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Lahore School of Economics| MBA Professional | Session Fall 2018

Submitted by:

Asim Amin 18E01004

Hafiz Anwaar Ul Haq 18E01015

Submitted to:

Mr. Arshad Mehmood

Marketing Plan
Young Fresh – Charcoal Soap
By: KASS Cosmetics (Pvt) Limited

Dated: 10th June 2020


1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 1

2. THE PRODUCT ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Objective ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Vision......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Mission ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
3. MARKET ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................... 5
Market demogaphics ................................................................................................................................ 5
4. COMPETITOR ASSESSMENT ...................................................................................................................... 7
Size of the Industry ................................................................................................................................... 7
Situational Analysis ................................................................................................................................... 7
PORTER’s 5 FORCE MODEL: .................................................................................................................... 10
SWOT Analysis......................................................................................................................................... 11
PEST Analysis ........................................................................................................................................... 12
5. MARKETING STRATEGY ........................................................................................................................... 13
Market Segmentation ............................................................................................................................. 13
Target Segment: ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Placement ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Product Ingredients ................................................................................................................................ 15
The production process: ......................................................................................................................... 16
Pricing & Costing ..................................................................................................................................... 17
Sales and Expansion Strategy.................................................................................................................. 18
Sales forecast of 5 years ......................................................................................................................... 19
Channel Of Distribution For Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap ..................................................................... 19
Instore Placement Strategy..................................................................................................................... 20
6. FORECAST AND BUDGET ......................................................................................................................... 21
Advertising and promotional objectives ................................................................................................. 21
Media strategy ........................................................................................................................................ 23
7. IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL PLAN ................................................................................................ 28
8. CONTINGENCY PLAN ............................................................................................................................... 29

This report has been written with the aim of launching of Young Fresh - Charcoal
Soap, product of KASS Cosmetics. Previously the fortune of the industry faced a
failure to make a mark in beauty soap industry in longer run and led to absolute end
of the product in the market owing to the lack of innovation and cheaper substitutes
with better offerings in the market. KASS Cosmetics Limited of Karachi launched
Young Fresh as a beauty soap and claimed its space in the market due to long
presence of the company. The scented version of Young Fresh was priced affordably
at the time of launch. But the Company did not foresee the competition improvising
and multinational brands entering the market with huge brand value and equity. The
new entrants all of sudden flipped the scenario and things changed for KASS
Cosmetics. The company failed to keep up with the competition due to non-existent
innovation and this gradually led the company blown in to the winds.

The name “Young Fresh – Charcoal Soap” gives an impression of composure,

stillness and beatitude by the word Young Fresh and charcoal shows the ingredient
employed with its well-known skin benefits. This organic soap is intended to provide
chemical free beauty elements to the skin from the natural additives used. The Young
Fresh charcoal soap acts as a detoxifying bar thereby absorbing the impurities in the
skin and does not dry it out giving smoother, brighter and clearer complexion.

The product is targeted at the consumer segments living in the urban areas all across
Pakistan. To start with company will be launching the product in metropolitan cities
of Pakistan Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi, Faisalabad, Multan and
Peshawar. This product has its own niche with the consumers who are health

pg. 1
conscious. After looking in to their diet they also pay importance to what goes into
the products they use. For their skin using a product that provides benefits of natural
products gives them relaxation and leisure. So launching the product with the mantra
Naturally nurturing your skin attracts all the attention of this category and will create
a pull.

The company decided to enter this domain of cosmetics and soap because it is
underserved and is mainly hijacked by few main players like The Body Shop and
Saeed Ghani being the big names but no one local player having equivalent brand
value and strength is giving them competition. All other big names like Unilever and
P&G try to cater this market but they do not go all natural with their ingredients
though they try to boast so. Presence of chemicals do have their side effects and that
is why exactly educated and knowledgeable customer is our prime target who can
get this difference. Though the government regulations are strict for soap industry
manufacturing locally but the company will be playing wisely by being able to offer
the product with all natural ingredients but in a price category not too high. This will
be done by minimizing the manufacturing cost and expanding with time in to other
markets and extending the production lines as well.

The company will launch an extensive marketing campaign in order to support the
product and create awareness. All related avenues of marketing will be used
including media, print and radio. Social media will become involved in the later
stage for the marketing management function. Manufacturing based in Karachi,
company will have warehouses in strategic locations all across Pakistan to address
the issues of logistics and inventory management.

pg. 2
First five years’ company will keep penetrating in to new markets and shall be
expanding its distributors network. Later will conduct market research for other
organic products in the personal care products line and will diversify accordingly in
the subsequent years.

All the company need is a strong team and strategy to compete and rise in this
industry. The presence of well-established multinational giants hindered the idea of
entering again in to the beauty soap category since there are strong entry barriers. So
company decided to enter in to a niche market and will try to serve the needs of this
market with exceptions.

pg. 3

To enter in to the niche business of charcoal (organic) soap industry in Pakistan
and capture 10% share in this market by 2020 by manufacturing high quality
organic soaps

To be the market leader in premium quality organic soaps

 We believe that customer oriented and value suggestions of our customers.
That is the reason we invest a large chunk of our income on identifying the
need of our customers, and work on daily basis with renowned
dermatologists, to make a product range, that better satisfy our customers.

 To produce organic soaps that can not only be used for removing acne,
reducing pigmentation and providing body detox but also tightens the skin
to give it a younger appearance

POD: Providing premium quality, naturally formulated and well tested Charcoal
soap to get confidence of consumers as a naturally hygienic product choice. The
organic soaps will be providing the skin with whitening, moisturizing, cleansing
action, scenting and antibacterial action all in one.

pg. 4

The market composition is as below:

 Population: 204,924,861 (July 2018 est.)

 Growth rate: 1.43% (2018 est.)

 Birth rate: 21.9 births/1000 population (2018 est.)

 Death rate: 6.3 deaths/1000 population (2018 est.)

 Net migration rate: -1.3 migrant(s)/1,000 populations

 0-14 years: 31.36% (male 33,005,623/female 31,265,463)

 15-24 years: 21.14% (male 22,337,897/female 20,980,455)

 25-54 years: 37.45% (male 39,946,417/female 36,907,683)

 55-64 years: 5.57% (male 5,739,817/female 5,669,495)

 65 years and over: 4.5% (male 4,261,917/female 4,910,094) (2018 est.)

 Urban population: 39.7% of total population (2018)

 Rate of urbanization: 2.77% annual rate of change (2015-20 est.)

 Major Cities Population: Karachi 16.618 million; Lahore 8.741 million;

Faisalabad 3.567 million; Rawalpindi 2.506 million; Multan 1.921 million;
ISLAMABAD (capital) 1.365 million (2015)

pg. 5
 Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write

Total population: 57.9%

Male: 69.5%
Female: 45.8% (2018 est.)”


Being a niche market this segment of people having needs for natural ingredients in
their personal care products is underserved in Pakistan. The aim of KASS Cosmetics
(pvt) limited is to tap this segment of unmet need of organic soap by providing
healthy solution through Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap
It moisturizes and clean your skin without any nasty chemicals or unpleasant
reactions. Thereby providing skin cleansing and anti-bacterial action without
causing skin rashes, itchiness and dryness.

pg. 6

Size of the Industry

“Some countries are also exporting soaps to Pakistan through third countries, which
has created problems for the local industry which has some 500 soap-making units
in the un-organized sector and 100 in the organized sector. Yearly production of
laundry soap in Pakistan in metric tons is 500,000; toilet soaps, 125,000; carbolic
soap, 45,000; and detergents, 150,000, in which the use of imported raw material is
80 percent and of local raw material 20 percent.”

Situational Analysis

One of the major consumable in the household and FMCG with huge potential for
organic soaps. With the increased awareness and education among the public people
are becoming more concerned about their hygiene. Consumers are not just using
natural products in food category but also preferring personal care products with
natural ingredients to look healthy and beautiful. All these factors worked up in
growing the percentage of consumers adhering to the organic products year on year
by more than 4 %. As a result, the pie is growing bigger every year.

 Demand: The demand of organic soaps is increasing day by day due to the
increased awareness among consumers regarding the beneficial health outcomes of
the products having natural ingredients. The market share of organic soap is around
1.5% in Pakistan out of the 21 billion rupees’ soap market.

pg. 7
 Competition: The Body Shop being exclusive multinational brand in Pakistan
offering products with natural ingredients and carrying a strong brand image. Rest
proportion of the market is offered by Saeed Ghani, Palmolive and some in local
market as Golden pearl, CoNATURAL and some smuggled soaps.

 Legal/political: The taxes on soap industry are even higher in comparison to other
industries in Pakistan where in rest of the world cosmetic and personal care
industries are tax free. The international player plays effectively in Pakistan as they
are offered less tax brackets due to which the local manufacturing is demoralized
and mostly smuggled soaps are prevalent in the market. The political condition in
Pakistan is almost always a variable factor to be considered and is damaging the
economy overall with less investments coming through due to increased risks.

 Social and Cultural factors: The society prefer the norm of word of mouth
(WoM) which has proved itself to be effective over the time. The country being
related to agriculture majorly has close relation to the nature and its products. The
culture positively favors anything that involves natural ingredients and people are
quite welcoming towards it. Well the promotional campaigns by the company need
to be very well evaluated and implemented owing to the conservative approach if
the masses in order to avoid negative reactions in the market from the consumers.

 Other factors: The technological advancement is on the go with sophisticated

machines introduced over the years for manufacturing of products. But with the
organic soap industry such advancements have not yet been taken by any local player
in the market.

pg. 8

The few main competitors currently serving the prospected target market are as

1. The Body Shop

2. Saeed Ghani
3. Palmolive
5. Himalaya
6. Alowis
7. Golden Pearl

The above discussed major brands have product specialists for their products, huge
investments, strong brand name, developed distribution channels, economies of
scale, but fortunately there is no well-established local brand catering the segment
of organic soaps in Pakistan. KASS Cosmetics Pvt Ltd being the oldest brand in the
market has an edge of the affiliations and attachments of the people it had once,
being the top brand in Pakistan. Re-launch in to the market will create a pull and the
lack of innovation that once became the reason of its downfall will now be the core
of its revival.
The entry in to market will be hell of a job for KASS Cosmetics Pvt Ltd due to the
present competitors in the market having strong roots in distribution and will pose
tough time in terms of marketing Ps.

pg. 9

Supplier  Multiple suppliers for raw material

 Few players for consuming raw material
Power  Cheap rates

Buyer  Few but good substitutes brands available

 Cheaper smuggled soaps alternative
Power  Good quality

 Well established brands in beauty soaps
 Economies of scale 5 forces
Rivalry  Established distribution channels

Threat of  Low switching cost

 Multiple local and smuggled soap
Substitution  Attainable customer loyalty through
effective marketing
 Cost of change

Threat of  Low cost of entry

 No hi-fi technology required
New Entry  Funding available for SMEs

pg. 10
SWOT Analysis


Skin friendly organic ingredients New to the market

For all types of skins Substitute products

For all ages Weak supply chain

No harmful chemicals Weak brand


High CAGR of soap market New Entrants

Growing consumer market for organic

Local competition
and tested soaps

Competition from already existing

Top choice among organic soaps
medicated and organic soaps
Increasing consciousness about
Government Regulations
organic products as healthy

pg. 11
Population Growth

PEST Analysis

pg. 12

OUR MANTRA: “Naturally nurturing your skin”

Market Segmentation
According to

 Age

 Gender

 Income levels

 Frequency of purchase

 Skin type

 Geographical location

Target Segment:

Health conscious and skin conscious category of upper and upper middle
class in Urban areas like Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Karachi,
Faisalabad, Multan and Peshawar. Providing organic soaps for normal, dry,
oily and combination skins.

The organic soaps will be providing the skin with whitening, moisturizing,
cleansing action, scenting and antibacterial action all in one.

pg. 13
The health and skin conscious customers who pays importance to the
characteristics like carefully made of natural constituents and extracts and value
healthy lifestyle.

The major cities with high urbanization would be the target to start off in order to
avoid unbearable logistics cost involved. We would not be able to tap every
geographical market simultaneously. In the later stages, business development
into other territories will be pursued after covering the initial target regions with
better connectivity and accessibility.

The usage pattern suggests no bias with respect to gender however the age groups
could be specified. Starting from teenage to below 40 would be the substantial
users but with age bracket of 20-30 would preferably be the high frequency users
with key importance. So, the product is aimed to be well-placed for self-sufficient
consumers with 20-40 age group as prime target.

pg. 14
Product Ingredients

Common Elements Differentiating elements
Saponified organic oils of: Aloe Baby Soap
Palm Organic Aloe Vera
Coconut Organic Lavender Oil
Olive and Palm Kernel Organic Rosemary Extract
Activated charcoal
Natural Lavender Essential Oil Blend.

Dry Skin Products:

Unscented Cocoa Butter Oatmeal Lavender
Organic Cocoa Butter Natural Lavender Essential Oil Blend
Organic Powdered Oatmeal Organic Lavender Oil
Organic Aloe Vera Organic Oatmeal
Organic Rosemary Extract. Organic Rosemary Extract.

Oily Skin Products:

Balsam Pine Blue Bar
Balsam Essential Oil Blend Natural Essential Oil Blend
Organic Rosemary Extract Organic Rosemary Extract
Mineral Pigment. Mineral Pigment

pg. 15
Natural Skin Products:

Woodspice Rosemary Herb

Natural Woodspice Essential Oil Blend Natural Rosemary Essential Oil Blend

Organic Cinnamon Organic Rosemary Herb

Organic Rosemary Extract Organic Rosemary Extract

The production process:

Batch of soaps = 40

Days to complete = 04

Contact Hours = 03

Labor required = 20 unskilled

Working hours = 09 per day

So for 9 hours of working with 2 unskilled labors will produce 20*3*30*40

=72,000 soaps per month

pg. 16
Pricing & Costing

Component Quantity Price

Distilled Water 30 ounce Rs50
Lye 11.25 ounce Rs300
Olive Oil 50 ounce Rs300
Coconut Oil 30 ounce Rs35
Castor Oil 2.25 ounce RS 200

Rs 885/ 40 soaps(75 gm) = Rs 22.25 per soap + packaging Rs 0.75

=Rs 23 per soap. + Unit Fixed Cost

Fixed Costs Approximation

FY 1 Rs 5/bar

FY 2 Rs 4/bar

FY 3 onwards Rs 3/bar

With approximately Rs.28/unit cost, the company has huge potential of reaping
profits by selling out at any price range of market acceptable starting from Rs.
50/piece to Rs.150/piece.

pg. 17
Sales and Expansion Strategy

Year / Strategy Expenses
Free Samples, incentives to retailers, travel expenses to 3x expenses
build contacts. (total)
Substantial but lesser overhead cost of promotion for
existing channels.
FY1/Q3-4 2x
Expansion into newer territories, with similar tactics for
new channels as FY1 channels
FY2/Q5-8 Improving market penetration 1.5x
FY3/Q9-12 Continued marketing and expansion 1.5x
FY4/Q13-16 Inter year sales expansion 1.25x
Focus on consolidation and breaking even over
FY5/Q17-20 1.15x
aggressive expansion
FY6/Q21-24 Market research for expansion in lines 1.15x
FY7/Q25-28 Soft launch of newer organic products 1.15x
FY8/Q29-32 Expand into newer markets and organic product lines 1.25x

pg. 18
Sales forecast of 5 years

Cumm. Cumm.
Cost (x Cumm.
Volume Cost Revenue Profit (x Profit
Year Rs. Revenue
(x 1000) (xRs. (xRs.1000) Rs.1000) (x
1000) (xRs.1000)
1000) Rs.1000)

864 24,192 24,192 43,200 43,200 19,008 19,008

950 26,611 50,803 47,520 90,720 64,109 83,117

1,045 29,272 80,076 52,272 142,992 113,720 196,836

1,150 32,200 112,275 57,499 200,491 168,292 365,128

1,265 35,420 147,695 63,249 263,740 228,321 593,449



Two main channels of Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap distribution are:

Distributors and sub distributors:

Company shall appoint distributors across the pre-defined geographic location

throughout Pakistan with continuous expansion in distribution network over years.

pg. 19
The distributors are responsible for providing the product to wholesalers and
retailers in its designated areas. High street grocery stores like Al-Fatah, Akbari
store, Rahim Store, HKB, Green Valley etc. are the classification of retail
distribution where the wholesalers are categorized in to subcategories like gold,
silver depending upon their buying capacity per month and then it proceeds to point
of sale for the customer.

Direct Delivery (Key Accounts)

Accounts like METRO, Hyperstar, CSD will be included in institutional selling and
shall be dealt directly by the KASS Cosmetics Pvt Ltd.


To ensure maximum visibility of the product for it to remain the part of consumer’s
mind and preferable choice serves a vital purpose. Dedicated shelves for aided recall
of the product and promotion of Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap in stores like Metro,
Hyperstar, Al-fatah etc will be done.

The placement of the product shall revolve around:

 Distinctively placing Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap

 Preferably more facing to customers than its Competitors

 Placing between high brand value products

 Have dedicated rack where possible

Window branding will also be done at high end stores as a part of placement and
promotion strategy

pg. 20

Advertising and promotional objectives

Advertising objectives for Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap are is to grab attention of
the consumers and create awareness among them. For a long time, before its
downfall KASS Cosmetics Pvt Ltd had not advertised its product, it had left it on
auto pilot. It has three products Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap oily, dry and
combination skins, it has evolved and improved its offering but it’s still lacking
marketing and promotion in Pakistan. Our goal is to increase Young Fresh - Charcoal
Soap marketing through media ads, billboards and different campaigns, improve its
awareness in the market by giving ads of Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap through
media channels. We need to once again stimulate interest, create buzz, and establish
brand loyalty.

Through advertising and promotion, we will remove any misconception like that of
Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap may cause any skin related problems, by giving our
valued customers the information that they deserve, and assuring them that Young
Fresh - Charcoal Soap causes no such problems. Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap will
first of all asses the current attitude toward the product, then it will try and change
the negative attitude regarding the product by giving solid arguments, proof that it
is not injurious to skin, and then it finally tries to motivate the consumers into
consuming the product. The advertisement will be done through TV commercials,
billboards, prints ads in newspapers and various magazines, contest conducted by
Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap.

pg. 21
We do not only want our customers to redevelop a preference and motivation to buy
from Young Fresh - Charcoal Soap but also to make repeated purchases and attain
brand loyalty. Brand loyalty would be ensured through sound customer service and
good quality. We will disclose our website URL at the end of advertisements to
develop close customer relationships. We will welcome feedback from customers in
the form of suggestions, compliments and complaints. In short, our objective is to
arouse multiple effects of perceptive, affective, persuasive and behavioral responses
in consumers to change their negative attitudes.

pg. 22
Media strategy

Broadcast media

In broad cast media we have used television ads and a radio ad. This television ad is
of 75 seconds and will be played on different channels of television. For example,
Geo super, Geo news, Geo entertainment, ARY, Samaa, Hum TV and Aaj news. We
have selected these channels due to their large viewership and rating. Television ad
is more easy to use due to its pervasiveness and impact on consumers. We are using
this medium to reach a wider mass audience however only to those audiences who
constitute our target market only. Thus we have specified the channels and programs
with the highest viewership according to our customer. The current famous channels
Channel Title of Commercial Program Time Fri Sat Sun Spots Rates per minute Total amount per channel
75 Sweet Winds 23:00-24:00 0 1 4 5 PKR 60,000.00 PKR 300,000.00
Samaa 75 Sweet Winds 22:00-23:00 0 3 3 6 PKR 360,000.00
PKR 60,000.00 PKR 660,000.00
Total 11
75 Sweet Winds 21:45-22:45 4 4 4 10 PKR 80,000.00 PKR 800,000.00

Hum TV 75 Sweet Winds 20:05-21:10 0 6 0 6 PKR 80,000.00 PKR 480,000.00

75 Sweet Winds 05:00-06:00 3 0 0 3 PKR 80,000.00 PKR 240,000.00 PKR 1,520,000.00
Total 19

Express24/7 75 Sweet Winds 21:00-22:00 3 4 4 11 PKR 70,000.00 PKR 770,000.00 PKR 770,000.00

Total 11

GEO Ent. 75 Sweet Winds 19:00-19:58 0 6 0 6 PKR 150,000.00 PKR 900,000.00

75 Sweet Winds 20:30-21:30 3 0 0 3 PKR 150,000.00 PKR 450,000.00 PKR 1,350,000.00

Total - 6

ARY Digital 75 Sweet Winds 20:30-21:30 0 5 0 5 PKR 140,000.00 PKR 700,000.00 PKR 700,000.00

Total Spots 110 Rs 5,000,000

which match the characteristics of our audience have been used to effectively run
the advertisement and leave an everlasting impact and awareness.

pg. 23

Radio is the most affordable media. We have chosen this medium to increase the
frequency of our ad. Our target market also includes people who have interest in

Week Total Rate per Total amount per

Radio Channels Duration (Seconds) Title of Commercial Slot (Time)
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Spots minute channel
9:00-12:00 3 3 3 9 9 0 0 27 2000 54,000
FM 107 60 Sweet Winds
17:00-19:00 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 10 3000 30,000 84,000
7:00-10:00 6 6 6 9 9 6 6 48 4000 192,000

FM 106.2 60 Sweet Winds 17:00-19:00 5 5 5 5 5 0 0 25 5000 125,000

22:00-23:30 3 3 3 3 3 0 3 18 30000 540,000 857,000
FM 89 60 Sweet Winds 16:00-20:00 0 0 0 0 6 9 9 24 6000 144,000 144,000

Total 1,085,000

music and talk shows. We have specifically chosen the timing of FM 106.2 during
peak hours when radio is tuned on. The most popular shows e.g. Fasi and Zaka are
run during the timings given in the table. The evening timings have been inculcated
because usually an office person gets off at 17:00 and is going back home. So this
timing is highly effective in targeting the right audience and at the right time. FM
89 has been chosen because it is an English radio program and is regarded as a
sophisticated channel. The English music run is listened by a large audience too
which is our suitable market. FM 107 has been used specifically because it has been
introduced lately and most people relative to all ages are testing it. Thus, a large
audience is being attracted just for the basis of trying the new program.

pg. 24

For extensive market coverage we have focused on using Newspapers i.e. Dawn,
Daily times and The Nation. We have chosen these newspapers because we want to

cover the geographical area of Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and the specific places
which are suitable to our target market. Newspaper is a necessary medium we are
using as our consumers age varies from 17 years onwards. The business and
corporate people tend to read newspapers on daily basis and therefore this medium
is going to be effective in reaching our target audience.

pg. 25
Cities Location Rate per month
Lahore Ghora Chowk Cantt 5 lakhs
Cavalry Flyover Palza opp. HKB 3 lakhs
Qadir Heights, Kalma Chowk 3 lakhs
Sherpao Flyover, Gulberg 3 lakhs
Rawalpindi Near PC 3 lakhs
Islamabad Serena Hotel, Khayaban-e- 3 lakhs
Near Islamabad Golf Club 3 lakhs
Karachi Clifton Beach 4 lakhs
DHA 5 lakhs
Near Benazir Bhutto Park 5 lakhs
M.A. Jinnah Road near Tower Bus 4 lakhs
Motorway Paradise Main Restaurant Area 2 lakhs
Total 41 lakhs
Outdoor media

Flexes(Rs650/flex) Bus Terminals Daewoo

Location No.of Rate Location No. of Rate Total Location No.of Rate
flexes terminals per Budget buses

pg. 26
DHA 100 65,000 DHA 10 7000 70,000 DHA 4 6
Liberty 25 16,250 Iqbal 9 7000 63,000 Gulberg 3 4.5
Town Lakhs
Iqbal 100 65,000 Johar 6 7000 42,000 Iqbal 3 4.5
town Town town lakhs
Gulberg 100 65,000 Gulberg 15 7000 105,000 Wapda 2 3
town lakhs
Total 211,250 Total 280,000 Total 18
amount amount amount lakhs

pg. 27

Marketing Head

Marketing Manager

Marketing Executive Marketing Executive Marketing Executive

(Print division) (TVC) (Others)

At the initial stage company will have an internal marketing department and
resources for managing all the activities. But in the late stage with expansions and
penetrations some synergies will be achieved by incorporating 3 rd party marketing
All the three marketing channels will be supervised by respective marketing
executives who shall be reporting to the marketing manager for their respective
domain. The control over budget shall be the responsibility of the marketing
executive and will be overseen by the marketing manager will approvals from
marketing head. Any change in the budget according to the prevailing condition and
circumstances shall be done with the chain of command. The costing with respect to
quotation from respective channel vendors will be discussed by marketing
executives with the marketing manager. Marketing manager will shortlist the
approved vendors for advertisement and promotion according to the marketing
budget. Who will then seek approvals from Marketing head from the allotted annual
marketing department budget as per management discretion.

pg. 28

The contingency plans for the alternate route and protocol for every step is the part
the plan. Few prominent diversions from the plan are discussed:

Raw material and Supplier:

Out of date or faulty raw material, delays in procurement, politics played by

suppliers are few major distractions from the regular route of plan as suggested


Disruption of machinery, labor issues & electricity shutdowns pose the certain issues
to be faced and to be dealt with appropriation.


Logistical constraints due to strike, vehicular breakdown, transporter’s strike and

political situation can cause delays in distribution and closure of distribution

Building inventory to avoid shortfall or delays, managing pool of suppliers and

transporters in order to avoid blackmailing, backup electricity generators, preventive
maintenance, warehouses at strategic locations and complying with the government
regulations comes under the contingency plans to be managed and implemented by
the departments.

pg. 29

Index Mundi. 2018. Pakistan Demographics Profile 2018. [ONLINE] Available

at: [Accessed 26 April 2018].

Business Recorder. 2018. Government urged to help solve soap industry’s issues. [ONLINE]
Available at: [Accessed 26 April 2018]

pg. 30

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