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SESSION 2020-21

I. All the students need to fill this worksheet simultaneously with their ongoing
internships/certificate courses so that a track of record can be kept.
II. After the completion of online Internship/ Certificate Course, all the students need to
send this worksheet with attached copy of E- Certificate OR if the Certificate is not
available then the registration details received from the organization, to the Internship
and Placement Cell, failing which the online activity done by the student shall not be
considered by the Cell for this semester.
III. This worksheet submitted by the student shall be considered as an Official Record of
Online Internship/Certificate Course done during this semester.

NAME OF THE STUDENT: Deepanshu Jharkhande




Type of online activity taken: Certificate Course

Date/Period of Activity: 01/07/2021 to 30/07/2021

Online Internship/Certificate Course
Name of the Institution/Organisation: The Law Learners

Duration- 01/07/2021 - 30/07/2021

S. No. Task Assigned Knowledge Acquired

1. The first module was shared Through the first module, I came to know
to read and acquire the that to whom thus, the Hindu Marriage Act
knowledge. It dealt with the applies and to whom it does not applies and
introduction to Hindu the nature of the Hindu Marriage i.e, it is a
Marriages. religious sacrament and unlike the Islamic
law, it is not a contract. I also came to know
about the different forms of Hindu Marriage
that are:Brahma, Daiva, Arsha, Prajapatya,
Asura, Gandharva, Rakshas and Paishacha.
2. The second module was The second module discussed about the
given and it dealt with the meaning of void and voidable marriages. It
legal aspect of the Hindu further discussed about the changes brought
Marriage Act. by the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 that are:
1. The Act has declared that marriages
amongst Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and
Buddhists, are valid.
2. Monogamy has been introduced and
provided punishment for bigamy.
3. The minimum age for marriage, 21 for
boy and 18 for a girl.
4. The Act does not recognise any particular
form of marriage but prescribes some
5. Registration of Hindu Marriage.
6. Restitution of conjugal rights.
7. The provision of judicial separation.
8. The provision of divorce and the concept
of divorce by mutual consent.
9. The provision of re-marriage.
10. Legitimacy of a child born out of either
void or voidable marriage.
11. Provision for the custody of children
during the pendency of legal proceeding and
even after the passing of decree.
It further discussed about the essentials of a
valid Hindu Marriage that are:
 The marriage should be
 The parties to the marriage should
not suffer from unsoundness of
mind, mental disorder or insanity.
 At the time of marriage, the
bridegroom has to complete the age
of 21 years and the bride the age of
18 years.
 The parties to the marriage should
not be related to each other as
3. The third module was sent The third module talked about the divorce
and it focused on Dissolution under old Hindu law and in Hindu Marriage
of a Hindu Marriage Act. Act, 1955. It talked about the grounds for
the divorce that are:
 Adultery
 Cruelty
 Desertion
 Veneral Disease
 Not heard alive
 Conversion to another Religion
 Mental Disorder and Insanity (Non-
 Leprosy in a virulent or incurable
 Renunciation of World by either
 No Resumption of Cohabitation
even when the decree has been
passed by the court of competent
It also talks about the additional grounds
for the wife that are:
 Bigamy
 Rape, Sodomy or Bestiality
 Non Resumption of cohabitation
for one year post passing of the
 Repudiation of marriage
It also tells about Divorce by mutual
consent which is added by the Marriage
laws amendment act, 1976. It also talks
about how a petition for divorce should be
filed and when the divorced person can
4. The fourth module dealt It talked about the meaning of maintenance
with the maintenance and and it also discusses the principles of
custody aspects of divorce. determining of maintenance which are:
 Position, Income and Status of
 Reasonable wants of the claimant.
 Number of persons whom the other
party is obliged to maintain.
 Maintenance for a minor child can
also be claimed indirectly via this
 Income and properties of the parties.
 Conduct of the parties.

5. An assignment was given to The assignment primarily focused on the

solve. clarity of concepts and research. We were
required to apply our reasoning and were
required to answer accordingly to that.

Other Comments by the Student

This course helped me a lot to explore the new spheres of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 which
improved my understanding regarding the topics.

Name of the Student: Deepanshu


Date of Submission:

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