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Varistor Electrical Properties: the granular disorder of a ceramic is provided by

a Voronoi network in which the ZnO grains are

Microstructural Effects represented by space-filling polygons of different sizes
and shapes with a variable number of neighbors (Wang
Zinc oxide varistor ceramics are used in surge arresters et al. 1998, Modine et al. 1999). The polygons represent
that protect electrical equipment and electronics from grains and shared edges represent grain boundaries.
overvoltages caused by lightning and switching tran- Microstructural disorder is simulated by introducing
sients. These remarkable ceramics limit (arrest) volt- randomness into the hexagonal cell structure of an
age surges by rapidly decreasing their resistance by as initially perfect lattice. An example of a disordered
much as 12 orders of magnitude when the applied Voronoi lattice is shown in Fig. 1.
voltage increases beyond a safe limit. Varistors (vari- Voronoi networks comprised of only a few types of
able resistors) are functionally similar to back-to-back elements provide a realistic simulation of varistor
Zener diodes, but they operate at much higher power characteristics. Polygon boundaries can be randomly
levels. assigned one of three characteristics: (i) ‘‘good’’
Varistors are grain-boundary-barrier devices that barriers, (ii) ‘‘bad’’ barriers, or (iii) ohmic barriers. A
are understood at the microscopic level of barrier good barrier has high leakage resistance and high
physics (Levinson and Philipp 1986, Blatter and nonlinearity (α  30). A bad barrier has 2–3 orders of
Greuter 1990). At low voltages, grain boundaries are magnitude lower leakage resistance and a low coef-
highly resistive, but for voltages that exceed about 3 V ficient of nonlinearity (α $ 10). An ohmic barrier has
per grain-boundary barrier, the current increases a linear resistance much lower than the low-voltage
rapidly and can be described by the empirical power resistance of good barriers. The electrical character-
law I $ IoV α, where the nonlinearity coefficient α can istics of each of these barrier types are shown in Fig. 2,
be 50 or higher. The rapid increase of current occurs and each type has been identified in measurements
when the electrical field becomes sufficient to produce made on the individual grain boundaries of varistor
impact ionization and generate minority carriers that ceramics. Typical commercial varistors contain about
get trapped in the grain boundaries, causing a barrier 35% bad and 5% ohmic barriers.
collapse that is often described as breakdown. The electrical characteristics of a Voronoi network
Varistor ceramics are random electrical networks can be calculated by using numerical methods to solve
comprised of large numbers of both ohmic and the Kirchoff equations at a granular level
nonlinear elements with varying characteristics. Such
complexity obscures the relationships between macro- lijJ(VikVj) l 0 (1)
scopic properties of a varistor ceramic and the micro-
scopic properties of its grain boundaries, and it is
necessary to comprehend current percolation on ran- where the index j runs over the grains that are
dom networks of nonlinear electrical elements to neighbors of grain i, lij is the length of the edge shared
understand the electrical properties of the ceramics at by grains i and j, and the current density J(VikVj) is
a macroscopic level. determined from the characteristics of the barrier type
Measurements of electrical and thermal properties assumed to be between the grains i and j. A potential
have been made on both microscopic and macroscopic is applied between the grains at the bottom and the top
scales to provide the basis for an emerging statistical of the network, and the calculations are iterated to self
understanding of varistors. Also, varistor microstruc- consistency.
tures have been simulated on computers, although Voronoi simulations predict that current percolates
simulations on a realistic scale are unfeasible because preferentially over one or more of the barrier types,
varistors are 3D random networks of nonlinear depending upon the type concentrations, the amount
electrical elements that typically number in billions. of disorder, and the applied voltage. At low voltages,
The simulations have been limited to 2D random a network exhibits an ohmic prebreakdown region in
networks of about a thousand elements, but they, which current flows almost uniformly. But in the
nevertheless, provide an understanding of the relation- region of barrier breakdown, the current localizes
ships between macroscopic and microscopic along the paths having the fewest barriers between the
properties of varistor ceramics. electrodes. An example of current localization in
Voronoi networks is shown in Fig. 1. At high voltages
all the barrier characteristics become linear (see Fig.
2), so a network enters an ohmic ‘‘upturn’’ region in
1. Statistical Models of Varistor Microstructure
which the current is again uniformly distributed.
One model of varistor microstructure assumes a non- By varying the concentrations of good, bad, and
random square lattice—‘‘building block model’’— ohmic barriers as well as the granular disorder,
of interconnected electrical elements with randomly Voronoi simulations reproduce and explain the varia-
assigned nonlinear characteristics (Clarke 1999). A tions in breakdown field, nonlinearity, and shapes of
more realistic—but still only 2D—model that captures I–V characteristics that have been observed in real

Varistor Electrical Properties: Microstructural Effects

network decreases as the grain size variability

increases. This explains experimental measurements
that show a difference between the breakdown voltage
of individual barriers and the breakdown voltage per
barrier inferred from the breakdown voltage of the
ceramic and its average grain size (3.3 V compared
with 2.5 V). However, variations in grain size have no
significant effect on nonlinearity, and a low non-
linearity coefficient can be simulated only by including
‘‘bad’’ barriers. Other features such as inflected I–V
characteristics and local maxima in the nonlinearity
coefficient in the prebreakdown region of small var-
istor samples can be simulated only by including
ohmic barriers.

Figure 1
Voronoi simulation of varistor microstructure. Dark
shading indicates high current density on a highly localized 2. Experimental Observation of Nonuniform
path. Varistor Currents in Small Varistors
An IR camera allows the current in varistor ceramics
to be observed as Joule heating (Wang et al. 1998,
Modine et al. 1999). Figure 3 is an IR micrograph
showing heating along localized current paths in a
varistor. The remarkable similarity of Fig. 3 to the
theoretical predictions of Fig. 1 was obtained by
closely matching the 2D geometry of the Voronoi
modeling; a varistor was polished down to the thick-
ness of about its grain size. Current paths are visible as
hot spots that appear where voltage is dropped across
grain-boundary barriers. During 1 ms pulses, the
temperature at these barriers rises above that of the
grain interiors.
Figure 2
Electrical characteristics of basic types of grain-boundary
barriers. The corresponding coefficients of nonlinearity α
are shown in the inset. 3. Influence Of Size on Current Localization Due to
Microstructural Disorder
Current localization due to microstructural disorder is
most severe in small varistors. This difference between
large and small varistors has not been seen in computer
simulations because only small simulations are trac-
table. But the influence of varistor size on current
localization is roughly understood (Modine et al.
1999). Localization occurs because the current flows
preferentially on paths that have either fewer grains or
lower barrier voltages. If the distributions of grain size
and barrier voltage are narrow, and a varistor is in the
breakdown region so that the current is described by
I $ IoV α, the variances and the averages of the
distributions are related:
Figure 3
IR image of a thin varistor slice taken during a current
σI α
# C "/#
pulse. The lighter areas are hotter. l j b (2)
Ia Ǹ"/# B F
d̀ H F
Š` b H D
ceramics (Bartkowiak et al. 1996). Current localization
occurs if both electrical nonlinearity and statistical where σI\IF , σd\d- , and σv \Š- b are the ratios of the
disorder (variations in grain size and barrier voltage) variance to the average of bthe current, the grain size,
are present. The breakdown voltage of a Voronoi and the barrier-voltage distributions, respectively. The

Varistor Electrical Properties: Microstructural Effects

ratio σI\IF measures the extent of current localization, such nonuniformity. Uniformity is especially import-
and it increases with the nonlinearity coefficient α and ant in varistor ceramics because large variations in the
decreases in proportion to the inverse square root of current result from small variations in the breakdown
N, the number of grain-boundary barriers. There is voltage whenever the conduction is highly nonlinear.
less current localization in large, high-voltage varistors Large varistor blocks become more nonuniform as
because N is large (VF l NVb). Clearly, the current their size increases. Figure 4 was obtained using a
localization is negligible if σI\IF  1, a condition that is block fabricated with a 1 cm thickness; it is more
satisfied for N sufficiently large: difficult to obtain uniformity, or radial symmetry, in
blocks fabricated with a high aspect ratio.
σd #
N  α# j b (3)
d̀ H F
Šb H D
5. Varistor Failures
For example, if σd\d- l 0.1  σv \Š- b and α l 50, then Ceramic processing can produce small varistors with
N  25 will result in minimal bcurrent localization low aspect ratios that have good uniformity on a
because of grain size variations. High-voltage varistors macroscopic scale, but granular disorder causes cur-
have thousands of barriers on each current path, so rent localization on a microscopic scale. However,
current localization due to statistical variations in the heat transfer on the microscopic scale of the grain size
grain size is insignificant. is so fast that the temperature difference between grain
boundaries and grain interiors never exceeds about
35 mC, even for severe current pulses. Hence, non-
4. Nonuniform Currents in Large Varistors uniform heating on a microscopic scale is not a
significant cause of varistor failures. In large varistors,
Large varistors exhibit nonuniform current flow, but statistical disorder is of little consequence, but macro-
the nonuniformity is on a macroscopic scale rather scopic nonuniformities that originate in ceramic pro-
than on a microscopic scale, and it largely results from cessing lead to nonuniform current flow and therefore
imperfect ceramic processing. Figure 4 shows an IR nonuniform heating. This nonuniform heating on a
image of the surface temperature of a 4.2 cm varistor macroscopic scale causes most varistor failures. There
block that was heated by a current pulse of 1 ms are three common failures: (i) Thermal runaway
duration. The heating is greatest near the circum- occurs when a varistor is heated above its temperature
ference of the block, and the high symmetry of the of stability. (ii) Puncture occurs at localized spots with
heating is obviously associated with the fabrication lower breakdown voltages than their surroundings.
process and not with any statistical disorder. The Typically, a hole appears when a spot heats to above
current flows preferentially near the periphery of 800 mC and local melting of the Bi O phase occurs. (iii)
the block where the grain size is slightly larger and the Cracking occurs if the nonuniform # $ heating generates
breakdown voltage lower. Friction in the die used for thermal stresses in excess of the failure stress. The
powder compaction and rapid grain growth at the energy handling, i.e., energy absorbed before failure,
block periphery during sintering can contribute to of varistors is typically about 500 J cm−$, but it is
greater for both low-current, long-duration pulses and
high-current, short-duration pulses. The energy hand-
ling capacity is least in the breakdown region where
the current tends to localize.
The failure modes of varistors can be interpreted
using thermomechanical models (Modine et al. 1999,
Bartkowiak et al. 1999). The Joule heating is described
by the diffusion equation:
c#Th 1 cTh JF cTh
D(Th) j j l (4)
cr# r cr K H ct
F !
where D(Th) is the thermal diffusivity and K is the
thermal conductivity at 20 mC. The driving force for
the failures is a current density J that increases
exponentially with temperature when the field F is
Figure 4 applied. The temperature dependence of the thermal
IR image of the surface temperature generated by a conductivity K(T ) can be included in a scaled tem-
current pulse through a varistor block with a low aspect perature Th that varies in proportion to K(T ). The
ratio. The strip at the upper right is an electrical contact. heat dissipation can be assumed to be convection

Varistor Electrical Properties: Microstructural Effects

through a side wall to air at 20 mC; this boundary

condition gives no account for arrester design or
environment, but the results are insensitive to it.
Cylindrical symmetry can be retained by assuming
that a hot spot extends through the block at its center.
The intensity of a hot spot can be described by its
breakdown voltage Fbhs relative to the breakdown
voltage of the surrounding material: p l
(FbkFbhs)\Fb. Hot spot intensities are typically
3–10%, but the current flowing through such spots
may be more than 100 times that in the rest of a disk.
The thermal stresses can be computed from the
temperature profile of a varistor disk and its time
evolution. The stresses caused by a nonuniform
temperature T(r) are:
Figure 5

&! & !rhT(rh)drh

γY 1 R 1 r Simulated and measured energy-handling capabilities of
Srr(r) l rhT(rh)drhk station-class-arrester disks. Energy handling is determined
1kν F
R# r# H by which failure occurs first. Test results as well as the
(5) symbols and manufacturer codes are those of Ringler et al.

& ! rhT(rh)drhjr1#
γY 1 R
Sθθ(r) l
1kν R#
(6) 800 mC, so the disks crack along lines branching out
i rhT(rh)drhkT(r) from the hot spots. Cracking remains the likely failure
! H mode for a 4 kA pulse. However, for a peak current
pulse of 35 kA, the heating becomes more uniform,
Szz(r) l Srr(r)jSθθ(r) (7) and the stresses are no longer high enough to cause
cracking. Varistors of some manufacturers show a dip
The radial, tangential, and axial stresses are denoted in their energy absorption capability at 600 A which
Srr, Sθθ, and Szz, respectively. The thermal expansion agrees with the cracking predictions. Alternatively, the
coefficient, Young’s modulus, and Poisson’s ratio are puncture predictions are in good agreement with data
denoted as γ, Y, and ν. The disks in station-class on varistors from a manufacturer that apparently
arresters typically have an aspect ratio 1, and produces stronger disks.
thermal stresses in the axial direction are negligible, so The supposition that failures in station-class arrester
ν can be set to zero. The strength of varistor ceramics disks can be modeled by assuming a 1.2 cm diameter
strongly depends on the presence of flaws, and other hot spot with intensity p l 5% is supported by the
factors that vary, but a typical tensile strength is Sft l good agreement between modeling and experimental
20 kpsi. Cracking in tension is predicted when the results. However, the failure predictions change as the
thermal tensile stress exceeds Sft, and puncture is disk size changes and as the hot spots vary in size and
predicted when the temperature of a hot spot exceeds intensity. For low-intensity hot spots, only puncture is
800 mC. predicted. Puncture also is more likely in disks with a
Representative results of thermomechanical model- low aspect ratio and when a current pulse has an
ing of the varistor disks used in station-class arresters intermediate value. Cracking becomes more likely as
are shown in Fig. 5, together with experimentally the degree of nonuniformity increases. As the intensity
determined values of the energy needed to cause a of a hot spot increases, both puncture and cracking
failure (Ringler et al. 1997). The disks are 23 mm high occur at lower current. The energy handling depends
and 63 mm in diameter, and they have electrical only weakly on the diameter of a hot spot, but there is
characteristics typical of high-voltage varistors: non- a tendency for smaller hot spots to lead to puncture
linearity coefficient, α $ 50; breakdown field, and for larger spots to lead to cracking. Cracking
Fb $ 1870 V cm−" at 1 mA cm#; and prebreakdown dominates at high current densities and also for disks
and upturn resistivities of ρpb $ 5i10"" and with high aspect ratio. Puncture and cracking are less
ρup $ 1 ohm cm, respectively. A hot spot was assumed likely when the current is uniformly distributed.
to have a 1.2 cm diameter and an intensity of 5%. At Hence, for very low and very high current densities,
low currents, the only predicted failure mode (besides the most likely failure is thermal runaway. However,
thermal runaway) is puncture, which is consistent with cracking may occur even when the current is uniformly
test results. Above 600 A, however, the tangential distributed. Because the thermal expansion caused by
stresses become higher than the strength of the varistor short pulses is limited by inertia, particularly in tall
ceramic before the temperature at the hot spot reaches disks, a compressional shock wave can be generated

Varistor Electrical Properties: Microstructural Effects

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Semicond. Sci Technol. 5, 111–37 F. A. Modine

Copyright ' 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd.

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Encyclopedia of Materials : Science and Technology
ISBN: 0-08-0431526
pp. 9508–9513

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