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Merlita Santiago


Roshelle T. Garrote



In this age of capitalism, starting a business sounds like a great thing to do. However, many
people do not know where to start. In fact, “how to start a business” is one of the most
searched-for queries on the internet for a reason. It is a daunting act. You have to sacrifice your
time, money, and energy for an idea that might not come to fruition. That is why it is good to
know a process you can follow to ensure success.

Pharmacie de Sante means “health pharmacy” is it a health service cooperative.

Pharmacie de Sante is organized for the primary purpose of providing medical, dental and other
health services. Which can help the people in my barangay on their medical, and other health
services like their need some medicines. It similar to the big pharmacy some products and
services may similar on it, but in my cooperative business i create a small one to help the
people in my barangay also i will seek some advice to the medical team or professional to help
me organize and manage of Pharmacie de sante.

In making this happen, I will registered my business, and secure it, also i will plan my
cooperative business on the management; i will use the 7M’s Money, Machine, Men, Market,
Materials, Measurement, Methods in order to achieve my objectives in business. In term’s on
achieving this I will keep motivated and my employees, so that me and my employees are
happy at work, it shows – and customers notice it immediately. It also improves efficiency and
that shows our customers that me and my team are well- organized. And I will plan according to
the business organization need, like scheduling some things that need to be planned daily,
weekly, monthly and yearly.

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