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What is ethics?

How it is contrasted to morality

Ethics is based on right and wrong of the conducts for the
people. There is already a rules that are set around. And we all
know that from people, who are the government, teacher and
our parents based on juan enriquez from his video. While
morality is like an individual’s own understanding between
right and wrong. And live with because it’s his/her own idea of
being moral

Why ethics is proper only to human beings

Human beings are only proper to being ethical because us
humans has the interest that can being ethical. We face choices
in life and decisions in a situation because only us can act with
it and understand what all is about.

Explain concupiscence and the corresponding principles

Concupiscence is all about the strong sexual desire or lust and
its corresponding principle is antecedent and consequent.
Antecedent are those who preceded an act and consequent are
those are intentionally aroused and kept, in relation in
concupiscence. For example, “if we will do sexual intercourse,
we might have a baby” so the antecedent is If we will do sexual
intercourse, the consequent is “ we might have a baby. So it
basically true if it happen

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