizational 61140201
ladder. Journal of social issues, 57(4), 657-674. (RS:

- Rollero, C., & Tartaglia, S. (2019). The effect of

sexism and rape myths on victim blame. Sexuality &
Culture, 23(1), 209-219. (RS: 12)

8 1-7/3/20 Midterm Examination

9 11/3/20 - Culture Shock and Reversed Culture Shock Group 8
Reading Source: 61140055
Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C. 61140056
(2005). Understanding intercultural communication. 61140063
Oxford University Press. (RS: 1, pp. 92-108)
Article Presentation:
Dettweiler, U., Ünlü, A., Lauterbach, G., Legl, A.,
Simon, P., & Kugelmann, C. (2015). Alien at home:
Adjustment strategies of students returning from a
six-months over-sea's educational
programme. International Journal of Intercultural
Relations, 44, 72-87. (RS: 13)

10 18/3/20 - Biased Intergroup Filters: Ethnocentrism and Group 9

Stereotypes 61140064
- Stereotypes and communication 61140079
- Prejudice, Discrimination, and racism 61140175
Reading Source:
Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C.
(2005). Understanding intercultural communication. Group 10
Oxford University Press. (RS: 1, pp. 161-177) 61140151
Article Presentation: 61140163
Shin, J. (2016). Language choices and symbolic
power in intercultural communication: A case study
of a multilingual, immigrant Filipino woman in
South Korea. Applied Linguistics Review, 7(4), 495-
516. (RS: 14)

11 25/3/20 - Media: An ideological reinforcement tool Group 11

Reading Source: 60140119
RS: 15 61140154
Article Presentation: 61140178
- Mastro, D. E., & Stern, S. R. (2003).
Representations of race in television commercials: A
content analysis of prime-time advertising. Journal
of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 47(4), 638-
647. (RS: 16)

- Furnham, A., & Paltzer, S. (2010). The portrayal of

men and women in television advertisements: An
updated review of 30 studies published since
2000. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51(3),
216-236. (RS: 17)

12 1/4/20 Feminism Group 12

(RS: 19) 61140144
13 8/4/20
14 15/4/20 NO Class (Songkran Festival)
15 22/4/20 “CHANGE” Project presentation
16 29/4/20 “CHANGE” Project presentation
17 6/5/20 Take-home exam
18 Final Examination

Evaluation (Total 100%)

1. Attendance and Participation 10%
2. Leading discussion 20%
3. Change Project 20%
4. Take-home exam 50%

1. Leading discussion (20%)

Students are required to read provided book and articles, then they are expected to select any
text or situation happening in either Thai or global context to be discussed in class. Let’s make
the class atmosphere active, dynamic, critical and fun.

2. CHANGE Exhibition (20%)

This is a 3-4-person group assignment. Every group is required to generate a campaign that
promote the harmony environment and vanish the unfair states among human being. The
students must submit the campaign poster and the statement of problem and rationale must be
presented through group presentation.

Reading List
1. Ting-Toomey, S., & Chung, L. C. (2005). Understanding intercultural communication.
Oxford University Press.
2. Ho, C. L. L., Whittle, C., & Eaves, M. H. (2020). Mixed Methods Research–Nonverbal
Observations of Cultural Convergence in Online and Offline Contexts: Testing Hall’s Low-
Vs. High-Context Framework. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 49(4), 301-
3. Chopdar, P. K., & Sivakumar, V. J. (2019). Understanding continuance usage of mobile
shopping applications in India: the role of espoused cultural values and perceived
risk. Behaviour & Information Technology, 38(1), 42-64.
4. Summarized by lecturer
5. Arslan Ozer, D., Karatas, Z., & Ergun, O. R. (2019). Analysis of Gender Roles in Primary
School (1st to 4th Grade) Turkish Textbooks. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 79,
6. Jurczyk, K., Jentsch, B., Sailer, J., & Schier, M. (2019). Female-Breadwinner Families in
Germany: New Gender Roles?. Journal of Family Issues, 41(13), 1731-1754.
7. Summarized by lecturer
8. Oluyemo, C. A., & Ola, T. (2014). The rights of Nigerian women in a patriarchal society:
implication for development. Journal of Research in Gender Studies, 4(2), 373-387.
9. Adil F., Shahed S., Arshad H., (2017). The Burden of Being a Man in a Patriarchal Society
Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 4 (2), 57-70.
10. Lease, S. H., Shuman, W. A., & Gage, A. N. (2019). Female and male coworkers:
Masculinity, sexism, and interpersonal competence at work. Psychology of Men &
11. Heilman, M. E. (2001). Description and prescription: How gender stereotypes prevent
women's ascent up the organizational ladder. Journal of social issues, 57(4), 657-674.
12. Rollero, C., & Tartaglia, S. (2019). The effect of sexism and rape myths on victim
blame. Sexuality & Culture, 23(1), 209-219.
13. Dettweiler, U., Ünlü, A., Lauterbach, G., Legl, A., Simon, P., & Kugelmann, C. (2015).
Alien at home: Adjustment strategies of students returning from a six-months over-sea's
educational programme. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 44, 72-87.
14. Shin, J. (2016). Language choices and symbolic power in intercultural communication: A
case study of a multilingual, immigrant Filipino woman in South Korea. Applied Linguistics
Review, 7(4), 495-516.
15. Summarized by lecturer
16. Mastro, D. E., & Stern, S. R. (2003). Representations of race in television commercials: A
content analysis of prime-time advertising. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic
Media, 47(4), 638-647.
17. Furnham, A., & Paltzer, S. (2010). The portrayal of men and women in television
advertisements: An updated review of 30 studies published since 2000. Scandinavian Journal
of Psychology, 51(3), 216-236.
18. Jwa, S. (2017). Facework among L2 speakers: a close look at intercultural
communication. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 38(6), 517-529.

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