Rubric For She Task

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Year 8 Science- Science as a Human Endeavour- Issues.


Students need to address A B C D E

the following:
Introduction (10%)
State the issue. Issue and question Issue and question Issue and question Issue or question is Issue not stated
are clearly stated are clearly stated are stated and stated but no and no reasons
Formulate a question
and reasons given and some reasons some attempted reasons given on given on why it is
related to this issue.
on why it is relevant given on why it is reason given on why it is relevant in relevant in today’s
Give reasons why this in today’s society. relevant in today’s why it is relevant in today’s society. society.
issue is relevant in today’s society. today’s society.

Scientific Information
(20%) Scientific Scientific Scientific Scientific Scientific
Explain the relevant background is background is background is background has background is not
scientific background explained clearly explained clearly explained and is been attempted but given
related to the issue. and accurately and mostly mostly accurately contains several
accurately errors

Alternative Views (60%)

Present with reasons Provides a detailed Provides a good Provides a summary Provides a summary Provides minimal
arguments supporting summary of a summary of a of a supporting of a supporting evidence of a
divergent (positive and supporting supporting argument, with argument, with no summary of a
negative) views argument, with argument, with minor consideration consideration of the supporting
consideration of the some consideration of the ethical issues ethical issues and argument
ethical issues and of the ethical issues and impact on impact on society
impact on society and impact on society

Provides a detailed Provides a good Provides a summary Provides a summary Provides minimal
summary of an summary of an of an opposing of an opposing evidence of a
opposing argument, opposing argument, argument, with argument, with no summary of an
with consideration with some minor consideration consideration of the opposing argument
of the ethical issues consideration of the of the ethical issues ethical issues and
and impact on ethical issues and and impact on impact on society
society impact on society society

Uses an excellent Uses a good range Uses a range of Uses a limited range Uses a very limited
range of evidence to of evidence to evidence to of evidence. range of evidence.
supports these supports these supports these
arguments arguments arguments

Uses relevant and Uses relevant Uses some reasons Uses a limited Reasons to support
Present a possible
detailed reasons to reasons to present a to present a number of reasons a possible
conclusion to the issue
present a conclusion. conclusion. to present a conclusion not
giving reasons.
conclusion. conclusion. given or irrelevant.

Communication (10%)
Communicate scientific Scientific Scientific Scientific Limited evidence of Very limited
information in a clear, information information information correct presentation evidence of correct
logical and sequential presented in a clear, presented in a clear presented a of scientific presentation of
manner with the correct logical and and sequential sequential manner. information. scientific
use of spelling and sequential manner. manner. information.
Correct use of Correct use of Mostly correct use Spelling and Spelling and
spelling and spelling and of spelling and grammar is poor grammar does not
grammar grammar with some grammar with with several errors make sense
errors several errors

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