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Quarter 1 / Semester 1


Grade & Section _____________________________Subject: Personal Development

Name of Teacher: ____________________________________Date: _____________


II. Type of Activity:
Concept notes with formative activities
LAS for summative assessment ( Written Work Performance Task)
1. Evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life
situations. EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-2.2
2. Show the connections between thoughts, and behavior in actual life
situations. EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-2.3
IV. Learning Objective:
1. To assess learner’s knowledge and mastery about the lessons in “Holistic
Development” through an objective type of examination.
V. References:
Personal Development (Reader), DepEd First Edition (2016) p 9
Module in Personal Development (2017 Second Edition), Doriden de Classica A.
Fabre, p 16
Personal Development, Ricardo Rubio Santos, p 24 Dipankar Sarkar, March 27,

VI. Summative Test:

A. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a comprehensive approach in learning which aims to develop multiple facets or
abilities of the human brain.
a. Holistic Development c. Human Development
b. Personality d. Physical Change
2. It marks the major transition stage that bridges childhood to adulthood.
a. Adulthood b. Infancy c. Adolescence d. Childhood

3. An aspect of holistic development which refers to the physical attributes of a person
including the five senses.
a. Physiological b. Cognitive c. Psychological d. Social
4. An aspect of holistic development which refers to how an individual interacts with
other individuals or groups of individuals.
a. Physiological b. Cognitive c. Psychological d. Social
5. An aspect of holistic development which refers to how the mind, feelings, and
behavior interact and happen in a person.
a. Physiological b. Cognitive c. Psychological d. Social

6. An aspect of holistic development which refers to person’s consciousness’ and

beliefs, including the values and virtues that guide and put meaning into his/her life.

a. Physiological b. Cognitive c. Psychological d. Spiritual

7. An aspect of holistic development which refers to intellectual functions of the mind
like thinking, recognizing, reasoning, analyzing, projecting, synthesizing, recalling,
and assessing.
a. Physiological b. Cognitive c. Psychological d. Spiritual
8. These are the basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate individual
attitudes or actions.
a. Attitude b. Religion c. Values d. Culture
9. These are adjectives that describe positive and desirable qualities which usually
mirror a value that it represents.
a. Attitude b. Virtues c. Values d. Culture
10. Which of the following is not a virtue?
a. Love b. Peaceful c. Respectful d. Responsible

B. Identification: Determine if what type of skills are the following word/s. Identify if it
is a Social Skill, Physical Skill, Language Skill, Creative Skill or Cognitive Skill.
11. Pattern Recognition
12. Conflict Resolution
13. Visual Arts
14. Stamina
15. Speaking
16. Agility
17. Logic and Reasoning
18. Relationship Management
19. Reading
20. Innovations

C. True or False: Write True if the statement is correct. Write False if the statement is
21. Every child is unique.
22. Value is synonymous to virtue.
23. Holistic approach is indispensable to mental, social,
physical and emotional growth
24. Psychological refers to the physical attributes.
25. Values are adjectives that describe positive and
desirable qualities.

D. Enumeration: Provide the ideas and concepts being asked.

26-30 Skills in holistic development
31-35 Other elements in holistic development.
36-40 Aspects of holistic development of persons.

E. Application: Complete the pyramid.

41-45. Using the pyramid below, arrange the five aspects of holistic development
of a person according to how you perceive if which of them is the least important
(lowest level) to the most important (highest level).

F. Essay: Answer the question briefly but informatively. Limit your answers to 5-10
sentences only. Be guided by the following criteria for scoring:
Content/Relevance to the topic question 2 points
Organization of thoughts and ideas 2 points
Correct usage of words and grammar 1 point
Total Score 5 points

46-50. What have you learned and realized from the lessons in “Holistic
Development”? How are you going to apply these learnings in your daily life?

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