Molly Lau - Unit 1 - Summative

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Slides 1

● In slide 1, we introduce the problem and our business opportunity. We see lots of plastic
bags being used at grocery stores everyday, our solution to this problem is to create
reusable tote bags for shopping. Our target market is local grocery stores and their
customers. We found two companies who sell similar products, Born on Saturday and
AdvanceBIO, and listed out their strengths to have a brief idea of who our competitors
Slides 2
● The second slide is dedicated to our financial plans. We chose only the important
information of our financial plan to present on the slides to prove our financial stability.
The slide consists of our condensed costs, resources, factors of production, and balance
sheet. With all the costs, assets/liability/equity, and resources, it proves that our
company has a clear understanding and approach on our financials. This information will
give investors a glimpse into how our company financially organizes with clear and
concise information seen in tables and images.

Slides 3
● Our company’s management is presented in the last slide. The management team
includes the CEO, COO, CFO, and the vice president of production and marketing. We
listed some accomplishments and information about our company’s history to give the
audience a better understanding of who we are. A visual representation of our plans for
the future of the business is shown through a timeline with our milestones and the
expected time it will take to reach them.

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