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Christian Marc Benosa OL51

For one goal, one dream, one future: ACTION PLAN

Ten years from now, I may be a different person, more mature and prepared man who can
battle all the challenges that life will be bring to me. But seriously, I imagined myself a
successful man who finally fulfill his lifelong dream. I envision myself as a man with great
dignity to the society. Fulling my dreams in becoming a great engineer. Create a business for
myself in the Philippines. My dream is to become a successful registered civil engineer cited in
my most beloved country. Having my own business and having my own family. But first of all, I
still have a mission for the Filipinos people because I understand my true mission in life. My
mission is to serve my country through service and excellence because without the help of the
country, I could not have the chance to go to school.

During my time being a scholar ng Bayan, I had the opportunity to learn from the Asia's
top high school, Philippine Science High school. I learned a lot from that school and I learned
my political views and self. As a scholar ng Bayan from before and until now, I have a mission
to imbued the value of truth, excellence and service to the nation. The true essence of being an
Iskolar ng Bayan is " It is knowing that nothing is greater than a person serving the people that
shaped him/her and fight for the their even if he/she is just a student"

Philippine Science High school opened my eyes to the ills of the society, expose the truth
that might be disturbing to the comfort of the many, open the platform for a discussion that
knows no limit or bound of ideas and let them realize that education goes beyond the four
corners of the room. I believe real education happens outside the school or university. Philippine
Science show us the socio-political realities of our country. Whether or not we will stand up or
lie on the comfort of our privileges' after that, it would be up to us. But when one learns the
realities of his or her own society, and have the urge to stand up for those who cannot stand up
and willing to change the course of the future.
I owe a lot to my country and so that is why one of my goals and dreams is to make the
Philippines great again but also fulfill my own dream which is to become a successful engineer
and businessman. I can do both the same time. With my intellectual intelligence, I created a plan
to meet both of my goals and dreams which is to serve the country at the same time be
This is my action Plan
Smart Goal Table
Goal in Mind To create an invention or product that could
revolutionize the whole modern society.
Research is important because life moves
forward because of researches of science and
technology. So my goal is create probably a
concrete solution that I could sell in the
market and also beneficial to the society.
Is it Specific A concrete that could not worsen the world
but help in the aspects of making an
innovative invention that could benefit
everyone. I have an idea to create another
type of concrete that is made out of waste or
make concrete affordable and ecofriendly.
Is it measurable? In a few
Is it attainable? With my knowledge that I learned in my
science high school years and college years. I
think I have the expertise and intelligence to
handle the challenge.
Is it Relevant? This relevant to both serving the Filipino
people by giving the Philippine a chance to
discover itself in the world of research and
also to my dream to become a successful
engineer and business man.
Is it timely? In a few years I could accomplished the right
formula for my product.

All of this can be achieved if you believe in yourself and never give up. Just like what one
philosopher had said “Try and try until you die but if you die at least you tried.”. My motto in
life is "Expect the unexpected". Grab the opportunities while you still can because life is full
of mysteries and God has a plan for you. Don't let fear and anxiety take over yourself. Let them
be a challenge to fulfill your dreams.

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