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OCTOBER 2018 | ISSUE 2| VOL 1                                    WWW.SISB.AC.TH


   We are proud to announce    As the preservation
that SISB Chiang Mai has and protection of the
been recognised as the first natural environment UPCOMING
school in all of Southeast becomes an ever
Asia to be awarded the increasing priority, we
Leadership in Energy and take pride in the fact During October and November
Environmental Design that we not only teach we have a number of exciting
(LEED) Silver certification by our students about the activities, including;
the U.S. Green Building importance of
Council (USGBC) in protecting the natural
recognition of our school's environment but we Halloween
environmentally friendly, also practice these - Wednesday 31st October
healthy, efficient and cost- teachings during our
saving campus buildings. daily life at school. International Day
  For more information
- Friday 16th November
about the Leadership in
Energy and
Environmental Design Loy Krathong
awards you can visit - Monday 24th November
   SISB Chiang Mai believes in high quality holistic education,
which means we provide an education that is not only
designed for successful academic achievement but also to
develop resilient, thoughtful and caring individuals to become
successful in all areas of life. Over the next few weeks NK will
be introducing the children to the Learning Outcomes.

   The SISB Learning Outcomes focuses on the development of

the whole child as a learner. This will equip the children with
the skills, attitudes and strategies to become enthusiastic and
effective learners as well as a well rounded person . The profile
consists of 10 traits. These are Communicator, Risk-taker,
Caring, Principled, Knowledgeable, Balanced, Thinker, Inquire,
Reflective and Open-minded. We will focus on 2 main traits
each week.

   Once a child demonstrates a particular trait they will be

awarded a special certificate which they can take home to
share with their families. To support your child at home, you
could also start using these terms to reiterate what they are
learning at school.

   As always, if you would like any further information about

the Learning Outcomes, please ask your child's homeroom
teacher. Thank you for your continued support.                           
                                      Teacher Amy
    The children here at SISB Chiangmai have had a fun
filled month (September) learning English language
applying the STELLAR approach. All of the children have
been using various educational technologies to enhance
their inquiry based education which includes using a
multitude of new apps on the school I-pads. One of the
children’s favourite apps is ‘Doink’, a programme which
allows our pupils  to release their creativity by producing
presentation videos, drama performances and even
animations for their projects.

   Coding is a large component of your child’s education

and this has been taught by using several fun coding
programmes on the Chromebooks.

   Reading is a major part of the STELLAR approach and this

has been catered for by a differentiated reading scheme
using the new Raz Kids reading and comprehension
programme. Raz Kids is SISB Chiangmai’s newest
educational tool which allows our teachers to cater for
each and every child’s specific reading level whilst at the
same time allowing each child to enhance their reading
skills at a steady and enjoyable rate. 

   Finally, our primary students are now familiar with the 10

SISBC learning outcomes which each and every teacher at
SISB applies during their lessons. These learning outcomes
enable and ensure that all of our pupils are continuously
learning inside and outside of their classrooms by being
inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators,
principled, open minded, caring, risk takers, balanced and
reflective individuals.

   In summary our primary pupils have had a strong start to

the academic year and I know that each and every one of
them will continue to develop, learn and grow month by
                                                        Teacher Chaz 
     On October 31, 2018, SISB will host our second annual Halloween
celebration. Halloween, also known as All Hallows Eve, occurs annually
on October 31 and is part of a yearly remembrance of the dead.

    Halloween traditions are believed to have originated from ancient

autumn harvest festivals. Some also believe that they developed in
relation to Christian celebrations to honor saints and the recently
deceased, which traditionally occur at the beginning of November.
Today, Halloween is celebrated in many countries around the world but
is most popular in Western countries such as the United States, England,
and Ireland. Similar holidays are observed in Latin America and the
    This year’s Halloween celebration
    Several activities are traditionally associated with the celebration of
at SISB will include a costume
Halloween, such as the donning of costumes that model supernatural
parade, games, and trick-or-treating.
beings, fictional characters, or celebrities. It is customary for children to
Students are invited to wear
go trick-or-treating while in costume on Halloween night; children walk
costumes to school instead of their
from house to house requesting candy and other treats by asking the
school uniforms. Parents can attend
question, “Trick or treat?” Other popular Halloween activities include
the costume parade, at 8:00 AM, to
playing games, pumpkin carving, and seeking out haunted places.
take pictures and admire the
students’ costumes. After the
   SISB strives to introduce our students to cultures and customs found
costume parade, parents are asked
around the world. In doing so, our school chooses to celebrate popular
to leave campus and the student
Thai, Chinese, and Western holidays, such as Halloween, throughout the
activities will begin in the
school year. Our students and staff members generally originate from
either Thailand, China, or a Western nation, so the events we hold are
We hope to see you here!                     
either very familiar or a completely new experience for those involved.
                              Teacher Sarah

       SEESAW is a fantastic application that is a
student driven digital portfolio. It's primary use
for teachers is to document progress and for
formative assessment (ongoing assessment). It
also allows parents a glimpse in to the
classroom and your children at work. Current
research from St. Catherine University in the
United States has commented very positively
on the use of digital tools in early elementary
classrooms; as long as the tool is used correctly.    Please do not expect individual
We know how much parents love to see their photographs of your child. Teachers try to
child at work and always try our best to provide do this when time allows, but have been
these pictures. Parents should however note instructed by me to focus on teaching as
that SEESAW is a tool that we actively use to SEESAW is merely one tool and we cannot
further the education experience and compromise the learning journey for the
photographs are only a very small part of why sake of photographs. After speaking with
we use it. Teachers have limited time during the you all during our 'Meet the VP' session, I
day and have therefore been given guidelines know that you all agree that education
for SEESAW use. This will hopefully ensure that and learning must always come first.
the SEESAW experience is a positive one for all Thank you for your continued support.
involved.                                              Teacher Tommy
    Critical Thinking skills promise
21ST CENTURY EDUCATION  that when our students speak,
they are not merely parroting
   Our students were born in the - Collaboration memorized facts. Rather, they
21st century. Their education - Communication learn to question what they see
should reflect that. - Critical Thinking about them. What does this
- Creativity mean? What is the writer’s
    In our world, it is not enough intention? Is this writing bias?
to be schooled in rote    Collaboration is a crucial part of How does this connect to other
memorization and assorted most workplaces today. Brilliant things I have learned? How can I
facts. Our lives today are marked minds working in isolation are a apply it to other topics?
by a rapidly changing world, thing of the past; today’s
digital workplaces and problems and technology require   Critical thinking requires
marketplaces, and global interaction among professionals learning from multiple sources
interaction. At SISB, we are with specific skills. No one person in order to see different
preparing students for the can build a space shuttle, create perspectives on an issue. It is the
environment they will enter as an iPhone, lead a country or cure difference between followers
young adults. They are called disease. It requires many minds and leaders; those who think
21st Century Skills. with disparate skills, able to work critically can make change by
together. To foster that in our seeing all sides and forging new
   Before the 1980s, schools were students, we are big on projects pathways.
focused on the acquisition of at SISB! You will see students
content, particularly in literacy huddled together as they build    Creativity brings us to
and numeracy, because with a towers, construct letters, or plan innovation. Creativity allows us
fluency in those areas, students scientific experiments. Our to see different modes of
would be able to acquire classrooms reflect that, with expression and new solutions. It
knowledge independently space for students to come is not only aesthetic. Creativity is
throughout life. Today, those together in creative ways to solve flexibility, an ability to bend,
skills have been expanded. We problems. change, and originate. Creativity
no longer need to know what in science allows students to
year the Russian Revolution    Communication, of course, is formulate original hypotheses,
began; we can find it at our essential for Collaboration as well building on earlier knowledge.
fingertips in less than a second. as survival in our current era. To Creativity in literacy is what
But if we are curious about the succeed, students learn how to allowed students this month to
Russian Revolution, we need to express themselves clearly and write their own scripts, inspired
know the following: kindly. Merely having an opinion by “The Wizard of Oz.” In art, you
is not enough; students must be can see our students’ creativity
+ What words and skills do I able to support their ideas. in their stunning diverse self-
need online to find answers to portraits. In Thai and Chinese,
my questions? + “I agree with Student A’s idea, music and video reinforce
+ How do I formulate questions and I’d like to add that …” language learning. And in math,
that examine the topic critically, + “I disagree with Student A’s idea, students use creativity to solve
rather than just accepting what I because … “ word problems and find new
find on the page? + “Could you explain your idea, ways of attacking a problem.
+ How do I apply that please?”
knowledge to other endeavours?    A list of facts won’t carry our
+ How do I communicate my   These are the kinds of sentence children to successful adult lives.
understandings to others? structures that help students to But content infused with 21st
refine their communication skills.  Century Skills will give them the
   Within the 21st Century skill toolkit they need to thrive in any
set, four skills -- the Four C’s --   Reading and writing in at least environment.
have been identified as being three languages (English, Thai,
crucial components of a and Chinese) will help students to                            Teacher Lisa
successful education: communicate across borders.

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